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January Bandsters???

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Forget about the last meal syndrome, when my surgury date got postponed I went nuts from Dec. 15 to my pre op Dec. 30!!! I called it the Un-diet! I ate EVERYTHING I never allowed myself to have due to always being on one diet or another.

It was total nuts!!!!! :)

Ha! That's funny! Oh well, at least you got all that out of your system. Now you can enjoy bandland peacefully! :biggrin1:

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Man, I still have three more days of liquids and I haven't even made it thru day 1, I suck.

Too Funny! No, you do not suck. You are doing very well. I really don't think a bite of pizza and a choclate chip cookie is going to affect you much, if at all. :)

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Too Funny! No, you do not suck. You are doing very well. I really don't think a bite of pizza and a choclate chip cookie is going to affect you much, if at all. :)

Does that mean I can go get another bite of pizza and have another choco chip cookie? LOL, just kidding. The shake I'm drinking seems to be curbing my appetite, so hopefully that will help. I'm about to go read a book/magazine, that should keep my mind off food!

Night - night everyone.........

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hello fellow january bandsters...I am 17 days away and boy..am I ready~ is it just me...or did alot of you have people telling you you dont need to do it this way...and you should try to diet and exercise...I get sooo sick of it...I had to walk away from a conversation today from two gals who told me I just need to chew my food better and cut down on soda..come on, get a grip..I didnt get this heavy overnight..."sigh" I am needing encouragement right now..

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Obesity Control Center is Dr. Ortiz's center. Dr. Ortiz is one of the top in this field, with over 4000 under his belt. If your surgery is at OCC, you are in good hands. Dr. ORtiz would not be affiliated with anyone who was not good!


Thanks Audree,

I've enjoyed reading your posts. You are an inspiration with your attitude and enthusiams.

Dr. Trevino is with the Obesity Control Center of Monterray...guess it isn't affiliated with the one in Tijuana, but I don't know for sure. He is with Dr. Rumbalt who is spoken in lapband world pretty highly. The other option is a Dr. Chapa but I haven't found anything out about him yet. I'm going in with the attitude that if everything isn't okay, I can postpone. But I'm feeling pretty optimistic and feel that all will be well.


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hello fellow january bandsters...I am 17 days away and boy..am I ready~ is it just me...or did alot of you have people telling you you dont need to do it this way...and you should try to diet and exercise...I get sooo sick of it...I had to walk away from a conversation today from two gals who told me I just need to chew my food better and cut down on soda..come on, get a grip..I didnt get this heavy overnight..."sigh" I am needing encouragement right now..

Hey TracyV,

Just hang in there. Love the picture of your four legged friend. I have six of 'em! Part of my wish to get this process done and lose some weight is so that I can more thoroughly enjoy my horses.

It doesn't matter what others think in this process. They aren't you. And this isn't a simple cure. You will need to manage food differently and get active. I'm thinking the band is just the motivation to get going.

Hope all is well.


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Hi Everyone,

I'm sitting here reading about your pre-op diets and I'm starting to panic. My doctor did not ask require a pre-op diet just that I go to Clear Liquids for a day before the surgery. Unfortunately, since I met with him a month ago I have gained 4 lbs! My surgery is 1/25 and I want to get the 4lbs off before then. I have to go to SF with my husband and another couple this week and when I return on the 18th. I am going to start my liquid diet. HOpefully, I can lose some of the weight I gained over Christmas. Wish me luck.

Again, thank you all for your wonderful advice.


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Hi Everyone. I was banded on Friday and just got back from the hospital today. I had to spend a second night due to extreme pain, worst when trying to get out of bed. I had very bad spasms around the port area and it took me 5-10 minutes to get out of bed. I did get up every 2-3 hours and walked a lap or two around the floor I was on. Saturday afternoon I got very sore in both calfs and they made me stay in bed until Sunday morning when they did an ultra sound to make sure I didn't have any blood clots. (all OK but I was sure stiff from not being able to get up and walk for so long) They told me it was unusual to have so much pain post-op. I sure envy the guy that had to look in the mirror to make sure they did the operation. In hindsight the first thing I remember in the recovery room was being told that the surgury went very well but I had "a little trouble" in recovery. They never did say what the trouble was. I'm thinking I'm so sore because I may have tried to get out of bed or something while I was still loopy and they had to restrain me. Pain is much better now and I'm anxiously awaiting my first passing of gas. All in all I'm doing OK so far. I think I'll be sleeping in the recliner for a few days though.

