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Not fat enough? This is for Low BMI'ers

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Today was the second time that someone told me that they didn't think i was "big enough" to justify having this surgery. I take this as a backhanded compliment. I'm what's considered to be a low BMI. However, im qualified for this surgery and have full support of my doctors. My bmi is 37.5. I am a 31 yr old female. I weight 238 right now, my highest weight. I'm 5'7". I have about 80-90 lbs to lose to be a healthy weight. I take it as a compliment because its as if they are saying "ehh your not so bad" but it also really hurts my feeling and makes me second guess myself. I'm very overweight, I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and am at risk of becoming a diabetic. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I've been bullied, I have low self esteem and I've tried every diet in the book. Twice. I don't know I guess I'm jus feeling discouraged. The funny part is that I was told this as I was leaving my pysc evaluation, in which the physiologist told me he fully supports me having the surgery, thinks I've very well prepared and educated. As I was leaving his office I made small talk with another sleeve patient waiting to go in. As we were chatting he said "to be honest you don't really look like you need this surgery, you look ok now". I thanked him but explained that its been a life long struggle with ups and downs. As I left it really made me second guess my decision. Just because I "don't look that fat" doesn't mean I don't fall into the "obese" category or have health problems because of my overweight. Ugh I guess I just needed to vent. Any other low BMI's every experience this?

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You and I are almost exactly the same....weight, height, BMI, high blood pressure and cholesterol,....only difference is I already have the diabetes to go along with it! My friends and co-workers tell me the EXACT same thing....they don't think I'm 'big enough" for the surgery and should try something else! I simply tell them that they don't know what I'm feeling and regardless what their opinion is I'm still getting it done!! I have 56 days and counting til the big day....right now I'm excited but I'm sure as the days get closer I will start to freak out some! Just keep your head up and keep doing you b/c that's all that matters!!

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Yes, OMG! I'm 5'10, 250 lbs, BMI around 36. I'm lucky that I don't have BP or cholesterol problems, but my sleep study did show sleep apnea (which will help with insurance coverage!) I stopped talking about the surgery because whenever I mentioned it my co-workers would tell me "Stop that crazy talk" "You're not big enough" blah, blah, blah. Even my PCP, who I have known for over 25 years, said "You only have about 70 pounds to lose...just don't eat bread" Really? Just don't eat bread? Is that all? LOL, but he also said he would support me in whatever I chose to do so he gave me my medical clearance. I have only told my husband and children because I need to surround myself with people that support me. Let my co-workers think what they want.. it's no their business, it's mine!

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I didnt tell anyone. I needed to lost 60 lbs. Down 12 since surgery. The fact of the matter was I could not lose it, just could not. The surgery is a tool a life saver. The work is all mine to do

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I have heard the exact same thing and it bothers me, too! My mom, who claims to be supportive says this a lot. Then she'll say "just don't lose too much weight or you'll look sickly". Honestly I think it makes her feel better that I'm fat! Every time she says something about me not being "that" fat I just tell her that both my doctors and I disagree or I ask her if I should just wait until I am "that" fat. I also received the same response from a co-worker that I told which is why I haven't told anyone else at work-it's my business and no one else's. You shouldn't second guess yourself-you're doing this to get healthy and lose your extra weight!

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I am also a low BMI, I am 62, have 65 pds to lose, pre-diabetes, sleep apena, high blood pressure, and the scariest, high blood pressure behind my eyes (my brother is 4 years younger and he had the high blood pressure behind his eyes and he had a stroke and he can no longer drive) plus fibroymaliga. I have to go to Mexico because my insurance does not cover it. EVeryone things I am carzy to do this and I'm "not that big" Really????? Yet I know my body and I know what I can do, so I go March 8th ! It is your body and your life, no one can tell you what is right for you.

Eleanor Rose

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Today was the second time that someone told me that they didn't think i was "big enough" to justify having this surgery. I take this as a backhanded compliment. I'm what's considered to be a low BMI. However, im qualified for this surgery and have full support of my doctors. My bmi is 37.5. I am a 31 yr old female. I weight 238 right now, my highest weight. I'm 5'7". I have about 80-90 lbs to lose to be a healthy weight. I take it as a compliment because its as if they are saying "ehh your not so bad" but it also really hurts my feeling and makes me second guess myself. I'm very overweight, I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and am at risk of becoming a diabetic. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I've been bullied, I have low self esteem and I've tried every diet in the book. Twice. I don't know I guess I'm jus feeling discouraged. The funny part is that I was told this as I was leaving my pysc evaluation, in which the physiologist told me he fully supports me having the surgery, thinks I've very well prepared and educated. As I was leaving his office I made small talk with another sleeve patient waiting to go in. As we were chatting he said "to be honest you don't really look like you need this surgery, you look ok now". I thanked him but explained that its been a life long struggle with ups and downs. As I left it really made me second guess my decision. Just because I "don't look that fat" doesn't mean I don't fall into the "obese" category or have health problems because of my overweight. Ugh I guess I just needed to vent. Any other low BMI's every experience this?

