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HI Sannah' date='

Did they find out if you passed your kidney stone? I am so thankful they broke mine up so it would be easy to pass. I remember that pain so well before they did that.

Yuck. You have been through way too much. I pray that this is the end of all these troubles you're having.

I hope you're well around the 10th of march when I come up there![/quote']


How do you do?

Oh my goodness me!! I so hope to be better by march 10th. Everyday I wake up intending to feel better. The pain meds help me alot, but they aren't a long term solution. I can't stand that I need them to function smoothly in daily life.

I have not been told I passes a stone yet. I wish, I am sure the pain is telling me I am working on passing it.



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Hi Sannah,

I won't be on the forum too much this weekend but I just wanted to say I'm thinking of you. I'm glad the pain is manageable for you right now. Try to have a good time with your celebration. I know how you feel about not wanting to miss anything. It may even make you feel a little better.

I will be in San Francisco all weekend for my son and daughter to dance at a convention but I will keep checking in on you when I can.

Give Venla a big hug!!!

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I just caught up on everything Sannah. I was so happy to read of your great recovery continuing and then heart broken to hear you hit another bump (such a nice phrase for sheer hell...but that's what people like to say.....I used to think "bump???? It's a fricking sink hole you ididt" but I never said it).

I hope your labs had some encouraging news. No opening of the leak though and no new ones (that's rare...really rare) so that's good. But dang girlfriend' date=' another night away from your baby <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> That's sad and frustrating.

I will be traveling again this weekend (DH and I are taking turns in alaska LOL...never at the same time though) but hope to read something like "I feel better" from you when I return! Hugs dear.[/quote']


So happy to hear from you. How are doing?

Exactly!! This does not feel like a bump, but a huge hole!! Things are going to get better. Today when I woke up I felt a small bit better!! I am thankful for this. :)

White blood cells are down so I don't have an infection. That is what the last lab showed. Now I am awaiting more labs for my kidneys. What gives?

Did you complain to the medical board about the doctor that did your surgery? Or the hospital? Is he in private practice?

Sounds like a busy weekend for you. I hope you are doing good. :) I am happy to see your post.

Wishing you the best,


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I just read this thread for the first time .. Sannah' date=' you are by far one of the strongest women I have ever encountered .. WOW!! I hope you get better soon . Your definitely in my thoughts and prayers . Kiidney stones are so painful . But, this is just another hurdle that you will leap over. You've gone through so much . I love the way your daughter brightens your day. I have 3 of my own and they are my life. (as I am yelling at them at this present moment:) ) They definitely get me out of the dumps when I'm down . ( so does Laura-Ven , you are funny) I hope you get better soon . Stay strong <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> I look forward to following your progress ..[/quote']

Good Morning,

Thank you kindly for writing and keeping me in your thoughts. I am learned that I am strong!! :) I didn't realize I had this much strength in me. Perhaps, now I can do anything!!!! ????

Three little ones!! Woah Mama!! How do you do it? I am sure they are most amazing and tons if fun!! How old are they? Have you had your sleeve yet?

Laura-ven is pretty darn great!! You're right about this!! ????

This am I am feeling a little but better!! Not a ton, but I'll take it!! A little bit better everyday is great news!! ????

Thank you kindly for the complements and words of encouragement! I appreciate them a lot!!

I hope you have a good day!!



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Hi Sannah' date='

I won't be on the forum too much this weekend but I just wanted to say I'm thinking of you. I'm glad the pain is manageable for you right now. Try to have a good time with your celebration. I know how you feel about not wanting to miss anything. It may even make you feel a little better.

I will be in San Francisco all weekend for my son and daughter to dance at a convention but I will keep checking in on you when I can.

Give Venla a big hug!!![/quote']

Hello!! Good morning!!

I was thinking about you this AM so I came to check the forum. I believe your surgery is very soon!!! ????

How are you feeling? Ready?

I hope you have a fantastic time with your kids! What kind of dance so they perform? I can't wait to hear now things go!!

I am still waiting on the third set of labs. I am glad to know my white blood cell count is under 10. So this is great news!!! This A.M. I am feeling a small bit better. I am sure tomorrow I have progressed to even better health.

I hope your out having a great day with your kiddos. Thank you so much for the well wishes. Your so kind. ????



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Sannah....I've had kidney stones and gallstones, I know how painful they can be! When do they intend to remove your gallbladder? I hope your pain remains under control with the meds.

Have a good weekend with your little one!

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Sannah, I just have to tell you how much I admire your positive attitude!! I am a huge believer in faster healing with a positive attitude. I am sure you will do just great. Even with all the pain etc.. you are having you still come here and reply to everyone! wow. I think we should all have your attitude :)

Have a wonderful weekend!!


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Sannah....I've had kidney stones and gallstones' date=' I know how painful they can be! When do they intend to remove your gallbladder? I hope your pain remains under control with the meds.

Have a good weekend with your little one![/quote']


Oh man!!! Did you have them at the same time too? The Dalaudid helps a lot and doesn't make me drugged up like Vicodin does. Are you feeling better now?

I don't know when I will have it out. I have been through a lot and I am not at all interested it getting it out. My husband wants me to get it out. The surgeon said if I wait I am at risk for infection and needing emergency surgery. I feel stick between a rock and a hard place.

How's your weekend going? We are having a good time considering all I am going through



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Sannah' date=' I just have to tell you how much I admire your positive attitude!! I am a huge believer in faster healing with a positive attitude. I am sure you will do just great. Even with all the pain etc.. you are having you still come here and reply to everyone! wow. I think we should all have your attitude <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Have a wonderful weekend!!


