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Hi Ladies! (are there any men here???)

ddee-I am giggling about the milkshake. That is totally something my husband would do! haha. It is sweet of him nonetheless.

Carol-Yay for you and your party last night! I am so happy for you and I totally know what you mean about worrying that people are watching you and how much you are eating. I find that I don't eat much at parties and then come home and eat junk since I feel bad for myself. So pathetic!

Beversman-thx-I will try to sleep this weekend but I am HYPER!!! I cannot believe how quickly this weekend is going by. Scary!

Mystique-glad you are back and feeling alright!

Hi Steph-thanks for your kind words!

This is a great group! I hope we all stick together because I have to say I am eternally grateful for all the support I have received here. Best wishes to you all.


PS-does anyone here have a myspace acct? I have one but since I am trying to be private in my surgery decision, I made a new one today so that I could invite my lapband friends. Of course, for those of you that would not post "good luck on your surgery", I would give you my normal myspace address. :eek:

check out my new page if you want-it is a work in progress www.myspace.com/kaydotrn

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I have been spending the day just kinda catching up on everyone and where they are at on this thread. I saw your note StephC asking where I was and thought I'd catch everyone up on my "journey".

So here is my "mini journal" :eek:

I was on all liquied for 2 weeks prior to my surgery. Did okay on that but had to work really hard to get it all in the last couple days...I was really tired of it. I had to drink laxative the afternoon before surgery so most of that night was spent in the bathroom. Surgery was scheduled 8:30AM 12/12 and I had to be at the hospital by 6:00. First nurse did all the paperwork, got me into the "one size fits nobody" gown. Gave me a shot of heparin. My surgeon came in and talked for a minute. They wheeled me to preop area and I said goodbye to my husband. I was nervous and really thought about running for it. It took 5 sticks to finally find an IV so that wasn't fun. The anestheologist talked to me there. Wheeled me into surgery and once again when I was ready to bolt they put the mask on and I floated to never never land. It took a little longer for sugery as I had the "old fashioned" gallbladder surgery several years ago and they had to deal with some adhesions from that. I woke up in the recovery room with pain. My blood pressure was low so they could not give me any pain meds. I did some of my child birth breathing to try and stay in control. They finally got the okay from the anestheologist to give me a small amt of pain meds and later the rest of the dose. I went to my room and they gave me pain meds as I requested them. About 3 hrs after surgery I had to go to xray and do the swallow test. That came back okay and I got some ice chips. About 6:00 that same night I urinated and got rid of the oxygen and got the okay to go home. I might of stayed overnight and it was totally my choice but my roommate was loud, obnoxious, and complaining so I went home. If I had to do it over again I would of stayed overnight. This is day 4 and I am feeling much better. I was lucky and never had gas, atleast none I couldn't get rid of. no nausea but alot of chest pains, sore throat, and coughing about sent me through the ceiling. I am on mushies and had alot of trouble getting anything the first few days but now I am getting what I need for the most part.

I have been laying pretty low and taking it easy as my mom has been keeping a close eye on me. :kiss2: I wouldn't enjoy going through those first few days again but I am focused on keeping my eyes on the future and what I am moving toward for my health and happiness.

I am so glad to see all of you are standing together as a team and support system for one another. Please know that I will be more than glad to help the future lapbandsters I know that you are all there for me and that is a great source of encouragment.

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ddee congrats on your surgery going well

kayrn are you excited we will be banded in about 30 hours

beversman how is that pre-op diet coming

steph I am proud of you for being able to bake Cookies

I have to go on the Clear Liquids only for sunday then no food after midnight

I am sad on monday the day of my surgery I have to get my labs done because the other day they would not do my labs because my insurance company requires it on the day of surgery

I hope that the clear liquids don't miss up my lab tests after being on Protein Shakes and Vitamins shake for wks

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Bkwalling- I am sooooooo excited and nervous! When you said "30 hours", my heart skipped a beat. Is that true? OMG-I still cannot believe it. I feel like I have so much to do but don't know what to do.

I cleaned my bathroom on my hands and knees today, scrubbed the inside of the fridge, in the process of doing all of the laundry etc. I have not nested like this since I had my last baby. Even then I didn't clean the pipes UNDER my sink! haha. At least I better come home to a clean house for recovery or someone is going to get it! I cannot sit still in a messy house (which is why I am rarely home haha).

I hope everyone is feeling great. I am off to a recipe site to find some Soup recipes. I need something to make to get me through Christmas!!!


