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January Bandsters???

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Shawn and Dee -- I'm here for you guys! We can do this! Baby steps, right?

Angyl - I'm so glad your port revision went well. I'm sure your 5lb fluctuation was due to swelling. Our bodies are wierd like that. I wanted to tell you I'm in the same boat as far as fluids go. I end up drinking a lot at night, just to get a decent amount in, but it's still nowhere near what I used to drink.

Jen -- Oh my goodness, what a scary situation! I'll keep you in my prayers. Keep hanging in there, and keep us posted on how you are doing!

Josie - we are band sisters! I was banded on the 22nd too B)

Update on me: This last fill of mine is crazy tight. I get a little panicky sometimes because of how little I'm eating. Apparently, it is all paranoia though, because doc says everything sounds fine. I have to check in next Monday just in case because my surgeon leaves for a new position in Chicago in a few weeks! Gotta get this fill under control before she goes. Anyway, a typical day for me has been like this: hot/warm liquids before noon. If I'm up super early on a work day I can eat a small granola bar at 10. If I'm home, I don't take solids until lunchtime. lunch has been about 1-2oz of fish or burger and a couple bites of veggies. If I'm working then I eat Soup or something else soft (I apparently get pretty tense at work and I've had one too many slime episodes in front of my coworkers). dinner is working out a little better. Today I had 2 oz of ground beef with 1 slice of cheese on top and a small pickle. And no, I'm rarely hungry. Could this be it? Hell, I've dropped 3lbs this week already!


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Wow Jennifer how scary! Just one vomitting incident and your band slipped!? How scary! I will be praying for you.

Ok guys, I am stalled too! My eating isn't bad but I am not at the gym much these days. I can't get below a 70lb loss. I was at 72 down but I bumped back up!. I am torn between just thinking my body needs to adjust to the weight loss or making an appointment with my therapist because I wonder if I am sabatoging myself! I am still losing inches, my clothes are getting looser. I know I need to get back to the gym too.

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And I am not drinking anywhere the amount of Water I did pre-band. I used to drink tons too but since I can't guzzle anymore its hard to get my water in.! Lets get re-motivated ladies!

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Thank you everyone for your kind words, prayers, etc.

Now when I talk about vomiting, keep in mind I mean the full-fledged, muscles totally contracting and coming from the pit kind of vomit. I am not talking about PB or a spit up of food.< /p>

Josie, if you are vomiting every couple of days and you are absolutely sure you are not eating: too fast, too big of bites or too much, then you are too tight. It is NOT worth it to be too tight. If you can't get the amount of food in that you need it will slow down your metablolism anyway and you will stop losing as much and might gain.

I have vomited a couple times since January, I then started vomiting about every other day a couple weeks ago and my doctor and I wondered about my gallbladder. We ruled that out and then between Thursday and Friday, before the emergency surgery I vomited about ten times. Ironically, this is not what made the stomach prolapse through the band - it was from something (vomiting possibly, they aren't sure) that happened awhile back. They are still quite perplexed over the whole thing.

I feel better today although pretty weak. My brother took me to a job interview that I have had planned for about two weeks and I was able to function as a normal person.

The weight is just falling off at this point but I am going to be really baggy since I can't exercise - I won't complain, I promise. I can always build the muscle later.

Wow, I still just think over the last couple of days and can't believe all that has happened.

We can do this, especially together. We will reach our goals, we will be healthy. We will extend our lives and the quality of our lives. Go January Bandsters!!!!!

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Hey, guys! I've been MIA for a while because of work and a lot of personal crises. My weight loss has stalled, but in all honesty, I have not been trying - not even a little bit. In fact, I'm eating whatever I want and not worrying about it. I did get on the scale today and am down a few more pounds. Without the band, I'm sure I would have gained 15. Seriously, I'm eating Cookies, brownies, chocolate, etc.

Jen -- I'm so sorry to hear about your complications. You're the first slip among us January Bandsters, aren't you? I hope your recovery goes quickly.

