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Lots of pre-banding questions

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I've been reading this forum since I decided to get lap band and I have questions I'm hoping all you kind people can help me!

First, has anyone had gallbladder surgery and then this surgery later? If so, is the pain similar? I had my gb out in Sept so if the pain is pretty much the same then I can deal with it. Not being able to eat....not so sure! Although from reading the posts I am lucky that I would only have to do a liquid diet for a week pre-op! Heaven help the people I work with! :eek: Hopefully coffee counts as part of a liquid diet..

Second, if I have the surgery it will be in Tijuana (I live in San Diego so it's close and since my insurance won't cover it...) and Dr. Ortiz's office claims I can get the surgery on a Friday and be back to work on Monday?? When I got my gb out, I felt great the first few days and then the meds wore off...:paranoid I have a desk job and don't plan on telling my boss what kind of surgery I am getting (or where). The doctor's office claims this surgery is less invasive than gb removal- anyone know if that's true? I got laposcopic surgery for that; got there at 6:30 am and was home by 11:30 am-so if this is less invasive, why do I have to stay the night before and 2 days after surgery? I will only be at work for 4 days and then I am on vacation for a week.

Third, I've read great things about Dr. Ortiz; does anyone have any bad experiences with him to relate?

Fourth, can you feel the port under your skin? Can the outline of it be seen under your skin?

Fifth, how do they fill it? Does it hurt? I would think they would have to pierce your skin each time, right?

For some reason this surgery is scaring me alot more than my gb one did and I'm not sure why.

Any and all comments would be MOST appreciated. If I get the surgery it will be on Dec 15.


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First, has anyone had gallbladder surgery and then this surgery later? If so, is the pain similar?

I have had my gall bladder removed, spleen removed, and a hysterectomy, and now the lap band surgery. The lap band surgery was a cake walk. I had my surgery on a Thursday and was back to work on Monday. I was a little tired, but it was fine. The only reason I took any of my pain meds is because they were a pain/anti-inflamatory combo and he wanted me to finish them completely. (pst... I didn't). Yea, I was probably swollen for a longer period than I should have been, but I was fine.

Hopefully coffee counts as part of a liquid diet..

I don't drink coffee, so I can't answer this one.

Second, if I have the surgery it will be in Tijuana (I live in San Diego so it's close and since my insurance won't cover it...) and Dr. Ortiz's office claims I can get the surgery on a Friday and be back to work on Monday??

see above

When I got my gb out, I felt great the first few days and then the meds wore off...:paranoid I have a desk job and don't plan on telling my boss what kind of surgery I am getting (or where). The doctor's office claims this surgery is less invasive than gb removal- anyone know if that's true?

Yep, see above again

I got laposcopic surgery for that; got there at 6:30 am and was home by 11:30 am-so if this is less invasive, why do I have to stay the night before and 2 days after surgery? I will only be at work for 4 days and then I am on vacation for a week.

The reason for the night before is probably because the pre-op tests and stuff will be done the afternoon before. The two days after are just a precautionary (sp) because they know you are travelling to get to them and you don't live within the same city like if you had it done in the U.S.

You will probably be fine working 4 days then being off the next week. You will probably be tired those 4 days, but let your friends and family know so they can take up the slack and let you rest every chance you get.

Third, I've read great things about Dr. Ortiz; does anyone have any bad experiences with him to relate?

I haven't heard any negative things about him at all. I would query the old posts and see what you come up with.

Fourth, can you feel the port under your skin? Can the outline of it be seen under your skin?

I can feel the port, but it isn't visible.

Fifth, how do they fill it? Does it hurt? I would think they would have to pierce your skin each time, right?

I haven't had a fill yet, but yes they pierce the skin with a special syringe. From what all I have read, it doesn't hurt at all.

For some reason this surgery is scaring me alot more than my gb one did and I'm not sure why.

The gb surgery is much more invasive. They actually cut and take something out. The cutting on this one is through the skin and they stitch a little flap over the band to hold it in.

Any and all comments would be MOST appreciated. If I get the surgery it will be on Dec 15.

If I missed anything, let me know. I will be more than happy to try and help. I have recieved so much great advice and help on this chatboard that I like to return it when possible.

