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I have not had gastric sleeve, but my sister has and this is her horror story. In the month after her May surgery, by Dr. Chua of Aurora Sinai in Milwaukee, my sister (Jane) came down with flu like symptoms. Although she contacted her primary physician, who was aware of the recent surgery, and I believe she had an office visit with Dr. Chua, nobody showed any concern about infection. This is despite the fact that EVERYBODY knows that infection mimics flu like symptoms and it was nowhere near flu season. Nobody ever did any scans post surgery to determine of there was any issue with the healing of the internal surgery area - even though I have since learned that other patients had experienced similar issues to what my sister was about to go through.

It turned out (after three ER visits in three days, despite the fact that I said I was worried about infection from the very first visit) that a staple hadn't held and that food/fluid had been leaking into her abdomen from the stomach causing a MASSIVE infection. By the time Aurora Lakeland in Elkhorn paid any attention to this she was almost dead. She barely made it through and it was literally touch and go for WEEKS!! AND that hospital wouldn't even treat her because they don't do bariatric surgeries - she had to be airlifted to Milwaukee.

What followed were numerous surgeries, months in ICU and then regular hospital (from July 4th weekend into October), an induced coma with her hands strapped to the bed so she wouldn't inadvertantly pull out tubes and wires, being intubated for breathing assistance, additional infections, memory loss of that entire time, and leaving on a feeding tube. She has been on that feeding tube for over two years now.

Oh she's thin alright. woohoo. But she gets her food from a bag hanging on an iv rack and has to grind her meds and flush them through the feeding tube line, as well as a drain that collects Fluid from her abdomen and open wounds that need daily care. She has NO muscles left. She probably couldn't walk a block if she was allowed to.

She came home from that hospital stay with a GIANT open wound the length of her abdomen - I mean it was big enough for me to stick both my hands into - and a wound vac installed in it to constantly vacuum up the Fluid and goop that goes along with healing. That fluid drained into a plastic container that hung from tube(s) coming out of her abdomen - which she had to have with her always. It was all very painful and really gross.

That was just the first hospitalization. By January she was back in the hospital with another massive infection that had burned through her diaphragm and into her lungs. This time she spent her time in pulmonary ICU. You see they told her to start trying to eat - that they thought the holes in her stomach had closed, but they didn't do regular scans to verify this....again! They were wrong. Again.

Only this time her primary physician, Dr. Rosol of Aurora Lake Geneva, had diagnosed her with pneumonia over the phone and had given her a prescription not even strong enough to deal with pneumonia. So when she didn't get better, by the time the Aurora ER took her seriously she was again near death. This time they had to do lung surgery AND abdominal surgery to clear out and treat the raging infection caused by fluid and matter leaking from the stomach into everywhere.

So apparently this type of thing isn't that uncommon with this surgery, nor are the "fistulas" that develop as a result of this complication from this type of surgery. If the tissue around this fistula isn't so damaged that it can heal on its own it could take years. If it's damaged - as hers was from all that infection - there is no sewing it closed and it doesn't heal on its own. Imagine being on a feeding tube for the rest of your life - never tasting food, never enjoying a meal or a drink or a dessert or a holiday with your family again. Never a chocolate bar, or a bowl of Cereal, or a salad, or a glass of juice. NOTHING. All because someone convinced you that gastric sleeve surgery was the answer.

So if you are considering this surgery, don't. It's just not worth the risk. I know, if my sister could go back, she would choose fat over this lack of a life any day of the week. I grew up thin and am now fat and I would NEVER EVER EVER have a surgery to reduce my weight. Although I haven't been able to be disciplined enough to do it I know the only solution is eat less, move more. Two steps. The only solution.

I thank GOD every day for my family dr.... He is the one that suggested the surgery to me. I couldn't "move" as you suggest! I had injured both knees & made it impossible to exercise. And, like you I wasn't "disciplined" enough to eat less! My dr. told me to have the surgery, lose the weight, then work on the knees! I am SO glad I listened to him! I did my homework on this before I had it done! Sorry to hear that anyone has to go through complications, but we all know the risks of ANY surgery. They tell you ALL the time (at least my surgeon did)...

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Well' date=' I was sorry for the problems you had but now that you have clarified the 11th commandment for me then I guess I am not sorry. You seem to know me better than I know myself.

But I will say, to anyone who has had complications, I deeply sympathize with you.[/quote']

Very nice response

Sent from my iPhone 5 using VST

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I'l give you the short version <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Starting BMI of barely 35. No comorbidities' date=' no complicating factors (I'd had anesthesia and knew it wasn't an issue, just an allergy to morphine which of course isn't rare). High pain tolerance, healthy for a fat chick <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> No family history to worry about, The anesthesiologist and doc were joking about a tennis date the week after surgery with me. I was supposed to be their poster child for an easy recovery and weight loss <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Didn't turn out that way.

