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Baby Got Back

I Wanted To Let U Know The Soup At Hands Are Wonderful The Tomato Is Awesome And Very Warm I Could Drink About Half Of One U Should Try Them Be Careful Some Are Thick But The Tomato And The chicken Noodle Are Very Thin And With The Chicken Noodle If U Don't shake It The Noodles Will Stay At The Bottom And U Can Just Toss Them Away Hope This Helps

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Ibrahem - you are welcome.

Kay - where are you? Kay is the queen of liquids - she's almost done with her 4 weeks! I don't know how she did it, I was so ready for mushies by the end of 2 weeks. I think variety is really the key.

Its been quiet lately - wheres B-man and Kay?

HERE I AM!!!:wave:

I am far from queen of liquids but I have been getting by. My favorite tricks are to use cans of evaporated skim milk to add to Soups to make them creamy without being fattening. I will blend anything-including chili and top with a little LF sour cream and LF cheese. I use mashed potatoes, add good amount of milk, garlic, LF cheese and microwave them to make a mashed potato Soup. I have had more potatoes the last week than I have in a year since I usually stay away from them. I am still barely getting 700 cals so I am not worried about them. I also eat a lot of cream of wheat that I thin down and add Protein powder to. I drink Protein shakes and sometimes blend them with frozen fruit or Peanut Butter. There is a lot of variety if you experiment. Granted, I am dying for real chewable food, but it is tolerable. I am hoping to transition to mushies at my appt tomorrow. 3 1/2 weeks of this is enough!

That being said, I am rarely if ever physically hungry. I drink all day long and never really get hunger pangs..I just want food. It isn't as bad as I wanted it pre surgery though. Since the holidays ended, I actually find it a lot easier! Best of luck to all of you on liquids, the time definitely will be over soon!

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Howdy All :)

I'm feeling a little despondent today, I feel like all this hard work for little show. I need some inspiration today *SIGH*. To be honest I think I'm going through another withdrawal period. food has always been my comfort and my life (hence my size) so when things, work and life are in an upheavel for me I usually eat. What am I to do now? I feel lost. Anyway, I'm having a feel sorry for me moment and you coped my ramble, my apologies in advance. CHEERS to all Happy Healthy Eating.

Keep Up the good work everyone CONGRATS to all. I'm sorry I don't have it in me to personally respond to your messages today. This moment will pass.

Hang in there Gerbera! I know how you feel as I too am mourning my "friend" food. It is an adjustment to learn how to deal with the feelings you are having without comforting yourself in the way we all learned how and eat! I totally understand. All the years I dealt with stress by eating and now what? I need to learn to stop, take deep breaths, relax...exercise. And if not, cry. I really think a good cry is cleansing and helps to get all those hurts out that we stuffed down with a bag of chips for the past 20 or more years. Know that we feel you, and don't hesitate to come here and share that! It comforts some of us to know we are not alone in feeling this way.

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Gerbera- Hang in there, girl! We all have our bad days and feel the loss of our friend, food. When i feel like you do I just cut myself off from engaging in life socially for a couple of days until the mood passes. I don't know if this is "right" or not, but it's what I need at the moment so it works for me. It's all about breaking those bad habits, isn't it. Boy- this is a tough road we've choosen, but 6 months from now think of how different we'll all be.

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See Gerbera - we have all felt the same way. However, something cool happened today. I have a friend who was diagnosed with diabetes this week. I know how she felt because I too got the diagnosis a few months ago - very scary. But, she is thinking about getting a personal trainer or working out to get the weight off and I was sooooo thankful that I have the band to help me. If all I had was a personal trainer or a diet plan I would feel so defeated because I know that those are temporary solutions! This is long-term and soon, if not already, my diabetes will be history! I haven't had one low-sugar spell, needed one tums, had my legs hurt as I get out of bed, etc., all of the things I felt 4 weeks ago! I've only lost about 16 lbs but look how better I feel already! This is such a good thing - the band - love it!

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So anyway, just trying to get the 60-75 grams of Protein in that the doctor wants and the only way i can see that happen is with more shakes... what do ya'll think?

I think I'm going to have to do that, too. I just hate to cook, especially in the mornings.

I feel like I'm slipping into old habits and not listening to my band so it scares me. I don't want to screw this up!!!

