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January Bandsters???

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Hey All!

A few days ago I asked " should I get a fill just 3 weeks before we are scheduled for a cruise on 3-11-07" Well I went to my fill appointment today and told them of my situation and the strongly suggested that I wait till after my cruise. The reason being: they are afraid I will swell up on either the flight to Florida or on the cruise ship itself. They told me that there are a couple of girls on staff that go on cruises and they both say they swell up while on cruises and in fact, the both get a slight unfill before they go on their cruises. They also told me that they can never predict how a fill will go and it would be better to be safe than sorry, after all, the doctor's on the cruise ships would most likely "NOT" know what to do with me should I have problems. So, as one post told me, it's a "NO BRAINER" and another post said to call my doctor. Glad I did. Wheww. I have lost 20LBS since pre-op diet. YEA ME! But I have been stuck for two weeks at the same weight, BOO-HOO, me. I must EXERCISE!!!!!

This is good information to know, I am going on a cruise 8/05 - I go on them all the time too, usually 1 time per year at least. I've already got one booked for 2008 too! Anyhow, I will make sure I don't get a fill right before my cruise! The cruise doctors are not the equiped and THEY ARE VERY EXPENSIVE. I got sick one time and had to go get some meds, $200 later (just for a visit) I got some medicine.

Have fun on your cruise. I'll want to hear all about it, so make sure you come back and tell us how your band did on the cruise. Also, how you enjoyed it with the band. I'm worried the cruise won't be as appealing to me now that I have the band, because a lot of the fun on the cruise for me was eating, and eating, and eating. I got dessert with every meal! I usually gain 10 lbs on a cruise!

Where are you guys going? What cruise line?

I had a good workout tonight on the treadmill, I think I'm finally over my pain with the treadmill and I am 4 1/2 week post op. I still can't lift weights, but will be able to in a couple more weeks I think.

Well, I'm headed to put on my PJ's crawl in bed with a good book and have some major R&R.

night everyone.

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Hey All!

A few days ago I asked " should I get a fill just 3 weeks before we are scheduled for a cruise on 3-11-07" Well I went to my fill appointment today and told them of my situation and the strongly suggested that I wait till after my cruise. The reason being: they are afraid I will swell up on either the flight to Florida or on the cruise ship itself. They told me that there are a couple of girls on staff that go on cruises and they both say they swell up while on cruises and in fact, the both get a slight unfill before they go on their cruises. They also told me that they can never predict how a fill will go and it would be better to be safe than sorry, after all, the doctor's on the cruise ships would most likely "NOT" know what to do with me should I have problems. So, as one post told me, it's a "NO BRAINER" and another post said to call my doctor. Glad I did. Wheww. I have lost 20LBS since pre-op diet. YEA ME! But I have been stuck for two weeks at the same weight, BOO-HOO, me. I must EXERCISE!!!!!

yeah--i agree with the dr's--wait till after vacation. in fact, i have my first fill tomorrow--can't wait to see what it's like. i postponed until after MY vacation--last week in mexico (ahhh, wish i could have stayed forever).

vacation was easy tho--no restriction at all (bad), except for ONE, very slight, momentary "oops, it's stuck" feeling--took too big a bite of something.

hope the restriction comes on after this fill and my weight loss continues. i'm kind of stuck at 20 lbs down--and that's it. on the good side--i feel totally healed--so i'm really ready for the fill!

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I went to my sisters over the weekend and saw my sister, brother and sister in law and they all told me that I look good and that they can see in my face that I have lost weight. They are very excited for me. I returned to work today for the first time since 12/21 (had another surgery 12/26 and then the band on 1/31) and one of the ladies that I work with told me that I looked like I lost weight. She had actually been scheduled to have the band done and backed out 2 weeks before surgery because she had not family support or support from her long time boyfriend. Anyway those were a couple of my NSV's.

