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okiefamily: This is tuna Mornay


  • 1/2 cup uncooked rotini Pasta
  • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup frozen green peas
  • 1 cup frozen corn kernels
  • 2 (7 ounce) cans tuna, drained
  • salt
  • 1/2 cup bread crumbs


    1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bring a pot of lightly salted Water to a boil. Add the Pasta and cook until tender, about 8 minutes. Drain.
    2. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the flour until smooth. Gradually mix in milk so that no lumps form. Stir constantly until the mixture boils, then mix in half of the cheese. Add the peas, corn and macaroni. Drain the tuna, leaving a small amount of liquid to keep it moist. Flake with a fork and stir into the cheese mixture. Transfer to a casserole dish and top with the remaining cheese. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over the cheese.
    3. Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until sauce is bubbly and cheese is browned YUMMO!

Siyah: Funny you should mention being colder since surgery, I have been colder post surgery. We are in summer here & I'm telling hubby to turn off the Air Cond. Being in Menopause I'm usually always having a Power Surge and feeling the heat, but lately I've been sitting with a Blankey over me. A friend suggested if we are having more Protein & less Carbs we will fill the cold more. I'll do a little more research to see if theres any truth in it.

StephC: Yes a fractured knee for the past 8 weeks. Good for you for managing a walk. I've not had any surgery yet (possibly later this year) Dr said I needed to lose at least 30 kilos before he would consider knee surgery, hance the other reason for Lap Banding.

I love the suggestion to melt some cottage cheese to thicken up Soups, that would make them creamy and tasty also YUM, I'll try that Thankyou :( Tonight I bought some Chunky canned Soups, I'll blend them and thin them out some. I'm not wanting more to eat, but more sustinance is what I'm craving :(

hisnhers: Welcome to the forum, I was banded on the same day as you 19th December, I'm still on liquid soups, mikly drinks and yoghurt till the 21st January, however my soups are getting thicker. All in all the surgery went well :) Let me know how your going?

Finally to all: here at the Forum, I want to say Thankyou and I'm so glad I came across this site. I felt alone with a zillion questions about pain, food etc and this forum has provided me the the answers to all. So to all who share and contribute from the bottom of my heart THANKYOU. I don't feel alone now, I don't have to wait till 30th January to see the Dr to get the answers and I know I got more from this site than I could ever get from the Dr :) CHEERS to all keep up the good work :)

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Gerbera - tuna Mornay is just a fancy name for tuna hotdish! LOL I make it now and then but don't add the corn, and I use egg noodles instead of rotini. I find this so funny because I work at a private golf club where the members are all very wealthy and our chef is always putting these crazy sounding things on the menu and then when he makes it - its like oh yeah chicken and mushrooms in wine sauce. I don't mean in disrespect I just found it funny. BTW - I'm the office manager and sit on my arse all day and everyone knows I love food so I have been the official taste tester for the past 5 years - ugh - that'll stop this season. Even the golf pro brings me in Breakfast sandwichs, donuts - anything fattening - I've only told one person at work about the band so I guess when spring comes I'll have to deal with it.

NAT - I see you've changed your name. I've always wanted to tell you that I don't know what adams was but that was my moms maiden name. Maybe we are cousins - hu?

Gerbera - Hope you don't need surgery - ouch! I guess my knee cap was just cracked not seperated so it healed well. The walk yesterday was a bit hard on me last night the backs of both of my knees were hurting.

Siyah - loved your story! wow you've had an interesting life.

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So my day is done...house is clean, dog is fed, papers are graded and I want a drink. I'm staring at a well-stocked liquor cabinet and umpteen bottles of wine given to me as Christmas gifts. Ahhhh...for a red zin! Instead, I'll distract myself by telling you all my story before anything good comes on TV....Jeri


I love your story and certainly not TMI! Thanks for sharing. I too love the outdoors and despite being a city girl, we have recently begun camping as a family and we love it. It is great for the kids to be outside in the woods as opposed to spending the summer on the sidewalks around here.

You have had such an adventurous life, one that I only read about but really enjoyed imagining! Thanks again for sharing and best wishes on a successful journey.

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Denise---Our doctors' views are similar too---mine is 75% Protein with 25% carbs (goods carbs from veggies but not starchy ones like potatoes). Mine strictly prohibits potatoes, rice, Pasta and popcorn. However, I did find a recipe on bariatricbytes.com for "mock popcorn." I guess you use Pork rinds, butter flavored PAM and parmesian cheese. Not sure how those will taste but I'm gonna try it.

Gerbera--thanks for the tuna morney recipe. I don't have any recipes other than tuna salad so this is a great help. I agree, it's nice to have this site to come to for information and support!

Hisnhers---Welcome and best of luck!

Siyah---great story. And great idea to write instead of thinking about the wine, etc.

