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A thread for Single Bandsters

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Oh, ok, I misunderstood your original post. I think you may need a fill. I don't think 1,300 calories would be bad if you're exercising often. How's your exercise? Any? Your Protein amount is very good.

It's not a good sign that you're sliming daily. This tells me that you're either eating too fast or you're eating too much. We don't want this to happen too often because of the force or pressure it puts on the band, and the possibility of overstretching the upper stomach pouch if we're overeating frequently. If you recognize any food that continues to cause the problem, I would discontinue it.

For me, the problem was either chicken that wasn't moist enough, or eating too quickly or too much. Overall, I've had about 7-9 instances.

Now that I've given this more thought and read your last reply, I do think you'll have enough time between your fill appointment and leaving for Hawaii. Does your doctor know about your trip? I would just talk to him about the flight and what could possibly happen. I'm sure you'll be just fine.

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Oh, ok, I misunderstood your original post. I think you may need a fill. I don't think 1,300 calories would be bad if you're exercising often. How's your exercise? Any? Your Protein amount is very good.

It's not a good sign that you're sliming daily. This tells me that you're either eating too fast or you're eating too much. We don't want this to happen too often because of the force or pressure it puts on the band, and the possibility of overstretching the upper stomach pouch if we're overeating frequently. If you recognize any food that continues to cause the problem, I would discontinue it.

For me, the problem was either chicken that wasn't moist enough, or eating too quickly or too much. Overall, I've had about 7-9 instances.

Now that I've given this more thought and read your last reply, I do think you'll have enough time between your fill appointment and leaving for Hawaii. Does your doctor know about your trip? I would just talk to him about the flight and what could possibly happen. I'm sure you'll be just fine.

I am thinking it is when I eat too fast or carelessly. I get caught up in conversation or watching TV and don't pay attention. I also know sometimes it is the foods. I used to NEVER slim or Throw up....my first episode was after my last fill. Then it has happened probably 15 times in the last month. But the problem is the foods that are soft enough for me don't have enough protein in them.

I will talk to my Doc about the flight but I am worried that he won't know too much about it. He has been doing Gastric Bypass for years ut the Band for less than a year.

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I don't think you should get a fill if you are getting food stuck regularly.

Yes, we all get food stuck. You are either taking too big of a bite, or not chewing enough. Getting a fill will just make this worse. Throwing up is what causes bands to slip.

When you are at your sweet spot, you get full on a small amount of food and stay full for about 3 hours. You should be able to eat solid Protein, chicken, and other meats.

Are you still having problems if you eat early in the day?

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April I would agree that you're probably eating too large of a bite, and too quickly. Until I hit my "sweet spot" I THOUGHT I was eating slow. Ha! I have no choice now. Also, I agree with Denise's description of the sweet spot.

As far as whether or not you should get another fill, I would say if you're still losing eating the amount you're eating, then stay where you are. The last thing you want is to get more sick all the time. Try and master the fill you're at, and really focus on bandster rules. Tiny bites (think meat cut the size you would feed a 2 year old), rest between bites, and don't drink right after meals. You're doing great, so I say see if you can keep it going for a while.

Glad to see someone posted on the thread again. I hope everyone is doing well. Any new dates Denise? Things are still GREAT with me and Curtis. He treats me like a princess and it is just wonderful. I've never been happier. All of our going out hasn't done much for my weight loss, but I've gotten another fill and I'm ready to get back at it!

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Chrispy, I am so glad you checked in! I have been wondering if we are going to be hearing about wedding bells sometime soon.:drool:

I haven't met anyone new in a long time Chrispy. I have someone writing to me on Matchdoctor.com which is free like POF, but he says his camera is broken when I asked for a picture. He doesn't live that far away, so I could go do a look and see, but not wanting to share a picture sends red flags up. I met someone that I emailed with quite a bit, but he said he felt no chemistry. He lives 80 miles away, so we both agreed that was too far to see if any chemistry could develop.

I've been thinking about joining yahoo personals.

April, I should warn you that flying really messes with the band. When I flew to Arizona last month, it was 2 days after I got there before I could eat solid food again. The first night was miserable. For some reason the altitude tightens the band. Go easy the first few meals.

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Chrispy, I am so glad you checked in! I have been wondering if we are going to be hearing about wedding bells sometime soon.:blink:

I haven't met anyone new in a long time Chrispy. I have someone writing to me on Matchdoctor.com which is free like POF, but he says his camera is broken when I asked for a picture. He doesn't live that far away, so I could go do a look and see, but not wanting to share a picture sends red flags up. I met someone that I emailed with quite a bit, but he said he felt no chemistry. He lives 80 miles away, so we both agreed that was too far to see if any chemistry could develop.

I've been thinking about joining yahoo personals.

April, I should warn you that flying really messes with the band. When I flew to Arizona last month, it was 2 days after I got there before I could eat solid food again. The first night was miserable. For some reason the altitude tightens the band. Go easy the first few meals.

April I would agree that you're probably eating too large of a bite, and too quickly. Until I hit my "sweet spot" I THOUGHT I was eating slow. Ha! I have no choice now. Also, I agree with Denise's description of the sweet spot.

As far as whether or not you should get another fill, I would say if you're still losing eating the amount you're eating, then stay where you are. The last thing you want is to get more sick all the time. Try and master the fill you're at, and really focus on bandster rules. Tiny bites (think meat cut the size you would feed a 2 year old), rest between bites, and don't drink right after meals. You're doing great, so I say see if you can keep it going for a while.