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I'm getting close to my surgery date as well. December 19th. Anxious and nervous at the same time.

What is the swallowing test people are talking about? Any other things after surgery before being released?

Thanks so much.

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well im two days in ...i feel weird im so flipping excited that im not sleeping my tummy talking to me grumbly ...yet im not hungry...im really tired but not sleepy enough to get proper rest ive slept 5 hours since op !!!which was now 42 hours ago !!

im a bit emotional i was so confused a few hours before and really couldnt believe after all the planning and praying and pushing ive been doing i had pre bandster jitters but when i came around after op and first tummy pain subsided i felt fab but havent returned to planet earth,weighed myself and according to my scales im 6 lb down !!! but im paying no heed yet i will be weighed next saturday at check up and i see for real how im doing :) .

im a little afraid of food at moment.

did you all feel that way ???i cant imagine trying to chew anything :hungry:

what and when was your first foods ?

my diet is clear foods for two days then sloppy food like scrambled eggs or mushed up shephards pie and stuff,i just cant imagine eating pmsl i cant believe i just said that ,oh and i didnt have pre op liquid diet it wasnt required i think all you peeps who do and are.....are great:clap2:

im tender at my tummy funny my neck seems stiff andthat bothering me more....my gas is on move now :omg: so thats good for me unfortunate for loved ones...pmsl.

but hey better out than in ..lol hope you great day guys im on my way.

oh andby the way how do i get ticker up its asking for url when i try to insert image :eek:

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Tomorrow is the day!! Today is my only pre-op diet day, clear liquids only. and it is pure torture. I want nothing more than a greasy pizza hut pepperoni and extra cheese!

I am getting so nervous, i have to pack the kids some clothes to spend the night with a friend.

I'm so nervous I could cry. I'm just praying everything will go as well as all of you!

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Hola, December Members!

Guess who is back among the living? I feel closer-to-normal today, so I thought I'd post. I have to say, I don't know what I was expecting post-op but it wasn't this. I think back to having my c-section and going home and being active and feeling great. What I FORGOT was I was in the hospital for 5 days after the c-section where I sat around and did zilch prior to going home and feeling great. I should have taken it a bit easier on Fri/Sat. But I'm up and at 'em.

My surgery experience was fabulous, aside from getting the IV in. My arm looks like a pin cushion from the woman's lame attempt. But once the IV was in, they gave me some "calm her downs" and we were off. My last memory is of the anesthetist telling me the meds smell like cherries and me taking a big ole noseful. I woke up in recovery.

My surgeon is fabulous, as is his PA (on whom I have a slight crush). The PA has been a cheerleader for a few weeks now, telling me I'm going to do well, and telling the surgeon how informed I am and how motivated I seem to be. The surgeon even asked, "What are you, her personal trainer?" hahaha The surgeon asked what he should do if he couldn't get the band on, and I said 'Do the sleeve.' He was impressed I said sleeve, but I didn't want the RNY and I didn't want to have it done OPEN, and I needed to have something. (I know I'm talking in circles -- I'm still on pain meds)

ANYHOW, I'm home and on a liquid diet for 17 more days. Yesterday I had two out of 4 of the Protein drinks, plus about 30 oz of Water. I need to get it up and get it going, otherwise I fear I'll shrivel away to nothing! hehehe I'm pissed, too, because I'm 6 pounds UP from my pre-op weight. Ain't that some bullshit? I know it's all Fluid, but work with me body, work with me!

I haven't been walking or doing my breathing pump as I should. I have been coughing up some incredibly nasty vile clumps of lung snot. I have also had the most giant hunks of bloody nose boogers I've ever had. I was not prepared for that. I don't know if it's from the intubation or the anesthesia, but be ready. I blow and don't know what's coming out next. They're all about the size of a dime. I need to walk more to keep myself from getting a blood clot.

I know this is loopy sounding - I am drugged, ladies! DRUGGED! Anyhow, I just drank some Protein Cappuccino and it's gritty at the bottom. I'm going to sip on some Water and take a nap. I will walk when I wake up.

Thank you all for the well wishings. I have been thinking of you guys, too! *HUGS* I am going to get some Gas X strips today, I have a lot of gas in my stomach. I can't think of anything else to tell you that you may not know. Take it easy. Oh, and that abdominal binder did not help me. I had it on when I left the hospital and was standing in the parking lot of Walgreen's peeling that thing off of me. Pants unzipped.... I was in PAIN! heh...

Hope you're all doing well, post-oppers. And pre-oppers, keep the faith. You'll do great! Missed you guys!



