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UGH. It seemed like a very long day. Besides the alarm clock at 6am :thumbup:

Day went well, but defnitely tired this evening. Was nice to get back and was greeted kindly be everyone...especially since I was not originally scheduled to go back until 4/14

Congrats on the 8#. Keep up the good work

Now my thought on triscuits. I love them, but since they are so "stringy, if you want to call it that, i can see how they may cause a tickle as you swallow, but qould not think of them as getting stuck.

Lunch today was cottage cheese, and some chicken vegetable Soup with some saltines all mushed up in it. Took me 30 minutes to get it all in, but tasted great. Tomorrow I have to remember to take more Protein Drinks to work and plan on other mushy fods to eat through the day. I got all my Water in at work so that will not be an issue.

My girlfreind wants to go out to dinner tonight at Borders Cafe, so am planning on some refried Beans maybe a little something else. Not sure on the type of soup they may have, but it will be interesting looking at the menu and thinking "mushy"

Maybe we can arrange to have a regular get together every once and awhile outside of the support group meetings. a girl's night out!!!!!

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Hi everyone!

Wow Fairy, it was good that it was a minor PB. It sure sounds unpleasant. Interesting, but I wouldn't have thought to eat triscuits because they are so stringy. I guess you have to chew very thoroughly for them to go down. It sure would slow me down eating wise. Congrats on getting back to the gym. That is my downfall as well. I usually can get the eating part right, the exercise is tougher for me.

Lynn - I bet you are glad the day is over. Cool that you actually went back early. I know my bosses are still going "if you need to go home early, just let us know". That is nice. Good luck at Border's. I went to Olive Garden a few days after I got out of the hospital and ate the soup....well ate the broth out of the Soup, which was pretty good.

I kind of like the idea of a girl's night out. It would be fun. It is nice to be around other people who are banded that understand the limitations.

Edited by hopeinapril

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Hey gals. So glad to meet all of you last night. It is so important for us to have a good support group during this process. I am looking forward to getting to know you all better!

Oh my gosh I went back to work for the whole day today. I am so tired. It is so hard for me to get used to having less calories. 2 weeks ago I was eating 5 times the calories. And I was still tired at the end of the day. I really look forward to loosing some weight and getting some energy. I will have to bring more Snacks of soup/protein for throughout the day tomorrow.

Fairy: SO PROUD OF YOU! YOU GO GIRL! It is so hard to exercise. I have found every excuse in the book NOT do it. But things are gonna have to change for me with this new lifestyle.

Hope in April: Congrats! that is such a good weight loss in such a amall period of time. Looks like you are off to a good start. Thank you for the sour cream idea yesterday. I had a bit today and it was simply heaven.

Lynn: Glad to hear that your day went well. I am so jealous right now that you are on mushies. You will have to tell us about your meal tonight at the resaurant...yumm...

366: Are you getting excited for the surgery or what? It's not long now.

We all will have to get together for a girls night out! That is such a good idea.

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A girls' night sounds like fun. :crying:

I'm glad the first day went well, Lynn. Bet you are going to sleep well tonight!

The triscuits are very coarse, they don't turn mushy like other crackers. Even when you chew, chew, chew. Someone over on OH recommended them, which is why I thought to try a box. I like them, and they are keeping me from eating too much, but they don't go down easy.

As for exercise... I'm fine with the exercise part. I actually kind of enjoy it. It's the getting dressed and out the door that is the problem. :thumbup:

I wonder if you asked them to throw a bowl of Soup in a blender at a restaurant if they would do it? I was going to try it, but I never went out to eat during liquids.


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You snuck in on me Delaware (yes, I was composing that message for a long time due to kid interruptions.) Glad your day went well, too! Get some rest. You deserve it!

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Dinner was actually fun. My girlfriend has just started weight watchers, so she had a salad, and it looked so good. I had the eggplant royale, it was lightly fried eggplant with a little sauce with crabmeat in it over the top. I was able to eat about 1/3 cup before feeling restriction, but once I did I stopped eating. So I have leftovers for another 3 meals. In the past to finish the whole plateful would be nothing. I am so glad I did this and can follow the "signals" the band is giving me when i eat. It is amazing how going from liquid to mushies I am able to feel the restriction, since with liquids I was drinking almost all day long!

