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Texarkana Bandsters

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Good mornin everyone. Hope everyone is doing well this mornin!

I saw some very sad news this morning. The ticker under the newsperson said that obesity is now the number 2 killer in the nation of preventative illnesses. One guess what is number 1.....yep smoking. So, girls, we are ahead, having done something about ours!!!! Yeah for us!!! That counts you too, Shannon, you are doing great. 8 pounds is good on the pre-op diet. Stick with it and you will be fine. It's just a little anoying by now, right? I thought so. lol

Well, I have changed my exercise program. I'm bike riding now. If you ride from my house, it's up hill all the way going. And the little guy likes to go exploring. He thinks it's cool to ride with his poor, old dilapidated (is that spelled right?) mom that "can't keep up with me". lol He is just fooling himself. lol Good exercise for the both of us and it's fun. But, I'm gonna have to get a new pad for my bike seat. The other seat is sore...if you know what I mean. lol

Yall have a good day.


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Hello ladies...sorry it has been a while since my last post...just been busy trying to play "catchup" on things around the house since school is out and all...

Lisa...we are experiencing the "rain-outs" of ball, too...my daughter's team is suppose to play tomorrow night, but looks like a chance of rain, so who knows...we have had several of our games get rained out, too...We are 11-1...and the loss, we could have won, but they just didn't have their heads in the game...Beth (my daughter) is taking some batting lessons from a guy that I think is from Mt. Pleasant...Coach Allison?...We are suppose to come there Sunday and watch his team practice and then he is going to work with her some afterwards...

Hang in there, Sugarbear...Billy and I go Monday for our fills...(definitely NOT skipping this one...)...I have only lost about 5 lbs since my last visit...not hungry, just not losing...what makes it REALLY hard to swallow is Billy losing like crazy...Men just have no mercy on us women...(guess I am kinda envious of him) LOL...

Lo2us...be assured, we have all been where you are right now...we definitely understand the "cold feet"...I think you are making the right move...BUT, be prepared, where there are those who will encourage you, there are also those who will try to DIScourage you...Billy is dealing with that now at work...a few of his coworkers are giving him a hard time about how much he eats...they are saying "I sure have heard a lot of people having problems with that procedure you had done...MALNUTRITION... Is that all you can eat?...You can't get enough out of that little amount of food...etc..." He is good about coming back at 'em...but, they are out there...Hang in there...it is a simple procedure and is a small price to pay for a healthier, more enjoyable life...It's worth every dime to feel better physically and mentally...You just can't imagine the difference until you have been there...Do you mind me asking about how much you are needing to lose?...I had to lose 100 lbs...just to reach my personal goal...probably another 25-30 after that...I am already down 62 lbs since Dec 28th...not trying to boast, just wanting to let you know how quickly it has come off without really trying that hard...It would have taken me NEVER to lose that on my own...(I get discouraged easily...no PATIENCE whatsoever...and, I give up quickly when I don't see progress:nervous)...

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I have to lose about 150. Dr. H said to try to reach that goal over 2 years. I did some math and I think that it averages out to about 7 lbs a month. That sounds much better to me than the way I use to think. I could probably even do it without the surgery, but I don't think I could keep if, off especially since we may have another baby after the year waiting period. I'm going to try to reach that goal, but I will be shocked as heck if I do. I'm defintely going to try though. If I reach it, I'm throwing a party and you're all invited.

I'm actually going to try to lose 80 to 100 this first year. But anything over 30 will be more than I've ever done unless I have phen phen to help me.

I did Water aerobics again last night..loved it again! I actually had to put on a belt this morning to hold up my shorts! I haven't done that in years!

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lo2us vbmenu_register("postmenu_482070", true);

Future Texarkana Bandster I'm actually going to try to lose 80 to 100 this first year.

