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January Bandsters???

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I was wondering where everyone is at on their fill levels and how restricted you feel. I'm at 3.5CC in a 4CC band.

We have a cruise planned for 8-17-07 and I don't want to get too tight, I do want to be able to eat something, that's for sure!

I'm at 3.0 cc's in a 4cc band and need more! I go on Friday to get another fill.

We have a cruise planned 8/5 - we leave on 8/4 to head to Galveston, but the ship doesn't sail until 8/5. I have the same feeling, I don't want to be too tight for the cruise - but I don't want to be able eat everything in sigt either. This will be my 10th cruise and every cruise I have ever taken I have gained at least 5 lbs, sometimes 10 and onetime 15! So, my goal is NOT TO GAIN. Or at least gain less than 5 lbs. lol.

So - I need a fill for sure. I want to be able to enjoy my dinner - (lobster) but I don't want to be able to eat 3 lobsters like i have in the past.

Where are you going on your cruise? We are headed to Western Carribean on board Carnival's Conquest - 7 day cruise.

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The following are celebrating their 6 month band anniversary this week - how are you guys doing?

Txpeaches – 1/02/07

1721Summ – 1/2/07<st1:date Month="]1/02/07</font">

Jenslapband – <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:date Month=1/02/07</st1:date>

<font size=" /><st1:date Month="1" Day="2" Year="2007">1/02/07</st1:date>

<FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">Irishamerican – <st1:date Month="1" Day="2" Year="2007">1/02/07</st1:date>

<FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">Angy12314 (Jen) – <st1:date Month="1" Day="3" Year="2007">1/03/07</st1:date>

<FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">Kellie Reachell (Kellie) – <st1:date Month="1" Day="3" Year="2007">1/03/07</st1:date>

<FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">Skmsu (Susan) – <st1:date Month="1" Day="3" Year="2007">1/03/07</st1:date>

<FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">Cricket – <st1:date Month="1" Day="4" Year="2007">1/04/07</st1:date>

<FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">Babygotback (Audree) <st1:date Month="1" Day="5" Year="2007">1/05/07</st1:date>

<FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">Fiyagirl (Sherry) – <st1:date Month="1" Day="5" Year="2007">1/05/07</st1:date>

<FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">Tinabartlett – <st1:date Month="1" Day="5" Year="2007">1/05/07</st1:date>

<FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">Maillady2 – <st1:date Month="1" Day="5" Year="2007">1/05/07</st1:date>


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Hi Terry! Cognrats on the 40lbs! It seems for a few of us here that is where things start to slow down.

So I had an awesome NSV last night! I went to a wedding, and I didn't feel like wearing nylons because it was so hot out. I put on my favorite pair of dress pants, not thinking about the fact that they were still technically "fat pant". Well, I was on the dance floor, and I noticed I had to keep hiking them up. It was so annoying that I gave up on the dancing. Later on, I went to the bathroom and discovered I could pull them down without unbuttoning! DH was laughing because I was so bummed I wouldn't be able to wear these pants again. He was like, hey, aren't you supposed to be glad that you're shrinking out of things?! He's right, of course. :eek:

juno610- That is a great NSV! Congratulations to you:clap2:.

I am at 2 cc's in a 4 cc band and feel just right for now. I tend to get things stuck once in a while. I was eating a grape the other day and I guess that I didn't chew it enough and I got that feeling. It passed without any slime or PB episodes. ;) Gigi

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I'm at 3.0 cc's in a 4cc band and need more! I go on Friday to get another fill.

We have a cruise planned 8/5 - we leave on 8/4 to head to Galveston, but the ship doesn't sail until 8/5. I have the same feeling, I don't want to be too tight for the cruise - but I don't want to be able eat everything in sigt either. This will be my 10th cruise and every cruise I have ever taken I have gained at least 5 lbs, sometimes 10 and onetime 15! So, my goal is NOT TO GAIN. Or at least gain less than 5 lbs. lol.

So - I need a fill for sure. I want to be able to enjoy my dinner - (lobster) but I don't want to be able to eat 3 lobsters like i have in the past.