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I don't know anything about GB surgery - but the pain of lapband was minimal and I felt I could have returned to my desk job after only four days. I probably could have gone back sooner - except I had to sleep sitting up for the first few days because getting up and down is the hardest part after surgery. You just don't realize how much your abdominal muscles work for you until you try to lie down or stand up without using them.

I know this surgery is scaring you more than your GB surgery because it means a permanent change to your eating life. Any time you mess with food your subconscious experiences a fear that is primal - food is one of the main things that your inner caveman worries about.

The good news for your caveman - you probably won't have any long-term effects of having the band until after you start getting fills.

Yes - the fills pierce your skin each time. The place where I go gives you a numbing shot and you don't even feel the "big needle". Just don't look at the needles and you will be fine. I have had five fills - and never seen the needle. My inner caveman gets all freaked out by pointy things....

I can't see or feel the port - nor do I have any worries that I will anytime soon - but if you lose all your weight and have a supermodel body with a port lump - you can get a surface surgery later to replace the port with a "low profile" one that is smaller.

Try to meditate on the fact that you probably won't have immediate restriction and after you heal up you will still be able to eat normal foods until you start getting your fills. Your inner caveman might relax a bit.


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First, has anyone had gallbladder surgery and then this surgery later?

I have not had gallbladder removed but I had previous laproscopic surgery and a hyst and this was nothing compared to either of those. I had a much harder time before. I was walking less than 2 hours out of recovery.

I think that is key walk and walk like it does not hurt even if it does. That way you don't get stiff! Makes things much smoother.

I can get the surgery on a Friday and be back to work on Monday??

I think if you have a four day week and then a week off at a desk job you should be find if you go to bed early and take your pain meds to get a good nights sleep. I am still on a clear liquid diet 7 days post op and the hardest thing for me has been energy levels due to so few calories. I think eating right out of surgery (which I have never heard of) will make you feel much better. First 3 days I felt awesome then I really felt drained cause of so few calories.

Third, I've read great things about Dr. Ortiz; does anyone have any bad experiences with him to relate?

No clue about him!

Fourth, can you feel the port under your skin? Can the outline of it be seen under your skin?

Still too much swelling. I can feel that that area is the area where there is the most tightness and the most of a pulling sensation! I have never heard of anyone say that they could feel or see it and I have met 10 people who have had it none could.

Fifth, how do they fill it? Does it hurt? I would think they would have to pierce your skin each time, right?

No fills yet and I surely do not feel as if I need one!!!

For some reason this surgery is scaring me alot more than my gb one did and I'm not sure why.

I was not scared about it but I did feel a little bit like what am I going to do or say when someone asks. My family would not have supported it.

Any and all comments would be MOST appreciated. If I get the surgery it will be on Dec 15.

Good luck to you and I hope it all goes well. Will you have to back there for fills or will a U.S. doctor do them? If you don't mind my asking what is the cost over there? You can PM if you like I am just curious how big the difference is. Mine was 16,000.


Your welcome and congrats to you!

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It Is So Easy I Live 70 Miles Away From Surgery Center. I Had Surgery At 7.30 And I Was Home By 10.30

I Slept And Laid Around For The Weekend And Was Ready To Go To Work That Monday. Fills Are Easy. Like A Blood Test. I Can Feal The Port If I Push On My Stomach But You Cant See It. Even If It Was E

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I wrote a blog in the other room without doing a search...silly me.

I need to ask you some specifics about the lapband and your gallbladder removal...since I had my gallbladder removed about two years ago and I want to be banded...did they use the same incision site as your gallbladder? Did it hurt? Did it cost more since it supposedly takes longer to use the same incision site?

I'm so relieved to see others with missing gallbladders.


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Hi- I am scheduled for 12-6 and I had gallbladder surgery 10 years ago. I asked dr. about comparing the 2 surgeries and he said it would not be any worse than gallbladder as far as pain (he was the one who removed gallbladder.) As far as coffee I guess as long as its black and Decaf its okay. Theres something about no longer drinking caffeine and lb sugery- bummer! I love coffee. Hope this helps!