Glad to see someone posted on the thread again. I hope everyone is doing well. Any new dates Denise? Things are still GREAT with me and Curtis. He treats me like a princess and it is just wonderful. I've never been happier. All of our going out hasn't done much for my weight loss, but I've gotten another fill and I'm ready to get back at it!

Thanks for the warning... I did get a small fill on Monday of .3 cc's.... I am at a total of 6.5 cc's now. I have been taking everyone's advice on this website and am really slowing it down. Even when I drink Water I have to "SIP" I leave next week....so if I am still too tight right before I go I might go get an unfil of .10 or so.

I don't think you should get a fill if you are getting food stuck regularly.

Yes, we all get food stuck. You are either taking too big of a bite, or not chewing enough. Getting a fill will just make this worse. Throwing up is what causes bands to slip.

When you are at your sweet spot, you get full on a small amount of food and stay full for about 3 hours. You should be able to eat solid Protein, chicken, and other meats.

Are you still having problems if you eat early in the day?

I do...I notice it is MUCH worse if I don't get enough sleep or I am stressed. Which makes me nervous...because my whole day is messed up if I don't sleep.

I have a problem with chicken most of the time, but steak (med-rare) and fish work best for me when I am eating solid Proteins.< /em>

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POF= Plentyoffish.com It's free ! I love it. I haven't met anyone through

there but I love reading the forums there. The other free one is matchdoctor.com

April, I have a real problem with sleeping. It's a big problem in my life. I was thinking about getting another fill, but then I got my dinner stuck tonight, and I hate the thought of that happening more often. It finally went down, but I hate it when that happens! I don't think another fill is a good idea for me.

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So...I joined Eharmony for a few months in November-December...and met the most amazing guy from there! We finally met up last week after talking online and on the phone for 2 months, and have been inseparable since! We had our serious talk over the weekend, and I finally decided to let him know about the band. He was totally okay with it all, and was asking questions to know more information about it! Never thought I'd get that kind of response! :smile:

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Haha, no wedding bells here Denise, although my friends and family have me married off already. They think I"ll get a ring before a year, but I think it will take longer than that. :drool:

It's funny - I have no problems flying. I only have issues when I'm retaining Water - I can barely eat. Stress can get to me too. I have to remind myself to sloooooow down. lol.

How's the fill working out April?

Congrats Kimmie! It is so much fun to date a good guy!

So my honey and I are headed to Jamaica for a little getaway. We leave April 1st for four nights and I can't wait!!! I'm so done with winter!

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I joined E harmony a couple of months ago and they haven't sent me one match. I am definitely not going to renew.

Congratulations Kimmie. That's great news that it worked for you.

Chrispy, that sounds like so much fun! I am sure you'll have a wonderful time.

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You posting bunnies!!! 114 pages?!?!

OK I didn't have the time to read through it all but I did catch one conversation I wanted to drop my 2 cents on...whether a guy who rejects you when you're overweight is worth revisiting when thin.

Of course your feelings would be hurt to be ignored when heavy...but when I look at pics of me (Which I don't, I find it painful) at my heaviest, I think: I was so miserable, screaming and lonely inside my skin, abused my body ... I was in no mental state for a relationship anyway. I don't blame them for not being attracted to me. The face I look at now has been the one I've seen all my life; the face I saw in heavy pictures was never me. Now people say I'm pretty or whatever, and I'm like THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN TELLING YOU PEOPLE lol :shades_smile: But I was in the grip of an addiction back then. So I don't hold any anger or wounded feelings about it.

And bless you girls for trying eharmony...I tried it twice and had the most hilarious dates that I need to write about. I'm done with online dating. /sigh. Figure if I don't have a life enough to meet more people "outside" in the world, I don't have any business trying to date. But I'm starting to wonder about it again. Heh. Could use a spring fling! Nothing like falling in love when the weather turns warm...

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Haha, no wedding bells here Denise, although my friends and family have me married off already. They think I"ll get a ring before a year, but I think it will take longer than that. :wub:

It's funny - I have no problems flying. I only have issues when I'm retaining Water - I can barely eat. Stress can get to me too. I have to remind myself to sloooooow down. lol.

How's the fill working out April?

Congrats Kimmie! It is so much fun to date a good guy!

So my honey and I are headed to Jamaica for a little getaway. We leave April 1st for four nights and I can't wait!!! I'm so done with winter!

I actually went in on Saturday after the fill and had an unfill done of .6 cc's. He only put in .3 cc's but he said that he had to take out more to compensate for the swelling. I was wayyy too tight for that week. I was having a hard time eating ANYTHING for that week. I was barely even getting down 16 ounces of water too. I am too loose now. I still can get things stuck if I don't chew good enough but I am getting hungry about 1.5-2 hours after eating.

I go in again on Apr. 7th so I think I am going to ask for .4 cc's. Because before my last fill I was at 6.2 cc's and he filled me to 6.5 cc's and that is when I was too tight. I am now at 5.9 cc's ao I think 6.3 will be good for me. We will see what he does.

On another note I just got back from Hawaii yesterday and it was a blast!!! I think I even lost weight on vacation which is very exciting for me... I will find out for sure when I go see my doctor on the 7th.

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I'm glad you had a nice time April! Hawaii looks like it's an absolutely beautiful place. Fill level is such a tough thing. A little too much is just plain too much! I'm at a great fill level now, except the week of my period. I can't eat much that week because of the swelling. The rest of the time though, I can eat a bandster size portion without being uncomfortable or getting stuck and it keeps me full for a few hours. THAT is the best part of this band if you ask me.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
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