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Plateau From Hell.....

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So I've been dealing with, what I'm referring to as, my Plateau From Hell since November (which is when I hit the one year mark). For the first couple of months I wasn't bothered by it at all....afterall, plateaus/stalls are such a normal part of our journey!! It was actually nice to get through the holidays without gaining so much as an ounce but then after January came and went, I started getting a little frustrated!!

I'm not obsessing about it (maybe I should be LOL!) and I haven't really talked about it much. But a few days ago, while on a hike with one of my best friends, I shared my frustration. She asked me if maybe I'm eating too much or not eating the right foods....OMG, I got super defensive and my denial responded to her with a slight tone of sarcasm "Of course, I'm eating right...and it's not like I eat very much"!! Then, like a good friend does, she gives me some honest advise: "Maybe you should keep track of what you're eating...Just a thought".

Without admitting to her that she was right (LOL), I decided it was time to be real with myself. So my plan was to write down everything I ate at 2 times during the day, once at some point after noon and then again before gong to bed. The reason I decided to do it this way is because I know that if I start tracking my food in MFP continually throughout the day, my eating habits will immediately change...and I didn't want them to. The goal here was for me to understand what I've been doing for the past 4 months!!

So, I tracked my food intake for 3 days and OMG...what a slap in the face!!! The first day I took in 2670 calories. Day two was 2135 and day 3 was 2310! My actual calorie target is 1400-1800 depending on my training schedule (I'm triathlon training and I sometimes burn as much as 750 in a workout). Lesson learned: Snacking and sliders are not my friend and I'm coming to terms with the realization that unconcious eating has slowly crept its way back into my life.

Okay, now I've put it all out there....I could actually go on and on but I won't!!! I'm making a committment to getting back "on track". And although I'm not as active here as I was during my "honeymoon", I'm really going to make a point to get on here daily because it keeps me "plugged in" and maybe I need to be a little more focused on this right now.

I know I am not the only one who's dealt with, or is dealing with, this issue (and, of course, I'm not referring to those who are 3 weeks post op and have hit their first stall...that's why this is posted in the vet's forum!!). I would love to hear your honest opinions and experiences!!! What did it take to get you back on track???...or are you in the same boat with me???

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I hear you!!! I'm approaching my year surgeiversery, and boy is it getting rough.

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Sorry my last post sent and I wasn't quite done yet.

BAd habits do gradually sneak their way back in if you let them. I continue to track via MFP, yes it's annoying and it gets old, but I find it makes me accountable.

The reality of it is that ignorance really bliss. I know if I didn't track, I would allow myself to believe that I'm eating less that what I am. Even when I go over I enter it, and god knows I hate looking at the red -110 calories.

Processed foods are so bad. I have come to the realization that I am still a work in progress as far as eating and exercising.

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Yes, ignorance is total BLISS!!!! It's amazing how I do a complete 180 when I start tracking my food!!! I hate it too...but I love when I go for a long training ride and I burn 1000 calories and then I get to put that in MFP!!!

And, yeah, processed foods are the worst!! I've actually been really good about staying away from that...actually, I don't like the taste of processed foods at all!! My downfall are slider foods!!! I still have issues with certain foods and my sleeve doesn't hold a lot....so, I unconsciously start gravitating toward things that go down easily.

Today was a good day though!! Right now, it's all about enjoying the journey again!!!

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I think some ppl have the thought that "normal" (aka thin) people don't watch what they eat. Somewhere, our maladaptive thought processes are that thin/normal people just coast through life, eating whatever they want, whenever they want gives and that gives us the "ok" in our minds NOT to track. Well, IMO, it's just usually not true (there are exceptions of course) but most ppl I know that are thin/it's not true and I've had to accept that as reality. And (so far) it has helped to motivate me to continue to log.

I know my hubs is one of those thin ppl. He's had a 30" waist since the first time I went on weight watchers (yes, HE lost 30 lbs through MY going to weight watchers .... and he has kept it off). But how does he keep it off for over 12 years? I'll tell you what we don't want to hear ... he monitors his intake (as well as he works out 5-6 days a week). He may not be as strict about mfp daily tracking as I currently am, but he's not a food addict like I am either. The point though is that his "normal" does involve monitoring himself. I know the same is true of my "naturally thin" friends that I've watched and or asked ..... each one does some sort of self monitoring.

IDK how to tell you to get back on track/back to logging, but I honestly think you are getting there. First thing is to be honest with yourself ... which kudos, sounds like you are doing! (like tracking your intake) Even if that development was from a friend's comment, you are still being honest with yourself. Great that you train like you do. Now thankfully our eating is limited with this tool called the sleeve, as I know that food addict is still in me.

