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I am not sure if I should write an update, because I don't have pleasant news and I don't to bring such negativity. However, if any of you had been going through a rough time I would like to know how your doing and read your updates. So, I decided I should share.

Today I learned that the rude surgeon who performed my sleeve did NOT tell me the truth about my gallbladder. She told me I had stones and it wasn't functioning and needs to come out. Well today I met with my new surgeon, and she showed me the report and I do have stones and my gallbladder is functioning; its not causing me pain.

Also I have several kidney stones. These stones were present in the last three CT that she ordered (since my leak). Until another doctor ordered the 4th CT and told me of the finding I had no idea I kidney stones, which are causing A LOT of pain. I asked questions about my kidneys and they would not answer my questions, but told me something must be wrong with my spine?

I do not know why I was never informed of my health and conditions. I feel so mislead and upset. I feel I have the right to know the truth about what is going on in my body. Thankfully I do not have to see or deal with the nasty surgeon ever again!

So, the great news is that I don't need to have my gallbladder out. :) I am so thankful for this.

I saw the Nephrologist this morning. This is how I learned that I have several kidney stones in both kidneys that are about 1/4 of an inch. I am waiting for results from my blood. I also am doing a 24 hour urine collection and it takes 10 days to analyze. These tests will tell the nephrologist what kind of stones i have, and then we can make a plan to remove them. Until then I am in a lot of pain. Both kidneys hurt and the pain radiates up into my breasts, and down and sometimes around. The doctor told me to be prepared because passing these is going to be painful. The pain is very intense, it causes vomiting/nausea daily.

The nephologist believes my stones are a result of this surgery (this will be confirmed with the testing). She can see in the CT scans that shows over time I am getting more. Unfortunately, if this is the case she said I will most likely continue to endure these stones for a long time.

I also met my new surgeon today and she is AMAZING!! She was able to answer all my questions without judgement. This is a great feeling. :) I saw my PCP today as well and we went over everything. Almost three months post op and I am now receiving proper care.

I also saw the nutritionist today. I can eat anything I want. I have a lot of fear of food and having a leak. Eating food didn't cause my leak, but after my leak I was told food can re open the leak! This fact has me backed into a corner. It's hard to feel this much fear. All doctors told me I have to starting eating more, but its hard. I am supposed to eat every two hours and need to consume fat?!? Weird right? The kidney problems do not help my appetite.

I know things will work out, but right now I feel pretty bummed out. I am so tired of all the pain. I want to be healthy and not require so much care. I didn’t think I would need this up care and for so long. Its almost been three months.

Oh Yes! Dr said its normal for me to no longer grow leg and armpit hair. It may come back one day, but right now its normal.

So, I am going to live one day at a time. Take the pain meds and anti-nausea medicine to get what relief I can. I hope things improve.

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Hi Sannah, my most recent X-ray showed my kidneys were clear from stones. Hopefully the x ray was right. My kidneys still ache and my right kidney hurts daily. My urologist tells me it's healing. He better be right :P

My stones were Calcium oxilate (sp?)

The problem now is my sleeve diet contradicts my kidney diet. This is what I should be doing for my kidneys

reducing sodium

reducing animal Protein, such as meat, eggs, and fish

avoiding foods high in oxalate, such as spinach, rhubarb, nuts, and wheat bran

My urologist is not familiar with the gastric sleeve so I'm basically lost on what I should do

One thing he did tell me to do is drink 8 ounces of orange juice a day and I do this

I believe the citrus breaks down the stones.

My blood work still shows that my kidneys are not functioning where they should be but we are waiting before starting more testing.

Every twinge or ache brings me to full panic because I fear that pain that I experienced. It kinda feels like PTSD

I am sure you can relate to this with all that you are going through

I hope you get good news at the drs.


WOW-E!!! What a relief to no longer have kidney stones!! I hear you on the PTSD. I sure hope the Urilogist is right, that your healing.. But its said to hear that your still suffering from the pain!!! I hope this subsides real soon!

How long has your kidney function been down? Do they expect the function to increase? Do you find the citrus helps you? Do you see a dietitian to help figure out what to eat?

Thank you for always caring and sharing your story with me. I really appreciate this! :)



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I have been following everything from this thread. Sorry I have not posted in a while. I am so worried about you, all of these horrible things keep happening to such a strong and beautiful person. I hope you please get those stone took care of, you really dont need to keep going through all of this. What ever it takes to help you hunny I am here and so are so many other people. I wish I lived up where you are so I could go to all these appointments with you and be your rock. I will try to post more often. Thinking about you all the time and praying for you every day.


