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After much consideration, I've decided to start a video blog! I just wanted to document my journey and hopefully people can relate...or even help me get through the road ahead. I'm currently pre-op, with about 2 months left before surgery. So, if you're someone considering VSG and want to know the process as it happens, follow along. And even if you're someone who's already been sleeved, I could always use the support as my surgery time crawls near.

Please feel free to follow!

View my video blog:


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I'd like to follow your vlog but when I click the link it says that it isn't public

Thank you! I left out a letter in the link...oops! Hahaa! You should be able to get there now! :)

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Hi Shannon, thanks for the link. I'm Murphy and pretty new to all the WLS stuff but I've got a surgery date set for Feb 14th. If you don't mind comparing stories and all that I don't mind either. I'm really not that nervous about this much just curious to see what's in store for me ahead you know.

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Hi Shannon, thanks for the link. I'm Murphy and pretty new to all the WLS stuff but I've got a surgery date set for Feb 14th. If you don't mind comparing stories and all that I don't mind either. I'm really not that nervous about this much just curious to see what's in store for me ahead you know.

Nice to meet you Murphy! :) Congrats on your surgery date! It's just around the corner! I don't mind at all comparing stories...I would actually be interested in learning details about your pre-op diet, post-op diet, surgery...like what hurt and what your struggles were, and just helping to motivate you. I completely understand on wanting to know what's in store for you, that's where I am right now. Please feel free to send me a message...and we can continue to chat. I would def like to support you through all the changes that are getting ready to take place in your life!

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I have Kaiser Ins. so I had to go by their guidelines (attend an options and orientation class and a nutrition class) before I saw a surgeon. Those classes took the longest to set up with my work schedule and the class schedule. They gave me a notebook that outlined Everything that I needed to know, diet, exercise, different eating habits etc... I saw my surgeon in July, we talked and he said let I needed to lose down to 355 lbs. He recommend the sleeve and that's what I wanted. I went home and started to form a routine of eating and exercise that fit me and I weighed in about every 2 weeks. Slowly it all fell into place and I was losing weight steadily, some times faster than others. The diet I was following didn't seem like a diet. I was eating 4 oz. of Protein, fruit, veggie and a bread most every meal.Some weeks I walked more than others. I had good support from family and friends at work. My struggles have been snacking when I know I'm not hungry but just needed a lil something. Simple ways I worked that out was to do some exercise, work, hobbies, read, walk, drink Water do anything to get your mind off food! Sometimes I would snack on fruits or Rice Krispy treats but I'd give up something else later. It all came down to changing bad habits for the good ones. Right now I'm just a little nervous for the fact that it just got REAL and I don't want to screw it up and have it all be for nothing. I want the sleeve for a tool, something that helps me control my eating and I'm way more comfortable with the vertical sleeve. I have to be on a clear liquid diet for 2 days before my surgery. I hope that helps.

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I have Kaiser Ins. so I had to go by their guidelines (attend an options and orientation class and a nutrition class) before I saw a surgeon. Those classes took the longest to set up with my work schedule and the class schedule. They gave me a notebook that outlined Everything that I needed to know, diet, exercise, different eating habits etc... I saw my surgeon in July, we talked and he said let I needed to lose down to 355 lbs. He recommend the sleeve and that's what I wanted. I went home and started to form a routine of eating and exercise that fit me and I weighed in about every 2 weeks. Slowly it all fell into place and I was losing weight steadily, some times faster than others. The diet I was following didn't seem like a diet. I was eating 4 oz. of Protein, fruit, veggie and a bread most every meal.Some weeks I walked more than others. I had good support from family and friends at work. My struggles have been snacking when I know I'm not hungry but just needed a lil something. Simple ways I worked that out was to do some exercise, work, hobbies, read, walk, drink Water do anything to get your mind off food! Sometimes I would snack on fruits or Rice Krispy treats but I'd give up something else later. It all came down to changing bad habits for the good ones. Right now I'm just a little nervous for the fact that it just got REAL and I don't want to screw it up and have it all be for nothing. I want the sleeve for a tool, something that helps me control my eating and I'm way more comfortable with the vertical sleeve. I have to be on a clear liquid diet for 2 days before my surgery. I hope that helps.

Sounds like you had a process to go through. My insurance said I had to go through six months of dietitian monintoring...either that, or 5 years of documented motivated weight loss attempts. So, I'm doing the 6 months. This month is my 5th. I have had little hoops to jump through, but my program has been awesome in making sure that I have everything I need. I'm hoping for a quick approval :::fingers crossed:::: when it's time to apply. Anywho. Sounds like you have had great success thus far, even without surgery! I have gained weight rather than lost. The holidays were a struggle for me...so I'm trying to lose at least another 10lbs in the next 1.5 months. I just ate a donut...so I don't think I'm trying too hard. Ha! You're lucky to be on a clear liquid diet for 2 days. I've been reading a lot of stories on here and it seems like the pre-op diets vary from person to person, program to program. I will learn about my pre-op diet next week when I go to see my dietitian. I'm so excited for you and your surgery coming up on Thursday. Make sure you keep in touch! I want to know how your experience goes.

