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January Bandsters???

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Okay, I had a fill 2 1/2 weeks ago, I am up to 3.0 cc's in a 4cc band. I had GREAT restriction and actually thought I could be too tight. Now I don't feel the restriction so much, yes I have a little but tonight I way overate at some friends house. I'm worried that something weird is going on.

I know the doc that gave me my first and 2nd fill was amazed at how my body just adapts to the fills, I think I will call the doc tomorrow and go for another fill, or at least let him look at me under flouro. Something weird is going on, I force myself not to eat as much, but tonight, I ate way too much.

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Hey Tonya, I was missing in action, but I wanted to say that you are doing real well.

Also, thanks to those who gave me advice regarding the friend's of my family, and what I should tell them about how I'm losing weight.

Now, regarding the body re-adjusting to fills. Per the information booklets and my surgeon, the stomach is padded with fat. As we lose the fat around the stomach, our band will loosen. Which is why adjustments are a constant in banding.

As for me, finally came off my plateau long enough to drop 1 lb. One more to go before I reach my first mini-goal. I think I'll run around the house, too...uh, but Tonya, I may put on my housecoat first. Don't want to scare myself if I happen to pass the mirror. LOL.

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I have the same problem....right after a fill I think this is it, no more fills. Then a couple weeks later seems like everything is settled in and can eat mostly normal again.

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I’ve been reading the posts in emails, but haven’t actually signed in to the web page to post in a while. I thought I’d join in to the conversation and give an update on my progress. Before I write about me though,


Tonya, your pictures are really inspiring. You look great and of course I can see the difference. Your avatar is as beautiful as you are. Thank you for coming around and keeping all of us encouraged. You go calendar girl!


Gigi, your weight loss is inspiring too. Forty pounds lost is wonderful. I haven’t lost 2 pounds in one week since right after surgery, but lose more like half a pound a week it seems. Thanks for the news.


Enterprise</ST1:p, I’m so sorry you are under such stress right now. I have a dearly beloved cat myself that is getting up there in years. I still think you have made wonderful progress – already 41 pounds lost! We started out about the same and you are way ahead of me. I hope your work situation gets better, and that you are able to get the rest your body needs. Are you making sure you get in enough Protein? With all the stress going on you might need some extra supplements.< /span>


Juno – I am in the same situation as you. Going on a tropical trip this summer, wanting to lose another 10-15 pounds and yet not wanting to get over-filled beforehand. Do you suffer from chronic asthma or exercise induced asthma? Is there a preventative medication that you can take? Have you shopped for clothes for your trip yet? I’m trying to put off buying anything until as late as possible.


Hi Chris, thanks for the laugh about running around the house. I can relate to that! I read all the responses about the questions and probing of others because I face the same thing. Lately when someone asks me about my weight loss, I honestly tell them that I am trying very hard to lose weight because I am going to Jamaica this summer. That is the truth. Information about my surgery is none of their business, unless I want it to be.


Lisa, congratulations on such great progress – I’m really impressed. I too find that I adjust to fills after a while and wonder if that means that I haven’t found my sweet spot yet.


My own update: I feel pretty good about my own progress, but it seems to be a very slow process. I’ve had 3 fills, and the last put me to 1.8cc in my 4.0 band. There are times when I have had problems due to eating too fast or not chewing enough. If I am afraid that I am getting stuck, then I fall into the habit of taking a very small sip of Water, which is against all the band rules. I am going to Jamaica in July and want to lose as fast as possible without running into overfill problems.


For the first time in over 12 years I have been trying on bathing suits. The first shopping trip was really a disappointment because I don’t feel like I look so good, even though I know that I have dropped 2 sizes. I have purchased 4 bathing suits that fit with the intention of taking 3 of them back. In the back of my mind I am hoping to drop just one more size before July.


On the bright side, I had to buy some new bras and underwear. I made a 100 day post surgery ceremony of throwing away my old “big girl” panties. Has anyone else done something like this?


One thing that I notice is that I can get by without eating much at all for most of the day. By the evening though I am hungry and can eat more than a cup of food. I wish the hunger satisfaction was the same as earlier in the day.


Thanks to all that have been posting. I look forward to reading all your posts each evening.



