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FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved

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Okay so this is my first week through and I wanna eat everything that passes infront of me!! Its driving me insane every time i wanna ear something i go on this forum! It keeps my mind away from the food!!

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I'm able to get in about 4-6oz of Soup at a time myself takes about 15 minutes maybe, I could do more but I"m comfortable w/ that amount. I'm 4 weeks out tomorrow. My drinking situation is a little weird. I can drink my Protein Shake of choice (muscle milk) w/ ease as well as the thicker Soups, but Water for me is giving me issues. It feels like I"m getting too much air or that right in the middle on the way down it sort of splits and some of it comes up and some of it goes down. Then for a while after I can feel the muscles on the way down still sort of trying to figure out what they're doing, which results in discomfort. The muscle milk has a slightly odd (not a bad) flavor that pretty well masks the b complex I take. I weighed 300lbs at the drs office on 1/23 and now I'm sitting around 275. I'm pretty good with that.

Still trying to figure out the head thing. It's come into sharp focus just how easily I can cheat on this plan. I had a teaspoon of ice cream and it went down so easily. And the not so low fat soups I'm eating go down way better than any of the broth did.

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I had my sleeve on 2/25 as well. The first couple days were not fun, but I can also tolerate drinking fluids without a problem (about 1/2 cup, rest, finish the other 1/2 cup). Started creamy Soups today. I was able to finish one of those Campbell's Tomato "soup on the go". I've also had good luck with Isopure clear Protein from GNC - 40 grams of protein, so I'm sure to get my 60 grams in daily! Different flavors, I like the Mango/Peach the best! I understand I am doing much better than most and am VERY GREATFUL! You are not alone!

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I was sleeved on the 27 just got home @7:30 doing great getting in my h20

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I had my sleeve on 2/25 as well. The first couple days were not fun' date=' but I can also tolerate drinking fluids without a problem (about 1/2 cup, rest, finish the other 1/2 cup). Started creamy Soups today. I was able to finish one of those Campbell's Tomato "soup on the go". I've also had good luck with Isopure clear Protein from GNC - 40 grams of protein, so I'm sure to get my 60 grams in daily! Different flavors, I like the Mango/Peach the best! I understand I am doing much better than most and am VERY GREATFUL! You are not alone![/quote']

FYI----Where I live that flavor is on sale half price!!!

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I am 2 weeks out today' date=' and I found that I could easily eat/drink without feeling "full" immediately. My surgeon said I just tolerated liquids better than most and that was fine. I started mashed potatoes, pureed chicken with mayo, and eggs earlier than I was suppose to. My surgeon told me it was fine as long as i could tolerate them. You are not alone.[/quote']

I too am experiancing the same. I can tolerate more than just a sip since after my leak test and I really haven't had gas pains. Also I went ahead and ate a scrambled egg 9 days out. Doing just fine. Feeling great, buT I also was wondering why I didn't have the same issues as most people that were just sleeved...

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Hi everyone' date=' I was sleeved on the 18th, yesterday I started pureed foods, and man oh man, I was jonesing for some real food, I had a terrible attack last thursday night, all night long pain, sweating, called doc he said it might be my gall bladder (hoping not) anyways, I finally felt better on sunday so hubby and I went shopping and he asked if I needed anything and my answer was please go to taco bell drive thru and get me my first pintos and cheese. I ate half, saved the other half for dinner tonight, It saved me. and had no issues. so far I have tried, egg salad, cheese stick, refried Beans with cheese and 1 t salsa, pineapple yogurt, and 5 saltine crackers and cream of Tomato Soup from costco. I am on puree this week only then soft foods. try and buy different flavor Soups, it helps, I also had to smell my husbands Pasta dish and licked his cheeseburger on day 11, LOL. That starving mode has left me though, very weird. Mary[/quote']

I too was totally licking food before the soft food stage....lmao. Hey, you do what you gotta do!

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I too was totally licking food before the soft food stage....lmao. Hey' date=' you do what you gotta do![/quote']

I had the awful thought of chewing the food and spitting it out! LOL! Clearly not going to do it, but it did cross my mind. ;)

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I also take levothroxine... I was sleeved 2/12 and havent taken it since. I am so afraid of swallowing a pill too!

I was sleeved 2/27 I was givin a capsule to swallow you will do fine it goes down easily! !

