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Bands eroded, slipped or still successful bands?

How is your band?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. How is your band?

    • Band is fine, no complications so far
    • Band was removed for reasons other than erosion/slip
    • Band slipped but unfill repaired it
    • Band slipped, I was rebanded
    • Band slipped, removed, no new band
    • Band slipped, revised to bypass, sleeve or switch
    • Band eroded, unfill repaired it
    • Band eroded, removed, no new band or other revision
    • Band eroded, revised to bypass, sleeve or switch
    • At 1 year or more my band isn't working, not losing

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If I knew then what I know now I certainly would not have gotten the lapband 2 years ago. I'm not eroded at this time, but feel like a ticking timebomb.

I had that ticking time bomb feeling too and it was driving me nuts. I finally scheduled a flouro fill with a local band doc and feel TONS better about my Non-slipped, Non-eroded, happy healthy band and my little .25cc fill. And, yes, I am aware of the fact that flouro cannot guarantee that I'm not eroded, only an endoscope can dignose that.

Kare, get your fanny down to TJ for a therapeutic endoscope. It will do your heart good. :)

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I believe that another field should be added to this poll.

Those whose bands have eroded and been replaced with a new band.

I am three years out and had a 4cc band erode which was replaced by another surgeon at 14 months with the VG band at the time of the removal.

My band had just begun to erode which was confirmed by an endoscopy. Usually, this occurs from a problem at the time of the original surgery when being banded. Technique is partly to blame too. EROSION has nothing to do with anything that the patient has done via "band rules" etc.

How did I know I might be eroded? From reading posts here and on other Lapband sites and my own research on the net. I saw a bruise at the site of my port which is an indicator of a problem and possible erosion via an infection which travels to the port. I had left my original surgeon at 7 months out and was under the care of another team when we discovered the erosion. My surgeon was determined to re- band me so that I could stay skinny but couldn't guarantee until he opened me up and saw if there was any damage. I was lucky and hope to keep this baby as long as it is okay inside of me. I do an annual esophogram and so far so good.

I hurt like hell in the port area with the first bandin 2003 and with this band (2004)I don't even realize I have a port. It doesn't interfere with any clothing either.

I love this band. Hell...if the surgeon would do it, I would get banded a 3rd time if necessary.

I was a volume eater of healthy foods all my life so restriction was the answer to my losing weight easily. I knew that I could be a poster child for this procedure and am very happy and love my band.

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How many of you who have been banded for over a year with NO complications have had an endoscopy to acutally make 100% sure your bands are OK. Had I not had an endo I would of never known my bandwas erodod. I had zero symptoms I was erodoed so just because there are no complications you feel or see..an endo is the only true test to make sure your band is not eorded. Many of us here who eroded had no problems or symptoms, or complications. Be wise get an endo on a yearly basis.

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How many of you who have been banded for over a year with NO complications have had an endoscopy to acutally make 100% sure your bands are OK. Had I not had an endo I would of never known my bandwas erodod. I had zero symptoms I was erodoed so just because there are no complications you feel or see..an endo is the only true test to make sure your band is not eorded. Many of us here who eroded had no problems or symptoms, or complications. Be wise get an endo on a yearly basis.

Yes! Listen well, folks.

I realize my flouro fill doesn't guarantee NO erosion, either now or in the future. But it did me loads of good, for now, till I can get to TJ for an endo. My sister will be banded In TJ in the next few months, if all goes well, and at this point, I'm willing to wait. An endo is just too pricey here in the states. I'm without symptoms so insurance won't kick in for that procedure. Even though I feel it's neccessary. So, I'll get one in TJ very soon. Getting that flouro and seeing my band and port all nicely in place and in working order in there did me worlds of good till then. If I were not planning the TJ trip soon, I'd be paying out for it, to be sure. $275 in TJ vs. $1500+ here is worth the wait, according to my checkbook, anyway. :)

I'm still getting an endo. We ALL should!

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If I were not planning the TJ trip soon, I'd be paying out for it, to be sure. $275 in TJ vs. $1500+ here is worth the wait, according to my checkbook, anyway.

What doctor is your sister going to Kathy? If it's Ortiz, maybe I could schedule an endo at the same time you're here. I think you live out of state, don't you? I'm about 2 hours from TJ (hour north of San Diego) if you need a place to stay. I've got two empty rooms & beds. We could all take the train down together.

Even tho I've done it 3x before, for some reason I just feel afraid to go down to TJ by myself. I've had 4 car accidents this year (1 my fault) and I just seem to have lost my optimistic spirit.

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I agree to be honest.