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Just have to share- It started to snow in Seattle about an hour or so ago and when I just looked outside there are 4 inches on my car. My yard and trees are covered and it's BEAUTIFUL!!!

Yeah for a snow day tomorrow says this middle school teacher. I don't mind postponing my Dr.'s appt. one little bit.


It is soooo cold here today. I jumped into a hot shower and melted for 20 minutes after work.

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Gerbera- This is a big change for all of us and as such we will all have our up days and our down days...so go ahead and have your down day, greive the loss of your friend "food" and then get back in the saddle tomorrow and have a great day!!!


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Siyah---congratulations on the 18.4 pound loss. That’s fantastic! By the way, I think Colorado is supposed to get the tail end of your storm. We're bracing for bitter cold and a little snow to go with the several feet we got recently. You're right though--it is beautiful!


Lucky Girl and Gerbera---I too have diabetes and I was wondering how your glucose levels have been since surgery. Did you notice any difference after your surgery? If you do take medication have you reduced it or are you still taking the same amount. The reason I ask is I'm trying to get mine leveled out with just one shot of insulin at night (per my doctor's orders) but that doesn't seem to be working. Thanks for any input you may have on this.


Gerbera---Isn’t it wonderful to have some much support from so many people that feel the same way that you do? I hope your blues have passed and you’re feeling better tonight.


Maurdan---I agree about getting more Protein through shakes. There are some Protein drinks that are only a few ounces and have 25 grams of Protein with no carbs, fat, calories. You can get them at bariatriceating.com. They aren’t milk based. They’re a little tart but just a few ounces isn’t bad. They sure get your protein levels up quick!




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Gerbera, Thank you for those ideas. I will get some V8 juice and some different Soups.

It seems like all of you are losing and I am not. I lost the first week, but seemed to have stopped. It's discouraging. I have heard it's harder to lose if you are on hormones and I am. I am really afraid I am not going to keep losing!

I am not as hungry as I was at first but boy today I really wanted to eat. I couldn't stand it. I seem to be craving salt and I ate a bite of a pretzel. I am a bad girl. I am not even at 2 weeks since surgery and a bite of a pretzel is definitely not a liquid ;)

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I realized I hadn't read all the pages. I am sorry to hear you were feeling down. It's so easy to feel that way. This is a big change for all of us. When I think of all the things that I am not supposed to eat, I get really depressed.

I have a friend who always called me and said " I made brownies for you" She loves to bake and I am afraid I will not even be able to go over to her house anymore. I just can't handle the temptation.

I wish all of us lived close together. It's so great to have the support on here, but it would be so wonderful to actually be able to see each other and be around fellow bandsters. Going out to eat is practically my only social life and I wonder how different my life is going to be. I get depressed when I think about it, so right now all I can think of is what liquid I am going to try tomorrow to make it through this phase.

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Hey Everybody ;)

Thankyou all for your wonderful support. It really was nice to know there are people who have and will experience the same. Some who I don't have to feel ashamed to let know my feelings and most of all will Understand and support me - Thankyou all :)

KayDotRn: Thankyou for your supportive post. I cried a few tears today then remminded myself why I started this journey. I dusted myself off and got on with the day. I am pleased this day has passed. Guess what, I didn't ruin it by eating something I shouldn't have *Proud Smile*

Siyah: You are so so right. The old habbits do die hard. Thankyou for your support :)

LuckyGirl: I guess today was my down day & your right WE all do have these days (I'm not alone). I'm am looking forward now & feeling much better. Thankyou for your support. Glad I have this forum to come to :)

Okiefamily: Smiles and Thankyou for the HUG!. I'm finished with my down day now & hopefully I'll be right now for a good few days/weeks :) Saddle up my horse, I'm ready for the ride :)

OfferRocker: My Diabeties is diet controlled "cough cough splatter" I've never taken medications for my diabeties. My reading is still the same as before hospital, I sit beteen 5-6. I think our readings in Australia are different from yours?

