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January Bandsters???

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The petho position is essentially chest to the ground, butt in the air.

I think of it as a new form of lap-band yoga that allows a person to release the bonds of flatulence and become one with the digestive tract.

It is my granny's old wives tale of getting rid of gas!!! And so far, I have heard it works!! I know it always worked for me!!

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so this one lady at my barn (where I keep my horse) just goes on and on about how I am making a poor decision, and I look fine and beautiful the way I am.(of course, she is slender and fit).I am at the point where I can no longer be polite to her...it is really pissing me off...then she says, well, you can postpone it and think about it..hell, I have had this appt. scheduled since nov! I am going to try to avoid her until wednesday..damn...I wish I didnt say anything...ug!!:angry

That is exactly why I didn't tell anyone. In the past, when talking to women about my weight, they'd say, maybe my body belonged this size!!!!:scared: :thumbs_up: Pardon my french, but WTF is that supposed to mean coming from a thin person!!!! My body is meant to be obese and unhealthy!!!

That is all a bunch of bull. They just don't understand at all what we have gone though our whole lives!!!!! They have an opinion on something they know absolutely nothing about!!!!

I would just tell her "thanks for your opinion, but I have already made the best decision for me, THANK YOU"

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coffee with Splenda and 1 cup low carb soy

5 small bites of an egg,

1/4 cup of tuna with mayo, onion and Tomato,

1 string cheese stick

1/2 cup of lean steak with mushrooms for dinner

1/4 cup black Beans with melted cheddar cheese

(Ate all with no problems; no pb's)

Liquids: 24 ounces crystal light

Supplements: 1 tbsp. Glacial Milk liquid Vitamin

This was my first day of solids and South Beach!! I felt really satified with all this yummy food!!!

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so this one lady at my barn (where I keep my horse) just goes on and on about how I am making a poor decision, and I look fine and beautiful the way I am.(of course, she is slender and fit).I am at the point where I can no longer be polite to her...it is really pissing me off...then she says, well, you can postpone it and think about it..hell, I have had this appt. scheduled since nov! I am going to try to avoid her until wednesday..damn...I wish I didnt say anything...ug!!:angry

I'm sorry you are having to deal with this in addition to preparing for the surgery. I remember researching this for a year, taking pre-surgery classes for 3 months and then, when I told my husband I was ready to schedule the surgery he commented that he thought I was being impulsive! What??? He is really supportive about the lap band, but he was caught off guard when I scheduled the surgery one week in advance.

My sister was very negative about lap band when I discussed this 6 months ago, so I never told her before or after my surgery.

Try not to let others attitudes about your decision bother you. You are making a decision to do something that will bring positive changes for the rest of your life.


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I read this on another message board and wondered if any of Dr. Spivak's patients know about this support group. I plan to attend, anyone else?


This is a flyer that is given to all the patients at his seminars.

Dr. Spivak's bandMD -Wellness Program



The program is designed to assist in the emotional and physical aspects

of post-gastric banding surgery and to maximize weight loss.

Director- Wanda Chase

My name is Wanda Chase. I am 41 years young and I had the LAP-BAND

Surgery one and a half years ago. Before my "Life Changing" surgery I weight 330 pounds and my health was rapidly declining. I already had severe lower back problems requiring the input of metal screws and rods and I experienced major knee problems.

I was not healthy before surgery. My blood pressure was high and I was

on medication for it. My cholesterol was elevated, and I had symptoms of

diabetes. After losing my mother 10 months prior to my surgery from an

aortic dissection (resulting from morbid obesity, diabetes, high blood

pressure, heart disease), I felt I had to do something for "ME" or I

was going to die. I made the biggest choice of my life and had the surgery done with Dr. Spivak. Today I have lost 130 pounds and I take no medication. I am very conscious of everything that goes into my body. I feel very healthy, strong and I exercise everyday.

I am very excited to be involved with Dr. Spivak's bandMD- Wellness

Program. Over many years, I have tried many diets and programs and failed. I finally found something that works and I want to share my story and give people help and prospect. Because I have experienced a lot of what you are going through.

Just a brief over view, ant the wellness program we will have many

topics of discussion on exercising properly, Portion Control, nutrition, the

mental aspect of weight loss and much more. We will have guest speakers on a variety of issues. We will have a fashion trade to help in the clothing aspects. We will also have "Self Challenges" through out the year as well as an incredible event, "The NEW YOU" Holiday Celebration Ball. We have a Yahoo Communication group set up for discussions as well. This is just to mention a few great events and benefits we have in store for you.

I can definately tell you.. that Dr Spivak intends to reward the best

performing and participating patients with great prizes!!

The Wellness Classes will be held every Tuesday Night from 7pm to 8 pm

at Dr Spivak's office 1200 Binz suit 1470 over looking down town Houston. The parking is free, right across the street from our building, very


Our "Fashion Trade" will be held the last Tuesday night of the month

from 8pm to 8:30pm after the class is over.We have designed the classes small, so you do not feel like a number, we are small emogh to were everyone will be able to know each other its more personal.

