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I really don't understand people. We were extremists when it came to food and eating and then we have surgery to help correct our lives and then people complain about the rate of weight loss which is just another extreme. Relax if your eating right and eating 1000-1200 calories a day YOUR BODY WILL LOSE THE WEIGHT!! Try to be grateful for everyday and focus on something other than weight loss like eating right and exercising and enjoying things we could not before. Celebrate every pound loss. So what if we lose a pound a week? It is a loss. It is extreme to believe we will lose it all quickly. It takes a year or more. Try to learn patience and how to be more moderate.

Judgement! Table for 1!


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The idea of this surgery is to never "diet" again. You eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, exercise, and it comes off because you can't eat more calories than you expend. The heavier you are, the more calories you use, especially doing inactive things such as sleeping. The weight loss will wax and wain because all of our bodies are different.

The best thing this surgery has given me is a feeling of control over eating because I no longer can just keep eating for other reasons besides hunger. It is perfectly ok to have any feelings that you have and to want to continue doing what we have always done and that is to go right back to the "dieting" mentality. I want to be free of all that!

Please hear my heart, and know I am not judging anyone here. None of us are exactly alike and everyone handles things different. I just wanted to give another perspective. If you have never seen it, go to www.theworldaccordingtoeggface and read her site. She talks about the diet mentality a lot. Good luck to all of you. Hang in there because it does get better!!

TO BE CLEAR, I'm only suggesting really limiting carbs as a KICK START if you're expriencing a stall and you're upset about it. I promise. If I do end up doing the Atkins-like thing, it'll only be temporary. I'm not a carb-nazi- far from it. Isn't the diet at first supposed to be Protein first anyway? The OP is only 7 weeks out.

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Listen first of all I was not being a ****** just being realistic and positive. You don't know what I've been through either like 18 mo of Chemo and having my son committing suicide two years ago. I wrote the message not because I am sunshine and rainbows but because life is TOUGH and while weight loss is very important is not how fast you lose it but that you lose it. Sitting around worrying and getting discouraged is not healthy and I KNOW this because I have had to look forward past diversity and LEARN how to be more positive and put things into perspective so before you attack me listen to what I am saying

Don't worry

Do your best it is good enough

Don't put too much pressure on yourself and give yourself a break


Be patient if your doing everything right EVENTUALLY you will lose it and if not go back to your NUT or DR and figure out why but spending time getting down on yourself and comparing yourself to others DOES NOT HELP YOU. It is ok to say I wish I could lose faster or what can I do to help myself further and it's ok to be discouraged but in the long run it is you and only you that can be positive and love yourself. We are here for support and it is supportive to say what I did. Take it as one persons opinion and don't call someone a ******

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Listen first of all I was not being a ****** just being realistic and positive. You don't know what I've been through either like 18 mo of Chemo and having my son committing suicide two years ago. I wrote the message not because I am sunshine and rainbows but because life is TOUGH and while weight loss is very important is not how fast you lose it but that you lose it. Sitting around worrying and getting discouraged is not healthy and I KNOW this because I have had to look forward past diversity and LEARN how to be more positive and put things into perspective so before you attack me listen to what I am saying

Don't worry

Do your best it is good enough

Don't put too much pressure on yourself and give yourself a break


Be patient if your doing everything right EVENTUALLY you will lose it and if not go back to your NUT or DR and figure out why but spending time getting down on yourself and comparing yourself to others DOES NOT HELP YOU. It is ok to say I wish I could lose faster or what can I do to help myself further and it's ok to be discouraged but in the long run it is you and only you that can be positive and love yourself. We are here for support and it is supportive to say what I did. Take it as one persons opinion and don't call someone a ******

