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Competition Readiness - Beach Body 2007

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I have decided that today is the day I put a plan together where I can be either competition ready or beach body ready by May of 2007.

I am at the point now where I want to try my hand at body building. My Personal Trainer and I have developed a plan for me to be in competition readiness within the next 4 -6 months (amateur) if I do this to the "T".

Here's my plan:

Weight Training

My weight training will be consisted of a six day a week split, created and designed to put emphasis on each muscle group, individually and allowing me maximum recovery. I will train each muscle group once per week.

There will be alot of emphasis on my posture and form. I will concentrate specifically on the muscle range, squeezing my muscles through the entire full range. I will be using heavy weights and will do 3-4 sets with lower reps..such as 8 - 10 on most exercises to maintain my muscle during my calorie restriction period. Remember lower reps, higher weights bulk you and higher reps, low weights tone you.


I will do cardio 4-5 days per week doing only 30-40 minutes of cardio per session at a high intensity level. I will be training on the elliptical and my bike and take some spinning, maybe treadmill as well. I may take some classes such as yoga and pilates to vary my workouts.


I will be on a strict nutritional plan, taking in a 35%/55%/10% ratios on foods. 35%-carbs, 55% Protein, 10% fats.

I will be consuming slow absorbing carbs that are low on the glycemic index.

Since we all know protein is the key to building and gaining lean muscle, I will consume lean protein meats such as turkey, chicken breasts, tuna and eggwhites. They will be low in sat fats and low to no trans fats.

supplements are extremely important in this process. I will be taking additional supplements which I know I will force down b/c i feel im taking in waaay too much now but...here goes:

Isolated Protein





Lipo6 - fat burner

Before & After

I will post a before picture (current photo) and an after picture in 4 months which will be current at that time.

Anyone wanting to participate with me on this, we can compare, research, share and take notes.

Anyone down with me?

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Plans this week



5 minutes warm up on treadmill @ 5.0mph

Shoulders & Traps


Arnold Press - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weights

Side Lateral Raise - 8 reps, 3 sets - 17.5lb weights

Incline Front Raise - 10 reps, 3 sets - 32.5, 42.5, 32.5lb weight

Bent-Over Rear Delt Fly - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weight

Upright Row & Shrugs - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weight


Interval training - 30 minutes on the Elliptical

Abdominal training - 8 reps, 3 sets - Abdominal twist - 60lbs

Abdominal training - 8 reps, 3 sets - Cruncher - 50lbs


Isolated Protein - Isopure Protein (meal replacement)

Nitro Explosion - Pro Performance

Multivitamin 1 capsule

Lipo6 - fat burner 2 capsules Breakfast and lunch

Biotin – 2 capsules



5 minutes warm up on treadmill @ 5.0mph

Quads & Calves Day


Front Squats - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weights

Leg Press - 8 reps, 3 sets - 225lb weights

Walking Lunges - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lbs weight (25lbs each hand)

Leg Extensions - 8 reps, 3 sets - 65lb weight

Standing Calf Raises - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weight

No abs today


Interval training - 30 minutes on the Elliptical

Supplements -

Isolated protein - Isopure Protein (meal replacement)

Nitro Explosion - Pro Performance

Multivitamin 1 capsule

Lipo6 - fat burner 2 capsules Breakfast and lunch

Biotin – 2 capsules





5 minutes warm up on treadmill @ 5.0mph

Barbell Bench Press - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weights

Decline Press - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weights

Incline Fly - 8 reps, 3 sets - 35lbs weight

Pullover - 8 reps, 3 sets - 65lb weight

Push-ups - 15 reps, 3 sets -


Interval training - 30 minutes on the Elliptical @ a steady rate


Isolated protein - Isopure Protein (meal replacement)

Myoplex lite

Nitro Explosion - Pro Performance

Multivitamin 1 capsule

Lipo6 - fat burner 2 capsules breakfast and lunch

Biotin – 2 capsules





5 minutes warm up on treadmill @ 5.0mph

Lunge - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weights

Step-ups, Lying Leg Curls - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weights

Standing Calf Raises - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lbs weight

Seated Calf Raises - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weight

Abdominal Training - medicine ball (15lbs)


Interval training - 30 minutes on the Elliptical @ a steady rate

10 minutes Jump Rope


Isolated protein - Isopure Protein (meal replacement)

Myoplex lite

Nitro Explosion - Pro Performance

Multivitamin 1 capsule

Lipo6 - fat burner 2 capsules breakfast and lunch

Biotin – 2 capsules





5 minutes warm up on treadmill @ 5.0mph

Barbell Curl - 8 reps, 3 sets - 10lbs/15lbs/20lbs/25lbs weights

Preacher Curl - 8 reps, 3 sets - 30lb weights (15 each side)

Reverse-Grip Barbell Curl - 8 reps, 3 sets - 15lbs weight each side

Lying Cable Extensions - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weight

Seated Overhead Extensions

Tricep Kickback

Abdominal Training


Interval training - 30 minutes on the Elliptical @ a steady rate


Isolated protein - Isopure Protein (meal replacement)

Myoplex lite

Nitro Explosion - Pro Performance

Multivitamin 1 capsule

Lipo6 - fat burner 2 capsules breakfast and lunch

Biotin – 2 capsules





5 minutes warm up on treadmill @ 5.0mph

Assisted Pull-ups - 8 reps, 3 sets - 155lb weights

Bent-over Row - 8 reps, 3 sets - 30lb weights

One-Arm Cable Row - 8 reps, 3 sets - 40lbs weight

Lat Pulldown - 8 reps, 3 sets - 65lb weight

Straight-Arm Pulldown - 8 reps, 3 sets - 30lb weight

Abdominal Training


Interval training - 30 minutes on the Elliptical varied rate


Isolated protein - Isopure Protein (meal replacement)

Myoplex lite

Phosphagen 1 serving

Nitro Explosion - Pro Performance

Multivitamin 1 capsule

Lipo6 - fat burner 2 capsules breakfast and lunch

Biotin – 2 capsules


Rest Today! No exercise!