Dr. Spivak bandMD-Wellness Program is free and is one of the many

benefits you will receive when you choose Dr. Spivak to perform your "Life Changing" surgery . You will become part of the bandMD family and will help you any way we can.

You must register to our program by calling the office at 713-520 8900

during normal work hours to RSVP. If for some reason you cannot make

it, please call to cancel your reservation to allow someone else to join,

and then we will see you next week!!

We all love our children, but this is "YOU" time. Please make

arrangements for a friend or family member to care for your children for the time you are at the program. This will assist in the program being more productive in the time we have. I greatly appreciate your cooperation with this.

I look forward to meeting and visiting with each and every one of you!


Wanda Chase

Director- bandMD-Wellness Program

Email: Spivakbandmd@yahoo.com

More Info: www.lap-surgery.net

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Well, I made it! I didn't PB or have any problems. My quantites had to be small during the day. I was able to eat a little more for dinner. This is also my first day of South Beach and everything I ate falls under my plan.

Here is what I ate:

Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee with low carb soy milk

Snack: 6 small bites of egg and salsa

Lunch: 1/4 cup of tuna, reg. mayo, onions and Tomato

Snack: 2 oz of ff. cottage cheese

Snack: 1 string cheese

Dinner: 1/2 cup of lean steak (chopped up very finely)

a couple of mushrooms

1/4 cup of black Beans and cheddar cheese

Since I had to eat so frequently I couldn't drink my Water in between. I have to make it up in the evening, 1 hour after dinner.

I stopped with my meal when I felt like I had to take a deep breath.

The beauty of South Beach is I don't have to count calories, carbs, etc. I am keeping a tally in my head just to make sure I am eating enough. I am very satisfied and was not hungry. I'd say I got in about 800 calories and enough Protein.

I don't know how I could any more as I have heard you have to get a certain amount of calories, but what if it is not physically possible? There is no way I could have eaten more than I did.

What did your doctors/nutrionists tell you about daily calories? I have heard two schools of though: Eat 600-800 or eat 1000 or eat at least 1200. What do you guys think?

Great news that you had no problems with solid foods today. What was your favorite thing you ate today? How did the mushrooms go down? I LOVE them but haven't tried them yet.

I went out to eat at Chili's and ordered the firecracker tilapia. Oh, that was so good (very spicy fish). One order is enough for about 4 meals for me. I didn't eat any of the side dishes though. My post op diet doesn't call for rice or steamed brocolli yet.

My nutritionist did not give me a set amount of calories. Basically just 4-6 oz of food. Start with protein, then vegetables and fruit after that. I haven't gotten to the fruit yet. I'm still on soft solids.

Thanks for the update Audree.


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Great news that you had no problems with solid foods today. What was your favorite thing you ate today? How did the mushrooms go down? I LOVE them but haven't tried them yet.

I went out to eat at Chili's and ordered the firecracker tilapia. Oh, that was so good (very spicy fish). One order is enough for about 4 meals for me. I didn't eat any of the side dishes though. My post op diet doesn't call for rice or steamed brocolli yet.

My nutritionist did not give me a set amount of calories. Basically just 4-6 oz of food. Start with Protein, then vegetables and fruit after that. I haven't gotten to the fruit yet. I'm still on soft solids.

Thanks for the update Audree.


My favorite was the steak since I had it marinated and then slow cooked with the mushrooms!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMM

The fish sounds really good! I bought some fish too and will probably make some tomorrow!!

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Audree, it sounds like you are doing great. My morning was okay but this afternoon things fell apart. I'm so restricted I'm having trouble keeping things down. I've PBed a few times today and threw up twice. I feel better now, I got a pepcid and some green tea and Jello down this evening. That may sound like a lot, but I mean three baby teaspoons of tea, and four baby teaspoons of jello.

I think that my stomach got irritated because there was nothing in it. When I started feeling ill (I have quite an acid stomach)I stopped taking in liquids. I wonder if that may have made it worse. Anyone have any ideas?

I just have to remember that each day I've been a little better. Hopefully, tomorrow I can get in more liquids.


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Well, I made it through my first day of solids....no hard proteins!!! Had a one egg and cheese omelet for Breakfast, 1/2 cup turkey potato Soup for lunch, and carrots and potatoes from a stew for supper. We had friends over last night and there was cheesecake.....yes I had a small sliver and yes it was good, but not as good as the omelette this morning!

I've made it almost 2 weeks now with no Diet Coke and no sweets until yesterday.....never thought it would be possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was told by my nutrionist I'd have diahrea if I drank Gatorade or juice so I cut it out and didn't have it.