Massive bleed during surgery, they didn't transfer me to a hospital though, kept me at the surgery center all night and the next day (I don't know how long, over 24 hours is all I know) where I experienced constant seizures due to blood loss and the mass of blood in my gut. Likely that either masked the leak or caused it but who knows. Finally taken to a hospital and left two days later only to return off and on, much as you read about this case, while the docs blamed it on the blood and didn't feel a leak test was necessary. I had ALL the symptoms, but no one would do the test. So finally my plural sac was crushing my lungs due to the Fluid build up from the infection due to the leak...that no one would detect, and my lungs became the focus not the leak because they couldn't keep them drained. Multiple procedures to drain the lungs finally allowed for discovery of the leak, which was then so far gone (damaged tissue) that they couldn't repair with traditional methods. In the mean time the PICC caused blood clots, the drains caused issues with my lungs....you are a nurse, you probably know how it all snowballs <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Aprox five weeks after my first surgery I had my second to install an experimental treatment called a claw. It has a high failure rate, but when your tissue is badly damaged it's the best option so they installed that. I was lucky and it held. But I faced the loss of my stomach if it didn't because once that tissue is damaged, it's tough to put it back together.

I was bedridden about 60 days. In hospital three weeks or so, give or take. Several ER visits, half a million bucks ya da ya da. So this story does not sound far fetched to me. Had I stayed with my original doc and local hospital I might have been in the same boat. They tried to send me home too.

It's hard to be an advocate when you are near death. Even a nurse must understand that there are times when a patient just can't be their best advocate (not speaking of you but of the other nursing commenting). You have to see folks who are normally rational human beings who get so beat down they just can't think or communicate their needs don't you? It's easy to say you'd be tough...but only if you haven't been there.

I have lost weight But it wasn't worth the risk and what it did to my family. This story sounds believable because I lived it to some degree. I feel bad this person was so beat up they never came back to post again. They might have seen that there is some good to this surgery if they hadn't been so beaten up. Do I recommend it? NOt often! But I can see where it makes sense.


Please see that this person never logged in after the post I understand you being bitter because of your exp but you don't have any right to bash people who have a different opinion than yours.and like you said earlier I'm not sorry this is the best decision of my life .....

Sent from my iPhone 5 using VST

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I cannot deny that thought crossed my mind. 1st time poster drops a bomb and then never comes back...?

That said, if its true then I am so very sad for her sister and her family.

If it isn't true... Idk what's worse? A sad horror story or a lie about a sad horror story...

Amanda Rae

I surf the site without logging in sometimes. It depends on the computer that I am coming in from.

All these assumptions ... are they doing anyone any good? And if they haven't come back, does it invalidate the story? Do you really think this is the only leak story out there? I can only take it on the word of my NUT, but she told us a story of a patient who died a week post op after eating a steak. Is it true? It wasn't her own story, but I do believe her. Doesn't invalidate the fact there are complications some of which are not as bad as the OP and some are even worse.

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I surf the site without logging in sometimes. It depends on the computer that I am coming in from.

All these assumptions ... are they doing anyone any good? And if they haven't come back' date=' does it invalidate the story? Do you really think this is the only leak story out there? I can only take it on the word of my NUT, but she told us a story of a patient who died a week post op after eating a steak. Is it true? It wasn't her own story, but I do believe her. Doesn't invalidate the fact there are complications some of which are not as bad as the OP and some are even worse.[/quote']

No one knows if its true except the person posting the story. I hope it isn't true. I answered my own question I guess. I'd rather it be a lie than that she went through all that.

Amanda Rae

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Very sorry to hear about your exp.

I would like to correct one thing though the person who wrote the story never logged in so how would they know what's being discussed here ?????????? They logged in only once to make this post at 11.07 am and that was it..... Again I am sorry to hear about your exp but every one have a right to have their own thoughts and conclusions just like you do...

Sent from my iPhone 5 using VST

I agree with you (don't fall down dead with shock) I'm just saying, it's also possibly true. Let's just agree to disagree on that one ok? It could be that this story is something that they are posting on more than one VSG forum because they're passionate about people not having the surgery due to their family issues? Who knows...I don't, so I'll choose not to abuse them just for sharing their story.

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Is WLS good for everyone? I guess not BUT the majority are successful. If you are reading this thread and are considering it' date=' DON'T let this person or iggy scare the (bleep) out of you! DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE and get busy saving your own life!

Tomorrow I will be 4 weeks post op. Here are my stats: I am a 35 year old male, 6' 3" tall. On 11/23/12 I was 445 lbs. I started my pre op all liquid diet that day and lost 49 lbs in 28 days before I had surgery. 12/21/12 I was 396 and had surgery. 1/17/13, and I am 1 day shy of being 4 weeks post op and I have lost 24 additional lbs for a total of 73 lbs in 48 days.

In summary.....

11/23/2012- 445 lbs. BMI= 55 (Taking Metformin for pre diabetes and Lisinopril for borderline high blood pressure.)