I think the Poll is contradictory and not very specific or clear.

i totally agree with Kare, i mean ok the UK is part of the european union but in mail land Europe were Lap Banding/Gastric Banding has been performed for the logest period of time. They just don't do it any more its long term re oprative rate is high as high as 49% standard 30%. And that just the actual rate who go one to other surgerys. How many is there who cant addord to correct there band problems and revisonal surgery.

I mean granted here in the UK we have the NHS but surgery isnt easy to get and revisonal surgery is nigh on impossable i mean they will pay for one op but your damd lucky if they pay for two. But America and the UK are not catching up with the european surgeons and are stopping doing it.

What about all those people who have had bands fitted but cant afford to have them replaced. They wont count on the statistics.

My own personal opinion is that if you are unfortunate enough to experience band problems. the band communty tend to shun you and make you feel quite bad. I think for those its successfull they cant or wont accept it can fail and the moment they do it then makes them vulnerable the a risk of faliour.

The ticking time bomb is spot on give it time and i bet we will be seeing more and more bandsters needing revison.

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What doctor is your sister going to Kathy? If it's Ortiz, maybe I could schedule an endo at the same time you're here. I think you live out of state, don't you? I'm about 2 hours from TJ (hour north of San Diego) if you need a place to stay. I've got two empty rooms & beds. We could all take the train down together.

Even tho I've done it 3x before, for some reason I just feel afraid to go down to TJ by myself. I've had 4 car accidents this year (1 my fault) and I just seem to have lost my optimistic spirit.

Good heavens that sounds like fun! She's planning on seeing my doc, Kuri, but he and Ortiz are both in TJ. We could work that out. And yes, Im from NC. Pretty out-of-town from TJ, huh? ;)

I'd hate for you to wait on us, though. Here's the short story...her BF and my hubby have just opened up a granite shop, money is tight, and her open credit is currently loaned to the company. When the guys can refinance the company debt she'll have money to borrow to pay for her band. Waaaay too many factors to make plans with a date attached. Anyhow, I'm willing to wait it out and go when she goes, but I don't want you to wait!

Please don't lose your optimism, Kare. You have such gumption, you are a wonderful self-advocate, you are very knowlegable and a super go-getter. Kare without spunk just doesn't compute. Speak up...there's a band buddy somewhere that will go with you. It really will do your heart good, get a small fill if you need one and start fresh. I weighed 181 at the doc's office Nov. 16th. Yesterday I weighed 173.4. That's 7.6 pounds in 11 days. Make that 5 pounds to account for differences in the scales, and even then it's helping. I have lost almost 70% of my excess body weight and that's a huge Lap Band success...but I'm not done. I got my spunk back...I dare ya to get yours back, too. ;)

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Please don't lose your optimism, Kare. You have such gumption, you are a wonderful self-advocate, you are very knowlegable and a super go-getter. Kare without spunk just doesn't compute... I got my spunk back...I dare ya to get yours back, too. ;)

Yeah, I'm pretty gumptionless lately. Thank you for remembering when I was in a better frame of mind. It's funny how when you're feeling like a failure you can't remember feeling any other way.

I think it's not just the weight, but the empty-nest syndrome I've got going on. One son graduated and onto his career far away and the other off to college. I'm pretty independent, but this is too much aloneness even for me. food is such a reliable companion.

Sorry to hijack this thread.

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I think your statistics about the European experience with banding and re-banding are really valuable. It would be so helpful to Americans if we could know the statistics in Australia, for example, where banding is much more common than here.

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Statistics like these depend on people reporting both the success' and the failures. For instance my SIL and I were banded at the same time, in Mexico. Our surgeon keeps in contact via email regularly. His office also sends out questionaires regularly---and she ignores them. We have a more local Dr. for aftercare and fills, so the original surgeon has no idea how she is doing. I also have friends here, a couple, who were both banded well over a year ago, he lost his weight quickly, and they flew back for 1 fill, but have never followed up. None of them have any complications that they are aware of, but they have opted not to maintain contact with the Dr.'s, life is just too busy right now.

So while we may not be seeing patients with complications still around here at LBT to report them, there are just as many satisfied banded people we never see period. Only time will tell how the true stats will end up.

BUT that all being said...if for some reason I were to now lose my band (heaven forbid!!) I am down 70 pounds, and more able to move and battle it on my own, until I make another decision of what to do. If they decide it is not the best or safest route, it is totally reversible--if they find a pill I can pop and eliminate obesity, I can pop that pill and have the band removed. It has been a success in the fact that I no longer take any prescription meds. I am healthier in so many ways---I exercise! I was too big to want to move before banding. The weight it has allowed me to lose thus far would make a difference if I were to suddenly lose my band.

