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Hey K-Kat,

I am BCBS Federal, not BCBS of AL. Federal doesn't make you jump through as many hoops as AL does. My papers were submitted last week so I figure it will be a few weeks before I hear anything from them but Neaomi at Dr. Schmitt's office told me that they usually approve it pretty easily.

I actually had already done the 6-months of Dr. supervised weight loss (more like 3 years) so even if they made me do that I had already done it before I went to Dr. Schmitt. I have had a weight problem as long as I can remember, my mother had me in a child nutrition class when I was like 8 years old. I had just gotten used to the fact that I was going to be big all of my life but when I had my son my body just completely changed and I am heavier than I was when I was 9 months pregnant and no matter what I do I just can't get the weight off. That is what made me decide to try lapband. Hopefully I will get approved.

Are you going to the group tomorrow at Medical Center East? It is at 10:30 AM and anyone is welcome.

Hey Season!

How are you? I went to the Lap Band support group meeting back in February after I attended the Lap Band/Gastric Seminar at MCE earlier that morning.

I'm really torn as to what to do---I know that my BCBS will now pay for Lap band if I meet the requirements. At the same time, I've been battling my weight since 6th grade. Up-down-up-down...like a roller coaster. For the past several years I've tried every diet under the sun at least three times and while I've lost some weight each time I can't maintain it, or it just plateaus and then I get discouraged and fall off the wagon again and gain it back. The thought of going on another major diet horrifies me, but BCBS will only authorize surgery after I have been on a supervised diet for 7 months.

I've gotten to the point where I avoid family get-togethers, going out with friends...I hate to be seen in public, always depressed---it's just really killing my psyche and my spirit. My other problem is if I self pay, I'm still trying to secure the other half of the payment. My husband and I are both teachers and still paying student loans, etc. So...I just feel like I'm in a catch-22.

Any advice from anyone would be soooo appreciated.

Have a great weekend!

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Hey Season!

How are you? I went to the Lap Band support group meeting back in February after I attended the Lap Band/Gastric Seminar at MCE earlier that morning.

I'm really torn as to what to do---I know that my BCBS will now pay for Lap band if I meet the requirements. At the same time, I've been battling my weight since 6th grade. Up-down-up-down...like a roller coaster. For the past several years I've tried every diet under the sun at least three times and while I've lost some weight each time I can't maintain it, or it just plateaus and then I get discouraged and fall off the wagon again and gain it back. The thought of going on another major diet horrifies me, but BCBS will only authorize surgery after I have been on a supervised diet for 7 months.

I've gotten to the point where I avoid family get-togethers, going out with friends...I hate to be seen in public, always depressed---it's just really killing my psyche and my spirit. My other problem is if I self pay, I'm still trying to secure the other half of the payment. My husband and I are both teachers and still paying student loans, etc. So...I just feel like I'm in a catch-22.

Any advice from anyone would be soooo appreciated.

Have a great weekend!

I understand about weight killing your spirit, believe me I've been right there with you for a really long time. I finally got to the mind set that I am who I am take it or leave it. If your friends are anything like mine they are all skinny and don't have a clue what it is like to even be 5lbs over weight, much less 100lbs. (One of my best friends made the top 5 in the Miss Alabama Beauty Pagent)

What does your hubby think about pay for the band? You would probably come out alot better $ wise if you went to Medi trim or somewhere like that, which is overseen by a Dr., so that would count towards your 7 months for BCBS. Were you going to have to see any other Dr's *Cardio, Psych, etc.* Does your regular physician have a problem with surgery?

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I understand about weight killing your spirit, believe me I've been right there with you for a really long time. I finally got to the mind set that I am who I am take it or leave it. If your friends are anything like mine they are all skinny and don't have a clue what it is like to even be 5lbs over weight, much less 100lbs. (One of my best friends made the top 5 in the Miss Alabama Beauty Pagent)

What does your hubby think about pay for the band? You would probably come out alot better $ wise if you went to Medi trim or somewhere like that, which is overseen by a Dr., so that would count towards your 7 months for BCBS. Were you going to have to see any other Dr's *Cardio, Psych, etc.* Does your regular physician have a problem with surgery?

Hi Season,

How did the meeting at MCE go today? Did anybody bring up the topic of BCBS paying for the surgery? I'm just waiting on my 3-page packet from BCBS of all of their guidelines and stipulations to arrive in the mail. I know about the 7 month diet, but I want to see what else they require.