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I'm able to get in about 4-6oz of Soup at a time myself takes about 15 minutes maybe, I could do more but I"m comfortable w/ that amount. I'm 4 weeks out tomorrow. My drinking situation is a little weird. I can drink my Protein Shake of choice (muscle milk) w/ ease as well as the thicker Soups, but Water for me is giving me issues. It feels like I"m getting too much air or that right in the middle on the way down it sort of splits and some of it comes up and some of it goes down. Then for a while after I can feel the muscles on the way down still sort of trying to figure out what they're doing, which results in discomfort. The muscle milk has a slightly odd (not a bad) flavor that pretty well masks the b complex I take. I weighed 300lbs at the drs office on 1/23 and now I'm sitting around 275. I'm pretty good with that.

Still trying to figure out the head thing. It's come into sharp focus just how easily I can cheat on this plan. I had a teaspoon of ice cream and it went down so easily. And the not so low fat soups I'm eating go down way better than any of the broth did.

Juny, didn't you have Surgeon in Dyer?

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I am 4 days out postop. I'm having a very hard time getting my liquids in. I spoke with my nurse today and she said to go with the Water over Protein so I don't get dehydrated. I did walk for about an hour and 20 minutes in Walmart today and hoping to continue walking each day. I'm having a hard time moving as the larger incision is still painful. I am just now releasing gas and have not had a bowel movement. There were no complications with my surgery so any suggestions regarding the belly pain would be greatly appreciated. I am also a belly sleeper so finding it very hard to sleep. I am able to tolerate about a half a Jello at a time, of all popsicle and tomorrow I will be adding some Soups. Good luck to all those who are sleep this month

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I put mine in a little disposable shot glass (they sell them at the liquor store or party store--of you can buy pill cups like they have at the hospital) then add some flavored water. Stir with a little paring knife (perfect size) and down it. I can't taste anything I take this way except for Ursodiol (yucky) but even that isn't too bad. If there's any residue in the cup I add a little more flavored water' date=' stir it up again, and take another few sips.[/quote']

Ursidol is the only thing I'm not taking!!! Stuff is NASTY! I told nut I will wait 2 weeks to start when I can just swallow it whole.

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I'm 6 days out. Wife is dying to have sex. I feel like I can do it...creatively.


Maybe have her on top? Just not too much craziness and jumping around? Just be careful

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Your poor stomach! Lol I am 11 days post op and couldn't even imagine having sex yet

I had to bed at 10 days out for my husband to have sex! He was worried he was going to hurt me! Almost 3 weeks out and he is STILL worried! He needs to stop worrying lol