I realize the poll may not be perfet, nor scientifically correct, it does not cover all aspects or options. The poll is likely as flawed as all of us who will answer it...but that's ok, it was not meant to do anything but see what some others experiences have been. Anything we learn is good. It made some of you bring up things I had not even thought about---which is also good!

Kare--take a walk around your beautiful yard....and see if your spunk is hiding out there!!! I didn't take your spunk---but there are several other ideas in that yard you showed I would like to take!!!

Good Luck all!


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Austrailia Has the best of all results i have a link some were in my faverates ill see if i can find it,

I think personal opinion Austrailia Have the best results due to cliamate and easier availablity of fresh healthy produce and a out door lifestyle.

America is well known for its junk food and huge huge protions England also is a tiny cold Island and relies on imported foods its bloody cold so we eat lots of hot stody carby foods to see us threw the winters and cold summers.

Europe (mainland) has been doing this type of surgery a lot longer than the US and UK so they are seeing the long term results that we are yet to see. And they just dont look good Many US surgeons wont do banding prefering to stick the the RNY as prefferd most popular choice. The UK is slowly catching up.

But i stand by what i say the theory of the band and how it works is flawed and while it may be good for vo#solume eaters who have a fairly healthy lifestyle. I dont think it is good for junk eaters at the end of the day the band does not make the choices of food and if us junkies and comforteaters could stick to diets and the band regeme we wouldnt have needed the band anyway.

The band is just best suited to some people more than others and even then i think long term its heading for a bad reputation.

Ill have a look in my faves for the statistics i found.

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Those of you who feel this poll is flawed are right, it is. It isn't a perfect study. I was just wondering if we could track any kind of trend for band issues. We had a bandster supporter who began collecting a lot of info and then didn't finalize the report, so I was hoping to kind of see where we were.

Once I created the poll with the initial questions I had, it wouldn't let me edit to add new questions. It's true that there are many without problems who don't post, and many with issues or removal who no longer post. Instead of good poll results, I'm finding that the support for those who've lost the band isn't quite as steady as for those looking into or still banded. I think it's fear and insecurity. I understand it, I hated hearing about problems for others while I was banded too.

I am not anti band, I loved it while I had it. It worked to the tune of a 96 pound loss. The band failed me though, and my experience is something I should share. Bandsters and would be bandsters need to know the whole picture. The good, the bad, and the fixable. Mine was not fixable, though I could risk another band, I've opted not too because of fear of another failure.

I miss my band, I mourn it's loss as I feel my clothes get tighter, and see the scale climb slowly back up to where I was sure I'd never have to go again. It's heart breaking.

I'm glad I had the experience though, and I'm keeping my eye on the studies, and experiences of others who've taken another route post band loss so I can pick another way to win the battle against the bulge. There are a couple that look especially appealing to me, now if only the cash fairy would drop a sack of benjamins under my tree...

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i think if the questions were time dated balanced that would make the poll more exually balanced like if the first question was reffering to one year post op patients like the last one was.

That all i feel really but if you caculate all the other numbers MOST of them have probs and when added up stands a high % of issues even with a very small poll.

But like you say couldnt be edited no arm done the good intention was there well done x

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hi all haven't been on here in a while but im just got my band tight on the 22 of nov. and i finally made it too the 200's im 295 from 365 in march feel great to have something that works im mean really work but i would like to now if anyone has expereince Hair loss mine is starting to thin and i c more hair in the sink in the morning then everand can some one please tell me how to put the pictures on the web page i wold love to c the differet sizes thanks and happy holidays

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I once tried to do a poll something like this one. Mine was a mess and I finally figured that I'd need three or more.

One reason is that the band has few short-term complications. The REAL band problems begin two-and-a-half or three years out. AND, there are more and more banding doctors and patients...so there are more newbies with few problems. So, if 50% of the respondents have been banded less than a year, pretty much half the poll will respond "No Problems." But if you had a pool for people who had been banded three years or more, the stats would probably be quite different.

For example, erosion takes a while to happen. A newly banded person with erosion would be rare. OTOH, someone banded three years, with NO problems is also rather rare. On another board where I hang out, MOST of the "senior" banded people have problems--some minor, some minor but recurrent and some major with a few band removals thrown in for good measure.

They mostly seem to have adjusted to life with their problems, btw. I could not live with some of those routines, YMMV. (I can't remember to get an unfill before I get on a plane or not eat after 6:00 p.m., or raise the head of my bed, or remember to drink an esophagus-cleansing beverage at a certain time every night, or live totally dependant upon Prilosec and Maalox, and so on. Other people can, but that's just not me.)

But, thanks for looking for the numbers. It takes patience to do all that!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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