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...... I don't have anything against you, to be honest with you, you don't even register in my mind. .....

Yeah...I have to call BS on that. You were calling her out in your very first post and you're right back at it. You keep mentioning her. What's the problem? You're recovery is going well and you let everyone know it. Can't she talk about her recovery? You may not want to hear it because it doesn't paint the prettiest of pictures, but you are no one to tell her or anyone else to "move on." You just joined, she's been here. If you don't like the tone here...you can move on. Or you can put her on your "ignore" preferences and you'll never have to read her posts again. But what you won't do is try to silence her or anyone else on this forum from expressing their opinion and telling their story. You get your input, she gets hers and I'll throw in mine. If anyone doesn't like it...I don't care.

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You seem to be contradicting yourself here. You say Frank has every right to his opinion regardless of how few posts he has' date=' but the OP needs to be discredited because he/she only has one post. There is a word for that...oh yeah...hypocritical. And you...who just joined what....4 days ago??? Telling us how much you think you know about Iggy and her intentions. You don't know squat. You weren't around when she was posting daily from intensive care.[/quote']

So Butterbean how does that make any of you special just cause I joined 4 days ago . I am not being Hypocritical there is a difference between someone just logging in once for the sole purpose of posting something once , posting never logging back to read any answer and some one who logs in and contributes every couple of days. I didn't realize seniority gives you more rights to bully people you can try but that won't work with me . I am from Hell's Kitchen ,NY and am not scared to stand up for what I believe in.Since I don't know squat according to you y don't you enlighten everyone and tell us how does it make a difference if I wasn't around when iggy was in ICU ? That still doesn't gives her any right to mistreat / bully people who have an opinion different than hers .Learn some manners cause all I see is bunch of wannabe Bullies who r taking their frustrations out on anyone who disagree with them..... Also I didn't say anything about Iggy's intention I did say though that I wouldn't be surprised of she wrote it herself ...And I stand by it

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Yeah...I have to call BS on that. You were calling her out in your very first post and you're right back at it. You keep mentioning her. What's the problem? You're recovery is going well and you let everyone know it. Can't she talk about her recovery? You may not want to hear it because it doesn't paint the prettiest of pictures' date=' but you are no one to tell her or anyone else to "move on." You just joined, she's been here. If you don't like the tone here...you can move on. Or you can put her on your "ignore" preferences and you'll never have to read her posts again. But what you won't do is try to silence her or anyone else on this forum from expressing their opinion and telling their story. You get your input, she gets hers and I'll throw in mine. If anyone doesn't like it...I don't care.[/quote']

Goes both ways you can't tell anyone to move on its an open forum you can't bully people . You are a nobody here nothing special if u don't like my tone you can move on.

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If you're going to keep throwing around the bully label, at least use it correctly and not just because somebody criticized you.

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I fail to see where Iggy has been a bully at all.

Yes, she has an opinion of the surgery that is tainted by her experience, but I believe all our experiences have influenced our opinions.

Yes, she posts her views often. There is nothing keeping anybody from posting about their experiences right along side of hers.

Really, the only limitations placed on these type of posts are basic common courtesy. Things like don't personally attack each other & don't be offensive just to get a reaction. I will admit, I am a bit partial to Iggy, partially because I was here to witness the hardship she went through, and see how level headed & non judgmental she remained as she was going hrough the whole ordeal. And really, if I would have gone through 1/2 of what she did, I'd be telling anybody that even considered WLS that it's the worst decision they could make.

Fortunately for me, my experience was quite the opposite, as is true for most of he people here. The overwhelming majority of us have had great experiences, it's not Iggy's fault if we don't say it enough.

I come here and support people in their decisions. As do most people that are more than a couple months post op.

I ask of everybody, if you believe this forum has an overbearing dark feeling to it, bring in some light. Tell your good stories. If someone tells of a bad experience, put yourself in their shoes for a minute, and ask yourself how you would act if you had their experience. Attacking someone for posting advice based on their bad experience is not going to make this a better place, it will simply push more people away.

Here is another thing to consider. This forum needs people like Iggy. Without her, or other people like her, what would we have? A forum full of positivity? Absolutely not. We'd have a site that anybody coming here would think s a contrived promotional tool. Showing the good & the bad together is a big part of what lends validity to our little community here.

I truly hope we can all just accept each other for who we are, and let go of whatever animosity we might be holding within.

This is a great place to come to, and it will continue to be.

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I fail to see where Iggy has been a bully at all.

Yes' date=' she has an opinion of the surgery that is tainted by her experience, but I believe all our experiences have influenced our opinions.

Yes, she posts her views often. There is nothing keeping anybody from posting about their experiences right along side of hers.

