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Today i found out that i streched my pouch

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I didnt have the barium test neitherI after reading it here I called my surgeon and he said its not necessary only if they suspect something then they do it.Now I can assure you my surgeon Dr Jefferey Hunter from Virginia Mason Seattle is a top 10 surgeons in the country and I trust him 1000%.

Ok he really is one of the top :P cuz he's the guy who saved my life LOL

By the way, he did do a barium swallow on me after surgery more than once, but there was a reason for it as he was repairing a nasty leak from another surgeon's issues. But they aren't standard and VM surgeon's are VERY VERY VERY good!!!

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Thanks Dawg for pointing out the whole Protein thing. I know OP stated that she is going to cut her protein in half at least for the next couple weeks.

Lets look at this a bit closer. As originally stated, 120g of protein from liquids alone. Plus she is eating also. Well, even the best protein supplements are 100calories per 20g protein. If she is using a Meal Replacement shake, like ensure, for protein, then you can quickly quadruple that number. So without even going to weight gainers we have anywhere from 600-2400 calories a day from liquids. Additionally she is eating also, we do not know what or how much. It is quite possible that even with a proper sleeve to over consume and gain weight.

I for one have never experienced any restriction to liquids. I could easily consume 10,000 calories/day on a liquid diet if I so chose to.

I've seen it numerous times on this forum where people get sleeved and run straight for the highest calorie Proteins they can get.

I am not saying that this is what the OP did or that this is her fault, I am simply pointing out that there are a lot of assumptions being made in this thread.

To assume that any surgeon would botch a surgery intentionally or simply not perform the surgery while claiming to have done so IMO is pretty preposterous. With the amount of liability surgeons assume every time they cut into a patient it would take an idiot (one not smart enough to get through med school) to even consider this.

As to the possibility of a stretched sleeve(pouch). IF the sleeve was properly formed, it is not going to stretch. However, if the surgeon failed to remove the fundus then, yes the fundus that is left will still be pliable. Though this is possible, I don't believe it could have been stretched much in such a short time frame. Keep in mind the only thing that is going to stretch the fundus is solid foods.

I am not making any assumptions as to what the problem is, however the only 2 conclusions that I can reasonably come to is that either the sleeve was not formed correctly and thus, a "resleeve" should be performed, or there are too many liquid calories being consumed.

Well, I guess there is a third "reasonable" possibility. It could be a combination if the two.

Any which way, I wish the OP a sipped resolution. And a happy life.

AND YES, we have had members that have experienced improperly formed sleeves which didn't function properly. As a matter of fact, I know both dr. Ponce de leon, and Dr. Aceves have performed resleeve a for that exact reason.

You didn't see the confirmed stories about people having the wrong leg amputated? Having the wrong ovary removed? The wrong kidney removed? Just Google it. It happens more than any hospital would want to admit. I confirmed with my surgeon before he put me out. I told him "sleeve." I trust him, but I still would have been HORRIBLY PISSED to get RNY instead. He does both.

In all, it probably has more to do with calories consumed than the rare mistake. There was another poster who was getting in 3 or 4 Protein Shakes and eating too. My shakes are around 200 calories each and at - was it 7 weeks I was only getting in around 400-500 calories a day.

Yeah, I suppose I was jumping to conclusions, but a sleeve doesn't fail to work if you use it right. That is my belief anyway. I suppose I am looking for possibilities. If the OP is eating right, she should explore every angle.

Oh wait, you said intentionally botched. You were referring to another post. Oops.

How would you do a sleeve and not remove the fundus/greater curvature? hmmmmm.

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I hope that you can get this resolved soon. The stretching thing blows my mind, I just can't see how that could happen so closely. Also, I agree with O.T.R. that liquid calories in Protein Shakes can sabatoge you. If you get to much Protein it can cause problems with absorbtion of some of the Vitamins and supplements you should be taking. I love to use myfitnesspal.com to track my calories and protein intake - are you doing anything like that? Please keep us updated on how you are doing and let us know if cutting the Protein Drinks helps. Please don't be discouraged by any posts you feel as being negative towards you. None of us are perfect and no one else is in your shoes. Good luck!