Dear lo2us, I noticed this sentence in your reply, and just wanted to tell you that your goal there is absolutely obtainable, and you can reach it then move on to the other part of your goal. It is amazing how guickly a year goes by, as I am in my 10th month now. I have about 5-6 weeks left for my one year goal, and I have lost about 85 lbs. It really is hard to believe that less than a year ago I weighed 250 lbs, and wore size 22-24 clothes and now it is a 10-12 every time I get something new. I constantly have to remind myself that I am REALLY buying that size clothes after having been HUGE since 1990. Just keep your head wrapped around your goal, try to follow Betty's box rules, and you will be amazed at the changes you are about to experience. I feel like a new person. I spent Monday painting, and after about the tenth time up that ladder it hit me, I AM CLIMBING UP AND DOWN OVER AND OVER AND AM STILL BREATHING!!!!!!. Go for your goal, don't look back!!!!!!!! MIZBOO

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Thank you so much wish412. 85lbs! You go. It's so inspiring to hear from people who have been through this!

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Hi, Wish412... You are an inspiration to us all...Thanks...

I have bought me a few new clothes lately, and needed a smaller size, but I have trouble with figuring out what size to get...I started at a 24, now I am down to an 18, and may could even go to a 16, but not brave enough to venture that far yet...I don't remember when I could buy clothes in the "teens" section...Its difficult for me to buy myself clothes...1. I don't like shopping for anything, much less try anything on...would rather just buy it, take it home, try it on, if it don't fit, take it back...2. Get discouraged if the size I thought I needed doesn't fit and I needed the bigger size...3. NOT a fashion sensible person...Therefore, I would rather be safe and buy the bigger size, so I am safe...MAKE SENSE?...How do I make myself get out of this habit?

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Good mornin, everyone!

Vylnn, you sound like me. lol I'm the same way. I'm just NOT gonna try something on in the store. I got into a pair of my "unstretchable" jeans the other day. I almost squeeled.

I have a question... does anyone else have this problem? When you get a fill, do you loose weight, then gain a couple of pounds back and then get stuck? I have done this every time I have gotten a fill. If you add all the weight I have lost this time, I have lost 15 pounds,(which is not really bad for 4 weeks) but the scales shows 7. How discouraging, if you have to lose the same weight TWICE!!!!!!! I just wanna holler. I'm exercising like I'm supposed to, even trying to change up my routine, drinking my Water. Very seldom do I NOT get my water in. Eating properly. Small portions like I pose too. I'M MAD!!! Maybe, I'm not getting enough calories. I try to get about 1100 to 1200 in a day. Maybe, that's too much? Ms. Betty told us at our last meeting...no less that 800 per day. I don't know.

Anyway, yall have a good day. I'm off to the races again!


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Hi lo2us. Glad to hear you are hanging in there on the liquid diet. Your countdown is certainly getting closer. Six days! Will you have help with your little one? Lisa is right about the day surgery staff. My experience was good as well. I feel like yours will be too. Do you know where you are in the order of surgery? I was first, and was glad of it. Hate not being able to have a little coffee in the morning. I believe you will do fine.

Lisa, I feel like I need that little extra fill too. I am so hoping this will be the one. I have a friend that has only had two and has great restriction, but I think she may have the small band. I have the medium. Hope your scales are continuing to move downward. Mine are still stuck. Maybe this next one will be it for us.

Hope everyone had a nice holiday. I know the teachers are wrapping it all up if they aren't finished yet. I think our schools last day was Tues

Where is hopeful church and Priss?? Sure wish we could here back from Blondylocks, and see how she's doing.

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Hi, Wish412... You are an inspiration to us all...Thanks...

I have bought me a few new clothes lately, and needed a smaller size, but I have trouble with figuring out what size to get...I started at a 24, now I am down to an 18, and may could even go to a 16, but not brave enough to venture that far yet...I don't remember when I could buy clothes in the "teens" section...Its difficult for me to buy myself clothes...1. I don't like shopping for anything, much less try anything on...would rather just buy it, take it home, try it on, if it don't fit, take it back...2. Get discouraged if the size I thought I needed doesn't fit and I needed the bigger size...3. NOT a fashion sensible person...Therefore, I would rather be safe and buy the bigger size, so I am safe...MAKE SENSE?...How do I make myself get out of this habit?