My husband is very supportive but thinks that I need to seek advice from other people who are in the same situation (self-pay vs. insurance pay). He knows how badly I want to start though, and the advantage of self pay is that you avoid all of the hoops and get started quicker. Maybe I'm just impatient, but I'm just tired of putting my life on hold and making the excuse, "I'll do that when I lose weight," etc.

I'm excited for you though, and let's continue to stay in touch. I know that you will do GREAT with your band!! (:

Talk to you soon! (:

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Hi Season,

How did the meeting at MCE go today? Did anybody bring up the topic of BCBS paying for the surgery? I'm just waiting on my 3-page packet from BCBS of all of their guidelines and stipulations to arrive in the mail. I know about the 7 month diet, but I want to see what else they require.

My husband is very supportive but thinks that I need to seek advice from other people who are in the same situation (self-pay vs. insurance pay). He knows how badly I want to start though, and the advantage of self pay is that you avoid all of the hoops and get started quicker. Maybe I'm just impatient, but I'm just tired of putting my life on hold and making the excuse, "I'll do that when I lose weight," etc.

I'm excited for you though, and let's continue to stay in touch. I know that you will do GREAT with your band!! (:

Talk to you soon! (:

:notagree UUUGGGGGGG I am sitting at work, I have to work midnight to 8AM in the morning which is absolutely no fun at all, the only perk to it is that I will be off work Friday so I get a really long Memorial Day weekend :) !!!!!

The meeting went great this morning! Today was my first one and I got my hubby :love: to come with me. I think he really enjoied it also. Tami told everyone her story and she did such an amazing job and is so inspiring. :humble:

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Good Morning Everyone!

I just wanted to day Hi! I got my letter from BCBS yesterday saying that they have approved my band surgery!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How long did it take you'll to get a surgery date?

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Dr. Miles at Medical Center East did my band two years ago. It was $16,000. Love him, he is great.

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Hey I am scheduled for surgery on June 27th with Dr Scmitt. Have any of you used him? How is he, How is the hospital and how are you:)?

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Season, congratulations! I'm so glad you've been approved and are ready to go. When I got my surgery last fall, I was able to schedule it within 2-3 weeks of calling. But, based on the number of people at the support group meetings over the past few months, I'm guessing their schedule is getting fuller! Let us know when your surgery is scheduled!

And, thanks for your kind words about my talk at the support group meeting. I hadn't spoken in front of a group in many, many years, and was surprised how nervous I was! I love talking about the lap band, though, and wish everyone who is severely obese would at least consider it. It's made such a huge difference in my life. For the first time in my life I don't have anxiety about food. I feel like I'm at peace with it. I can have a treat/splurge now and then, and the band is always there to help me get back on track.

Bamalama, Dr. Miles did my surgery, but I went to a seminar by Dr. Schmitt and he did one of my fills. He also did the surgery for one of my good friends. I really like them both, and wouldn't hesitate to go with either one.

June 27th is my anniversary, so in a way I got "banded" on the same day as you will be! (Wedding banded, that is.) Good luck with your surgery.


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Hey Everyone!

I have my nutrition class on Friday, June 8, at 8:00 AM, and my pre-op appt sometime on Friday too, I haven't found out exactly what time my appt is yet! My surgery is scheduled for Monday, June 11 with Dr. Schmitt!

I am supposed to shoot wedding pics on June 23 so I am hoping I will be able to do it, I usually end up squatting up and down ALOT shooting wedding pics. If I am not up to it I guess hubby will have to do it for me.

Tami, Congrats on your anniversary coming up!!! How long have you been married? With your surgery did you have the gas and shoulder pain that everyone talks about on here? Did your skin shrink with you? I have been curious about how many folks have to have a tummy tuck/surgry to remove excess skin. I am hoping I don't have to do that! What all do they do on the pre-op appts?

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I don't know Dr Schmitt but I hear he is good too. I stayed one day in the hospital and it was fine. I haven't had any band problems. My problems include a lack of motivation on my part. I lost 40 lbs. I recently had all of my Fluid taken out due to the band being too tight. I am slowly working my way back up in fills. Looking forward to losing 40 more. Good luck. PS. My port is in my chest. This seems to be easier to find when doing fills. I haven't had any problems. You might ask about it.

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They are telling me that I will be done as an outpatient. Has anyone of you gone home the same day? I live in Dothan so that is quite a drive>

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They are telling me that I will be done as an outpatient. Has anyone of you gone home the same day? I live in Dothan so that is quite a drive>

Hi Bamalama! I had Dr. Schmitt. He's nice. In fact, everyone at the hospital was super nice!!