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You bet I'll keep you posted! You're almost there yourself so keep at it! Just curious how many calories are you taking in a day? I'm taking in anywhere from 900-1500 calories and it took a little getting use to but it's like second nature now. The part that I'm having trouble with is walking everyday like I'd like to, sometimes after work I'm just not in the mood to walk our it's to late to do anything. I've been lucky with this program and have done better than I thought. I've heard horror stories about getting approval and different things you must do at Kaiser. At Kaiser, what I've heard and know is that there are different standards in the programs depending on which Kaiser / Doctor it is.

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You bet I'll keep you posted! You're almost there yourself so keep at it! Just curious how many calories are you taking in a day? I'm taking in anywhere from 900-1500 calories and it took a little getting use to but it's like second nature now. The part that I'm having trouble with is walking everyday like I'd like to, sometimes after work I'm just not in the mood to walk our it's to late to do anything. I've been lucky with this program and have done better than I thought. I've heard horror stories about getting approval and different things you must do at Kaiser. At Kaiser, what I've heard and know is that there are different standards in the programs depending on which Kaiser / Doctor it is.

My dietitian currently doesn't have my caloric intake restricted. I've mostly been working on drinking more Water, taking my vitiams, eating out healthier, exercising 3-4 times a week, eating more fruits and veggies, and trying to eat more times throughout my day. I've really struggled with eating more than 2-3 times a day. It just seems like I'm not hungry or I get busy and forget to eat...I'm trying though! I've been on a smoothie kick lately, trying to get my fruits and vegtables in. Also, I've been trying to get in a protien shake in once a day (I usually substitue it for a meal.) I, too, have been struggling with exercising. I try to get in a walk here and there, but I live in Ohio and it's winter. Lol. So the weather doesn't always let me do the walking I need or want to do. I'm glad that I'll be having my surgery in April, that way it'll be spring and I can really get in some walking. I'm also looking to join a gym sometime soon. I need to; I climbed 5 flights of steps the other day (non-stop) and I thought I was going to collapse. I couldn't breathe without coughing for like 3 hours later. I gonna start putting myself on a diet here soon; I'd like to drop a few more lbs before my paperwork gets submitted. So, I went out and got a battery for my scale today. I have UHC as my insurance...so what's expected is pretty standard.

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Hope you're not too snowed in there. I'm in N Ca so the weather I'd as little milder here. Don't push yourself to hard to fast on the stairs Do you smoke? Don't worry, I won't get all self-righteous on you I use to smoke, just asking. I think it's strange that your dietitian is telling you to eat more than 3 times a day but if it works for you then go with it! Everyone is different in what works for their body. UHC is a pretty good Ins. Co, of course it all depends on your plan. You know what works for me is the plan Kaiser has. It's a diet plan where I eat 1200 calories (give our take) and have 3 meals and get in 64 oz. of Fluid in a day. They aren't hounding me or having me check in our anything like that. I'm free to make mistakes, learn and see what works best for me. Right now I'm losing weight without having to exercise everyday.

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We actually don't have any snow right now...we've been experiencing all four seasons in a week. One day its 65 degrees, and the next thing you know, we're having a snow storm. Lol. I can't express the pain I felt after climbing all of those stairs! I was with a co-worker, so I didn't want to seem weak and say "let's take the elevator" but, afterward, I wished I would have. I don't smoke. I used to smoke socially, like when drinking...but I gave it up when I found out that per my program, you have to be smokeless for 6 months before you can have sugery. But yeah, I'm SUPPOSED to keep a food journal (I'm not always the best at keeping up with it) and I'm supposed to eat 6 times a day. Impossible! I know after surgery that I'm going to have to eat more often to make sure I'm getting the nutrients I need, but right now, it's hard...especially when I want to eat donuts, Cookies and ice cream. Lol. I'm a government employee, so my health isurance plan is pretty good. It's awesome that you've been losing weight on your own, maybe you'll motivate me to lose a few lbs too! :)

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Ahh, sooo you're a sweets kinda gal huh lol. I just had a Krispy Kreme fix bout 3 weeks ago! ;-) That might come back and haunt us in the future with the dumping syndrome you can get after surgery. I think you'll do fine. That weather sounds like ours here, sometimes it's cold and frosty the next day I'm wearing shorts lol. I was born and raised in NC so I'm use to the seasons but it still gets me that out here you can go from 28° 1 day to 65-70 the next. You know, I'm still concerned about the eating after surgery difference of your plan and mine but whatever works best for you ya know. Well I'm going to start weening myself off solid foods today prepping for my 2 day liquid diet. WooHoo Funny thing is I know what day the surgery is on but they haven't given me a time to be there. lol They told me that sense I'm sliding into an opening they'd have to wait for the surgeons to see where I fit in to schedule it a couple days beforehand. Wait, that didn't come out right! Opps... Anyway I'm just gonna shut up and drag myself to the corner lol. Have a nice day!:-)