Denise822: I hope you can create yourself some nice Soups to enjoy, let me know how you go :) I'm happy to share my ides if it will help :) As far as weight loss goes, try not to be tooooooo despondent, let me share you my weight loss story so far. I lost 1 kg (2.2 pounds) before surgery. I lost 5.5 Kilos (12 pounds) in Hospital and only 1kg (2.2 pounds) since coming home from surgery 3 weeks ago. A total loss of 8 kilos (17.6 pounds). I feel disheartened at times, but know it will have to kick into gear soon, coz I'm only having around 8-900 calories a day. It has to fall off soon. I think I'm holding Fluid?

Like many others I started having more Protein shakes today and will keep up with that and see if that makes a difference next week :)

Take care all, I'll peek in the morning if I get time or a minute from work. I'm heading away for the weekend to the beach for some R&R :) Stay happy, stay healthy till my return CHEERS

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Just have to share- It started to snow in Seattle about an hour or so ago and when I just looked outside there are 4 inches on my car. My yard and trees are covered and it's BEAUTIFUL!!!

Yeah for a snow day tomorrow says this middle school teacher. I don't mind postponing my Dr.'s appt. one little bit.


It is soooo cold here today. I jumped into a hot shower and melted for 20 minutes after work.

Hi Siyah!

I'm in Kent and yes it's just gorgeous out! But it took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to get home from downtown Seattle last night - that's the part of the snow I don't like - on a normal day, that would have been a half hour drive, tops.

For everyone who's stuck in a plateau on your weight - I was totally frustrated and stuck on my weight loss last week, too - actually went up 2 lbs. I was thinking HOW????? when I struggle to get 1000 calories some days. Well, my body had been holding onto Water, and this week, I'm down 6.4 lbs! So you know there's NO WAY I lost that much fat in one week. Plain and simple, the scale may not always move, as our bodies are wonderous and complicated things, but behind the scenes, if you really truly are doing things right, stuff is happening!!!!!!

So watch what you eat (journal if you have to!), get your Protein, get your Water, try to stay away from too many carbs, don't take in too much salt, get exercise, and IT WILL HAPPEN!!!!!!!! If you get stuck for a few weeks on the scale, you really need to honestly journal - measure and weigh your foods, as I know I ALWAYS overestimate my portions (and underestimate calories).

I went through all the emotions, too - I remember crying over the stupidest thing a few weeks after surgery, and probably was a little depressed. Think of it - you body is confused. You not only have DRASTICALLY changed what you put in it, you let someone cut into it! Think of how your body feels - I can picture it throwing it's hands up in the air and saying "what are you doing to me???" So it's no wonder it's contributing to odd moods... I'm feeling pretty darn good now, and I'm at 4 weeks today, so it does get better!!

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Gerbera - Obviously you see you're not the only one in this 'mourning food' boat! We're all right there with you!! Just hang in there. Think of something you CAN have when you've got those cravings (i.e. sugar free hot cocoa or something like that) that will help you get through those times and the cravings will pass......Hang in there!

Luckygirl....I can see your point w/the Protein shakes. And I have to confess, I may revert back to the Breakfast Protein shake myself a) b/c its quick and easy in the am and b)I hope to have more restriction as of tomorrow and c) It will give me the Protein I need.....and I think as long as your not only relying on that as your sole source of protein, you should be OK!

DENISE...don't get too discouraged about not losing now. LIke you said, you're on hormones, so that will make it more difficult...but, a lot of people actually gain during their 6 week healing period! Have you tried tracking your calories?? It may be that you're getting too few and your body is hanging on to every ounce of fat thinking that you're starving it, or it could be you're taking in too many liquid calories?? Just a thought. Oh yeah, and are you um....poopin? lol....It could be that you're constipated too. If nothing else, you could always call your Dr. and express your concern and see what he/she says. I know what you mean about the social aspect of eating out too.....I have barely seen one of my friends who also got banded b/c I'm afraid to go eat out w/him! lol.....but w/my other friends I have found that if I order Soup or a cup of chili, no one really cares! I can even leave some if I get too full and no one comments or even notices....so don't worry, you'll be fine! ;)

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baby got back -- congrats for the band, i hope you enjoy the journey to the healthy world ;) . A lot of liquid is god bat i tried V8 wish is great for me and Soup with some skimmed milk.

Gerbera-- sometimes i feel the same way specially the food was the only way to feel happy, but now i try to replace it with exercise , watching some movie and talk to a friends about how u r feeling and all that will go away.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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