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January Bandsters???

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Hi Everyone,

I'm sitting here reading about your pre-op diets and I'm starting to panic. My doctor did not ask require a pre-op diet just that I go to Clear Liquids for a day before the surgery. Unfortunately, since I met with him a month ago I have gained 4 lbs! My surgery is 1/25 and I want to get the 4lbs off before then. I have to go to SF with my husband and another couple this week and when I return on the 18th. I am going to start my liquid diet. HOpefully, I can lose some of the weight I gained over Christmas. Wish me luck.

Again, thank you all for your wonderful advice.


My doctor only asked me to have low carb diet 5 days before surgery, then nothing to eat/ drink after midnight.

You will lose the weight you gained over Christmas, either pre-band or post-op. Don't worry about it, you will be fine. Good luck!

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Hi Everyone. I was banded on Friday and just got back from the hospital today. I had to spend a second night due to extreme pain, worst when trying to get out of bed. I had very bad spasms around the port area and it took me 5-10 minutes to get out of bed. I did get up every 2-3 hours and walked a lap or two around the floor I was on. Saturday afternoon I got very sore in both calfs and they made me stay in bed until Sunday morning when they did an ultra sound to make sure I didn't have any blood clots. (all OK but I was sure stiff from not being able to get up and walk for so long) They told me it was unusual to have so much pain post-op. I sure envy the guy that had to look in the mirror to make sure they did the operation. In hindsight the first thing I remember in the recovery room was being told that the surgury went very well but I had "a little trouble" in recovery. They never did say what the trouble was. I'm thinking I'm so sore because I may have tried to get out of bed or something while I was still loopy and they had to restrain me. Pain is much better now and I'm anxiously awaiting my first passing of gas. All in all I'm doing OK so far. I think I'll be sleeping in the recliner for a few days though.

Glad you are home ok. That is kind of a scary story! Good luck with the rest of your recovery!

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hello fellow january bandsters...I am 17 days away and boy..am I ready~ is it just me...or did alot of you have people telling you you dont need to do it this way...and you should try to diet and exercise...I get sooo sick of it...I had to walk away from a conversation today from two gals who told me I just need to chew my food better and cut down on soda..come on, get a grip..I didnt get this heavy overnight..."sigh" I am needing encouragement right now..

I went through the same thing with a few people. Especially my dad, he always told me something about my weight, that I needed to do something. He doesn't have a weight problem so what would he know. Now that Iam having this surgery, he can't see me spending this kind of money. He thinks I should just diet and take diet pills like his wife, that is just 15-20 lbs overweight. I have been doing this for life. I don't listen to anyone that trys to discourage me anymore. I have made up my mind! So do what you think will work for you. By the way my mother is backing me up 100%, she is getting it done 1 hour before me. Don't let anyone thats never had a weight problem change your mine, they don't know how hard it is. Hope you make the right decision for you.

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hello fellow january bandsters...I am 17 days away and boy..am I ready~ is it just me...or did alot of you have people telling you you dont need to do it this way...and you should try to diet and exercise...I get sooo sick of it...I had to walk away from a conversation today from two gals who told me I just need to chew my food better and cut down on soda..come on, get a grip..I didnt get this heavy overnight..."sigh" I am needing encouragement right now..

Hi Tracey, I am 11 days away and can't wait!!!! :teeth: Nervous, yes...But EXCITED to know that now I CAN loose the weight AND be HEALTHY!!! It's not just you..I hear it CONSTANTLY, at work, at home, at school, and in my sleep!!! It sucks that people can't understand :doh: that if we COULD do it we WOULD do it without the surgery...For me, this is MY LAST resort..I've tried everything!!! :) and NOTHING WORKED!!:faint: I've heard the same comments.:) .I've learned to just let people say what they need to say and walk away. The harder you argue the worse it is. Sometimes I've even gotten down right rude and told them, Please keep your bad vibes and comments as far away from me as possible. They are NOT needed!! I've also realized, during this journey, who my TRUE supporters are. SO, keep your chin up!! Your doing WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU and don't let ANYONE tell you different!!!! You have ALOT OF SUPPORT HERE!!!!!!!:confused: :gluck: on your surgery! Keep me posted!!! :)

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Audree, I love your attitude about the surgery. I'm just a little behind you. My surgery was on Jan 8. and I was self pay. I felt that I just needed to have this surgery because every year my weight went higher. If I could have lost weight on my own and maintained it, I would have done it. I certainly tried every diet out there.