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hello fellow january bandsters...I am 17 days away and boy..am I ready~ is it just me...or did alot of you have people telling you you dont need to do it this way...and you should try to diet and exercise...I get sooo sick of it...I had to walk away from a conversation today from two gals who told me I just need to chew my food better and cut down on soda..come on, get a grip..I didnt get this heavy overnight..."sigh" I am needing encouragement right now..

I am in the same boat as you. I am a lower bmi and people think we can just lose it on our own. Well, I have been dieting for 21 years and obviously can't. That is why when I finally decided to do it, I didn't tell anyone. My husband and a couple of girlfriends know, one was banded a year ago and told me about it.

The mental anguish I had to live in everyday of my life. The way it affected my family when I dieted, again!!

Just because we are doing this as preventative measures, against the dieseses that come with being overweight. In my family diabeties, heart diesese, high blood pressure, breast cancer all are made worse by being overweight. So, I see this as taking care of me, before I got that far. I was on the upswing, on something I was calling the Un-diet, totally binging and tired of dieting. I was definitely on my way to the 200's again!!!

I did this for me!!!! I am the one that has to live in this body and I should be able to make choices to be the best me I can. So, do you.

I get all my talking about the band, out here with my band sisters who understand me. I don't need to talk to anyone else about it, well except for my supportive husband. I am choosing to make positive environments for myself and keeping around positive people. Most people are either ignorant of banding and talk about it from a stand point of knowing nothing about it and no one who has done it, jealous, afraid of the thought of a thinner you and how they think you may change, losing their eating out buddy, losing their fat friend, etc. the list goes on and on..

I did talk about it in the beginning to people to see what they thought, but I didn't go back and tell them my very personal decision. Why should I? And if they would ask me if I did it after all and I thought they would not be supportive, it is my perogative to keep it to myself and say, no but I am thinking about it.

I choose to not give them power to make me upset, discourage me, make me feel like I have to defend my choice.

This is a good place to find supportive friends. That is why I love it here and all the wonderful women (and a few men too!) here!!

I don't regret for one second getting banded. And although I am only 9 days post op, I already feel a freedom I never knew could exist for me. I can't wait for my journey to unfold. I feel a peace I have never felt before. My tortured mind is at rest. The real "me" will emerge and I know she will come all the way out this time.

I dont' have to almost get there, just to be pulled away from success by piling alll those hard lost pounds back on so fast.


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Thanks Audree,

I've enjoyed reading your posts. You are an inspiration with your attitude and enthusiams.

Dr. Trevino is with the Obesity Control Center of Monterray...guess it isn't affiliated with the one in Tijuana, but I don't know for sure. He is with Dr. Rumbalt who is spoken in lapband world pretty highly. The other option is a Dr. Chapa but I haven't found anything out about him yet. I'm going in with the attitude that if everything isn't okay, I can postpone. But I'm feeling pretty optimistic and feel that all will be well.


Actually, Dr.Ortiz is affiliated with them both! I got his book and it says it is one of his clinics, so you are in good hands!!!

You will be great!!!

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Hi Everyone,

I'm sitting here reading about your pre-op diets and I'm starting to panic. My doctor did not ask require a pre-op diet just that I go to Clear liquids for a day before the surgery. Unfortunately, since I met with him a month ago I have gained 4 lbs! My surgery is 1/25 and I want to get the 4lbs off before then. I have to go to SF with my husband and another couple this week and when I return on the 18th. I am going to start my liquid diet. HOpefully, I can lose some of the weight I gained over Christmas. Wish me luck.

Again, thank you all for your wonderful advice.


Don't worry.I actually gained 5 pounds over the start weight, I was supposed to be, lost 4 on the week of preop and it was still okay. I only had to drink Protein shakes for Breakfast and lean cuisine lunch/dinner. Every doctor has a different pre op, but it is all good!!!