Thank you so much for writing and offering the well wishes. It really does carry me through the craziness. Your support online is so nice and appreciated. :)

I just looked at your cute little ticker and it appears that you're doing amazing!! :) Very nice work!! How are you feeling? Do you feel pretty normal?

I am going to try and get some rest. I am pooped out after four medical appointments and the pain. I posted an update tonight.

I hope you're having great evening!!




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I am not sure if I should write an update' date=' because I don't have pleasant news and I don't to bring such negativity. However, if any of you had been going through a rough time I would like to know how your doing and read your updates. So, I decided I should share.

Today I learned that the rude surgeon who performed my sleeve did NOT tell me the truth about my gallbladder. She told me I had stones and it wasn't functioning and needs to come out. Well today I met with my new surgeon, and she showed me the report and I do have stones and my gallbladder is functioning; its not causing me pain.

Also I have several kidney stones. These stones were present in the last three CT that she ordered (since my leak). Until another doctor ordered the 4th CT and told me of the finding I had no idea I kidney stones, which are causing A LOT of pain. I asked questions about my kidneys and they would not answer my questions, but told me something must be wrong with my spine?

I do not know why I was never informed of my health and conditions. I feel so mislead and upset. I feel I have the right to know the truth about what is going on in my body. Thankfully I do not have to see or deal with the nasty surgeon ever again!

So, the great news is that I don't need to have my gallbladder out. :) I am so thankful for this.

I saw the Nephrologist this morning. This is how I learned that I have several kidney stones in both kidneys that are about 1/4 of an inch. I am waiting for results from my blood. I also am doing a 24 hour urine collection and it takes 10 days to analyze. These tests will tell the nephrologist what kind of stones i have, and then we can make a plan to remove them. Until then I am in a lot of pain. Both kidneys hurt and the pain radiates up into my breasts, and down and sometimes around. The doctor told me to be prepared because passing these is going to be painful. The pain is very intense, it causes vomiting/nausea daily.

The nephologist believes my stones are a result of this surgery (this will be confirmed with the testing). She can see in the CT scans that shows over time I am getting more. Unfortunately, if this is the case she said I will most likely continue to endure these stones for a long time.

I also met my new surgeon today and she is AMAZING!! She was able to answer all my questions without judgement. This is a great feeling. :) I saw my PCP today as well and we went over everything. Almost three months post op and I am now receiving proper care.

I also saw the nutritionist today. I can eat anything I want. I have a lot of fear of food and having a leak. Eating food didn't cause my leak, but after my leak I was told food can re open the leak! This fact has me backed into a corner. It's hard to feel this much fear. All doctors told me I have to starting eating more, but its hard. I am supposed to eat every two hours and need to consume fat?!? Weird right? The kidney problems do not help my appetite.

I know things will work out, but right now I feel pretty bummed out. I am so tired of all the pain. I want to be healthy and not require so much care. I didn’t think I would need this up care and for so long. Its almost been three months.

Oh Yes! Dr said its normal for me to no longer grow leg and armpit hair. It may come back one day, but right now its normal.

So, I am going to live one day at a time. Take the pain meds and anti-nausea medicine to get what relief I can. I hope things improve.[/quote']


Some unfortunate things have happened to you lately. And you've handled them with grace and determination. So you should never think that your postings bring any negativity!

That's horrible about the first surgeon and her lies, but I'm glad though that you do not have to take your gallbladder out. That is great news!

Oh boy, I wish it didn't take so long for those test results on your kidneys! You said that it might be a direct result of the surgery. How do they figure that out? And what about the surgery causes them?

I'm so glad that you found a good (and nice) surgeon :)

I can totally understand your fear about eating, but you need to get some nourishment, but Lol I wish someone would tell me I needed to consume more fat! Go figure huh 0_o

I know this has been a long and painful three months. This is not what you signed up for, and I'm sorry it happened to you. But you know what? I know your going to get through this and live a full and beautiful life, With love and just a little bit more appreciation than the average joe :)


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Laura is so right on everything she has said in this post. You are such an inspiration to so many of us here on VST. We always want to here how you are doing it is important to us we care, to us you have become a part of our family. Please babygirl dont worry about any of us, its very important for you to focus on you and getting better. We will always be here for you we will be here through it all for you. Hopefully soon, those kidney stones will be gone and you can finally start this journey the way it was subpose to be. As for nutrition please start even with just one bite at a time. I am so happy you have a new great surgeon I believe she/he will take vey good care of you. Please let us know how everything is going. Take care