BabyGotBack---that's interesting that we are covered under a disability act. What does that mean? The restaurants are required by law to let us order from the children's menu? I was thinking that when I finally go out to dinner again, I'll just have to take 1/3 of it home.

Steph C---Just look at it this way, when spring comes, your co-workers will see how much weight you have lost and they won't bring in all that stuff.

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hi all .

stephc .. thank you for the advise about the cheas it's realy helpfull.

offerRocker .. thanks for the support.

Denise822 .. i tried dr'atkins dite a couple of time & its work but i cann't resist the carbohydrate , it's my problem so the band is realy helping me right now & i hope the same for you.

siyah .. i love your story , it's very intresting .

its to cold after the surgery and i want to sleep:bored ..bay:notagree

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Hello everyone,

I sampled one of these Cookies at my support group meeting and they were pretty good. I’m wondering if you could add Protein powder to this to kick up the Protein. Hmm. . . . I posted it under the food section too.


No Flour Peanut Butter Cookies<O:p></O:p>


1 c Peanut Butter (crunchy or creamy)

½ c Splenda

½ teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 egg


Mix first four ingredients well and add egg. Spoon onto baking sheet, (preferably not a stone because it will dry these out.) Bake at 350% for 10-12 minutes. Makes 12 – 3” Cookies.< /span>


Calories 65; Fat 5g; Saturated Fat 1g; Carbohydrates 2; Fiber 1g; Protein 3g<O:p></O:p>

P.S. This is not a recipe I came up with. A woman at my support group (Ginger) did so I'm giving her the credit.

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Carebear...yes, I think it is normal...some people even gain weight before their first fill....but I'm desprately trying NOT to be one of those people!!

When is your first fill??

I hear ya...I'm trying NOT to be one of those people either. Keep up the good work VABanster, I know we can do this! Oh, and my first fill will be Feb 12th...and yours? We're just about on the same schedule, eh?

And to finish with some random tidbits...I have some babbling to do, hope you don't mind.

My general doctor told me today that my healing scars look wonderful, which I'm relieved to hear. Maybe I'll get courageous enough to post pics. Hmmm? :( Call me shy...but my belly is SO not cute!

Now that I'm feeling better, I want to incorporate some physical activity! I love swimming & doing Water aerobics...can't wait to get started. She said that I should avoid swimming for the next month to let my scars heal properly.

She also mentioned staying out of sunshine for the next year! I was sort of disappointed, thinking that once spring comes i'll want to hit the tanning bed a few times! Sometimes even in the dead of winter, i like to go lay in a tanning bed for the warmth & what i like to call my "sunshine therapy". :(

I'll meet with my nutritionist this Wednesday & I'll give her my food journal. I think she'll be shocked too that I've been able to get bread down! It's actually rare that I eat bread, but the few times I have eaten it, no problem. I'm sure all that will change after my 1st fill.

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hi guys - I really need some answers - I think I am in trouble. Firstly, I am a real idiot. we were sitting with company and talking and my kids had onion rings on the table and without thinking I took one chewed it and swallowed. Only after I started feeling discomfort did I remember (temporary insanity - I cant believe that I forgot - I am supposed to be on mushies!!!!). Anyway a whole night last night I have a pressure on the right side of my chest - and I felt like throwing up. I was so sick all night I didnt know what to do. I remembered reading from one of you gals that grapefruit juice is like liquid drano - I tried it and it doesnt help. I havent actually thrown up - but still feel the pressure. Dont know what to do. I have been trying to do this burping (PB) that everyone is talking about - but I cant. Also being only 10 days post op I dont know if throing up or PB'ing is a good idea. Will it pass?? I am too embarrased to call my doc - he will think I am totally insane!!!!! I think I am insane - I cant beleive I did this - I truly forgot momentarily - but had already swalloed half an onion ring. Any advice will be very appreciated. Please help!

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(((skinnymom)))) Relax. You are not insane and I am sure you are not the first person to pop something in your mouth without realizing it. I understand that aloe vera juice also helps with this. I have not tried it but it can be found in health food stores. I would also keep sipping some warm Water. If you are still feeling pressure, call your MD. Don't be afraid. You are not a 'bad girl" you just are human and made a mistake. I will share a story that a friend of mine, who is a gastrointerologist, shared with me. He had a lap band surgeon call to say he had a pt with a similair story. My friend did an endoscopy, found that there was a piece of turkey stuck in her esophagus that she had accidentally swallowed without chewing enough. He used to scope to push it through the stoma, and that was that. It was painless and a quick procedure and she was home that afternoon. Hopefully your situation will not even progress to that point but at least you know there is a cure. Best of luck and please keep us posted! I hope you feel better soon.