Really, the only limitations placed on these type of posts are basic common courtesy. Things like don't personally attack each other & don't be offensive just to get a reaction. I will admit, I am a bit partial to Iggy, partially because I was here to witness the hardship she went through, and see how level headed & non judgmental she remained as she was going hrough the whole ordeal. And really, if I would have gone through 1/2 of what she did, I'd be telling anybody that even considered WLS that it's the worst decision they could make.

Fortunately for me, my experience was quite the opposite, as is true for most of he people here. The overwhelming majority of us have had great experiences, it's not Iggy's fault if we don't say it enough.

I come here and support people in their decisions. As do most people that are more than a couple months post op.

I ask of everybody, if you believe this forum has an overbearing dark feeling to it, bring in some light. Tell your good stories. If someone tells of a bad experience, put yourself in their shoes for a minute, and ask yourself how you would act if you had their experience. Attacking someone for posting advice based on their bad experience is not going to make this a better place, it will simply push more people away.

Here is another thing to consider. This forum needs people like Iggy. Without her, or other people like her, what would we have? A forum full of positivity? Absolutely not. We'd have a site that anybody coming here would think s a contrived promotional tool. Showing the good & the bad together is a big part of what lends validity to our little community here.

I truly hope we can all just accept each other for who we are, and let go of whatever animosity we might be holding within.

This is a great place to come to, and it will continue to be.[/quote']

Well said!

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I have not had gastric sleeve, but my sister has and this is her horror story. In the month after her May surgery, by Dr. Chua of Aurora Sinai in Milwaukee, my sister (Jane) came down with flu like symptoms. Although she contacted her primary physician, who was aware of the recent surgery, and I believe she had an office visit with Dr. Chua, nobody showed any concern about infection. This is despite the fact that EVERYBODY knows that infection mimics flu like symptoms and it was nowhere near flu season. Nobody ever did any scans post surgery to determine of there was any issue with the healing of the internal surgery area - even though I have since learned that other patients had experienced similar issues to what my sister was about to go through.

It turned out (after three ER visits in three days, despite the fact that I said I was worried about infection from the very first visit) that a staple hadn't held and that food/fluid had been leaking into her abdomen from the stomach causing a MASSIVE infection. By the time Aurora Lakeland in Elkhorn paid any attention to this she was almost dead. She barely made it through and it was literally touch and go for WEEKS!! AND that hospital wouldn't even treat her because they don't do bariatric surgeries - she had to be airlifted to Milwaukee.

What followed were numerous surgeries, months in ICU and then regular hospital (from July 4th weekend into October), an induced coma with her hands strapped to the bed so she wouldn't inadvertantly pull out tubes and wires, being intubated for breathing assistance, additional infections, memory loss of that entire time, and leaving on a feeding tube. She has been on that feeding tube for over two years now.

Oh she's thin alright. woohoo. But she gets her food from a bag hanging on an iv rack and has to grind her meds and flush them through the feeding tube line, as well as a drain that collects Fluid from her abdomen and open wounds that need daily care. She has NO muscles left. She probably couldn't walk a block if she was allowed to.

She came home from that hospital stay with a GIANT open wound the length of her abdomen - I mean it was big enough for me to stick both my hands into - and a wound vac installed in it to constantly vacuum up the Fluid and goop that goes along with healing. That fluid drained into a plastic container that hung from tube(s) coming out of her abdomen - which she had to have with her always. It was all very painful and really gross.

That was just the first hospitalization. By January she was back in the hospital with another massive infection that had burned through her diaphragm and into her lungs. This time she spent her time in pulmonary ICU. You see they told her to start trying to eat - that they thought the holes in her stomach had closed, but they didn't do regular scans to verify this....again! They were wrong. Again.

Only this time her primary physician, Dr. Rosol of Aurora Lake Geneva, had diagnosed her with pneumonia over the phone and had given her a prescription not even strong enough to deal with pneumonia. So when she didn't get better, by the time the Aurora ER took her seriously she was again near death. This time they had to do lung surgery AND abdominal surgery to clear out and treat the raging infection caused by fluid and matter leaking from the stomach into everywhere.

So apparently this type of thing isn't that uncommon with this surgery, nor are the "fistulas" that develop as a result of this complication from this type of surgery. If the tissue around this fistula isn't so damaged that it can heal on its own it could take years. If it's damaged - as hers was from all that infection - there is no sewing it closed and it doesn't heal on its own. Imagine being on a feeding tube for the rest of your life - never tasting food, never enjoying a meal or a drink or a dessert or a holiday with your family again. Never a chocolate bar, or a bowl of Cereal, or a salad, or a glass of juice. NOTHING. All because someone convinced you that gastric sleeve surgery was the answer.

So if you are considering this surgery, don't. It's just not worth the risk. I know, if my sister could go back, she would choose fat over this lack of a life any day of the week. I grew up thin and am now fat and I would NEVER EVER EVER have a surgery to reduce my weight. Although I haven't been able to be disciplined enough to do it I know the only solution is eat less, move more. Two steps. The only solution.