I will tell you that I attend a weekly support group in the DFW area where I live and it's helped keep me motivated, a LOT. In that group, there is a psychologist that leads our sessions and he constantly teaches us what makes for a successful journey long term and the #1 thing? Tracking. #2? Social support. MFP gives me both of those.... just say'n!

From attending that group, I've also learned that about 12-18 months, people supposedly start to plateau. The reason is something I've seen debated, but what my group says is that gherlin comes back (my dr. even disagrees with this.. so who's right?). I've accepted that IDK if that's true or false, but supposedly your body starts making physiological changes and the hunger comes back. That I DO believe. And I'm a little frightened on this aspect. The "honeymoon" phase, as with anything, eventually does come to an end. So then what? I use mfp for tracking to keep me accountable (even if I have days in the red) and for the social support of mfp friends that slap me in the head if I miss days/logging. They don't necessarily slap me in the head whenever I start slider foods (which sometimes I think would be nice, but then again I generally hate ppl policing my behaviors, sigh) but I do slide a bit here and there. My hubs helps some with this, but ... I was on a liquid diet due to my leak for 4 months. The fact that I can eat real food again is something I'm still getting used to and now enjoying (yes, sometimes that's with white chocolate m&ms or a slice of ice cream cake from baskin robbins!). I digress... logging it into mfp makes me crack the proverbial whip to get myself back onto the wagon much sooner than if I didn't track. Remember there are slips that all of us experience. Just don't let a slip snowball into a collapse or a relapse (again items I've learned from my weekly group!).

I wish you the best of luck back into the motivation and action phases of the weight loss cycle (yes, they are definable phases... something else my group's taught me!).

Also, kudos to you for taking an honest look at yourself... and thanks for sharing that here. I find your honesty inspirational to take a good, long & maybe hard look at what I might not be willing to admit yet to myself and work on changing so that I am a long term success story. (God willing and something that I pray I can continue!)


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I'm with you fellow sleevies! Coming up on my two year surgiversary and one year at goal weight. I have to track and monitor or I wouldn't be at goal. I planned for a goal that allows for 5 lbs either way, but I prefer not to get to high end of my bounce range before I ratchet back the Snacks and drinks. I still weigh daily and I weigh Protein unless it's lunch meat.


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I think some ppl have the thought that "normal" (aka thin) people don't watch what they eat. Somewhere' date=' our maladaptive thought processes are that thin/normal people just coast through life, eating whatever they want, whenever they want gives and that gives us the "ok" in our minds NOT to track. Well, IMO, it's just usually not true (there are exceptions of course) but most ppl I know that are thin/it's not true and I've had to accept that as reality. And (so far) it has helped to motivate me to continue to log.


You touched on something right here that I've wanted to say in 100 different threads....not necessarily to the OP of this thread, but to the board in general. We are not "normal." If we were, we wouldn't need WLS. We can get to and sustain a healthy weight, but I doubt many of us can do it without continuing to be accountable for what we eat. Those people who eat seemingly whatever they want and stay skinny....we are not likely to be those people.

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I just came across this searching for weight loss plateau and we are in the same boat, I have been stuck at the same weight since around November and that was my 1 year mark. I haven't been tracking my eating so Im going to start back out, I want to lose the rest of this weight and sometimes it feels like I never will!

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I'm 10 months out and I can tell it is getting really hard to keep losing. I just had my gall bladder removed last Thursday and it wasn't a breeze like everyone has been telling me. Painful and I gained 3 pounds in the hospital and I know it was from fluids because I ate nothing! Thing is, now I should be able to eat without the pain I was feeling before. I know I should stick to low fat but with the sleeve it is better with high Protein in order to keep the weight coming off. I am 28 pounds from goal and I want to lose the rest of it. I think I should start tracking as well. I've found that I'm craving ice cream again!!! ugghhhh! I hate that! Ice cream is one of my demon foods!! It is so easy and comforting and slides right on down. We all still have to work at this no matter what. Still, I am so grateful for this blessing and we all have come such a long way. Thank God for this forum. It helps me so much to read and log in everyday. :)

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Hey Lisa, just wanted to ask how you're doing now? How's the tracking going?

Have you taken recent measurements.

My stall started oct 2011... Not a typo... I've lost a few pounds in the last couple of weeks (mostly due to having excess skin cut of!) but, in the time of the stall I went down a whole dress size!

I'm wondering, and I have no medical knowledge, experience or evidence, if our bodies just need time to readjust, recompose before they let go of more ?

What do you think?

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Hey Lisa, just wanted to ask how you're doing now? How's the tracking going?

Have you taken recent measurements.

My stall started oct 2011... Not a typo... I've lost a few pounds in the last couple of weeks (mostly due to having excess skin cut of!) but, in the time of the stall I went down a whole dress size!