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Sunshine, Juno, and Tulip -- Thanks for your encouraging and supportive words. I'm going for another fill tomorrow, so I'm hoping that will give me a jump start and I can get back on track. And, no, I'm probably not getting all my Protein in. I'm close, but I know I've been eating too much fruit, which in my opinion is just as bad as candy. Yesterday I'm sure I did get all my protein because I ate an entire "family style" plate of Hunan Kung Bo (scallops, shrimp, beef, and chicken). It concerns me that I can eat that much without even feeling it.

Sunshine, do you worry that they'll put 4 ccs in your band and you still won't feel enough restriction? Because I sure do. I'm amazed at the bandsters who feel complete restriction at 1 cc. I'm envious of them, too.

Tulip, I can relate to the evening hunger. It's much, much, much worse than during the day. And it doesn't help that I'm exhausted at the end of the day and my resolve is weaker as a result. I need to try to make it to Dr. Spivak's support meetings on Tuesday. I think it helps to keep me in the right mindset.

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5Jacks - Yep, we're in the same boat. Whats weird is - today I feel pretty restricted. I guess it comes & goes. I'm going to give it until June and see how it goes. I'm just trying to eat right and exercise.

Inner Me - thank you for your compliments. I'm glad I took a before picture the night before my surgery. At times I start feeling discouraged, I can go back and look at my before picture and realize I have made progress.

Tulip - I'm hungrier in the evening too. I'm just trying to eat a lot of Protein in the evening time, and I eat slower.

Enterprise01 - Yes, I worry that I will have my band completely full and feel no restrictions. Even though our band is 4cc's, my doc and the radiology doctor both state it actually can hold 5 cc's.

I read all these horror stories about PBing and small bites they have to take, I noticed last night, I eat regular size bites, i have NO problem with food getting stuck. I'm just hoping that I continue to lose on this fill. If not, I will be calling the doctor back.

I'm still going strong on my BFL challenge, and have begun week 3! Only 9 1/2 more weeks to go. Not sure if I want to share those pics, I took the before pic in a bikini - YIKES - only because I really wanted to look at my stomach area and see the results after my 12 week challenge. I'm hoping to see some big results. But we'll see. So far, I am very proud of myself, I haven't missed 1 single workout! My goal is to finish this challenge no matter what! We leave for our cruise in 89 days, 1 hour and 14 minutes (I have it on a countdown on my cell phone - lol). So I am hoping to lose another 20 lbs by then.

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Sun: GREAT PICTURE... your hips aren't too big, your PANTS ARE!!! Way to go!! Did you find out why your not feeling very restricted all of a sudden? Does your Doctor use saline or omnipaque for the fills? I feel really restricted most of the time since the 3rd fill. The odd day rolls around when I can eat more, but I can't say that I've been able to over-eat since this fill.

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Hi Bandsters,

Just a little update. I have had my 4th fill last week and I think I may have a little too much restriction. I can hardly get Water down first thing in the morning. About lunch time I have 1 poached egg and I'm full till supper time. For supper I eat very little. And for my late snack I have a sf popsicle. I'm kinda worried I may not be eating enough. Yesterday I had about a half a small scoop of chicken salad and was sliming for about an hour even though I took small bites and chewed well. What do you all think. I am now at 3cc in a 4cc band. Thanks for your advice I need your thoughts.


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Hi Bandsters,

Just a little update. I have had my 4th fill last week and I think I may have a little too much restriction. I can hardly get Water down first thing in the morning. About lunch time I have 1 poached egg and I'm full till supper time. For supper I eat very little. And for my late snack I have a sf popsicle. I'm kinda worried I may not be eating enough. Yesterday I had about a half a small scoop of chicken salad and was sliming for about an hour even though I took small bites and chewed well. What do you all think. I am now at 3cc in a 4cc band. Thanks for your advice I need your thoughts.


Hi Susie! How many cc's of Fluid did you get with your 4th fill? Maybe you should consider having a little bit removed. I've heard of people that were "too filled" and they needed to have like .2cc's removed and it made a huge difference. I agree with you that you may not be eating enough. The last thing that you want to do is mess up your metabolism. These are just my thoughts for you. Best of luck to you! Please keep us posted. Gigi:)

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Hey Susie: Pick me, Pick me... I have advice! As long as you're able to eat, I would give yourself about 10 days for the fill to relax a little. In the meantime, to make sure you're getting enough Protein, I recommend you throw a Protein Shake into your daily routine (and Vitamins of course). I've kinda just been through what you're experiencing. I was ready to go for a small defill, until I noticed the needle on the scale going down... fast. That brought me back to the reality that I'm in this to lose the weight. But, so as not to be completely irresponsible I added a protein shake to my day (1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at noon). The scale is still moving in the right direction and I seem to be managing with some different food choices, smaller bites, and chew, chew (not in a train kinda way). Good luck. Keep us posted.