I have experienced the same thing, you are not alone! One of my good friends told me the exact same thing...I hate having to try and justify myself even though I am not over 40 BMI. This is a decision that I have made to better my life! I want this surgery now BEFORE I get to be over 40 BMI and my co-morbidities worsen. Just try to explain it to them that way and maybe they will understand.

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My BMI was 35 when I started the process with no health issues, and my insurance required a 40 BMI or 35 with 2 related health issues. I was so determined that I put on 30 something pounds just so I would qualify. That's how important this was to me. I have been on every diet in the book and had lost tons of weight just to put it back on. I wanted something to help me maintain my hard work and knew that this was the right choose for me. I only told my family and everyone was supportive, they worried but they wanted to support me because they knew I had already made the choose. My mom was the only one that kept saying I didn't need it, and it was mainly because she was scared, but she is fine now that the surgery part is over. I hadn't told my co-workers and never will, because I know I would only get negative comments. I had my surgery 2/14 and have dropped most all the weight that I gained to qualify and I'm excited about dropping the rest and enjoying my new body for life. Good Luck and stay encouraged.

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Today was the second time that someone told me that they didn't think i was "big enough" to justify having this surgery. I take this as a backhanded compliment. I'm what's considered to be a low BMI. However, im qualified for this surgery and have full support of my doctors. My bmi is 37.5. I am a 31 yr old female. I weight 238 right now, my highest weight. I'm 5'7". I have about 80-90 lbs to lose to be a healthy weight. I take it as a compliment because its as if they are saying "ehh your not so bad" but it also really hurts my feeling and makes me second guess myself. I'm very overweight, I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and am at risk of becoming a diabetic. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I've been bullied, I have low self esteem and I've tried every diet in the book. Twice. I don't know I guess I'm jus feeling discouraged. The funny part is that I was told this as I was leaving my pysc evaluation, in which the physiologist told me he fully supports me having the surgery, thinks I've very well prepared and educated. As I was leaving his office I made small talk with another sleeve patient waiting to go in. As we were chatting he said "to be honest you don't really look like you need this surgery, you look ok now". I thanked him but explained that its been a life long struggle with ups and downs. As I left it really made me second guess my decision. Just because I "don't look that fat" doesn't mean I don't fall into the "obese" category or have health problems because of my overweight. Ugh I guess I just needed to vent. Any other low BMI's every experience this?

It's your decision to make. Why is it that we let people dictate what we do or how we feel about our own bodies? So, we're too fat for most everything, but not fat enough for surgery??? I say screw 'em, lol. If you wait until you are "big" enough for them to think you need surgery, imagine what they would think then...and more importantly, how you would feel about yourself.

You are making a decision to reclaim power over YOUR body, not theirs! Sometimes, we have to be our own cheerleader! And when you're feeling like you can't handle it, imagine those pom=poms cheering YAY just for you! :)

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I too have experienced the same treatment. My BMI is 37 and I'm 5 7 surgery date 3/18. For some strange reason I feel obligated to tell my close friends and most have been astonished. Like I said I was going to the moon to visit an alien! I guess shock and disbelief. Most said I was not big enough. I may have lost a new friend who is a vegetarian workout addict although that would not make her a friend. Luckily I had one Dr. Friend whose first response was "good for you" and my boss who likened my struggle with food to her nicotine habit. Although I've had a few positive responses most say I'm not big enough or if I'd just eat better and workout. I've resorted to telling them that I have no willpower and I will use this as a tool. I'm not sure how healthy that statement is or the fact that I have to persuade them to try on my shoes. I've decided not to tell most others until after the surgery because then I would so hope not to hear that same statement. Bottom line we are doing this for ourselves to live a longer happier life and for me to lead by example to my young children. I'm so glad I'm not alone on this journey and you all are my tribe you validate my decisions viewpoints! Rock on!

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Don't ever let someone opinion offend you. Smile at them and say God bless you. God made us all different shapes and sizes. Most of us that are overweight are just not happy with ourselves and want the healthy body. You are beautiful and from your post I can tell you have a good heart. Stay strong and don't let society's a pinion of you dictate who you are and how God made you.