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This is good information to know, I am going on a cruise 8/05 - I go on them all the time too, usually 1 time per year at least. I've already got one booked for 2008 too! Anyhow, I will make sure I don't get a fill right before my cruise! The cruise doctors are not the equiped and THEY ARE VERY EXPENSIVE. I got sick one time and had to go get some meds, $200 later (just for a visit) I got some medicine.

Have fun on your cruise. I'll want to hear all about it, so make sure you come back and tell us how your band did on the cruise. Also, how you enjoyed it with the band. I'm worried the cruise won't be as appealing to me now that I have the band, because a lot of the fun on the cruise for me was eating, and eating, and eating. I got dessert with every meal! I usually gain 10 lbs on a cruise!

Where are you guys going? What cruise line?

We are going on the RCCL Freedom of the Sea's, Western Caribbean. It's brand new and we are looking forward to it! :mad: The food use to be a BIG part of my fun on a cruise, but since we go on about 3 times a year, the food is kinda getting old. I have been known to actually lose a pound or two. Sometimes, I wonder how, but we swim and I usually use the gym each day to keep the weight down. I eat out of boredom so I guess since we are busy most of the time, I eat less?? Anyway, I just figure I will nibble on all the same foods, but since I will be eating less all together, shouldn't be a problem. I will definately use the gym just in case. I will keep you posted. What cruise are you taking?

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Dee - I think the Western Caribbean is my favorite. We are going to the Western Caribbean too in August. My DH likes Carnival better than Royal, mainly he likes all the midnight buffet Carnival has - he never gains weight, so he eats all the time! So, we're going on Carnival's Conquest which was built in 2005, so its pretty new. I hear it is a gorgeous ship and huge. I been on Royal about 3 times, and Norweigan twice, I like all cruises, no matter what line. LOL.

I have never stepped foot in the gym while on a cruise, but I plan to this year! So hopefully I won't gain while on the cruise - this will be a first for me.

Amelia40 - CONGRATS on your NSV! When others can tell, it is so rewarding, especially when they tell you how good you look.

Have a good day everyone!

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Sunshine 2.....you're just beautiful! You look great, and so happy!

I got home this a.m. and weighed in...after all (what I thought) was alot of eating - no weight gain! However, no loss either. I definately have stalled. Could also be some PMS creeping up on me. Regardless, I know I have no restriction - and now I'm actually afraid! I just have to stick to my Proteins and stay away from the carbs.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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Sherilynn - I actually gained my 2nd-3rd week, I think from switching from liquids to mushy foods.

Having no restriction would definately be hard to lose weight. You will be going thru what they call Bandster Hell until you get your fill. So, you have right idea with sticking to Proteins first.

I notice for me personally, I don't lose for a week and then suddenly drop 3 or 4 lbs overnight. Then I go thru the same process. I think your body is getting used to the new you, the new eating, etc. And I think it also goes into that starvation mode.

I guess my question is or what I'm wondering is, I can only eat 1/2 cup of food, so I'm only getting around 500 or maybe 600 calories a day. No matter what I do. Will this keep me in starvation mode, will I stop losing if I don't get my calories up to 1000?

I really don't feel like I'm tight, no food getting stuck, I can now take big gulps of Water, I eat normal bite size and I chew. But I still get full after 1/2 cup of food. Its just weird. I would think that I would be getting stuck. Although last night, I was eating my salmon, and I took a bigger bite then normal, it didn't get stuck, but I could feel it squeeze thru the band, it was a little painful. It reminded me to take smaller bites. I keep thinking any day now I will get that raging hunger, but so far nothing and I will be 5 weeks in a few days. I guess I should be grateful for the full feeling and not worry about it.

What do you guys think? Should I get a fill? I'm getting hungry at about 2 to 3 hours after eating, and I eat but only 1/2 cup of food. I go get my blood work tomorrow and my appointment with the doc is 3/1 to discuss my fill.

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I'm feeling 'satisfied' on 1/2 cup of dense Protein, like my cottage cheese. But with some chili, or crabcake - not so much. If I was getting satisfied on only 1/2 cup; I don't think I'd get a fill. ESPECIALLY if you're comfortable with your Water. I'd love to be full on 1/2 cup, yet be able to gulp my water - a dream!!