I also wanted to mention that your scars look great, and you do too!

Thanks Tulip!!!

We will go on this journey together!!! How are you doing with your liquid stage? Eating anything interesting??


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I was not told to diet prior to my surgery. I was only told to drink Clear liquids only the day before surgery. I feel like I am trying to eat everything I know that I won't be able to after the surgery. I am having surgery on 01/18/2007. I am getting very excited!!!:clap2:

DOB 01/18/2007

Shelly Lowery-Rowan

210/ /135

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How are we all today??? Today is post of day 10 for me and I feel great!!! I am back to my old self but much better!!!!

I have 11 more days of liquid stage, I don't get a mushy stage for some reason.

I still have very good restriction. This morning is the first morning I don't wake up feeling like someone is squeezing my stomach. I had my Gano Mocha coffee with a cup of soy milk for Breakfast and felt very satisfied as usual. I think I will keep up this practice. Maybe add chocolate Protein shake mix to it or carnation Breakfast but hot in the mornings. When I can add solids, I think I will add a little egg if I can tolerate it.

I feel thinner. My pajama pants are not super tight like they were before surgery. I still have not weighed myself and don't know when I will.

How are you all doing??? Audree

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I was not told to diet prior to my surgery. I was only told to drink clear liquids only the day before surgery. I feel like I am trying to eat everything I know that I won't be able to after the surgery. I am having surgery on 01/18/2007. I am getting very excited!!!:clap2:

DOB 01/18/2007

Shelly Lowery-Rowan

210/ /135

I also felt like that and did!!! I called it the Un-Diet!Audree

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I asked for info on erosion from the Obesity Control Center, Dr. Ortiz's clinic and got the following response. Aren't they awesome!!!!!!

I also was given the following contact info was given to me also for any other questions regarding the lapband and for us to actually get it from the makers of the lapband

"I have also never heard of routinely having the band replaced after 10 years. I would think that Inamed/Allergan would be able to answer that question, since they are the manufacturer of the Lapband. You can contact Don Mills (Sales Administrative Mgr) for Allergan at 800-624-4261 Ext. 4546 or email him at mills_don@allergan.com "

I am so impressed and keep on getting more impressed as I go on my Lapband journey, with Dr. Ortiz and his staff. I get immediate responses to my questions and don't get any type of run around.

Dear Friends and Colleagues:<Ospacer.gif</Osilly.gif~

After receiving numerous calls and email regarding the latest speculations about erosions on the boards I feel obliged to post some facts that should be of some relief and informative at the same time. There are very few reliable sources out there on Gastric Banding complications except the series that are published in the medical literature. My colleagues that post on these forums will agree that my team and I are considered one of the foremost authorities in gastric banding complications and treatments in the world and as such our intention is that our ongoing research results in a safer gastric banding procedure for everybody.

Folks, Lets start out by doing the math. Band erosions are not increasing as one would think. They have actually diminished noticeably in the past number of years. What is increasing is the number of patients having the procedure along with the ability to communicate this fact through forums such as this one. A surgeon that has performed 100 procedures may have 1% erosion, which is equivalent to 1 patient. While a surgeon with 3000 procedures under his belt will have 30 erosions, but this still represents 1%. Also the awareness of it's existence has prompted us to look for them purposely through endoscopic studies.

We now recommend that every band patient gets an upper endoscopy around 18 months after the surgery. For a surgeon to know exactly how many of his patients bands have eroded he would have to scope them all. Endoscopy is the only way to prove an erosion since some erosions are asymptomatic early on.

Erosions are unfortunate adverse reactions of gastric banding. They are also poorly understood. The term erosion has been popularized recently in the literature as one of the complications of gastric banding. It suggests the wearing out of the gastric wall, but the actual process seems to be more of a foreign body reaction where the body tries to eliminate the implant. Erosions are not new and it has been known for decades and reported in the medical literature that various materials near the stomach or intestine can slowly penetrate the wall and ultimately be eliminated through it. Implants, sutures, staples, mesh, rings, tubing, cloth and metal all have readily penetrated the gut.