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I I almost forgot I haven't found 1 surgeon who doesn't order a barium swallow upper gi X-ray to ENSURE you don't have a leak that is standard practice in EVERY US hospital

I didn't have that done.

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The barium test is a standard practice among surgeons who specialize in gastric surgeries. It is the best way to ensure there isn't even the slightest leak. It's done within the first 24 hours this way if anything is even detected they can fix it asap instead of waiting for the problem to come up later on. I knew about having the test before I had the surgery it was explained to me ahead of time. Now for me I drink Muscle Milk for my Protein. It's 310 calories for 32 grams of protein even drinking that 5 times a day would put u at 1550 calories in just shakes alone. Then add in food. In order to gain 20 pounds in under 7 weeks you would need to average 3 pound weight gain a week. There is no way unless drinking weight gainer protein that someone ONLY 7 weeks out gains that type of weight AND there surgeon tells them they stretched out there sleeve. You CAN NOT stretch out that sleeve on a basic liquid diet it's physically impossible. I have to agree with others that if her surgeon did a sleeve on her and told her that then she needs to see a different surgeon to ensure he is being honest with her in the surgery that he did and 2 that it was performed properly and correctly.

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Why the attack? The poor thing obviously didn't get much support from her doctors office and ate what she thought that she was allowed (Cream Soups were allowed for me early out...I had creamy potato in the hospital after my second surgery). I also gained not twenty' date=' but FOURTY pounds in the first five weeks, so it's not impossible. I gained it because of my complications causing Fluid retention, then on TPN in hospital (IV's etc).

There's another thread where the poor gal posted her sisters tragic story and this same thing happened. She got beat to death when she just needed to share her story and was looking for help. If you don't believe the gal, WALK ON BY! Why do you have to beat her up.

I also did not have a leak test at the hospital. They are not a 100% guaranteed test given to everyone. What your doctor does Dawg is not what every doctor does. I see this time and time again here, that people boast they have the "top surgeon" one of the "top ten" and yet I see so many names of docs in that top ten that even my 20 years in banking is not necessary to see that there are over ten top tens out there LOL

This gal wanted help. Leave her be if you're only here to beat her up. Do you also stop and punch homeless people when you walk by you negative posters? Walk by!!!

OP, I was allowed cream soups and things as well but I was limited on the amount. For instance 18oz is just way way way too much for anyone when we're talking cream based soups (or any Soup really) and they are calorie packed. I'm wondering if you maybe need to work with a different nutritionist? Or also if you do have surgical issues to worry about. Did something go wrong? That could explain a weight gain.

I hope you get to the bottom of it and I'm sorry that you got goober here. People on this site don't like to read about the bad stories. They make it very clear and unwelcome sadly <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> It's human nature I guess, but for those of us who suffered them, it's also very real and our stories should be heard as well. Intelligent people do want to hear them![/quote']

Iggy I am sorry to say I don't like your attitude I am a senior VP for Major bank in WA market and has been in banking for 5 plus years so in banking the first thing that we teach is to be respectful to every one so as a sr person in finance industry you of all people should know that.This has been a pattern of yours that you come out swinging against anyone who has any doubts.Your remark about top 10 surgeon were referring to me and I don't appreciate it . I did my due diligence that's why I wrote about my surgeon. I know you are a senior Member and have contributed a lot here and I appreciate that but sometimes it's the way you write and come across as very arrogant and immature.I remember the other thread about the girl who was telling her sisters story and the doubts every one had and you and a few other people argued back and forth in the end you apologized . It's nothing personal but please be considerate to everyone when you go on personal attacks or just make cracks.I know you had bad experience with your surgery and i am very sorry about your experience.you naturally jump on the victims team and fight everyone who have any doubts.Also you always say that you had the same issue as victim which might be true due to the complications that you had endured but in this person case its not the same situation as yours.Just for your information I feel sorry for this lady who gained weight and I believe her story 100% .I still don't know what kind of surgery she had but I believe that she gained weight but scientifically its impossible and that's what everyone's concern is. I mean i couldn't even drink Water for a few days after surgery and then was on clear liquid so my concern is what kind of surgery was done ? Don't get me wrong I totally agree with you that a lot of smart remarks by some of the members are totally not necessary but if someone have doubts they should be able to express themselves.