Sweet Sue,

How is your weekend going?

Your so kind!! ???? I try to keep looking ahead because I know it's only going to get better and I can't wait!!! ???? It's going to be GREAT!!!

I completely agree with you a positive attitude helps the healing process along. I do at times feel crumby, during these times I talk out the emotions and read the messages here on Vst. All these kind words do a lot for my soul.

My weekend is good considering all am I currently experiencing. I have a great support system. I am one very lucky person.



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I hope your day has been good!!!

I love that your son is a nerd!! Fungus!! That is so great!!! Seems like his neediness is challenging at times!! Oh boy!!! 16 years old. Everyone tells me the teenage years are hard and to be prepared. What's your opinion?

As Venla is walking and talking her personality is blooming. It's so fun to see!!! :)

I am waiting for more lab results. I had to do more labs this am. I have to call back Monday. Until then I am on Dalaudid and all the anti nausea meds. Dalaudid works real good' date=' better than Vicodin and it doesn't make me feel or appear drugged up. Dalaudid doesn't even make me sleepy. I am at least resting comfortably.

We didn't Celebrate the holidays with my in-laws because I was hospitalized. We are supposed to leave Sunday to see everyone and celebrate. My hubby keeps telling me we should cancel. I feel like we should go as long as I can manage my pain. My hubby's grandma is 94. Each day is a big deal, as she is getting to be so old.

All the pain and symptoms are from the gall and kidney stones. :(

I hope your having a great weekend.



Hi Girly!

You sound good this morning! I'm happy the pain meds are helping out :)

You said you are leaving on Sunday? How far do you have to travel?

That would be a tough one, I see how it would be important to go, especially for his grandma..

My Nana was "my favorite girl in the world" I told her that all the time :)

But I understand and share your husbands concern..

But I know you know what your doing and if the doctor felt it wasn't a good thing they would of told you.

Oh and 16 year old girls!!! Ummm....well.... Yeah it's an adventure!! But at the end of the day I know she loves me and she knows I love her.

And we are lucky because she tells us EVERYTHING 0_o So I know we will make it through to the other side :)

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Just wanted to stop by and say hi, and let you know I'm thinking of you! I stop in to catch up on your progress, and I remain impressed with your positive approach. It really will make the difference, and when you get to the wellness side you so desire and deserve, you'll look back on this and know how strong you are. Such an excellent role model for your daughter. xo


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Good Morning,

Thank you kindly for writing and keeping me in your thoughts. I am learned that I am strong!! :) I didn't realize I had this much strength in me. Perhaps, now I can do anything!!!! ????

Three little ones!! Woah Mama!! How do you do it? I am sure they are most amazing and tons if fun!! How old are they? Have you had your sleeve yet?

Laura-ven is pretty darn great!! You're right about this!! ????

This am I am feeling a little but better!! Not a ton, but I'll take it!! A little bit better everyday is great news!! ????

Thank you kindly for the complements and words of encouragement! I appreciate them a lot!!

I hope you have a good day!!



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Hi :) I was sleeved on Jan24 th so I am one month out .. I have had a few minor issues. Nothing big - nausea , stalls and being weak of the mind . I will never complain over something so minor after reading your posts . I truly have nothing to complain about . My son is 12 my girls are 9 and 7 . I am busy with them as well as work . The girls are into softball , gymnastics and cheer leading . My son is into lacrosse and football ( for now, they change their little minds often) . I have to keep them active so they dont have my weight issues. It's cold here( NJ) so its hard to keep these kids occupied in the winter. Im an RN and I work 3-4 times a week . But as moms we manage somehow .( I never said I was sane .... Hehe ) I hope you have a great weekend !



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Hi Girly!

You sound good this morning! I'm happy the pain meds are helping out <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

You said you are leaving on Sunday? How far do you have to travel?

That would be a tough one' date=' I see how it would be important to go, especially for his grandma..

My Nana was "my favorite girl in the world" I told her that all the time <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

But I understand and share your husbands concern..

But I know you know what your doing and if the doctor felt it wasn't a good thing they would of told you.

Oh and 16 year old girls!!! Ummm....well.... Yeah it's an adventure!! But at the end of the day I know she loves me and she knows I love her.

And we are lucky because she tells us EVERYTHING 0_o So I know we will make it through to the other side <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />[/quote']


I love your description of having a teenager!!! Sounds like you two have a great relationship though!!! ???? How comforting that she tells you guys everything!! What's the trick? I hope my daughter can be this way one day. I am not a judgmental person so hopefully she'll learn this and be an open book!!

Yes, we are supposed to leave tomorrow. I wish we were flying, but the town his grandma love in doesn't have an airport in or near by. So we have to take the 5-7 hour drive. I have to stop every hour or two to walk. So it's going to be a long trip, especially with an active little one. I am a bit worries about it too, given that the hospital in the town is tiny. They don't even have an ultrasound machine!!!!

I hope your Saturday is great!!



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Sannah' date='

Just wanted to stop by and say hi, and let you know I'm thinking of you! I stop in to catch up on your progress, and I remain impressed with your positive approach. It really will make the difference, and when you get to the wellness side you so desire and deserve, you'll look back on this and know how strong you are. Such an excellent role model for your daughter. xo


Good afternoon!!

I hope this finds you doing well! Pleasure to hear from you. Thank you SO much for all your kind words. ???? They warm my heart!!

I can't wait to get to the otherwise of all of this. I had a short period if wellness that left amazing!! I am sure this day will return and soon!! It must because things can only get better!!

I hope you're having a great weekend!



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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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