Where are you going on your cruise? We are headed to Western Carribean on board Carnival's Conquest - 7 day cruise.

I'm still deciding if I need another fill. Maybe just a tweek? We went to the movies yesterday and I was able to eat popcorn like I was never banded, just not as much. So I may call my surgeon today and see when I can get another small fill?? As far as the cruise goes, we have been on at least 12 cruises and the food is not that big of a deal to me any more. They seem to serve the same old same old. So I usually do good and not gain to much.

On spring break I don't think I gain anything, maybe like 3 pounds and they came off like 3 days after we got back, most likely Water weight. Flying does this to me. I did use the gym most days and we walked a bunch, swam, so I was pretty active for sure. Our summer cruise leaves out of Miami and goes to San Juan, St. Maarten, and Labadee, Haiti. Our ship is Liberty of the Seas, Royal Caribbean. This is their newest ship. We went on Liberty's sister ship, Freedom of the Seas on spring break. It was WONDERFUL! We sailed on the Conquest several years ago. It has a BIG slide, you must give it a try. I didn't and regret it, but we went in November and the weather was crappy and COLD. But my two boys did it even though their lips turned blue, hehe.

My last fill was two weeks ago and I am worried that if I get a fill now, will I have time to get use to it? I have not had any issues AT ALL and want to keep it that way. I'm up to 3.5CC, or at least that was what I was told. Sometimes I wonder if this is correct?? GRRR I went from 178/179 to 175.5/176 since the last fill. But I boosted up my water intake to 64oz, my exercise to 6 days a week and tracked all my food, so this may have been the difference and not the fill??

Everyone talks about their sweet spot, CRAP, what is it?:help:

I'm sick of this rain:rain:!

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I would love to hear from those whose anniversary is this week. Please let us know how you are doing.

Sunshine, got the web page..thanks so much.

Sounds like those of you going on cruise's have a good game plan and some fun in order. I've done a few smaller cruises but we don't have vacation plans for this year. Actually, not those kind of vacation plans. We have some events that we are putting on for our dog club that will take vacation days. It will be fun,....but work.


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I'm doing my daily check in and I would like to talk about my latest NSV.

My DH and I was sitting on the couch, snuggling up, and he had his hand resting on my leg and he squeezed my thighs - he said, what is the hard thing? So felt it, and I got kinda freaked out, then felt my other one, then I stood up and I realized it was MUSCLE! My muscle is breaking thru the FAT!

THEN - I was checking my back side out in the mirror, I noticed my cellulite has shrunk even more, I have about 1/2 of what I used to have.

My 3rd NSV is I just bought a pair of 12 plaid shorts 2 weeks ago, they are soooo soooo cute, I love them. HOWEVER, they are getting too big already! I am moving down to a size 10! The weird thing about it is, I have not lost a freaken pound since June 12th, thats THREE weeks ago! But I'm shrinking! I love my band! And, I love the BFL workouts!

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I went thru the first 5 or 6 pages of this thread and Private messaged a lot of January Bandsters that haven't been online or checking in with us to see how they are doing. Hopefully some will check in and tell us.

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Hey all,

Happy 4th of July!! I spent the day in the saddle up in the mountains. We're not much into fireworks...too dry and we have lots of animals! The exciting part of the day was we saw a bull moose!!! Too cool!

Hope you're all having a terrific time with family and friends.


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I went thru the first 5 or 6 pages of this thread and Private messaged a lot of January Bandsters that haven't been online or checking in with us to see how they are doing. Hopefully some will check in and tell us.

Wow Tonya, that was a lot of work! I hope some of them come back and visit us! Thanks for doing that! :)

I got another 4 mile walk in two days ago, and I mean to go again today. I need to start lifting weights again -- I really believe that is a big key for me. I'm kind of in that mindset though where I'm embarrassed to go to the gym because of my size (I know, hey dummy, you lost 40lbs!). It's silly, I admit, and maybe it is just a little leftover anxiety (I weaned off my Lexapro finally). I have been bummed out over my plateau.