I didn't call you a name. I said your post was offensive. Granted, I said it was offensive in an equally offensive way. I did not, say you are a bad person. I also wasn't trying to play the "I've got it worse card". Sorry you felt the need to validate your life experience. I most certainly was not trying to make you feel that way. Simply put, if you can't see your original post offensive, I find that very... VERY... strange. It was offensive. It lacked empathy and compassion. I'm not saying that my retort wasn't the same. I'm having an extremely bad day. Yes, I realize I opened myself up to getting all different kinds of responses by posting on a public forum. That being said, you did too when you commented. I don't dwell and rot in sadness. I have a wonderful life. HOWEVER, I am having a bad day and wanted some camaraderie. I realize that tone and intent does not travel over the world wide web well. You're first comment did not read kind or encouraging. I'm clearly not the only one that read it that way. I've already apologized for my angry response in the post immediately following said post. Now that you have expanded on your original ideal, I see what you meant. The first post was a very poor way of showing it.

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4 1/2 month follow up with my surgeon this morning and 48 pounds. Only lost about 10 lbs first month and I have had to learn patience. He was very happy and said I'm right on track. Sometimes the scale doesn't change for 10 to 14 days and then down 5 in a week. I am putting that enemy in a dark closet and take it out on Fridays only to weigh from now on. I am going to start measuring my success by the way I feel, my improved health and active life style and all of the clothes I am donating to charity rather than the number on the scale. If I get stuck than I know I need to eat more to break the starvation mode my body is in. Hope this post helps. Hang in there everyone because it is happening. We are all different so don't get discouraged if you are a slow loser instead of a fast loser (and I use the word loser in the most respectful way)! :-D

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4 1/2 month follow up with my surgeon this morning and 48 pounds. Only lost about 10 lbs first month and I have had to learn patience. He was very happy and said I'm right on track. Sometimes the scale doesn't change for 10 to 14 days and then down 5 in a week. I am putting that enemy in a dark closet and take it out on Fridays only to weigh from now on. I am going to start measuring my success by the way I feel, my improved health and active life style and all of the clothes I am donating to charity rather than the number on the scale. If I get stuck than I know I need to eat more to break the starvation mode my body is in. Hope this post helps. Hang in there everyone because it is happening. We are all different so don't get discouraged if you are a slow loser instead of a fast loser (and I use the word loser in the most respectful way)! :-D

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Listen first of all I was not being a ****** just being realistic and positive. You don't know what I've been through either like 18 mo of Chemo and having my son committing suicide two years ago. I wrote the message not because I am sunshine and rainbows but because life is TOUGH and while weight loss is very important is not how fast you lose it but that you lose it. Sitting around worrying and getting discouraged is not healthy and I KNOW this because I have had to look forward past diversity and LEARN how to be more positive and put things into perspective so before you attack me listen to what I am saying

Don't worry

Do your best it is good enough

Don't put too much pressure on yourself and give yourself a break


Be patient if your doing everything right EVENTUALLY you will lose it and if not go back to your NUT or DR and figure out why but spending time getting down on yourself and comparing yourself to others DOES NOT HELP YOU. It is ok to say I wish I could lose faster or what can I do to help myself further and it's ok to be discouraged but in the long run it is you and only you that can be positive and love yourself. We are here for support and it is supportive to say what I did. Take it as one persons opinion and don't call someone a ******

Don't play the victim here. Youre now going to attack because you were called out on your unnecessary judgments. You don't get to pimp out your hard times as a way to get a pass for it. Be accountable.

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What you are feeling is normal. A lot of us have been there. I was in a long stall. I chose to stay the course. I followed my plan as though I was losing. Eventually, the stall broke. I lost 10 pounds and was elated! Since those 10 lbs. lost on February 6th, six more pounds have come off. I would go through that month and a half stall again, knowing at the end of it, I would lose 16 pounds in 4 weeks.

Just stay the course. Believe in yourself, and you will be successful. It comes off when it wants to, but we have to just do the work and then let it happen. Hang in there.