And after we had dinner we went for a mile walk..... I wasn't even short of breath or breathing heavy when we were done. :thumbup:

I do need to take more Protein Snacks to work tomorrow. I am about 20 gms short for today's total. Getting the Water in was no problem at all, I got 60 oz. in just at work, as well as a small cup of regular coffee.< /span>

366, finals and then surgery, you have to be getting excited, or you are so concentrating on finals the surgery is a second thought.... your time is near.

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Hello All,

It is great to see how much support you can get on this website. And is very incouraging that Dr. Iragua also did your surgery. I just got banded on the 2nd of April and am just getting use to everything. It was a little overwhelming the first few days but things are getting better every day and waist line is getting smaller.

Maybe when the weather starts to get warmer we can do a walk or something together :huh2:

This is my first post so hope I am doing it correctly...LOL


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366 - I keep forgetting you work at a law firm. So do I! What kind of law does your firm practice? I work for a defense firm.

me too! primarily defense work. my department handles environmental and general lit defense.. i'm downtown.. are you? that would be pretty funny!

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yes, finals are already happening! my first final is a brief and it's due tonight. i was up until 3am finishing it.. i cannot wait for summer!!!

my friends are pushing me to take summer classes with them and don't understand why i can't.. you see, i haven't told anyone but my mom, sister and brother-in-law (that's a whooooole 'nother thread), and boss (out of necessity). keeping this to myself for the past six months has been excruciating, but now that it's getting close, it's incredibly harder! i'm probably going to tell friends eventually, but i'm not ready. after the negative experience i had with my sister (too much detail to go into here), i am wary of telling people.

lynn, glad to see your first days back at work have been pretty good!

hopeinapril - 8 pounds is a LOT!!!! congrats!!

delaware: does the Isopure Protein Water help with the shakes/feeling like you're eating zero calories?

hey fairy! good job with the exercise. you can move it, move it :biggrin2:

last but not least, hello to Paige!! welcome to our little thread!! tell us about yourself...

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Howdy Everyone!

Gosh, today was sure a busy day for me! I felt a little light headed around 4:45 and ate some cream of chicken with Protein powder and felt much better. The good news is that bending over no longer causes me any aches. This morning I put 1/2 scoop of the unflavored powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury in those tiny plastic bags. That way I have several in my office already measured out. It turned out to be a good thing that I did!

Thanks for the kind words about the weight loss. It makes me feel good. I love the support!

Delaware: it is a really good idea to eat as much Protein through the day as possible. I learned that today! It was the first time I felt weak since the surgery. Just be careful because you are still less than 2 weeks out. (OK, that is the mom in me coming out!) Glad the fat free sour cream idea worked. I have tried a few things with flavor. I like using the cheddar cheese Soup as a little bit of a topping on the other Soups. I keep trying to make stuff that is OK but gives me a little more taste.

Fairy: it is funny that you say that you are OK with the exercise. I used to walk 3 miles 3 times a week. But, I couldn't get the food part under control! Now I am working on the food part. I am walking, but nothing like I used to. I think I need to get walking buddies again! I'll have to start calling around since the weather is nice.

Lynn: How wonderful your dinner sounded! What is even better is your listened to yourself! WOW! Very cool that you felt the restriction. I love that went for a walk after! How wonderful not to even been out of breath.

Paige: Welcome! It is great that we are all making the site active again. When I first arrived, there weren't that many people here. I am just about a week ahead of you. Don't worry, it gets better! I'd love to get together and walk. I used to do it fairly often and I know of several paths. There is a real nice one in Newark with lights and call boxes. It is right next to the railroad track. You did great with your first post!

366: I used to work at a law firm in town. We did asbestos and insurance defense. I got a better job a little over a year ago at a different law firm. We do mostly asbestos defense. It is not real exciting, but holy cow is it easy to bill!