Sunshine -- Good luck with the knee. Give us updates when you can.

I haven't been able to read back through all the pages of posts but am trying to get caught up with you all. Just being on this forum is helping me get my motivation back. The personal crises are not over yet, but I've finally reached the point of acceptance and that has given me some inner peace. Among other things, I'm dealing with a very sick elderly cat, who I've spent a lot of time and money on, and I've finally accepted that his time to pass is coming soon and I need to stop fighting it -- for his sake and mine. I've been on constant vigil with him, trying to make him as comfortable as possible, so I haven't given any thought to my weight lately. But getting back on this forum is a good start to getting back on track.

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Hey enterprise! Glad to have you back :confused:

I'm very sorry to hear about your kitty. I know how it is to deal with a sick pet -- It is so hard to let go.

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Thanks, Juno. I know other animal lovers understand what I'm going through.

Good news today -- according to the BMI chart, I am now officially "overweight" as opposed to "obese." Yay!!!!

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Well, after a hellish few days, I've decided I need a bit of an unfill. I have an appointment on monday bright and early. As I sit here typing, I get a huge loud gurgle noise about every 30 seconds. And this is after drinking about 4 oz of iced tea! I didn't even bother with dinner tonight. Could you imagine if I was in public with these noises? Eating has been such a chore these last few days -- I know in my heart being banded is NOT supposed to be like this. I'm hoping that with a bit of unfill, my hunger will still be sufficiently dimmed, and I'll be able to eat a little more normally. *sigh*

I hope everyone else is having a better week.


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Wow guys, We're on the first page. I have been AWOL myself with chores, work and a class I took. Sounds like we all need each other here and the support. I'm pulling for you all. I gotta go back and read the band slipping issue...I can't believe I missed that one. Hope all is going better Jen.

I am totally an animal lover. They are my kids and I absolutely can relate to being in the crisis of the final time period and fighting so hard to make it one more day. I have found that when I talk to myself and ask me if I'm doing this for me and my interests or for my beloved pet...and what is in his/her best interests, I am able to make the right decisions. I also have the mindset that this is my final gift for all that they have given me, to make sure the last days are with as much dignity and minimal suffering. I will survive the loss. And you will too. It is part of our responsibility. I lost two beloved dogs last year, in the same month. Whew..that was a tough one. March is a shitty month for me and my pets.

Okay, enough of that...I am eating too much, too bad, etc. I am not motivated to exercise...do you suppose it is the seasonal change? Going into fall, the days shorter, cooler? I am tired and can't get myself going. I do all the talking in my head, but I still go get that cookie. I feel restriction, but am eating around the band. I don't feel it is time for another fill at all. It is me!

I do have a court issue coming up this friday (no I'm not going to jail!! :) But that is inducing a lot of stress and anxiety. Maybe when the matter is put to rest, I can get on track again. I'll have to ponder this..it just came to me.

So, I'm going to work hard on my mental frame of mind and try to get it right by MONDAY. I always start on monday.

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Thanks, Sula. You're right. It all comes down to what's best for him. Last night was a bad night. He's restless and confused and cries out a lot, so I know the time is near. We have a vet appt Saturday and if they can't do anything to make him more comfortable, then I'm going to have to end it. On a more positive note, I've been fostering a mother and baby cat for the SPCA for the past 8 weeks. Mama is getting spayed today and baby is being put up for adoption. I've decided to keep mama kitty and I know she'll boost my spirits some during this rough time. She's a love bug and coos like crazy.

Juno -- it's probably best to loosen it up some. I think my band is also too tight and I've been eating around it as a result. And if I don't eat around it, I end up throwing up, which we know is bad for the band. What I don't get is how it is way too tight one day and just fine the next. I might have 3-4 good days where I can eat carefully and moderately, and everything goes down fine. Then I have a week of continually vomiting when I'm following the same rules and eating the same foods. That's when I gorge myself on Cookies because those always go down easily. Although I know rationally that I should get a small unfill, I'm so afraid of not having enough restriction. So, Juno, you're a braver (and smarter) person than I.