Hell, maybe I just need some new workout clothes! Maybe I'll pay Target a visit today.

Thanks for reading my little rant here. I swear I don't know what to do with myself somedays...

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Great on the walking. I'm doing 3 miles a day. Takes me just a bit under an hour. I get up early so I will have no excuses. I know I will need to step it up a notch...I was considering this morning if I should get a heart rate monitor...then a person would/could work at optimal aerobic benefit. I was also considering hand weights. I read an article, many years ago, that the use of hand weights would double the calorie burn. I think, at the very least, it will tone your arms.

We are supposed to hit 100 degrees today and 104 or so tomorrow. I'm walking EARLY!


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Hey all...checking in. I posted on the general board instead of on here as well.

2nd fill last week has me in shape. Can't get away with all I was getting away with. I've not gotten on the scale; will do so tomorrow. Would like to see some sort of a loss! We'll see...slow and steady will win me the race, right?

The clothes are all fitting me better; but now I'm frustrated at what clothes are getting too big! Some things I can't even 'fake' anymore.

Bought some cute tshirts; nice to have my hourglass back and have it look nice.

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2nd fill last week has me in shape. Can't get away with all I was getting away with. I've not gotten on the scale; will do so tomorrow. Would like to see some sort of a loss! We'll see...slow and steady will win me the race, right?

Hi Sherilyn ~

I am curious about what you said because I feel the exact same way . . . I am going in for my third fill this afternoon because I feel I am 'getting away with too much' too. I can't eat that much, but probably have not been making good choices and as a result haven't lost an ounce in forever.

How did your last fill make a difference? How do you feel now?



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Below is a PM I received from Pinky -

Hi Tonya, i just figured i'd check in with you. I didn't get my lap-band in january because i got sick, so i had to wait till June, but i finally got it 2 weeks ago, i'm starting mushies today. I'm really psyched about it, liquids was pretty tough, but i'm proud to say that i did it without cheating. I'm down 26 pounds since starting my pre-op diet. Since i gained about 16 pounds since January, i still have 100 to go, but i'm looking forward to the journey. You are down 70 pounds, that's amazing, i hope i can get that far in six months.

Well, i just wanted to say hi, hope you have a great day.

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Hey guys!!!

Thanks Sunshine for checkin in on me!!!

I am doing well. Was stuck yo yoing from 167 to 170.

I decided to listen to the bandster rules and have hard Protein first. I am back down to 165!!!

I am going for fill #3 on July 14. I am currently at 2.4 cc's and can eat anything I want as much as I want.

I will check in at least a few days a week. I guess since I wasn't moving and yo yoing I stopped checkin in. But I can't forget my banster buddies!

I have been exercising at least 4 times a week swimming. I need to get my butt to the gym to kick it up!!!!

I will keep you posted on how I am doing.

But one piece of advice I have is to review the bandster rules and do them. I was eating ice cream and stuff like that. Instead I invested in a few boxes of sugar free Fudgsicles when I have a sweet craving and drinking only Crystal Light or Water only. I snack on beef Jerky and keep mostly Proteins and veggies/salads. That has helped the weight to start coming down again.

Take care guys!!!


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Hi everybody, I just got caught up reading everyone's posts - congratulations on the weight lost and inches lost but mostly on what has been learned. Reading what you have gone through and how you have changed it has really been an inspiration for me. Thanks!

My 6-month anniversary came and went and I am still at about 50 pounds. I feel like I am still losing inches but I go up and down with the same 4 pounds. I need to kick up my exercise to get the loss going again. I am having a garage sale tommorrow and as I got out all the clothes that don't fit I had mixed emotions - the money I wasted vs. the excitement that I will never wear that size again. Then I came across my biggest pair of jeans that barely fit me before my band. I put them on. Wow, that was something - rather an emotional experience. :think

I need to get another tiny fill. I can eat too much and I can eat things that I shouldn't be able to get down. I just got a decent bike and loooooove going for rides (I like it better than walking because the wind blows and I don't sweat as much - ha ha!)

Well that is all for me, great job everybody! :eyebrows:

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