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Sannah I've been absent much because of other crazies in my life (nothing bad, just lots of travel and lots of kiddo stuff). But I have been reading. I'm so sorry to read that this development has happened, and sorrier still to learn that you've been kept in the dark. Even my first surgeon, who was horribly wrong about my condition didn't lie to me (and I see keeping that type of information as a lie at the very least). Honestly, your first is a malpractice example if there ever was one! Why lead you on that you have spine issues for gads sake? It makes me want to punch someone :P

But I want to spend time on something really important....eating darling, eating! I know you've had the doctor's lectures and don't want another but I'm here across the internet and you can't stop me :P

I know that fear honey. I know it SO WELL!!! While neither of us caused our leak with food we all know that can happen and after going through what we did, obviously we want to avoid that hell with every Fiber of our being! I still don't eat salad, hard vegies or fruit with skins because I'm not allowed...but I will be in a few weeks and gad Sannah, I KNOW i'm past worry about a new leak and I'm not sure I want to advance my diet either! I know I can't have much because I've discovered my new long term complication of stomach size (it's way too small so a balanced diet is likely not ever going to happen for me) but I also know, having had this fear before, that I have to at least start when they tell me to because...well it's kind of like falling off a horse. If we don't get back on we'll be on koolaide and popsicles for life!

With your condition maintaining as normal a diet as possible is really valuable hun. You need strength and energy, even just a little to fight the pain and suffering you're dealing with is better than nothing. I know you have fear. I did too, but start slowly and make it a goal to add something to your diet on a daily basis. Make it easy stuff, have a french fry, a cracker with butter, anything with texture, and advance on that bite by bite. Your leak is healed now and your doctor isn't trying to kill you :) (OK maybe not this one anyhoo). Start slowly and have just a tiny bit so you can show yourself it won't cause you a leak. If you want to be super conservative, do what my doc told me to do...no hard vegies and skinned fruit for six months (from the date of the repair surgery). But do advance honey. It's important and scary and necessary. While I was scared to death, I have to say that when I got a bit of normalcy back into my diet, I started to feel better. It seems odd, but it's just somehow comfortable to have one normal thing in your life, especially when you have so much else you can't control. Really :) Try honey. And call me in a few weeks and we'll share a carrot over the phone LOL

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I wanted to check in. I am alive and suffering. The pain is immense. I read all the lovely messages. When I am not in so much pain I will write back

I hope your weekends off to a great start.



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Hi' date='

I wanted to check in. I am alive and suffering. The pain is immense. I read all the lovely messages. When I am not in so much pain I will write back

I hope your weekends off to a great start.



Rest rest rest!

I understand the fear of food entirely, I was the same way. And I understand how draining it is to be in pain. My fibro has been in a huge flare since my leak and no pain meds are working since I was on morphine for so long. I also lost all my tailbone padding so it cracked :/ I've had kidney stones before, in 5th grade, I don't come on here too much but you're still in my thoughts! Hang in there sweetheart, there's a happier life just over this hill.

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Awe Sannah. Take care, hope you have restful weekend with some loving snuggles with Venla.

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Sannah....thinking of you too.

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First off, I hope your weekend is nice and has been enjoyable.

I am not okay. The pain is off the scale, more like a 20. I am having trouble peeing and both of my kidneys are causing me tons of pain. It's miserable. Right now the pain is down so I am posting an update. I am generally not functioning too well.

Hugs to all



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Should you go to the ER Sannah ?

I just asked my husband and he said it might be a good idea to go...

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First off' date=' I hope your weekend is nice and has been enjoyable.

I am not okay. The pain is off the scale, more like a 20. I am having trouble peeing and both of my kidneys are causing me tons of pain. It's miserable. Right now the pain is down so I am posting an update. I am generally not functioning too well.

Hugs to all



Girl you have made it this far don't give up on yourself and be ok with pain. Pain is not supposed to be that bad. You need to be looked at. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. The praying wont stop!! Please keep us posted.

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It's time to go to the hospital. Your kidneys could very well stop functioning if they are blocked by your stones. The likelihood that you will pass a 1/4 inch (6mm) stone is slim :(

I know the pain you're in and I can't imagine it going on this long.

What does your nephrologist say?

Is there any reason why he has not broken them up for you to pass them or why you're not getting them removed?

I only ask because I am very concerned about you.


You're in my prayers!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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