I'm wondering, and I have no medical knowledge, experience or evidence, if our bodies just need time to readjust, recompose before they let go of more ?

What do you think?

I'm FINALLY back on track!!! Since writing this post, it's taken me a while to really get myself there, but I've been tracking my food consistently for the past 8 days and I'm down 4 lbs!!...which is absolute proof, to me, that tracking works!!!

I've also "officially" starting training for my first triathlon of the season which is on June 23rd. I think this has boosted my motivation as well!! I take my training plan and write it all out on calendar pages that I print off my computer....then, I plaster them up on my wall in my bedroom. Each day that I complete my training I cross that day off with a highlighter. If I miss a day, I put a big "O"...which stands for a missed OPPORTUNITY!!! The visual feedback is a powerful thing for me!!!!

I do think that our bodies often need time to adjust. For me, I believe my current weight is my body's current "set point". I think our bodies are like thermostats...they are comfortable at a certain "temperature" (weight) and they attempt to regulate themselves to stay there. When we yo yo diet for many years, our set points change (and go higher and higher) with each diet. A dear friend (and best selling nutritionist) explains it as a "debt". He says "you can't borrow money from the bank and not expect to pay it back with interest". He says that when you create a deficite by calorie restriction you will eventually pay back that calorie deficite with "interest" (extra weight).


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I'm 10 months out and I can tell it is getting really hard to keep losing. I just had my gall bladder removed last Thursday and it wasn't a breeze like everyone has been telling me. Painful and I gained 3 pounds in the hospital and I know it was from fluids because I ate nothing! Thing is, now I should be able to eat without the pain I was feeling before. I know I should stick to low fat but with the sleeve it is better with high Protein in order to keep the weight coming off. I am 28 pounds from goal and I want to lose the rest of it. I think I should start tracking as well. I've found that I'm craving ice cream again!!! ugghhhh! I hate that! Ice cream is one of my demon foods!! It is so easy and comforting and slides right on down. We all still have to work at this no matter what. Still, I am so grateful for this blessing and we all have come such a long way. Thank God for this forum. It helps me so much to read and log in everyday. :)

I'm not generally an ice cream person, but Blue Bunny makes a sugar free vanilla/caramel bar that is half covered in chocolate. It does have malitol in it, so if you're sensitive to malitol (or sugar alcohols), don't even try it!! Anyway, it's pretty good and 70 calories....doesn't taste like sugar free to me!!

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You touched on something right here that I've wanted to say in 100 different threads....not necessarily to the OP of this thread, but to the board in general. We are not "normal." If we were, we wouldn't need WLS. We can get to and sustain a healthy weight, but I doubt many of us can do it without continuing to be accountable for what we eat. Those people who eat seemingly whatever they want and stay skinny....we are not likely to be those people.


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I'm so glad I found your post Lisa :)! I have been "plateaued" for about 1 month now and it is totally my own fault. I was in a great downward trend since late January (after coming home for a 2 week all-inclusive vacation in Mexico, where I ate/drank whatever I wanted!). I lost 18 lbs from late January to mid-March. Crossed into the wonderful "onederland" (haven't been there in 25 years!).

Then whamo, plateau.

I started getting more comfortable with eating more. Hunger seems to hit me all the time now (I'm 11 months post-op) and I feed that new hunger! Too many carbs (up to 100 g per day sometimes!) and too many calories (1200 average, but some days it's 1600!). I do exercise (3 mile walk every day at lunch, 15K training rides on my new road bike, etc.), but it's just not enough to counteract all the eating!

I track every morsel sin (doesn't seem to deter me enough!), so I know what I'm doing wrong. And reading your post and everyone's responses is helping get my brain back on track. I have 55 lbs to lose to get to my goal, and I don't want to be this close to the 200's for the rest of my life.

So back to basics. Lots more Water (I've always struggled, but now I REALLY have to put my nose to the grind stone!). A LOT less carbs, and cut the calories to 1000 or less daily.

Sounds so easy............I hope Water helps kill the hunger pangs! I may have to look at increasing my PPI as well, as it's possible the hunger is actually increased stomach acid.

Thanks for the kick in the pants everyone. I hope to be posting again in a few weeks with a positive report of re-established good habits, and continued progress to my goal weight!

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I was in a great downward trend since late January (after coming home for a 2 week all-inclusive vacation in Mexico, where I ate/drank whatever I wanted!). I lost 18 lbs from late January to mid-March.

OMG...you just made me realize that my plateau started right when I came back from an 8 day cruise!! I remember coming home, getting on the scale and being elated b/c I hadn't gained any weight after a week of eating danishes for breakfast!!! Yikes!!!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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