My mom found out the same thing. I got some Pedialyte at Meijer yesterday. I'm hoping it will be a little gentler than the Gatorade. Also, I think I'm just gonna play it safe and cut out the juice altogether. I wish my nutritionist would've told me that! She actually suggested non-acidic juices for the liquid phase. :scared:

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I would actually like to be a little "looser"!!!! I had surgery Jan. 18th and have only been 2 times since then! Before the surgery I was an every day kind of girl. Gonna try some apple juice today and see if that get's things movin'.....Can't beleive I'm discussing my bathroom routine with everyone.......

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What did your doctors/nutrionists tell you about daily calories? I have heard two schools of though: Eat 600-800 or eat 1000 or eat at least 1200. What do you guys think?

I believe the general rule of thumb is 1000-1200 calories a day. Below that your metabolism starts to adjust (slow-down) to the lower intake. I bet as you begin to eat again you pouch will adjust to a little larger amounts and you will be able to get in an adequate number of calories.

Also, I believe that the metabolic slowdown is one of the major reasons for exercise. It builds muscle which is more efficient at burning fat.

Gosh there are a lot of us scheduled for the 31st. I think I have everything I need to get me through the first week or so.

Sherilyn thanks for the comment on benefiber. I almost bought some yesterday and decided at the last minute, I would just stick with my metamucil. Glad that I did.

It's interesting some people have diarrrhea and others have Constipation. Hopefully, I will neither.

Anyway, I am ready to do this and move on. Seems like this is all I have thought about forever.

Good luck to all who are scheduled for next week.

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I read this on another message board and wondered if any of Dr. Spivak's patients know about this support group. I plan to attend, anyone else?


This is a flyer that is given to all the patients at his seminars.

Dr. Spivak's bandMD -Wellness Program



The program is designed to assist in the emotional and physical aspects

of post-gastric banding surgery and to maximize weight loss.

Director- Wanda Chase

My name is Wanda Chase. I am 41 years young and I had the LAP-BAND

Surgery one and a half years ago. Before my "Life Changing" surgery I weight 330 pounds and my health was rapidly declining. I already had severe lower back problems requiring the input of metal screws and rods and I experienced major knee problems.

I was not healthy before surgery. My blood pressure was high and I was

on medication for it. My cholesterol was elevated, and I had symptoms of

diabetes. After losing my mother 10 months prior to my surgery from an

aortic dissection (resulting from morbid obesity, diabetes, high blood

pressure, heart disease), I felt I had to do something for "ME" or I

was going to die. I made the biggest choice of my life and had the surgery done with Dr. Spivak. Today I have lost 130 pounds and I take no medication. I am very conscious of everything that goes into my body. I feel very healthy, strong and I exercise everyday.

I am very excited to be involved with Dr. Spivak's bandMD- Wellness

Program. Over many years, I have tried many diets and programs and failed. I finally found something that works and I want to share my story and give people help and prospect. Because I have experienced a lot of what you are going through.

Just a brief over view, ant the wellness program we will have many

topics of discussion on exercising properly, Portion Control, nutrition, the

mental aspect of weight loss and much more. We will have guest speakers on a variety of issues. We will have a fashion trade to help in the clothing aspects. We will also have "Self Challenges" through out the year as well as an incredible event, "The NEW YOU" Holiday Celebration Ball. We have a Yahoo Communication group set up for discussions as well. This is just to mention a few great events and benefits we have in store for you.

I can definately tell you.. that Dr Spivak intends to reward the best

performing and participating patients with great prizes!!

The Wellness Classes will be held every Tuesday Night from 7pm to 8 pm

at Dr Spivak's office 1200 Binz suit 1470 over looking down town Houston. The parking is free, right across the street from our building, very


Our "Fashion Trade" will be held the last Tuesday night of the month

from 8pm to 8:30pm after the class is over.We have designed the classes small, so you do not feel like a number, we are small emogh to were everyone will be able to know each other its more personal.

Dr. Spivak bandMD-Wellness Program is free and is one of the many

benefits you will receive when you choose Dr. Spivak to perform your "Life Changing" surgery . You will become part of the bandMD family and will help you any way we can.

You must register to our program by calling the office at 713-520 8900

during normal work hours to RSVP. If for some reason you cannot make

it, please call to cancel your reservation to allow someone else to join,

and then we will see you next week!!

We all love our children, but this is "YOU" time. Please make

arrangements for a friend or family member to care for your children for the time you are at the program. This will assist in the program being more productive in the time we have. I greatly appreciate your cooperation with this.

I look forward to meeting and visiting with each and every one of you!


Wanda Chase

Director- bandMD-Wellness Program

Email: Spivakbandmd@yahoo.com

More Info: www.lap-surgery.net

Yes, I saw this posted and it sounds great. I plan on attending. I should be about 6 weeks post op at that point.

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I would actually like to be a little "looser"!!!! I had surgery Jan. 18th and have only been 2 times since then! Before the surgery I was an every day kind of girl. Gonna try some apple juice today and see if that get's things movin'.....Can't beleive I'm discussing my bathroom routine with everyone.......

For some reason my coffee "loosens" things up!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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