As for me, my BMI is in the low 30's. Im 5'9 235, being in law enforcement it's a priority to be healthy bc your life and others depends on you being able to take care of yourself in a critical situation. Not exercising and bad eating habits got me in the situation I'm in now. I got approved for the sleeve due to borderline diabetes, HBP AND my ridiculous cholesterol levels and a few more health problems. I've tried diets, I exercise 4 times a week and nothing changes. My stomach is never full, I never seem to be satisfied with one sweet or snack, my body wants more junk food.

One thing that I have to be able to realize and we all should, changing our eating habits and excising properly will keep us healthy. The sleeve will help us, but it takes dedication and hard work to keep us out of the situation were in now. WE ALL CAN DO IT! PRAY FOR EVERYONE THAT GOD BLESSES MAKING A BIG LEAP GETTING THE SLEEVE. KEEP US ON TRACK FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AND LONG LIFE AHEAD!!!

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Today was the second time that someone told me that they didn't think i was "big enough" to justify having this surgery. I take this as a backhanded compliment. I'm what's considered to be a low BMI. However' date=' im qualified for this surgery and have full support of my doctors. My bmi is 37.5. I am a 31 yr old female. I weight 238 right now, my highest weight. I'm 5'7". I have about 80-90 lbs to lose to be a healthy weight. I take it as a compliment because its as if they are saying "ehh your not so bad" but it also really hurts my feeling and makes me second guess myself. I'm very overweight, I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and am at risk of becoming a diabetic. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I've been bullied, I have low self esteem and I've tried every diet in the book. Twice. I don't know I guess I'm jus feeling discouraged. The funny part is that I was told this as I was leaving my pysc evaluation, in which the physiologist told me he fully supports me having the surgery, thinks I've very well prepared and educated. As I was leaving his office I made small talk with another sleeve patient waiting to go in. As we were chatting he said "to be honest you don't really look like you need this surgery, you look ok now". I thanked him but explained that its been a life long struggle with ups and downs. As I left it really made me second guess my decision. Just because I "don't look that fat" doesn't mean I don't fall into the "obese" category or have health problems because of my overweight. Ugh I guess I just needed to vent. Any other low BMI's every experience this?[/quote']

Girl jump on the low bmi bus... I'm the driver!

All those things you said I go through every day since I decided to do this and is such a freaking struggle! I have even cried! Thinking I must be crazy because no one else see it. I change my mind every single hour of he day but then when I'm at my lowest point I remember why m doing this...

I'm 5'4 202 pounds I do aerobics 4 times a week and recently started to add cycling once a week too. I hate being fat plain and simple. I remember the vivacious girl I was once and I want her back. I lost all the confidence I ever had on myself. I'm not going to lie, I'm really scared I know this will be difficult and I know is no walk in the park. But I'm mostly scared of complications.im not sick now don't want to be sick later either. But the truth is want me back. Losing 60-70 would be a record weight for me but losing at least 45 would bring back the girl I was before, and I just can't do it alone.

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Today was the second time that someone told me that they didn't think i was "big enough" to justify having this surgery. I take this as a backhanded compliment. I'm what's considered to be a low BMI. However' date=' im qualified for this surgery and have full support of my doctors. My bmi is 37.5. I am a 31 yr old female. I weight 238 right now, my highest weight. I'm 5'7". I have about 80-90 lbs to lose to be a healthy weight. I take it as a compliment because its as if they are saying "ehh your not so bad" but it also really hurts my feeling and makes me second guess myself. I'm very overweight, I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and am at risk of becoming a diabetic. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I've been bullied, I have low self esteem and I've tried every diet in the book. Twice. I don't know I guess I'm jus feeling discouraged. The funny part is that I was told this as I was leaving my pysc evaluation, in which the physiologist told me he fully supports me having the surgery, thinks I've very well prepared and educated. As I was leaving his office I made small talk with another sleeve patient waiting to go in. As we were chatting he said "to be honest you don't really look like you need this surgery, you look ok now". I thanked him but explained that its been a life long struggle with ups and downs. As I left it really made me second guess my decision. Just because I "don't look that fat" doesn't mean I don't fall into the "obese" category or have health problems because of my overweight. Ugh I guess I just needed to vent. Any other low BMI's every experience this?[/quote']

My BMI was 41 I lost some weight in my own about a year before surgery lost 30 lbs my BMI dropped to 38 I still went ahead with the sleeve so I can lose the other 80 lbs. I'm 5'1 was 243 days of surgery 02/20/13 I weight 208. I'm down 10 lbs so far loving my sleeve!

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I have a low BMI as well, 35. I don't have high blood pressure, diabetes, or any other health issue - yet. So, I'm having to pay for my surgery. I'm sure it will be completely worth it. I'm so frustrated with being overweight. I'm looking forward to not feeling hungry every second of the day. Surgery is March 14th, can't wait!!

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Just go to TJ Mexico they will do it for u

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