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I just had mine done last Friday 11/24 in TJ by Dr. Ramon Kelly and he was great. I am not sure about Dr. Ortiz but you will probably get responses from people that have. It was a very min pain procedure. I was back to work on Monday and went home early to lay down but just felt pooped. Not too much pain but my shoulders hurt from the gas. It is easy and quick recovery. I am a week after and feel really good. Not 100% yet but I would say 85% and haven't had to miss a day of work this week. It is hard to only have liquids when I was a big carb junky. I do feel full fast after just sipping some Soup broth. I have dropped 10 pounds already and am excited to get down to my goal weight. It will be awhile but I can't wait!!!

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Hi Victoria,

I had my surgery with Dr. Ortiz on Nov.20th and flew down from Canada. I found the surgery to be extremely EASY. Had the surgery on a Monday and Tuesday went to the hotel and felt great...no gas pains or anything (but I walked lots to avoid it too!). On Thursday I walked for 6 hours around the San Diego Zoo...tho my feet were tired and so was I at the end of the day (I was only taking in about 300 cals so to be expected)...I felt no post-surgical pain or discomfort and took no pain killers whatsoever after leaving the clinic.

Feel free to PM me if you want more details on Dr. Ortiz and his clinic. I think they're awesome.

I went back to work the following Monday at a desk job and no one is any the wiser about where I was the previous week or why I was gone.

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About going back to work: I just started a great new job, and only three weeks into it have been out for over a week with a kidney stone that won't leave. My meeting with the surgeon to set a date to be banded is at the end of this week. I'm taking it as a follow-up to the kidney stone thing. The reason is that my doctor said most people can go back to work in a few days, and if the few days are over a weekend...

I'm glad to know that about half of your responses indicated that I may actually be able to pull this off. I have an office job - with an office of my own.

I have told only a few friends who I knew would be supportive. My family (who are halfway around the world) don't know a thing about it. I don't need their old tapes playing while I'm trying to be successful. Seeing me this summer will be enough. I don't want my weight issues to be a topic of office conversation with two other young women who would benefit by my experience. Let them approach me if I am successful. So you people are my primary support group.

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I have told only a few friends who I knew would be supportive. My family (who are halfway around the world) don't know a thing about it. I don't need their old tapes playing while I'm trying to be successful. Seeing me this summer will be enough. I don't want my weight issues to be a topic of office conversation with two other young women who would benefit by my experience. Let them approach me if I am successful. So you people are my primary support group.

None of my family knows either as I did not want to hear negative stuff from them. So I completely understand this. If you need to talk you can always send me a PM or e-mail me. Good luck to you and congrats on the surgery! It is hard to do this without support but I think the forums help for sure!

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Thanks everyone for your posts! I met with Dr Ortiz the Friday after TG and feel much better about the surgery, but I decided to wait until end of Jan. I have one other question for anyone who has small dogs (or kids). My 6 lb chihuaha loves to jump on me or lay on me in the morning; is this going to be a problem after I get the lapband? I know she won't be able to do it in the first few weeks after surgery but what about after that? She was devistated when she couldn't jump on me after I had my gallbladder removed (she thought she was being punished), I just don't know if it will be a perament no-no? Any thoughts?

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I would not think so. I mean I am a no lift for 3 months but I have an 8 month old to pick up and he is always on my tummy or crawling around me and I am fine.

I find to get up from laying down I have to get him off cause I am still having that pulling sensation when I try to go from sitting to laying or in am in certain positions.

I dont think it will be a problem at all. I mean ask your doc but I am not quite 3 weeks out and I have 25 pounds climbing on me all the time. So I don't think 6 will be an issue.

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ive had my gb removed and apart from a afternoon of agony from gas pains i was fine actually when i got up to use toilet (as im a bed pan phobe) i started to feel much better ,im having my surgery on the 15th of december and i am truly scared and excited but mainly scared as i want it to be great for me and so terrified if it goes wrong i look a fool ,as i know people around me waiting to see if it right decision !

i also feel im so uninformed i wasnt told about any special diet b4 or after and im having surgery on friday and my hubby going to work on the monday so il be home with my 3 year old (other boys at school )and there seemsalot of people in pain for more than a few days ,kmy surgeon reckons it only take 30 mins for my surgery so i was thinking quick healing.

what are Protein Shakes ???and i dont want to pay 10000 euro to drink slim fast ...pmsl

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