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SKinnymom- definately something I bet we've all done or will do on some level. For me, I keep accidently gulping Water and last night I realized how bad it is to watch TV when you try to concentrate on chewing and portioning. I totally overate cottage cheese last night by bringing out the carton instead of portioning it out in the kitchen. In other words- we all live and learn! Personally, I had a tiny 1/4 piece of tylenol stuck for three days- painful and scary! I can imagine how an onion would clog things up. Don't worry about calling your Dr. I guarantee he's heard it before! And always beter safe than sorry. I doubt waiting a day will hurt anything except for what it feels like, but I'm no expert. Let us know how you are doing and what works because like I said- if we haven't done it yet, we will.

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G'day Folks :welldone:

I'm sneeking a minute while at work :cool:

StephC: LMAO @ Tunahotdish, ya gotta luv us Aussie's, we have a different name or saying for everything.

Re the official food tasting. I think as Office Manager your gonna have to delagate food tasting to some other skinny soul.

Re my possible knee surgery. All fingers crossed i don't have to have surgery, however when I fractured my knee, I also damaged a blood vessel that supplies blood to the bone, and now the bone is slowly dying, due it not being fed blood (Osteonecrosis) apparently the knee will slowly give way.

OfferRocker: I hope you enjoy the Aussie version of TunaHotdish. I am sooooooooo craving to make it and eat it. I am so grateful for all teh information and support I have found at this site.

Skinnymom: Please be kind to yourself YOU ARE NOT INSANE!

If it makes you feel better I have forgotten many times. When I'm cooking preparing food for my husband on several occasions I have habbitually slipped a slice of mettwurst or something in my mouth before I realised, Thankfully, I spat it out before I swallowed. But it could so easily have been me in your situation (Old habbits die hard). I sure hope you manage some releif from the pain and the worry and get to feeling good again real soon. Ring your Dr if the pain persists, don't worry about feeling embarrased. I'm sure they have heard it all before, you wont be the first and I'm sure your not the last. CHEERS

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I have had food stick too. Try to ask someone to pat you firmly on the back and at the same time sip on Water. I had trouble with grits the first few times I ate them and that is what helped me get them unstuck! It is a very scary feeling and also very uncomfortable! :cry Hope this helps!

I was banded on Dec. 19th. I am excited and ready for my first fill which will be next Monday, Jan.15th.

Good Luck all.

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CAREBEAR...we're getting our first fills on the same day! I'm getting mine on the 12th too!! Here's hoping for some restriction on the first try! ;-)

SKINNYMOM.....don't worry...you're not insane, but you probably do have the onion ring stuck. If the warm Water doesn't work, I'd defintely call the dr. b/c more likely he/she has suggestions on how to fix it! I hope you feel better soon!!! I almost PBd on a bite of chicken I swallowed w/out chewing enough and OMG...I thought I was gonna DIE! But luckily it passed through w/in a few min w/the help of some Water, but ugh....definitely don't ever want to do that again!

The list was quiet today...I figured I'd have pages and pages to catch up on! I am happy to report I went out shopping today and bought a pair of pants A SIZE SMALLER...woo hooo!!! :welldone: I'm soo excited!! Although I realized I'm not only losing weight in my butt....but my boobs too, which is the one place I DON"T Want to lose it! oh well, beggars can't be choosers right? ;-) LOL

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Hello all!

I was kind of worried that I would come here and have posts telling me to mind my own business because of my post about carbs. I am a carb addict too. That's what got me into this shape!

Skinny Mom, I hope you are unstuck. I don't have any experience with that, but I hope it passed through by now. I can totally see how that can happen! I have been staying away from anyone with food. I can't even imagine the thought of anyone eating in front of me!

Siyah- I live in Oregon and I can totally relate to the too much rain thing. It's supposed to get really cold here too. I live on the coast, so I am not used to very cold weather. I hate it. It's even supposed to snow on Wed!

I think I am getting a little used to being on liquids. I didn't totally think about food all day today, like I usually do. I still can't believe I am not even half way through with liquids though.

OfferRocker, my daugher had gastric bypass, and I have tried those Cookies. They are really good. I can't wait to be off liquids. I bought her a Splenda cookbook for Christmas, although, I would really like to stop craving sweets.

Well I hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there. This whole thing scares me. I talked to a lady that lives close to me that has had her band for a couple of years. She has had some complications after fills and that's the part that really scares me. I can not afford any more doctor bills!

Good luck to everyone for their tuesday's eating! :welldone:

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I stumbled across a recipe for Protein pancakes a few minutes ago. I am going to start a file on my computer and catagorize them according to when I cam eat them.

These have 10 grams of Protein, 2 servings @ 139 calories each:

Ingredients <TABLE style="MARGIN-TOP: 5px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 5px" cellSpacing=3 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD align=right width=50>1/3</TD><TD>cup oatmeal</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD align=right width=50>1</TD><TD>banana</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD align=right width=50>4</TD><TD>egg whites</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Directions

  1. Mix all ingredients together.
  2. Fry with little oil for about 5 minutes.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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