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I do have a court issue coming up this friday (no I'm not going to jail!! :car: But that is inducing a lot of stress and anxiety. Maybe when the matter is put to rest, I can get on track again. I'll have to ponder this..it just came to me.

Good luck, Sula. I work in the legal industry and spend a lot of time in court. I'm a litigation support manager and I do all the fancy demonstrative exhibits during trial. I find that stressful, so I can only imagine how bad it is for the plaintiffs and defendants. I hope all goes well for you. Please keep us posted.

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Okay, I'm dying here...second PB event (one currently ongoing as I spit my way through this post. Too tight with nerves I'm guess...soft liquids as soon as I can function again.

My hearing...sat there for 1 hour 15 minutes (phone hearing) before they called. I am a therapist...a social worker..I used the word psychological (as in I do psychological evaluations) and got reported to my licensing board..that is a no-no, as of July1, 2005. So, I'm being reprimanded, or at least they are trying. I posed today that I used that term in my advertising before the law was enacted...they (the "prosecutor") said, I don't want to just roll over on this issue, we need more proof So, the whole thing, after my 15 minute "hearing" was postponed while I try to track down when the phone book people sent me the "copy" to approve or disapprove. Sheesh! Some people don't have enough to do I guess.... My bad, I know, but come on!!

Anyway, I was rushing today. I had a 2 a.m. horse crisis that I was up in the middle of the night to resolve (nothing major but who knew) a 8:30 am crisis session, 9:30 hair and pedicure (ahhh, my moment to relax) then rush to eat (cuz I haven't all day so far) and had a few bites of chow mein and a bit of chicken and got stuck. Cripe!! Finally threw up...really as I was driving. After slobbering all over myself in the car... Then I'm fine but feel crappy.

Get home at 3:00 and unload groceries and have a few bites of the egg roll and voila'...I'm sliming all over again. I just don't learn!!

Alright, I'm venting and I appreciate you reading this...somehow typing frantically is helping!! This too shall pass..altho I will have another date with the licensing board, I think!

I'm done eating today..the good news :)

Thanks I feel better.


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Just stopping by to say hello...get well Sunshine2!

Be blessed!

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Hey all;

Just two weeks since my third fill and I'm really working the band like it's meant to be. Restriction is fabulous...though sometimes frustrating. My brain just can't quite grasp that TINY amount of food - and I'm satisfied! lol

Anyway...my biggest fear with the band was PBing. Well - I DID IT; YIPEEE! Crazy as it sounds - I hadn't done it yet, and it still weighed on my mind. I was up late, and was tossing and turning. I got myself a slice of turkey breast. Chewed well, down it went. I went back to bed a few minutes later and was off to dream land. I literally sat up, and just about 1/000 of a second later opened my mouth to PB a hand full of wet slimey turkey. I was like "WHAT THE FRIG???" Then I realized what had happened. I was soooooooooooo tired, didn't 'remember' to wait a bit before laying down. So that was my offical first time. hehehe No longer a virgin.

2nd time (I'm getting around!) I (without a 2nd thought) ate 1/3 (the end) of an eggroll. All these months with hardly any restriction - and now the third fill did the trick. Anyway...I was STUCK so bad for 40 minutes, I almost was in tears this time - worst yet. I started to walk circles around the dining room table. Then felt 'it'...ran to the sink - bwaaaah...regurg'ed eggroll - right down the trash compactor.

So my fellow January Bandsters - I feel like I've truly joined the real life of Bandsterville. No longer pure. :)

(((the scale is moving dowwwwwwwwwwn)))

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Egg roll is what got me the second time today. And I bet it was about 40 minutes before it passed. Holy moly is right...no reguritation on that tho...just the morning episode.

It isn't as bad as you fear, but it is bad enough. Soup for dinner for me tonight.

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