I am waiting for my doctors office to call me back. I'm hopefully going back at my 6 week (3 more weeks) - and get a fill. I don't want to go there to discuss it, then have to go back again to get it done. Alot of travel/time off of work involved!

BTW - thank you for the recipes - you can be SURE I'll be making one or both this weekend!!

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Dee - I think the Western Caribbean is my favorite. We are going to the Western Caribbean too in August. My DH likes Carnival better than Royal, mainly he likes all the midnight buffet Carnival has - he never gains weight, so he eats all the time! So, we're going on Carnival's Conquest which was built in 2005, so its pretty new. I hear it is a gorgeous ship and huge. I been on Royal about 3 times, and Norweigan twice, I like all cruises, no matter what line. LOL.

I have never stepped foot in the gym while on a cruise, but I plan to this year! So hopefully I won't gain while on the cruise - this will be a first for me.

Amelia40 - CONGRATS on your NSV! When others can tell, it is so rewarding, especially when they tell you how good you look.

Have a good day everyone!

We took the Conquest the first year it was out and it went to the Western Caribbean. It use to sail out of New Orleans. It's pretty neat. We took it in November and it was cold, so that was sucky, but my boys still did the slide with their blue lips and all. :clap2:

We have also cruised on the Grand Princess and I highly recomment that ship. :hungry: They have the best pizza, unfortunately, we can't eat that anymore?? Oh well, no about of Pizza taste as good as thin and healty feels.

I hope everyone had a hunger free day!

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Hey all,

I just was reading the February 2006 anniversary posting. At first I saw some that didn't lose a great deal but then you read further and see some made significant progress toward and meeting their personal WL goals. It was very inspirational. I hope that in a year, we can come together and Celebrate our successes as well.

And one thought...it seemed that many who had success maintained the support of their groups including online. So, I'm here for the long run, how about you guys?


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Hey all,

I just was reading the February 2006 anniversary posting. At first I saw some that didn't lose a great deal but then you read further and see some made significant progress toward and meeting their personal WL goals. It was very inspirational. I hope that in a year, we can come together and Celebrate our successes as well.

And one thought...it seemed that many who had success maintained the support of their groups including online. So, I'm here for the long run, how about you guys?


Shawn, I totally agree with you, support is the key. Studies show that those Bandsters who joined an online support group or attended support meetings were twice as likely to succeed. The success rate was far greater than those who did not have any type of support.

I'm here for the long run! Also, I read that those who kept journals are more successful - so I'm also doing an online journal in this forum.

Another key point to success is exercise - So my goal this week is to exercise for 30 min a day for 5 days, I've done 2, so 3 more to go. (I want to do 6 days).

I'm going to have to go read the thread about the February 2006 Bandsters! We will have to do the same thing next year! Everyone can come back and write their success stories.

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I just went over and read the thread about the February 2006 bandsters. I can't believe the one lady went from a size 20 to a size 1!

The other blonde lady went from 215 down to 135 - I can't wait until January 2008 to see where we are all at!

My goal was to lose 50-60 lbs the fist year, and another 50-60 the 2nd. However, I think I'm changing that to lose 75 the first year, and 25 the second. I know the Window of Opportunity is within the first 18 mos to 2 years. (Window of opportunity means the time it is the easiest to lose weight with the band - after the window closes, its a lot harder, but it can be done.).

So, have any of you set goals on how much you want to lose the first year?

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Just checking in!!!

Today was good!!

Breakfast: 1 coffee

Lunch: tuna

Liquids: 32 ounces

Supplememts: liquid Vitamin, 1 quickslim30 and 1 Biotin

I go for my fill tomorrow!!!!

So, what's up with everyone!!!!! I haven't touched bases with anyone.


You inspire me for sure. You are such a perfect banster!

:clap2: Dee

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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