Isolated protein - Isopure Protein (meal replacement)

Myoplex lite

Multivitamin 1 capsule

Lipo6 - fat burner 2 capsules breakfast and lunch

Biotin – 2 capsules

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I'm tired just reading about all you are going to do!!! You go Telly. Good luck with all the training. You look marvelous. I've been tracking your progress.

At my age just getting around the block is a good thing. :peep:

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Hehe ty Barbara. You're soo silly, at your age you can still do anything and everything just like the 20 year olds.

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It is very, very difficult to build muscle in a caloric deprivation state....regardless of what the supplement companies claim. If you are well muscled and need to peel off the layers of fat you will be ok...but trying to lose fat and build muscle are contradictory actions in your body.

You may already know that most bodybuilders have a bulking stage followed by a cutting stage. They eat like no other while bulking and training heavy to build muscle and then go into a calorie deficit and up the cardio and try to maintain the hard earned muscle.

It's difficult. Good luck.

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Haha BPM, I am not going for the He-man look but I know what you are talking about. My caloric intake will be consistant, in the 2,000 range. It is my restriction. So not too little and not too much.

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I hope you don't misinterpret my comments as negative..they weren't meant that way.

Most of the female fitness competitors look more muscular than they really are. They lean out to the point that being ripped they look musclebound but then when they get the bodyfat to a more normal range they look "normal" again.

Kudos to you for giving it a go. Good luck.

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How do you know that female competitors aren't as muscular as they look? That's kind of a blanket statement.

Also kudos for giving it a go? LOL...um ok, thanks I guess.

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How do you know that female competitors aren't as muscular as they look? That's kind of a blanket statment.

Also kudos for giving it a go? LOL...um ok, thanks I guess.

I wasn't meaning to insult them or anyone but facts are facts. It's a well known fact that you will look MUCH more muscular than you are...when you are very lean.

If you take the same person and compare their physique at 9% bodyfat and then compare them at 3% bodyfat then they will "look" dramatically different for the same musculature.

I didn't mean to imply that the female competitors were not muscular because clearly they are however many are under the impression that they look like that all the time and have the "he-man" look that you referred to. They do not. If you see a female or male bodybuilder out of season....they look much more "normal" than when they are cut to the bone.

Nothing more...nothing less. No reason to get excited.

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Hey Telly, how are ya? I pm'd you a couple weeks ago but never heard back....Anyways first I just want to say that you look amazing and I am sooooo happy for you...Secondly, I would like to join your working out efforts....I am being banded this coming Monday 11/20 and after that I plan on getting back into the gym hardcore...I have always worked out but it was difficult for me...I probably wont go to the extreme of body building but I definately want to get my body ready for the beach, since it is my favorite place to go and I didnt go once last summer at all....Plus I have 3 weddings to attend next year, one of them being in Aruba, and my 10 year high school reunion....So I want to look like the sexiest bitch I can, hahahah...Well, I just wanted to drop this note to say congrats and if its cool with you it would nice to have someone to be accountable to as far as working out and dieting goes....What do ya think...

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I wasn't meaning to insult them or anyone but facts are facts. It's a well known fact that you will look MUCH more muscular than you are...when you are very lean.

If you take the same person and compare their physique at 9% bodyfat and then compare them at 3% bodyfat then they will "look" dramatically different for the same musculature.

I didn't mean to imply that the female competitors were not muscular because clearly they are however many are under the impression that they look like that all the time and have the "he-man" look that you referred to. They do not. If you see a female or male bodybuilder out of season....they look much more "normal" than when they are cut to the bone.

Nothing more...nothing less. No reason to get excited.

Still have not provided me with solid proof or facts. That..my friend is a fact. Show me your actual study that goes into specific photos and documented scientific research where you have actually compared people of different fat%'s and show me they look the same or different. Then also show me the research about their actual muscle v/s looking muscular report. I come across alot of statements like this and I find it annoying. Someone says something and have nothing solid to support what they say.

Oh and I am not getting excited here but your tone stinks. It's very condensending.

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Hey Telly, how are ya? I pm'd you a couple weeks ago but never heard back....Anyways first I just want to say that you look amazing and I am sooooo happy for you...Secondly, I would like to join your working out efforts....I am being banded this coming Monday 11/20 and after that I plan on getting back into the gym hardcore...I have always worked out but it was difficult for me...I probably wont go to the extreme of body building but I definately want to get my body ready for the beach, since it is my favorite place to go and I didnt go once last summer at all....Plus I have 3 weddings to attend next year, one of them being in Aruba, and my 10 year high school reunion....So I want to look like the sexiest bitch I can, hahahah...Well, I just wanted to drop this note to say congrats and if its cool with you it would nice to have someone to be accountable to as far as working out and dieting goes....What do ya think...

Definately! I apologize. I thought I responded to all pm's. My apologies again.

You are not far from your goal weight which is pretty awesome. We can work on this together. I've got everything on paper. I can send you the workout regimine I have if you are interested. I also have my meal list if you need that too. Just let me know. My email is crazy_melly_mel@yahoo.com

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message was removed.

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Oh and I am not getting excited here but your tone stinks. It's very condensending.

Only if you are looking to be offended. :rolleyes:

I meant no harm and I don't have to justify my opinion with any links to anything. Common sense is common sense. A person at 3% bodyfat is going to look MUCH more muscular than the same person at 9% bodyfat. That's not rocket science....it's 10th grade anatomy and physiology.

Again...good luck.

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edited due to updated workout

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