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12 Yr old Girl has Liposuction to LOOSE WEIGHT !

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i am also really saddened that the lap-band wasn't made available as a wls option for her. there is a lot of research that has been done on the safety and efficacy of the procedure for young adolesents. i don't disagree with the Lipo per se, it's just that it is a procedure that is not intended for weightloss and probably won't work for the girl in the long run. if all she needed to become one of the 3% of effective dieters was a jumpstart, god bless her. but it just seems like a strange course of treatment. and probably more risky to lipo 35 lbs than a gastric bypass and definitely a more dangerous surgery than a lap-band.

I took care of a friend of mine after she had her lipo done. She was black and blue from head to toe, looked like someone beat her with a baseball bat. Did you notice in the picture of the girl that her face was bandaged ? What part of her face being lipoed has to do with wt loss as a tool ?

My friend who had it done by the same doc mind you ... also never had cellulite before she had lipo . Now she does. She only wanted her Thighs and tummy done. But the "fat sucker" Doc or what ever he's called talked her into geting her bra area, chin, inner thighs, butt and something else.

Because he could only take out a "Certain"amount in one surgery , where the fat was sucked out fat will not redeposit back there.After a few pds gained back it deposits around the lipo instead and POOF ya got cellulite ! .

And its looks BAD ! What is going to happen to this girl if THAT happens ?

She's going to have something else to be self concious about . Then what ? MORE lipo to fix that ? UGHH


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Surely you could NEVER band a 12 year old? How would you choose an appropriate size band - you'd have to be fully grown because if they made child size bands what happens as she grows?

I wonder what her parents will say when she wants a big pair of silicone DD's for her 15th birthday?

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I am not agreeing she should have done this!! But I know when I was 12ys old I would have done ANYTHING to feel better about myself....I have been overweight my WHOLE life! The People magazine had more info. on her diet and it sounds like this has helped her change?!?! Would I recommend it ....NO WAY!!! It's definitely not what it's for.....I've been in a liposuction surgery and it's the one surgery that made me sweat and slide down a wall....it's intense!! Her face bandages were from Lipo to her chin!

She was 220lbs....she is adult size so a lapband would fit her....she was 5'5" tall....she's a big girl at 12....she looks much older too me just looking at her! She's beautiful and I pray this helps her....and she doesn't have any long term implications!!

God BLess,


banded 3/20/06 -91lbs :success1:

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I am not agreeing she should have done this!! But I know when I was 12ys old I would have done ANYTHING to feel better about myself....I have been overweight my WHOLE life! The People magazine had more info. on her diet and it sounds like this has helped her change?!?! Would I recommend it ....NO WAY!!! It's definitely not what it's for.....I've been in a liposuction surgery and it's the one surgery that made me sweat and slide down a wall....it's intense!! Her face bandages were from Lipo to her chin!

I am going back to nursing school after my surgery is over and im "in the swing of things again " I LOVE watching surgeries on the discovery channel. The 2 surgeries I can NOT watch are Lipo and Face lifts! . OH and Ortho's espically knee's when theybring out the hammers and drills. Lipo is intense and the way you look afterwards. My friend could not stand up with out crying for several days. I felt SO bad for her! .

I hope the girl does well also . I will have to read the people magzine article.

Im glad she feels better about herself. The teen yrs are hard enough .


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This is appalling. I asked my doctor about liposuction for my stomach which is enormous and she said "No." She says there is a big risk of throwing clots with liposuction which go to the lungs and you die. I can't believe anyone would do liposuction on a 12 year old.

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This is appalling. I asked my doctor about liposuction for my stomach which is enormous and she said "No." She says there is a big risk of throwing clots with liposuction which go to the lungs and you die. I can't believe anyone would do liposuction on a 12 year old.

Yah, I was told that my gut was too big to be removed surgically. *sigh*:omg:

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Even more appalling than the dr. is to me is the parents. I have three little girls and NONE of them have ever been on a diet. I obviously have issues with eatitng and food (otherwise I wouldn't be here).

