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hi I just have a question . what type of band did you get . I know there are 3 diffent ones . Pls advise . My surgery is 12-06-06 and any information from anyone is help full .

From what I gather, most surgeons determine what type of band you'll need, once they actually get "in" there.

As for me, my old band was the small 4cc Inamed band. When I had my revision surgery from slippage, I got the new 4cc APS band, which is a bit more flexible and supposively, less likely to slip. Unfortunately, that's all the info I have on it currently, as its so new *shrugs*.

Good luck w/ your surgery :)

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Jacqui, I think that part of the reason why some people "hang around" after a band failure (for whatever reason) is that it is so hurtful. Most people have such high expectations for banding, and in many, many cases, the band lives up to the promise. But when it doesn't, whether it's the bandster's fault or just bad luck, it can be pretty devastating.

So when we have the really strong "nay-sayers," I think of how I would feel if I hadn't lost weight or if I was putting it back on. Sometimes, I still worry about what I'd do if I lost my band because I don't think I could maintain without it. So in some ways, the negativity doesn't bother me because I understand it. It does bother me when "blanket" statements are made with nothing to support them, or when it's obviously false information or scare tactics...and that might cause someone to not get the bad when they need it. But then, again, it's up to the individual to do the research and if one or two people make them change their mind, then they didn't have the perseverance to make the band work anyway. :

I also think that, when someone's posts continually come across to the majority of people as sarcastic, rude, and unhappy, that no matter how often the poster claims happiness, it's not true. Even though a lot of emotion can't make it through type, strong emotions do and someone who is continually sarcastic and unhappy sounding in a post is most likely that way in real life, too.

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So true. You've a bigger heart than I have, I just get mad. I think its distracting and really discouraging for new people but you're right, its probably indicative of a feeling of dissatisfaction and sadness in general.

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Jacqui, I think that part of the reason why some people "hang around" after a band failure (for whatever reason) is that it is so hurtful. Most people have such high expectations for banding, and in many, many cases, the band lives up to the promise. But when it doesn't, whether it's the bandster's fault or just bad luck, it can be pretty devastating.

So when we have the really strong "nay-sayers," I think of how I would feel if I hadn't lost weight or if I was putting it back on. Sometimes, I still worry about what I'd do if I lost my band because I don't think I could maintain without it. So in some ways, the negativity doesn't bother me because I understand it. It does bother me when "blanket" statements are made with nothing to support them, or when it's obviously false information or scare tactics...and that might cause someone to not get the bad when they need it. But then, again, it's up to the individual to do the research and if one or two people make them change their mind, then they didn't have the perseverance to make the band work anyway. :

I also think that, when someone's posts continually come across to the majority of people as sarcastic, rude, and unhappy, that no matter how often the poster claims happiness, it's not true. Even though a lot of emotion can't make it through type, strong emotions do and someone who is continually sarcastic and unhappy sounding in a post is most likely that way in real life, too.

Very good post. I agree, I would be very disappointed if it had not worked for me. The thing the needs to be focused on is how many positive posts there are compared to the negative ones. I think that speaks volumes. Obviously, any WLS is not 100% effective. I found the right one for me.

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And when it comes down to tin tacks, this is a lap band forum and if anybody feels so badly about the lapband and has put it behind her it beats me why on earth they'd hang around.

This is what I was thinking - why do people who aren't banded any longer even on this forum, especially if it was such a horrible experience for them. I personally find all the information on this board helpful. I had never even heard of the band until I did research on the gastric bypass. I really didn't want gastric bypass because I know several people personally who have stretched out their stomachs and are right back to gaining weight again. I know of one who has maintained for the past year and she has told me that she doesn't eat healthy, she will go all day on just a handful of chips and a half a candy bar or a few Cookies - last month she got dentures, she told me it was her own fault for not taking her Vitamins and Protein - I don't want that - I want to eat healthy and be healthy. I love all foods, including healthy food like ww would have us eat - my problem with ww was I could still eat even after I was full. I'm really hoping that I will use the band as a tool to help me eat healthy FIRST. I've read alot of posts and most who don't do well with the band do blame themselves - well lets face it - they probably wouldn't do well with bypass either.