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Were do i start. Am I going to start. As many of you know I was sleeved on the 19th of Feb' date=' the surgery went quite well, my Dr said my liver was lovely. The problems for me started after the surgery and boy did they start. They went to remove the intubation tube and then it started, vocal chords started to spasm, Fluid started to fill my lungs, throat begin to swell, the it shut down, clamped closed. I WASN'T BREATHING!!!!!!they were able to reintubate me breathing begin again. I guessed they tried again to remove the tube later and again I WASN'T BREATHING!!!!!!!!! (long pause, this is very emotional for me) after 2 attempts ti reintubate me to help to breathe I was placed on a vetilator, I COULD NO LONGER BREATHE ON MY OWN!!!!!! For 3 days I was on the lifesaving machine and in the ICU for 3 days. on that morning I was able to be moved to med/surg and on the floor for 5 more days. My blood sugar stayed in the medium 60's nothing they did would keep it elevated for more than 10 minutes at a time, we had to do something. In addition my blood pressure stayed dangerously low, heart rate seemed to race just because it was 2 o clock. My throat was very very sure and felt as if something was stuck there. Which was very very possible due to all the trauma it endure ...BUT I WAS ALIVE, I WAS ALIVE!!!!!!!!! It seemed has though one problem gets fixed another erupted. Drinking anything even sucking on ice chips was a major task not because of the sleeve but because of my throat, yes you guessed it I WAS DEHYDRATED, SEVERELY DEHYDRATED!!!!!!!! so what do you do increase IV fluids, that seemed to pose another problem within itself.....THE FLUID WAS NOT LEAVING!!!!!!!!!They really wanted me to take in fluid on my own, not possible I told them, I felt like something was stuck in my throat, I was feeling full up to my nose ok, FULL UP TO MY NOSE!!!!!! All I did was watch trays come and go come and go. My urine output was disgustingly low, no where near what it should have been for all the fluids I was taking in. I forgot to mention I hadn't had a bowel movement since the day before surgery. So nothing is MOVING NOT GOING ANYWHERE. but guess what I WAS BREATHING AND I WAS ALIVE BREATHING WITHOUT ANYHELP!!!!!!!! Despite those problems I m still thankful to be alive. I could barely walk for various reason , being lightheaded and dizzy due to low sugar and blood pressure, pain my entire abdominal region, my vision was effected also it sucked it sucked to be me........BUT MY GOD I WAS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! so what did I do I got up and walked when physical therapy came in. Could I walk on my own BUT OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!!SHE CAME IN WITH A WALKER......OMG A WALKER.... But I kept pushing.......I WAS GOING TO SURVIVE AND SURVIVE VICTORIOUSLY. There was no way I was walking out of that hospital with a walker, a cane, or oxygen....I neglected to tell you my oxygen level keep dropping down in the eighties.........BUT PEOPLE PLEASE LISTEN TO ME I AM ALIVE TO TELL HOW I BECAME A MIRACLE!!!!! This got really long and I am sorry. SOLUTIONS: how do we control the sugar fluids with D5 to keep sugars stabilized ...yes working, Blood pressure....still stumped on this one, increase the fluids, ahhh but a problem it is not leaving.....it's not were it is supposed to be either because my blood pressure is still low. feeling full to my nose, ahh lets try a suppository, embarrassed because someone now has to place something in my bottom, nope and why you ask, I AM ALIVE AND I BREATHE ON MY OWN... but guess what it didnt work, so what do we do , lets try 2 suppositories then, okay guess what nothing i mean nothing, but I am walking a little further now, refused to use the walker, just me a nurse and the trusty IV pole. I notice something strange though as i increase my walking distance, nurses, hospital staff members whom all see to know me were happy to see me up and walking, and so happy for me and how they prayed for me. I was none as the nurse in the ICU that works in corrections...During my 5 days on the medsurg floor those miss days from my life slowly begin to get filled in. One nurse Natalie even told me she was complaining to me one day she knew i would understand because i was a nurse, i asked her what I said she said i shook my head in agreement and went back out....But to finish up before I put you all to sleep, things got better slowly, I had a moment one evening wasn't pleasant, there was lots of tears lots of crying from me my nursing caregivers...my emotional stability was on the verge of eternal decline. I was nausea extremely nauseated, once i started vomiting which amounted to almost nothing except fluids were coming from everywhere, the pain during this episode was incredible, i was embarrassed wishing i had never done the surgery, hating myself for putting myself through this torture But all that was endure during was my turn around, my breaking point so to speak, after 2 days and night sleeping in a chair because laying was to painful and uncomfortable, that wonderful nursing staff at St Joseph East Hospital cleaned me up, restarted my iv which gave up after 4 days of fluids meds and blood draws had to be redone, dressed me in a clean gown dabbed my head with cool towels, held my hands, hug me cried put me to bed and assured me all is going to be okay as i cried and sniffled they covered me up with a sheet and my afghan brought from home, told me they love me and try and get some rest.....(crying now),things begin to get better.........and eventually i came home this week and have been reflecting over the past fews days and the changes that are going to take place in my life. Surprising to some reflecting doesn't really include loosing weight, it's going to happen that's why I had the surgery, but because I had a life altering experience living as i did prior to 2/19 can not be the same and will not be, am i going to crazy and start wilding out HECK NO, to old for that.......but life now has become even more precious to me than before and I am going to treat it as such...........I went in for a sleeve and came out with a new lease on life....................................[/quote']

Oh my gosh, you ARE ALIVE, thank you so much for sharing your story! I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, but I am glad that you were cared for during that time. Your staff seemed like such a blessing! I will keep you in my prayers for continued recovery! Please post on your continued recovery, I can't speak for anyone else but I want to know how you are doing. I was sleeved on February 14th, with a hernia repair. I have had no complications by the grace if God. Just feeling sorry for myself because I miss food! Thank you for putting things in perspective! Blessing to you!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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