I don't want my girls to go through the same struggles I have gone through. I do my best every day to teach them about healthy choices, moving their bodies, and challenging their minds. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not a perfect parent, I don't know any of those. However, I think a parent that puts a 3 year old on a "diet" is sadly misguided. I can't imagine what that girls self esteem is like. I would bet that her self image and self esteem are so tied up in her body and "how pretty she is" that she will never truly be happy.

Shame on those parents.

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12 or 42 unless she changes her eating pattern or has a surgery that does that for her she will regain any weight/fat sucked out of her. I think a short painfull "quick fix" that may lead to sever feelings of self hate when and she will regain the weight. she will hate herself even more for letting her self blow the loss she had.

Sadly this is not the fix she feels it would be i think she will suffer long term.

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I don't know what to think about this particular surgery. From looking at the pre-surgery photos of the child I would say that the poor kid was obese and was suffering from the social nightmare that follows from this condition. Moreover, I would venture that the kid had gone through an early puberty and had likely reached her full height. Add to all of this the fact that her father was slated to die.... This child had a lot on her plate, psychologically speaking, and the kid was likely fairly mature, developmentally speaking.

It has been reported that her surgeon has excellent "street cred" and that he did not enter into this project carelessly. It has also been reported that this child had voluntarily submitted herself to a lot of really stressful Lipo surgery. It seems it took a year to sculpt this girl into her present state. (Lipo work is not as patient friendly as lapband surgery. It is much more painful and the patient's recovery time is much longer. I also suspect that the overall mortality rate is higher though I have no statistics to back this up.)

I have also seen the post-op photo and read the article covering the girl's new life. The kid looks great and it seems that she is happy! Because she is in normoland she now feels sufficiently optimistic that she is prepared to take care of herself. She is working out and she is laying off those foods which are bad for her.

Certainly this child's journey has been exceedingly unconventional because the kid has undertaken it at an unusually early age. This is controversial. And the raft of "beautifying" surgeries that this kid went through are only available to those who can afford them.

But so far this story seems to be a success story. I am happy for this girl and I would like to be updated on her life from time to time for she has undergone a complex transformation on many, many levels. Shas gone from being the ugly duckling to being the swan and she has done this after a period of much pain.

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That surgery was preformed for so many wrong reasons. Isn't Lipo supposed to be for spot reducing? Guess not. Lipo off 35 pounds.. dang thats what I have left to lose, maybe I should hook up with Dr Sucker too. The part that totally blew me away was something like, "oh baby youre so pretty" from her dad.. YEAH OK dad of the year .. what was she before then and just what did you tell her that she felt she had to have this surgery for you to finally say that to her at least once in her lifetime?

Ok, Im going to stop here because theres a million other wrongs with this surgery and its making me frustrated, lol


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Oh and PS. Ive had Lipo and its not painful at all and the recovery time took the same few days as my lapband. The only difference between the two is that one is for preventing and teaching me from gaining my weight back and the other is purely cosmetic. I don't blame her in the least, I blame her parents for not taking the time to look at other options.

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Sadly I see stuff like this all the time, patients with a BMI of 40 or higher who have Lipo and/or a Tummy Tuck, then their BMI is like 38 but they still have diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. The fat itself is not inherently evil, so simply hacking it out does no good - it's about changing the lifestyle. I just cringe whenever I see a patient who spent 15 grand on plastic surgery and now can't afford a band...

Dr. C

Cincinnati, Ohio

www.TheBandDoctor.com 877.442.BAND

DISCLAIMER: I am not your surgeon, any comments made by me are not meant to be taken as medical advice, just general guidelines. Contact your surgeon about your specific problem!

i am also really saddened that the lap-band wasn't made available as a wls option for her. there is a lot of research that has been done on the safety and efficacy of the procedure for young adolesents. i don't disagree with the lipo per se, it's just that it is a procedure that is not intended for weightloss and probably won't work for the girl in the long run. if all she needed to become one of the 3% of effective dieters was a jumpstart, god bless her. but it just seems like a strange course of treatment. and probably more risky to lipo 35 lbs than a gastric bypass and definitely a more dangerous surgery than a lap-band.