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sure this has been a very difficult time for your sister and your family.

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If you're going to keep throwing around the bully label' date=' at least use it correctly and not just because somebody criticized you.[/quote']

Butterbean I am using it very correctly iggy and her posse are try to bully people.She have problems with anyone whose views don't match with here and you jumped in telling me I only joined 4 days ago so I shouldn't say anything...

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Unbelievable. Just wow. (not the OP, that's believable.)

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I fail to see where Iggy has been a bully at all.

Yes' date=' she has an opinion of the surgery that is tainted by her experience, but I believe all our experiences have influenced our opinions.

Yes, she posts her views often. There is nothing keeping anybody from posting about their experiences right along side of hers.

Really, the only limitations placed on these type of posts are basic common courtesy. Things like don't personally attack each other & don't be offensive just to get a reaction. I will admit, I am a bit partial to Iggy, partially because I was here to witness the hardship she went through, and see how level headed & non judgmental she remained as she was going hrough the whole ordeal. And really, if I would have gone through 1/2 of what she did, I'd be telling anybody that even considered WLS that it's the worst decision they could make.

Fortunately for me, my experience was quite the opposite, as is true for most of he people here. The overwhelming majority of us have had great experiences, it's not Iggy's fault if we don't say it enough.

I come here and support people in their decisions. As do most people that are more than a couple months post op.

I ask of everybody, if you believe this forum has an overbearing dark feeling to it, bring in some light. Tell your good stories. If someone tells of a bad experience, put yourself in their shoes for a minute, and ask yourself how you would act if you had their experience. Attacking someone for posting advice based on their bad experience is not going to make this a better place, it will simply push more people away.

Here is another thing to consider. This forum needs people like Iggy. Without her, or other people like her, what would we have? A forum full of positivity? Absolutely not. We'd have a site that anybody coming here would think s a contrived promotional tool. Showing the good & the bad together is a big part of what lends validity to our little community here.

I truly hope we can all just accept each other for who we are, and let go of whatever animosity we might be holding within.

This is a great place to come to, and it will continue to be.[/quote']

O.t.r I totally agree with you that we need both sides of this journey good and bad .My only problem is that she started personally attacking and degrading people whoever had doubts with the original post in the beginning of thread. So basically it's her way or no way she can't do that no one can. I simply had said that the person who posted this story i have my doubts behind the motive of this person I also said that the person end only logged in once just to post and never logged in again. That doesn't mean I don't believe her exp that she went thru is any less important she jumped in with both arms swinging and we all have rights to defend ourselves and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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Why is it not fair ????? If I don't believe something or the intention of the person writing it I feel I have the right to express how I feel... Last time I checked I still live in a free country and have the same rights as you. You conveyed your opinion and someone else did theirs . That person did one post and never logged back in . The last few line is just for the sole purpose of scaring people.It is what it is :)

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It might be to scare ppl but jealously I doubt it I think the topic speaks for it self horror story we all kno what that mean don't respond if you don't want to be scared but like me I'm not scared easy I have my mind made you and I'm taking all the risk if this scares you to the point you doubt having surgery it's not for you

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And when the night is cloudy

There is still a light that shines on me

Shine on until tomorrow, let it be


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Hun I don't have a posse. I am a 50 year old housewife and business owner from Alaska. :). I bullied Kim Kudafard (unfortunate name) in the fourth grade and still feel guilt about it now. I don't and never will bully someone.

Lets get over this sillyness and let the ops story alone. They have apparently suffered enough and should be left in peace. Op I hope your sisters life stabilizes and improves.

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It might be to scare ppl but jealously I doubt it I think the topic speaks for it self horror story we all kno what that mean don't respond if you don't want to be scared but like me I'm not scared easy I have my mind made you and I'm taking all the risk if this scares you to the point you doubt having surgery it's not for you

And that's fine with me I have my doubts regarding the motive of this person also this person never logged in and commented after posting they only have 1 post. It bothered me what this person wrote at the end of the post basically telling people not to go thru it. All the surgeries have risks and its our job to look and study about all pros and cons.Unfortunately I don't agree that if you are scared the surgery is not for you everyone is different . But this surgery is for everyone who is tired of yo yo dieting , tired of being diabetic , high BP , sleep apnea , back pains this surgery is a life saver and a life changer......you might be one of the people like me who is strong minded and doesn't get influenced easily but then there are people who just need a little push who know the risks but are scared then they read a story and in the end the person is telling them don't get that surgery well a few people might not have 6 months to live they finally made their mind but now are having doubts again because of this post .... It doesn't mean people shouldn't post their exp but to me the sole purpose of the post is to scare people

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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