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Wow; I can actually start to relate to you guys again! So glad that I finally got my fill; and actually HAVE restriction the day after! Whooooooooo hooooooooooo! I know not to get too excited with my first fill; as it may not last too long this great feeling of not being hungry. I'm still on my liquids until 3 p.m. today. The whole process went smoothly, I was pretty prepared for what went on. Didn't really want to look at the fluro screen; but am glad I did; got some great education. I'm still down 28 pounds!!! So from this a.m. forward; I am looking forward to more weight loss. I can also start excercising again, as this week will be two weeks with the cast off my foot.

Feels great to be back in the game!

Sunshine; you look GORGEOUS!

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Susie - Here are some key things if you are too tight. First of all, when you get filled, usually you are tight for the first 48 hours, the pouch is a little irritated & swollen around the band, that is why usually the doc has you do liquids for 48 hours, then soft foods etc.

Are you going to the bathroom 3 times per day, if you are, then you are getting enough liquids in, if not, you might have a problem. Sip on your Water all day long - constantly sip on it, take a sip every 10 to 15 minutes (set a kitchen timer if you have to).

I have found that my fills really lossen up after 2 weeks, but some tighten up after 2 weeks, everyone is different.

If you wake up coughing in the middle of the night, and choking on some liquids, you are too tight for sure. Or if you develop acid refulx in the night, chances are you are too tight.

Keep us updated on how it goes. I have 3 cc's in my 4cc band and I think I need more, its been 3 weeks since my last fill.

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Hi Bandsters,

Just a little update. I have had my 4th fill last week and I think I may have a little too much restriction. I can hardly get Water down first thing in the morning. About lunch time I have 1 poached egg and I'm full till supper time. For supper I eat very little. And for my late snack I have a sf popsicle. I'm kinda worried I may not be eating enough. Yesterday I had about a half a small scoop of chicken salad and was sliming for about an hour even though I took small bites and chewed well. What do you all think. I am now at 3cc in a 4cc band. Thanks for your advice I need your thoughts.


I have to admit I'm a bit envious. I went in for my 4th fill this morning and they filled me up to 3 ccs and put me under the flouroscope. When I drank the barium, the nurse said, "Oh my god, you're wide open!" So they put another .5 ccs in and the barium went through a little slower the 2nd time. I kind of want to be where you are right now with the level of restriction. And since your fill is recent, I'm sure you'll have less restriction in another week or so. Personally, if I were in your shoes, I probably would NOT get a slight unfill. Sunshine gave a good list of guidelines to follow.

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Sun: GREAT PICTURE... your hips aren't too big, your PANTS ARE!!! Way to go!! Did you find out why your not feeling very restricted all of a sudden? Does your Doctor use saline or omnipaque for the fills? I feel really restricted most of the time since the 3rd fill. The odd day rolls around when I can eat more, but I can't say that I've been able to over-eat since this fill.

I understand what the old timers mean when they say "the band is tricky and finicky". My band is loose somedays, and other days it is tighter, in the mornings its tighter than the evenings - USUALLY.

I feel loser than I want to be right now, however, I'm going to give it some time with this level of restriction. I go see the doctor June 22nd so I'm going to try and hold off on a fill until then, however, if I start gaining or quit losing, I will be going in for a fill sooner.

My doctor doesn't do my fills, he sends me over the hospital and their radiology doc does the fills.

Thanks for the compliment, the pants are way too big now, lol. But my hips are big too. I am down a total of 62 lbs now, and can't wait to get out of the 180's, I weighed 175 before I got pregnant with my daugher 14 years ago, and haven't seen that weight since.

The weird thing is, I still feel so fat, its hard seeing myself smaller than I am I think. I have horrible body image, my husband tells me that I need to quit worrying so much about my flab or this or that and be proud of how much I've lost and show it off some. lol. Anyhow, hopefully I will start beoming more confident in my self image.

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Sun: I totally understand what you're saying about body image. Do you think it's because this band thing is so easy and we just can't believe it works so well? I have not felt like I'm on a diet since this journey began, so my mind is always telling me I'm fat.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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