I was also an outpatient, which was ok, 'cause I was only going to the Prattville/Montgomery area. The day after, I felt great and was up and doing lots of things around the house...the day after that, not so much! So, you might want to consider going to a motel after your surgery and making the drive the next day (you do have someone driving you don't you?). Others might not agree though.

Best of luck. You'll be fine.

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Season, wow, your surgery is almost here! I'll bet you'll be OK for the photo shoot. I was pretty much back to normal within a week, except for heavy lifting.

You asked about my anniversary...it's our 27th this year, which is so totally hard for me to believe. I got married when I was 10, of course. LOL

I had some gas pains in the first couple of days after surgery. I had a really bad gas bubble in my lower left abdomen in the recovery room, and it took some extra pain meds to even get me to the point where I could stand up. But, it eased up enough for me to get on home, and it was gone that afternoon. The remaining gas pains weren't all that bad. I think I was off of pain meds by mid-day the 3rd day after surgery.

As for the skin, well, it could be better. I'll have to admit to already having had plastic surgery in the past. I lost 90 lbs. about 12 years ago, all the way to goal, and had a lower body lift and breast lift/augmentation. Unfortunately, I threw that all out the window with the re-gain. :-( My breasts definitely need some work, but I think I'll wait a bit on anything else. I'm 47 years old, and don't have a real driving desire to have a tight bod any more! I'm just thrilled to look good in clothes again.

At the pre-op appointment they want to make sure you have paid if you are self-pay (lol---hey, they have their priorities, too), do a blood draw, and an ekg. I think that's when Naomi gave me the book by Jessie Ahroni, too. And they give you a link to the Emmi site online, which is basically an instructional site to make sure you know what you're getting into. They also give you some pre-op info, like fasting the day before surgery, and doing a bowel cleanse. For the bowel cleanse, you drink this nasty-tasting stuff and stay verrrry close to a bathroom for several hours.

Bamalama, yep, my surgery was outpatient. I went in at the crack of dawn, had the surgery at 7am, and was on my way home by noon. I only live about 25" from MCE, so that was no problem for me. I agree with the idea of staying a night in town if you can. Dothan would be quite a drive right out from surgery. But, on the other hand, as long as you're on your pain meds, and can recline in the seat while someone else drives, you'll probably just sleep most of the day, anyway.

One tip for those of you getting ready for surgery. Make sure you take your pain meds on that first day. I fell asleep when I got home, and was a couple hours late for my next dose. It then took about 30-45" for the pain meds to kick in. So, even though you'll probably sleep a good bit that first day, set an alarm, or have someone wake you to take your medicine. And get up and walk around, too. That really helps with the gas.

Also, see if they'll give you the prescription for your pain medication at your pre-op meeting. I didn't get mine until the day of surgery, and that meant a side trip to the pharmacy on the way home. Make sure you have a liquid medicine measuring cup/spoon, or pick one up while you're there.

Good luck ya'll,


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Hey Everyone!I had my nutrition class this morning and my pre-op appt this afternoon. I am supposed to be at the hosptial at 6:15 AM on Monday morning I am the 2nd surgery of the day! They didn't do my blood work today so they said they would do it Monday morning when I got there. The nutrition class was very helpful, she told us that she recommends us not eating anything over 15 carbs per meal (when we get to the regular "food" stage). went to WallyWorld and got my *YUMMY* Fleet Lemon something Soda for Sunday, gee that should be a fun evening I am not looking forward to experiencing. I have to take 3tbl spoons at 1PM and then again at 6PM, Clear Liquids only and nothing to drink after midnight.I went to GNC this afternoon and found some New Whey Protein mix, you mix it with Water or juice, it is pineapple, Orange, Bananna flavor, It smells pretty good and has 50 grams of protein for 1 scoop, with no sugar, fat or carbs and only 120 calories. I figured it would be really good mixed with Sunrise Crystal Light orange. We are supposed to be getting 60 grams of protein a day, so that one scoop gets us a huge chunk of our protein for the day!!!I hope everyone had a great Friday!

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Hi, I recognized your screenname from AOL....I live in Bham. I didn't even know there was an ALABAM support group. I'm so excited! Please keep me up on your experience, I'm just waiting for my 6 months to pass before BCBS of AL will pay.

Who's your surgeon? I'm going to MCE.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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