Cinward2001 - I think you are very well spoken and applaud you!:clap2:

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I find it remarkable that you manage to post 20 or so replies in one day around the fabulous sex life you made referrence to in an earlier message. I am uncertain about your motivation. From what I can understand...you had the band, which for some reason, did not work for you. Therefore, it was removed. You had another surgical procedure that I am not familiar with, and have lost 112 lbs. (Congrats! That's an amazing success. And now you sit on a messageboard tread repeatedly spewing cyber negativity about the only common denominator we all have: the band. I think I can speak for everyone in saying, YES, we understand that you were unhappy with the band, and us "newbies" should go further back in our research while considering our decision to be banded. You've spoken your mind, and spoken it some more, and a little more, and even more. I am just trying to find out when you will finally be satisfied enough to just give up. You are like the www dot version of an anti lap band crusader. Are you fully equipped with cape and fanny pack too?

Your insight was appreciated...THE FIRST TIME, now you're just being obnoxious, repetitive and just plain annoying.

The only satisfaction out of all of this is I THINK you said that you were self pay (although I might be wrong. I lose detail while skimming your bulls**t). Man, I get mad when I spend $4 on a cup of Starbucks I haven't necessarily enjoyed. I can only imagine how pissed off you were spending all that money to be miserable, eventhough I am not sure the band in the only thing that could make YOU miserable. Anyway, God bless Karma.

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Tonya-For me most of the time it takes away the hunger. There are days that it doesn't. Those are the days that using your head comes in, and we all know that that is not easy. If I am home alone at night, I feel hungry, I know that it's my head not my stomach. Tonight I hadn't had dinner so when I came home I was hungry. I had some deli turkey 3 triscuits with PB, 4 wheat thins with cheese. I was comfortable but wanted more so I had 3 string cheeses! One would have been more than satisfying however being home alone and my head saying I want more I had more. Now I am not beating myself up. I will not eat anything else tonight because it is best to let the band empty out before bed. Do I have regrets about all I ate tonight, yes, but I know where it came from and I now have a tool to help me control it and a head that is learning how to change.

Thanks for your encouraging words to me. That is what this site is all about...for 98% of us...by encouraging each other in good times and difficult times.

Good luck, I am impressed with you research. When you finalize your decision you will have peace in your heart and head.

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Okay...I'll try again. THiS was an inquiry into regrets. Some of us have a few.

If you are about to have this surgery--or recently banded--and hear that someone else did NOT experience a safe, simple, successful journey to a healthy weight...it might feel threatening. That's because MOST of us read that all it takes is following the rules and people who follow the rules will succeed. Truth is, some do and some don't. And most people don't want to face that risk, so they'd rather shoot the messenger...as though that will protect them from some possible failure.

There is (obviously) a lot of emotional garbage that enters into a wls desicion. Once you get there, and convince yourself that it is time to take this step, it is difficult to accept that it still might not work. WLS MAY work; it MAY not.

I will repeat for those who would rather go for creative interpretations of what I'm TRYING to communicate:

1--No wls is without risks...INCLUDING the band.

2--The most successful procedures carry the highest risks.

3--The RnY and DS are not the killer surgeries that band-or-nothing people claim they are. (If they were, our insurance companies would use that excuse to not pay for those surgeries.)

4--There is no BEST wls.

5--What's right for someone who is 30, may be the wrong choice for someone who is 60. What is right for someone who was a normal weight and became wheelchair-bound and recently gained 150 pounds may be wrong for someone who has been obese since childhood.

6--LapBand is the safest SURGERY...but SURGERY IS OVER IN A DAY.

7--LapBand and RnY have similar long-term results.

8--The DS has better long term results than the band or RnY, but has life-long malabsorption issues. (More so than RnY.)

9--Many people are not prepared financially, emotionally, intellectually to provide themselves with proper post-op care, regardless of surgery.

10--When my band worked well, it worked well, AND I still regret waiting so long to have my band removed once it became problematic.

If I recall, I was one of the first people on this board to announce that I was having my band removed. Since then, many people have had their bands removed for many reasons. I don't have a problem with the band needing to be removed...I have a problem with people who are so emotionally invested in the concept that if they follow the rules everything will be just fine that they have no other technique than to try to chase away the person bringing the news they don't want to hear.

The why-don't-you-go-away chants aimed at me--and I have been here since Alex decided one day on the old Spotlight board to start this place because there were no band-only boards around--are ridiculous...especially coming from people who have little or no experience with the band.

I almost NEVER discuss the whether someone should or should not get the band. I answer inquiries into regrets, and complications and other areas where I have experience. Frankly, I don't care who gets a band and who doesn't. But I DO care when people are being fed bullshit.