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Yes! I'm a sweets girl! They are my weakness...especially ice cream. After my last pre-op counseling, on my way home, I picked up a gallon of ice cream. Lol. Hard to break old habits, but I'm getting better. My boyfriend brought home a pack of donuts last night...grrrr. See, he can eat as many as he wants, he's 135lbs and won't gain weight. When if I just look at the pack of donuts, I gain like 5lbs. Lol. I told him he's going to have to stop doing stuff like that to me...it's touture. My mom had the gastric bypass back in '04, so I'm VERY familar with dumping syndrome. I've heard sleevers don't really get it, but it depends on the person. I'm hoping I'm not one of those people...although it might be a good reinforcer to keep me away from the "bad" foods. I have really learned that everyone's diet and expectations vary from program to program...person to person. It's been SO hard for me to get in eating 6 times a day. I barely eat 2 times a day sometimes...but I'm bad for grazing when I'm bored. I've tried different Snacks like Cliff Bars, fruit, yogurt, veggies...but I just don't feel hungry so I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat. I told my dietitian last time I was there that I have to scratch eating after dinner, because my instinct says "DESERT TIME!" Lol. I'm at work...brought a protien shake with me...and I'm gulping down my Water. Good luck on weening off of solids. I'm so excited that your surgery is only 3 days away! I'd be so anxious to know my time...I hate having to wait to find things out. Lol.

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Thanks! Yeah I'm impatient, I want to know the 5 W's. Who, what, when, where, why and sometimes how lol. I forgot to tell you to get the app. My Fitness Pal, I love that app for recording my intake and exercise. It tell you how many calories you take in, burn off, and you can use a scanner for bar codes on food you buy to log it in. All you have to do is the basic setup and it's kinda like having a dietitian/nutrition in your pocket. My ex had the RnY back in Nov 07 and she's lost a lot of weight but she didn't have such a good time with it. When she got home I was supportive to a point, I know Bad Husband!, but that was when she was just barking orders out at me and the kids and putting us on her diet so she could deal with her new dietary life. Point is, be careful with dealing with your boyfriend on his eating habits. Don't yell at him just calmly tell or ask him for his help by not bringing home that pack of donuts or gallon of ice cream. Find a happy medium that both of you can live with and with his help and your determination the next thing you know your dessert will come to the table you'll have a nibble or two and give the rest to him. Win win situation if you ask me lol. My fiancée is Very good about things like that, she's always concerned about my wellbeing and others before herself. Oh yeah! Think about this, you will be able to get full on a Happy Meal after the surgery plus toy lol.... Bonus! .... I personally think that food chains should have a healthier, smaller portion sized menu for WLS people.

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Whoo! TWO more days until your surgery!!! Have you heard anything about what time you'll be going in yet? I just got back from a counselor appointment and I had SO much to talk about. She's been really good for me and really supportive. I've been struggling with getting support from my sister. She is also overweight and has been her whole life. She's mad at me because I'm having surgery and I complain about feeling uncomfortable. She says "I have always felt uncomfortable." And she's upset with me because I used to poke fun at her regarding her weight. She never told me that it hurt her feelings...she usually just laughed along. I know, I know, she shouldn't have had to tell me to stop, but I was young and slightly overweight compared to her. So, I asked her if she was going to follow my story on youtube and she said "maybe". I was really upset. Then she began ranting again about how it's unfair...that's when I bluntly said "I am sorry for all the pain I caused you, but this process is about me...please don't make it about you." At the end of the conversation, I finally told her that if she doesn't want to know details, then I won't talk to her about wha'ts going on with me. Blah. Anywho. I actually have myfitnesspal on my phone..I'm just lousey at keeping up with it. I have to be better at tracking what I do though. I know that after surgery, counting protien and other things, will be very essential. I went to the grocery store last night, and made MOSTLY smart choices :) I was really happy with myself when I got home. This morning, I talked to my boyfriend and told him that he has to be better at bringing stuff that's no good for me around. Like I told him, I don't care what you eat...or even that you're eating it in front of me...it's just when you have extras, it's very tempting for me. He apologized and threw away the pack of donuts (he said they weren't that good anyway.) But GEEZ was it hard for me to see those donuts in the trash!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      Hi, I’m new here. I’m currently on the liver shrinking diet. So far so good, but I have to say I haven’t found a protein shake I like. Anyone have any suggestions please? My surgery date is September 17th. 
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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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