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I'm sorry but to say Drs are above all other humans who do incredibly horrible things because they made it through med school is not correct. Yea things people DO are shocking but that does not mean it never could or would happen IMO

There are plenty of malpractice suits for intent and neglect.

Med school does not make you a God


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once again like I said I am not worried about if you believe me or not. I didnt come for that as explain earlier in this post. I only came to ask if anyone had went thru this situation before' date=' I personally can give to fucks about what ever you thnk. This as been an extremly long 7 weeks for me. but with my determination I will get to the bottom of this sooner then later. SO FEEL FRRE TO KISS MY ASS. i HATE THAT i CAME HERE FOR ADVICE BUT NOW i GETTING BEATING UP LIKE I AM LYING. I DONT NEED ATTENTION. I HAVE THAT AT HOME.[/quote']

Are you pregnant? Maybe tubal pregnancy since you had an xray done? Maybe the cause of the weight gain

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Went to the doctor today and this is what was told too me.

I personally just think they didnt take enough. I'm looking for another surgeon for there opinion.

Does anyone know of one in N VA

I go to Dr. Amir Moazzez ...several locations in northern va.

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****. So we and others know to avoid them!!!! Right

My doc is part of this group and I love him. I haven't finished reading the posts but I'm also wondering if something different wasn't done...like the band??? Just going by the diet on the hospital. Blue Point requires 2 weeks Clear Liquids and then a week of full before even going to purees.

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Why the attack? The poor thing obviously didn't get much support from her doctors office and ate what she thought that she was allowed (Cream Soups were allowed for me early out...I had creamy potato in the hospital after my second surgery). I also gained not twenty' date=' but FOURTY pounds in the first five weeks, so it's not impossible. I gained it because of my complications causing Fluid retention, then on TPN in hospital (IV's etc).

There's another thread where the poor gal posted her sisters tragic story and this same thing happened. She got beat to death when she just needed to share her story and was looking for help. If you don't believe the gal, WALK ON BY! Why do you have to beat her up.

I also did not have a leak test at the hospital. They are not a 100% guaranteed test given to everyone. What your doctor does Dawg is not what every doctor does. I see this time and time again here, that people boast they have the "top surgeon" one of the "top ten" and yet I see so many names of docs in that top ten that even my 20 years in banking is not necessary to see that there are over ten top tens out there LOL

This gal wanted help. Leave her be if you're only here to beat her up. Do you also stop and punch homeless people when you walk by you negative posters? Walk by!!!

OP, I was allowed cream soups and things as well but I was limited on the amount. For instance 18oz is just way way way too much for anyone when we're talking cream based soups (or any Soup really) and they are calorie packed. I'm wondering if you maybe need to work with a different nutritionist? Or also if you do have surgical issues to worry about. Did something go wrong? That could explain a weight gain.

I hope you get to the bottom of it and I'm sorry that you got goober here. People on this site don't like to read about the bad stories. They make it very clear and unwelcome sadly :( It's human nature I guess, but for those of us who suffered them, it's also very real and our stories should be heard as well. Intelligent people do want to hear them![/quote']

Not true about support from her dr.'s office. Blue Point has tremendous support and follow- up with doctors nutritionists and exercise specialist. Monthly and weekly support group meetings. I DID get a leak test at hospital. And had same Dr. And no, I don't punch homeless people. The info I received before and after surgery was very clear. This story doesn't add up so don't tell me to walk on by. I've read plenty of your posts when you get exercised over something.

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No Barium Swallow here.

My thought is that her sleeve is too big. perhaps she had a large stomach to begin with and her surgeon did not make her sleeve small enough. So will an insurance company pay for a correction for something like that?

At the very least, get all your paperwork and have your xrays and followup investigation SOMEWHERE ELSE. Get a second and third opinion and recommendations. In no way should a patient be gaining weight post surgery. In no way should a patient be able to consume as much as you can so early out. Something is wrong.

Please ignore the bickering and keep us updated on what's going on.

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Ok he really is one of the top :P cuz he's the guy who saved my life LOL

our remark about top 10 surgeon were referring to me and I don't appreciate it .


There is a bit of a misunderstanding here.

In this case, Iggy was not being snarky. Your surgeon really was the one who came to her rescue when she went through her ordeal.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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