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I don't know what to think about this particular surgery. From looking at the pre-surgery photos of the child I would say that the poor kid was obese and was suffering from the social nightmare that follows from this condition. Moreover, I would venture that the kid had gone through an early puberty and had likely reached her full height. Add to all of this the fact that her father was slated to die.... This child had a lot on her plate, psychologically speaking, and the kid was likely fairly mature, developmentally speaking.

It has been reported that her surgeon has excellent "street cred" and that he did not enter into this project carelessly. It has also been reported that this child had voluntarily submitted herself to a lot of really stressful Lipo surgery. It seems it took a year to sculpt this girl into her present state. (Lipo work is not as patient friendly as lapband surgery. It is much more painful and the patient's recovery time is much longer. I also suspect that the overall mortality rate is higher though I have no statistics to back this up.)

I have also seen the post-op photo and read the article covering the girl's new life. The kid looks great and it seems that she is happy! Because she is in normoland she now feels sufficiently optimistic that she is prepared to take care of herself. She is working out and she is laying off those foods which are bad for her.

Certainly this child's journey has been exceedingly unconventional because the kid has undertaken it at an unusually early age. This is controversial. And the raft of "beautifying" surgeries that this kid went through are only available to those who can afford them.

But so far this story seems to be a success story. I am happy for this girl and I would like to be updated on her life from time to time for she has undergone a complex transformation on many, many levels. Shas gone from being the ugly duckling to being the swan and she has done this after a period of much pain.

@ age 12, I doubt she had finished growing. I also was an overweight 12 year old and I grew an extra 2 inches in high school. This is not to mention the inches I grew in middle school. From what I remember girls grow more during middle school and that's why they are typically taller than boys. I believe 16 is the average age girls stop growing.

I'm with your, the kid definitely had a lot of stuff on her plate. Some of that lypo $$ could have gone to counseling.

I understand how it feels to be an overweight kid. My aunt's daughter is in the 8th grade and dealing w/this now. She has a lot of friends and is well liked, but she's very insecure. She wears a big coat all the time, even when it's hot. I really feel for her.

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wow...I am speechless...12 yrs gee talk about irrasponsible parents...if they had been doing it right before now surely it would not have come to this!!! Mmmm my faith in the world is fast declining...when will it stop! will we start giving 3yr olds 'face jobs' cause they don't look much like their parents?

:) becky

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@ age 12, I doubt she had finished growing. I also was an overweight 12 year old and I grew an extra 2 inches in high school. This is not to mention the inches I grew in middle school. From what I remember girls grow more during middle school and that's why they are typically taller than boys. I believe 16 is the average age girls stop growing.

I'm with your, the kid definitely had a lot of stuff on her plate. Some of that lypo $$ could have gone to counseling.

I understand how it feels to be an overweight kid. My aunt's daughter is in the 8th grade and dealing w/this now. She has a lot of friends and is well liked, but she's very insecure. She wears a big coat all the time, even when it's hot. I really feel for her.

Actually, I stopped growing when I was 11. I got my first bra when I was 9, and my first period less than 2 months after I turned 10. According to medical experts a girl only grows an inch or two after she begins to menstruate. I am 5'6" tall and I am blonde. My parents were both small, slim, elegant brunettes and I felt like the freak of the week when I was growing up. I was not a happy child and thus I find my heart going out to this kid.

I suspect that the kid placed an enormous amount of pressure on her parents to have the Lipo work; add into this the stress that the family was undergoing due to the father's cancer and you have the recipe for that particular series of events.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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