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sweethot I am nervous too my kids are staying with my mom and they are scared for me too

I told them about my surgery because I wanted them to understand why mommy wouldn't be herself because they are 5 and 4 and rely on my husband and I for everything of course

Kay rn less than 24 hours till our surgery

I think 30 hours was wrong it was more like 40 when I wrote 30 but I am so nervous I am talking in circles

I hate clear liquids I am starving to death

NGAdams glad to hear you are feeling better

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aarrghhh! I cannot believe this is happening tomorrow!!!!

I keep reading about you all falling asleep and waking up in recovery and as nice as that truly is, it it freaking me out. I feel so out of control. Believe me, I certainly wouldn;t want to be awake!!! haha.

Today is my only pre-op diet day and it is pretty simple. Light Breakfast (oatmeal), light lunch-20z of meat sandwich or Soup, yogurt for snack and Soup for dinner. Nothin but clear liquids after 7pm and NPO after midnight. The past 2 days I ate more than I have in months of following Weight Watchers to lose my required 10 pounds. I had about 10 Hershey Kisses yesterday and for lunch yesterday I had a BIG panini. I think I had some weird urge to eat since I know I won't be chewing for a LONG time-my surgeon has me on liquids for 4 weeks post op and mushies another 2 weeks. 6 weeks without real food seems so daunting. I did a search and found some nice soup recipes to try when I am back among the living. A lot of them called for heavy cream :::gasp::: but I will substitute that for evaporated skim milk and hope it still gets the creamy texture I am looking for.

I have some last minute errands today and then I will pack my bag. My husband took the whole week off since he never took a vacation this year and he will be watching the kids. My mom will come tomorrow morning to get the kids off to school and I think I will send my husband out of the hospital after I go in. I don't want him waiting around-or do I? I don't know what to do. I imagine I will be out of it so it won't matter if he is there or not, right? then part of me is scared and I want the peace of knowing he is there.

Nathalie-you sound great-funny as ever. I understand what you said about the c-section and being in the hospital for 5 days. That makes a lot of sense that you would remember being up and at 'em when you got home. Do your deep breathing too!!! It is important-besides, you want to get those nasty booger out of you asap (thanks for the visual by the way:D .

mystique-you sounds great. I am very happy for you!:clap2:

A big shout out to my 12/18 girls! Best wishes. I am sure I will be back online at several points today. I am totally obsessing and reading everything. But have a great pre-op day.

By the way, I didn't mention that I have a med student who is following me through this whole procedure..from my first consult, to my psych eval, to my actual surgery, he is there. It is a fellowship program that had just started at my hospital. He is a nice kid-Harvard Medical!!! I am impressed. haha. Should be interesting.


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Hello Fellow December Bandsters. My Surgery Was Done Dec. 11th. I Am The One Who Has Been Talking About Miscommunication With My Dr About Pain Control. My Good Friend And I Went Through The Whole Process Together. She Has A Hernia Repair, While I Ended Up With A Huge Case Of Shingles. The Dr Ordered "standard Pain Control Of Childrens liquid Ibuprofen." Both Of Us Suffered Through Some Excrutiating Pain, Not Really Related To The Banding. I Am A Week Out, Still On My Optifast Liquids, Have Been 100% Compliant With The Before And After Regimin. What I Seem To Be Battling Is Crying Alot. It Seems Small Things Get My Eyes Squirting With Tears. The Last Time I Felt Sad Or Blue Was Many Months Ago When They Diagnosed My Husband With Lymphoma, So I Really Don't Think It Is Depression(been There Done It). This Just Seems Different. Anyone Else Going Through This Or Is Is The Shingles That Could Be Changing My Personality Temporarily. The Net Doesn't Offer Much On The Psychological Impact Of Having Shingels. I Look Forward To A Healthy New Me. W8t4me

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you know im doing soooooooooo well ,im not too sore my wounds look good,im not really hungry,im tired but not enough to actually sleep but im so so emotional,i just feel like crying alot and i have shouted at hubby and started bawling ...(which hurts so dont try it )i also took my period yesterday so im sure that not helping but i think physically this has been easy ,emotionally im exhausted .

how did you all feel after ??

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w8t4me im right there with you on this one ,im so glad im not only one

do you think it just coming down of the high ?????

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kayrn I think you are so lucky to just now have a pre-op diet and clear liquids after seven

I am about to die on these clear liquids

I am so hungry

tommorrow I will be on clear liquids as well but being banded will help

tommorrow at this time I will be banded

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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