Vlynn, you are doing great! :clap2: You are also an inspiration to us. 61 pounds!! I would love to be where you are!!!! Like you, I am not so patient. I know I have got to eat less. I will be glad when I have that feeling. I go June 11th for my next fill. How much has Billy lost? Glad he is doing well. Do you go to the T-Town support meetings?

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Sugarbear...I have this feeling you are going to just start dropping weight like crazy soon...hang in there...

Billy is doing fine...still has the Kidney stone, just hasn't had a flareup in a week or so...Since December (when he started working on his weight along side of me) he has lost about 50 lbs...Since surgery (Mid March?) He is down about 23 lbs...I am really proud of him...he is smaller now than he has ever been since I have known him...(We will be married 14 years in July)...Everyone we know just can't believe how well he is doing...I really don't think he even needs his first fill, but I am certain a second one will be questionable...He only likes about 20 lbs to be to his goal...go figure...

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I go to the meetings in Idabel...closer drive for me...maybe one time this summer I can come to one of you guys' meetings just so I can meet all of you...when are they again?...and where?...

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Hello all! I'm new here and from Texas! I'm reading all about you and I think y'all are doing great!

I'm sure I will be asking tons of questions!

I'm being banded June 7th! So excited...and nervous too!

Any thoughts, suggestions, concerns anything for me?!?

Thank you!

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WELCOME SIMPLYME !! Glad to have you aboard. Know you are doing the liquid diet now. Hang in there. Are you being banded by the Texarkana surgeons? Lo2us, is being banded one 6-6. So you guys are right together.

Be prepared for surgery when it is time. Have your liquids ect. bought and ready for the post-op diet. liquid Tylenol (Adult strength), heating pad, and whatever else that you may prefer that makes you confortable. Do all the cleaning ect. before hand, so you won't have to lift, push, or pull for awhile. That is not good for your port. Some things I enjoyed where Tomato Soup, home made potato Soup, ( thin with NO LUMPS), sf hot chocolate, sf popcicles, homemade chicken broth..better than the bought kind, but the bought will do. SF Jello. You might get some high protien drinks, they help curb the hungries. Hope this is helpful. Most of all just don't worry too much. June 7th will be a new beginning for a healthier you. I hope you took a good look at the scales when you started your pre-op diet....you will never see that number again! Oh, and when you have your surgery, you will need to walk, walk, walk. Move around A LOT. Helps with the air they so generously put in your abdomen. If you have any questions, just fire away, we will be glad to answer any we can.

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Thanks! I'm excited! I have to say I was SO into reading this thread I didn't notice it was Texarkana! OOPS! I'm being banded in Hurst! But your suggestions were excellent. Thank you so much for the encouragement and suggestions! But I think I'll be checking back to check on Lo2us! We ought to have similar stories!!!!

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I did my pre-op testing today and found out I'm 3rd in line that day out of 6. I bit the big one and paid for everything too, that smarted a little! I just weighed myself and almost fell off the scale, I've lost about 14lbs! I'm in denial though. I'm going to check again in the morning, and again, and again. I even picked up that awful CPAP maching too, took a nap with it, and it doesn't seem as bad as I thought, but I haven't spent the night with it yet! I have to go back to TXARKANA tomorrow to pick my meds and liquids for next week and then I'm all set. My nerves are getting better the more I get accomplished.

My hubby and mother-in-law are going to take care of my little boy while I recover, he's going to stay at his grandparents' the first few days. My mother is coming down from VA on the 15th to stay with us until I'm 6 weeks out which is great. I'll bet she'll have Gus potty trained before she leaves!

Smiplyme, good luck and just let me know if I can do anything for ya!

I enrolled in Water aerobics for the rest of the summer too, so anybody that wants to exercise together, I'm there as soon as my wounds heal!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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