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thanks for the vote of confidence...I know I should just not talk about it to people at all..but I get so excited about the prospect of being in control of my weight...I am at the highest weight I have EVER been it gets depressing..I know I dont have to tell you guys anything...my family it SO supportive of me and that is all that matters..thank again!

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Thanks Audree,

I've enjoyed reading your posts. You are an inspiration with your attitude and enthusiams.

Dr. Trevino is with the Obesity Control Center of Monterray...guess it isn't affiliated with the one in Tijuana, but I don't know for sure. He is with Dr. Rumbalt who is spoken in lapband world pretty highly. The other option is a Dr. Chapa but I haven't found anything out about him yet. I'm going in with the attitude that if everything isn't okay, I can postpone. But I'm feeling pretty optimistic and feel that all will be well.



Good luck and we'll see you on the "other side" of banding! :clap2: Take it easy--and i'm sure you'll do very well.

I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday and hoping for the very best. and will be looking forward to hearing your story after! :confused:




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Sunshine....I feel as if I'm cheating on my pre-op diet also. The only thing I was told was to try and eat low fat/low cal for a week or two before, then the day before clear liquids. It's so generic that I cheat a little here and there and then I get depressed over it. I hate the hold that food has on my mind! I'm to be banded on the 18th and am so nervous.....being a mom is probably what's bothering me the most. What if there are complications and I don't wake up....what will the husband say to the kids, who will help with homework, who will tuck them in each night, kiss hurt knees, be the tooth fairy (although I forgot the other night so maybe there is someone out there better than myself on that one!), I could go on forever. I just keep telling myself I'm doing this for all the right reasons and this is all just nerves talking. As I'm writing this I'm crying like a baby and hoping it's just nerves getting to me! Thanks to everyone for listening, feels better to get it all out honestly to people who understand the mental stress of this!

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I am in the same boat as you. I am a lower bmi and people think we can just lose it on our own. Well, I have been dieting for 21 years and obviously can't. That is why when I finally decided to do it, I didn't tell anyone. My husband and a couple of girlfriends know, one was banded a year ago and told me about it.

The mental anguish I had to live in everyday of my life. The way it affected my family when I dieted, again!!

Just because we are doing this as preventative measures, against the dieseses that come with being overweight. In my family diabeties, heart diesese, high blood pressure, breast cancer all are made worse by being overweight. So, I see this as taking care of me, before I got that far. I was on the upswing, on something I was calling the Un-diet, totally binging and tired of dieting. I was definitely on my way to the 200's again!!!

I did this for me!!!! I am the one that has to live in this body and I should be able to make choices to be the best me I can. So, do you.

I get all my talking about the band, out here with my band sisters who understand me. I don't need to talk to anyone else about it, well except for my supportive husband. I am choosing to make positive environments for myself and keeping around positive people. Most people are either ignorant of banding and talk about it from a stand point of knowing nothing about it and no one who has done it, jealous, afraid of the thought of a thinner you and how they think you may change, losing their eating out buddy, losing their fat friend, etc. the list goes on and on..

I did talk about it in the beginning to people to see what they thought, but I didn't go back and tell them my very personal decision. Why should I? And if they would ask me if I did it after all and I thought they would not be supportive, it is my perogative to keep it to myself and say, no but I am thinking about it.

I choose to not give them power to make me upset, discourage me, make me feel like I have to defend my choice.

This is a good place to find supportive friends. That is why I love it here and all the wonderful women (and a few men too!) here!!

I don't regret for one second getting banded. And although I am only 9 days post op, I already feel a freedom I never knew could exist for me. I can't wait for my journey to unfold. I feel a peace I have never felt before. My tortured mind is at rest. The real "me" will emerge and I know she will come all the way out this time.

I dont' have to almost get there, just to be pulled away from success by piling alll those hard lost pounds back on so fast.


Audree, I love your attitude about the surgery. I'm just a little behind you. My surgery was on Jan 8. and I was self pay. I felt that I just needed to have this surgery because every year my weight went higher. If I could have lost weight on my own and maintained it, I would have done it. I certainly tried every diet out there.

I also wanted to mention that your scars look great, and you do too!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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