If someone--or an Army, for that matter--does not like me or the way I respond to posts, they might want to hit the ignore button and remove me from their view. THAT would be the intelligent thing to do...which is why I don't expect those who claim I'm terrible to read to do anything like that. They would rather mis-read, misunderstand and mis-paraphrase me...so that they have a place to hang their fear of failure.

Again...my problem is not with people getting or not getting the band...my problem is with ignorance and lies.

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Thanks for once again inundating us with another lengthy diatribe of you on your soap box. So happy you have taken the role of the omnipotent cyber prophet spewing the evils of the band to educate those who have come after you. What would this world be without you and your opinions? I, for one, am go grateful for all that you have posted...last question...if I were to toss a stick, would you run and fetch it? Putting you on ignore would be the easiest, yet least fulfilling thing to do. This is much more entertaining.

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You are sure right about the entertaining part.


I agree with some of your "list" but some of it is bs.

2--The most successful procedures carry the highest risks.

Where in the world did you get that information? From an RNY or DS website?

6--LapBand is the safest SURGERY...but SURGERY IS OVER IN A DAY.

So what do you mean by surgery is over in a day?

I don't have time to write a book, so I just picked a couple of highlights.

I hope that people researching have enough intelligence to filter through the bs that they have to get through to get to the point that some people do regret having the surgery. Sure, there will always be someone that has issues. No lightbulb there.

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Everyone has regrets, its part of human nature, I do not however regret getting my band. Oh wait, I am a newbie (less than 2yrs out) So, my say does not count.

Yes, it has risks. You can lose it, you can screw it up, you can "eat around it" Which I have to shamefully admit I did do on Thanksgiving.

So I ate 8-10oz of food rather than 4-6oz. Its not a habit I intend to keep up. The band is not the grail, you must know what you are getting in to.

Is it possible that I may have problems in the furture? Maybe, but seeing that my surgeon didnt just walk away and wash his hands of me after surgery, I think I should be pretty ok.

And as for revision surgery? I sure as hell hope I dont have to go there, but in the words of my mother, the RN, "Starving to death by malabsorbtion is not a bad way to die when you are old and feeble"

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Thanks for once again inundating us with another lengthy diatribe of you on your soap box. So happy you have taken the role of the omnipotent cyber prophet spewing the evils of the band to educate those who have come after you. What would this world be without you and your opinions? I, for one, am go grateful for all that you have posted...last question...if I were to toss a stick, would you run and fetch it? Putting you on ignore would be the easiest, yet least fulfilling thing to do. This is much more entertaining.

I'm sure there will be entertainment value in your post-banding posts, as well. I can't wait to read what you have to say once you have a clue.

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GeezerSue - so you don't think we have a clue, that we aren't informed, that we didn't do research? You think that after we are banded and some of us MAY have problems that'll be entertainment? I for one never even heard of the band until I started to research wls - I know MANY people who have had other wls, and still I choose the band. I really don't think the people on here are uninformed and that its your job to show them the light, I think those of us who are on here are here to find out all we can. Will I base my decision to be banded on one persons results. Absolutely not! I have based my decision on what I feel is the safest wls and what will work for me. Will I have problems post-op? Maybe, but its a chance I am willing to take.

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I'm sure there will be entertainment value in your post-banding posts, as well. I can't wait to read what you have to say once you have a clue.

In my life I have done hundreds of things I regret, and the biggest of which was allowing myself to become overweight. I have, whole-heartedly, tried several things to help manage my weight, some have worked, some haven't. I have made the conscious AND EDUCATED choice to pursue the lap-band. There are risks, there are complications, there are possible side-effects. There are risks and complications in driving a car, smoking cigarettes, doing drugs, eatting fatty foods, flying in an airplane, cliff diving, having sex, staying up all night...and the list goes on. All of those behaviors, I have at some time in my life, engaged in. The dangers of pretty much all of those behaviors I had also been educated in, however I STILL chose to do them. The simple fact is, they were MY choices, as this is MY choice, and OUR CHOICE. I highly doubt that the negative rantings of an online avenger are going to persuade convince people that they are wrong with THEIR choice for THEIR lives. I am sure if any of us was either motivated enough or cared enough to research the happy vs. unhappy band patients, the results would be more favorable for those who do not regret their choice. But that's a moot point. It's evident that you just like to type to feel important. I see more people speaking against you than in support of you. You're like that ominous cloud over the Macy parade; a cyber terrorist in direct opposition of anything lap-band. I guess all the people who have had great success over substantial lengths of time are all lying. Hopefully they stumble upon this message board so they too can see the light!

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