Though the actual process is not fully understood we do know the following:


- Most bands erode from the outer edge of the implant into the stomach. Sometimes it is the tubing and not the band that penetrates the gut. This would discard the suggestion that bands that are too tight erode. (Conversely we now know that bands that are too tight actually slip more often)


- Surgical technique is similar around the world. Most surgeons in the US and the rest of the world learned the technique from a handful of international surgeons who proctored them. In turn these surgeons have perfected the technique and the principles of band placement remain the same around the world.


- Erosions can coexist with an infection process. Even though it would seem that the infection can start at the port and then ultimately cause an erosion, our recent studies have detected mircopenetrations of the stomach at the initial stages of the erosion (soon to be published data) then most likely stomach bacteria tract down though the tubing to the port and contaminate it. Again these ongoing studies will shed new light on the process and hopefully someday will totally eliminate the risk of gastric penetration.


- Erosion is not selective of one band or another. Sooner or later every brand of gastric band has been reported to erode.


- Latin bands do not erode more frequently. For one the implant used comes exactly from the same company and are made of the exact same materials. Contrary to a controversial post recently published in a forum, responsible surgeons performing gastric banding in Mexico have a comprehensive follow-up protocol. Fluoroscopy and Endoscopy is routinely performed which means that we detect the erosions more efficiently and earlier when present.


- When an erosion is detected the band should removed. This gives the stomach time to heal and in given time receive a new band. It is the patient's responsibility to tell the doctor of his or her symptoms. The sooner it is detected the better the chances of performing a laparoscopic and uneventful surgery with a quick recovery.


- We also stress the importance of follow-up. Most erosions have no symptoms early on, so a routine checkup with your doctor is always the best option.

NO NEED TO PANIC, erosions are still a rare occurrence, but if present when detected and treated early on the outcome is benign in nature.

You will all agree that gastric banding has touched hundreds of thousands of lives around the world. It is the safest weight-loss procedure but unfortunately no procedure is free of complications. Even though erosion rate is very low, it still exists. When present it should be detected and treated promptly. The earlier it is treated the better the outcome. In some cases patients have actually received a second band after a brief period of recovery and thus having the benefit of restriction and weight-loss again.

The only source of reliable medical advice is your doctor. Other sources of information only lead to speculation, anxiety and worst of all delay in treatment if needed. If you are to go out of the country for surgery, select a responsible surgeon that offers follow-up. Ask if he will always be available (my patients can reach me in a moments notice, they all have my cell#) Don't be enticed to go to the cheapest, usually they go hand in hand with poor to no follow-up. You must be able to trust the doctor you have chosen.

We as Surgeons also have our official Internet forums where we exchange knowledge with each other having only your best interests in mind. Remember, ultimately it is your success that results in our success.

My best wishes to all,<Ospacer.gif</Osilly.gif~


Ariel Ortiz Lagardere

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Does anyone have the information on how to get the teal colored 'bandsters' Bracelet? I tried it once from here; but never got my bracelet.

***The kind that Lance Armstrong made famous for cancer; but these are for bansters

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Thanks Tulip!!!

We will go on this journey together!!! How are you doing with your liquid stage? Eating anything interesting??


Audree, each doctor is sooo different in their pre and post op diets. I saw about 3 before choosing Dr. Spivak. He requires liquid diets after surgery for only 48 hours up to 4 days depending on how you do with the liquids. I am now on pureed and soft foods. I use Magic Bullet (love it) for my chunky Soups and then thin with Water. Last night I had a soft scrambled egg. I never knew egg could taste so good! My cousin told me to try this recipe for soft food:

ricotta cheese, top with ragu sauce (no chunks), sprinkle shredded cheese on top.

I'm going to have that tonight. I'll let you know how it is.

How about you? What stage are you at? What are you eating that is really good?

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I was not told to diet prior to my surgery. I was only told to drink clear liquids only the day before surgery. I feel like I am trying to eat everything I know that I won't be able to after the surgery. I am having surgery on 01/18/2007. I am getting very excited!!!:clap2:

DOB 01/18/2007

Shelly Lowery-Rowan

210/ /135

Hi Shelly, Ha! I was just like you - trying to get in all the foods in the last days. You will do just fine. Congratulations, your surgery date is very soon.


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Today's Banding people are :

Lala, Happylady, Patsygrn, Andrea1973, Sula, Smilliegal, Peacej - lets keep them in our thoughts today.

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        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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