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I don't respond to posts very often but I just wanted to let you know that I understand where you are coming from and I feel your pain with the whole "super slow loser" thing. I am 1 day shy of 8 weeks post op and I have only lost 28 lbs since surgery. I measure and count everything I eat, am drinking Water ALL day, and get all the exercise I can.....still, most days when I step on the scale there is no movement..and when there is (every few days or so), it's MAYBE 1/2 lb. I haven't experienced a long stall, per se, but after the first week I haven't experienced any great losses either. All that being said, I can't remember the last time (because there wasn't one) where I have lost 28 pounds in 2 months! I have days where I read about every one's losses on this forum and it is REALLY hard not to get sad or discouraged that my losses have been so much less than what I thought they would be at this point...but even though it's hard, I try to stay positive and be excited for every NSV, every 1/2 pound loss, and every day I reach my water/protein intake goals. Having bad/off days can be expected for everyone, and that's okay, but my advise would be to please try to think positively about the losses you've had and get excited about all the upcoming losses in your near future....focus on your daily goals and it WILL happen. :) Keep on keepin' on, girl....we can do this!!

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Don't play the victim here. Youre now going to attack because you were called out on your unnecessary judgments. You don't get to pimp out your hard times as a way to get a pass for it. Be accountable.

Wow I've only seen your two last quotes but your angry. try to have a nice day and although you took what I said wrong I still remain firm that I wasn't trying to be judgmental and I don't understand people sometimes. I wasn't trying to be "mean" but 35 or whatever pounds in 7 weeks is a great deal of weight loss and should be celebrated. I think sometimes people hear what they want to hear when reading a text not what the person intended. This is suppose to be a site for support. If I offended someone sorry I didn't mean to now are you able to say the same? You missed my point. I've had a tough time if I can strive to be positive we all can. I am far from being a victim if anything it was the woman who spoke first. You? you just sound angry. Now I am not commenting anymore on this subject because it is getting childish.

Sorry if I offended any of you now let's move on.

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4 1/2 month follow up with my surgeon this morning and 48 pounds. Only lost about 10 lbs first month and I have had to learn patience. He was very happy and said I'm right on track. Sometimes the scale doesn't change for 10 to 14 days and then down 5 in a week. I am putting that enemy in a dark closet and take it out on Fridays only to weigh from now on. I am going to start measuring my success by the way I feel' date=' my improved health and active life style and all of the clothes I am donating to charity rather than the number on the scale. If I get stuck than I know I need to eat more to break the starvation mode my body is in. Hope this post helps. Hang in there everyone because it is happening. We are all different so don't get discouraged if you are a slow loser instead of a fast loser (and I use the word loser in the most respectful way)! :-D[/quote']

That is what I meant I just didn't say it the right way perhaps but we do need patience and to believe in ourselves and concentrate on our achievements. Very well said.

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Today starts my 5th week. I have lost a total of 22 lbs. since surgery. This week I did not lose anything and I think its the beggining of a stall. This is the start of a long journey so we have to be prepared for stops along the way. I also have to add that your weightloss is awesome!!! Chin up!

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Wow I've only seen your two last quotes but your angry. try to have a nice day and although you took what I said wrong I still remain firm that I wasn't trying to be judgmental and I don't understand people sometimes. I wasn't trying to be "mean" but 35 or whatever pounds in 7 weeks is a great deal of weight loss and should be celebrated. I think sometimes people hear what they want to hear when reading a text not what the person intended. This is suppose to be a site for support. If I offended someone sorry I didn't mean to now are you able to say the same? You missed my point. I've had a tough time if I can strive to be positive we all can. I am far from being a victim if anything it was the woman who spoke first. You? you just sound angry. Now I am not commenting anymore on this subject because it is getting childish.

Sorry if I offended any of you now let's move on.

You did piss me off. I'm over it. I'm sorry I got mad. I need one of those shirts that says "I'm sorry for what I said when I was hungry. " lol?

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I just private messaged fonally for my meanness. Im not usually so insensiyive and cruel. And it seemed to hijack this thread. My apologies to everyone. Wont happen again.

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Arguing on the interweb...priceless!!!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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