I don't blame you for not taking summer classes. It is tough working and going to school. I think you are wise to give yourself some time to get used to the band.

I have told very few people in my life. Most people think I got only hernia surgery. I have told exactly 3 people. My ex-husband. I had to tell him as we live in the same place and he had to take care of our son. One of my close friends and my cousin in Texas. The reason I told my cousin is that she told me she is being banded in June. She is very excited. I don't blame you for not telling folks. Me, I'm not ready to deal with any negativity. It is quite possible that I will fess up in about a year when I am looking lovely! :redface:

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It looks like everyone is doing pretty good. Moving about in less discomfort, making it through the work day...

I find it had toI get all my Protein in since on mushies. seems I am not taking enough to work to satisfy me during the day. Hopefully I can get things together this weekend so next week will be easier as far as my intake. Getting the Water in i not a problem at all.

Not sure exactly where everyone lives, but I would gladly be up to walking partners. I feel it is a good all around exercixe and you can do it with others.

366 you gotta take care of yourself. and no classes this summer will give you a chance to heal after surgery and relax and enjoy the time out of classes.

I took an 18 months bachlor degree program at Wilmington College/University, and graduated January 2007. It was a hectic pace working full time and taking 3 classes every 7 weeks. I could never imagine Law School and work!

I work at duPont hospital and have been there for just over 7 years. I have had a variety of jobs over the years, but never one I would call a career.

I think we are great suppot for each other and will continue to be.

GO all of us!! :redface:

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Welcome Paige! Congratulations on your band.

I understand about the telling people thing. I didn't want to tell people, either. But I completely screwed things up. I had to tell my Mom and younger sister, since I needed help with child care. Then, since I told both of them, I kind of had to tell my older sister, too. I told everyone that I didn't want anyone else to know.

Well, apparently that last bit didn't sink in very well. Both Mom and DH say that they didn't know that. Both told people. Now I'm in an awkward situation where I don't KNOW who knows and who doesn't. And who knows but has been told that I don't want them to know, so they are going to pretend like they don't know, but know when I'm not entirely being truthful.... Oh, the tangled webs we weave....

The best part... After I fussed at DH about telling people, he calls up his parents to tell them that I'm in the hospital - but won't tell them why because I told him not to. They send me a nice little angel pin. Arrrgh! Why did he call them???? They live in Pittsburgh, they never would have known. And, then I had to figure out a way to thank them for the pin without telling them why I was in the hospital. That was slightly awkward.

I adore my DH, and I know he did it because he was stressed about it too, but... come on! Really???

I didn't want to tell people because there is just too much stress with everyone knowing. I didn't want to have everyone evaluating my success (or lack thereof). For the same reason, I don't tell anyone other than my band-buddies how much I have lost. I have a "no numbers" policy. It would be fun now when I'm losing so rapidly, but what about plateaus? And, I also don't particularly want everyone to know just how heavy I had let myself get.

I reserve the right to change my mind about telling people, in fact I probably will, but that's the way I feel right now.

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Hey Everyone!

Thought I'd check in before bed. I did much better at work today. I sipped a lot today and made sure that I had enough calories/ ptn. However I still was a little hungry about 9pm. But I am a work in progress and will get there. It just takes time.

I treated myself to a cut and color tonight; however, I feel guilty that I did not get any walking in at all. I am working half a day tomorrow and will make sure that I get out and exercise. There is a nice walking trail near me, maybe I will hit it.

The sour cream backfired last night. I am milk intolerant. My GI was not happy with me. I think that it is a food that I will have to stay away from for awhile.

Lynn: your meal sounded so yummy!

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This is so awesome i was checking this part of the site for sometime, but there weren't very many posts, and now it seems like everyone is being really supportive of each other which is nice, and it's also nice to know about people who used the same surgeons and center. anyway I regretfully won't be able to meet any of you at the support groups because I work on tuesday's but hopefully I will be able to make it to one and say hi to you all. anyway keep up the communication guys it's really nice to hear about everyones success. good luck

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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