1/17/2013- 372 lbs BMI= 46 (NO MORE LISINOPRIL, BUT still taking Metformin.....FOR NOW.......)

The bottom line.....I feel freakin AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I can do SO much more then I could do just 2 short months ago! EVERY DAY is a new adventure of something new I can do, see, less pain, etc. I can eat ANYTHING! (I am making ALL healthy choices.) I have had NO complications. NONE. EVERYONE that sees me is saying "WOW, are you losing weight?" My response.....Why yes I am! :D

Bottom line........don't waste anymore good years/months of your life. My doctor told me I wasn't going to live very long pre surgery. Now I have a new lease on life. JUST DO IT![/quote']

Frank I am so glad you had a wonderful outcome. But what on earth do you have against me? You don't know me. You don't know my story. You joined just to bash me and now shockingly you're back? I don't know the OP of this thread, but MY story is real and I have a right to share it just as you have a right to share yours. Why do you feel otherwise?

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Well' date=' I was sorry for the problems you had but now that you have clarified the 11th commandment for me then I guess I am not sorry. You seem to know me better than I know myself.

But I will say, to anyone who has had complications, I deeply sympathize with you.[/quote']

I'm sorry that came out wrong in your eyes. Being the recipient of an "I'm sorry but you still suck" felt hurtful to me. Perhaps you didn't mean that, but it's how your statement came out in my eyes.

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Shockingly I am back? What the heck does that mean? I don't have anything against you, to be honest with you, you don't even register in my mind. The reason I mentioned you is because when I read this thread I saw you discouraging people from getting the VSG. You're being irresponsible in doing so because of the overwhelming imperical evidence that disproves the fear that you are peddling here. Bottom line, VSG surgery is overwhelmingly safe and changes lives for the better. You had a bad experience. We have all heard about it MANY times. Move on and move over and let the rest of us get on with improving our lives.

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Given that I was unfortunate enough to go through much of what this person's sister has gone through I certainly feel they have a right to their opinion. Just because you disagree with it does not mean they shouldn't be given the same level of respect that someone who is gung ho for this surgery gets.

I am no idiot. I researched my surgery and physician quite well and I am a strong advocate for my care' date=' and yet, when you are the person dying you might be in a position where you just can't fight. You're too weak, drugged up, whatever, it's hard and for anyone to question a person's ability at that time that has never experienced that level of suffering...well that's not fair and should be apologized for.

While this case is extreme, and thank god mine wasn't that bad, I also faced the future without being able to eat again due to the decay of my tissues and the difficulty in repairing them. It's a very real issue. If this is a troll it's a troll who has experienced something of this because they understand the process that the damage can take. I doubt it's a troll. Likely it's someone who's heart has been broken by what has happened to their family member who just wants to see no one else suffer like this. To be beat up for that is really kind of crappy. One post or one hundred...they deserve some respect.

OP I'm so sorry about your sister's condition. I and many others here have been down that road, though not to the extent she has been. I'm sorry for your pain, and actually agree with you in many cases. This surgery is preformed far too often and we see more and more stories like this because of it. I think about a third of the people who have the surgery should. Write your local media and representatives. This story should be told. I'd love to see people like me NOT be able to have this surgery. Not because I'm an idiot or didn't research, but because it's not a good choice for many. There are other options that should be exhausted first.[/quote']

Frank, honestly, I don't know you and I have no idea why you have this animosity for a stranger you've never met, but please understand, you misrepresent me. You do it over and over.

For instance, reading above...I am not discouraging everyone from having this surgery. I have told many people that I think they are great candidates and then encouraged them in their road to success. I don't believe that this is a good cosmetic surgery to pursue. It's not worth the risk. But for those who have significant medical issues it could be life saving if they're ready for the surgery. Meaning ready to make the changes in their life that are necessary for success ALONG with this surgery. Many many many are not. You see them post daily. A hamburger at day ten, drinking the first week, drinking buckets of booze from the beginning, pushing their healing process by eating things that could be dangerous. These folks should probably get a handle on their eating issues prior to having the surgery, but once that's handled, the surgery is a great tool along side of those changes.

But people should also know the risks and those of us who have suffered them have a right to share our experiences just as you have a right to share yours. I will repeat...I don't know you Frank and yet you specifically single me out regularly. Your statements about me are not true and I'm just asking that you stop. You share your great experience. It's wonderful that your life has changed so significantly. I won't stop you from doing that. But please give me the same curtesy? Is there a reason you can't do that? You'd like me to move on over...darling step around me and go on with your life. I shall do the same for you if you'll just leave me alone? I am getting on with my life quite fine and for me part of that is to share the experiences I've had, just as it is for you.

I believe you can put me on ignore if you use the PC version of this system. Perhaps someone can tell you how so that you won't be distressed by seeing me standing in your way?? :)

I hope your journey continues in the same vein it's begun, but that you also can find it within your heart to understand that your journey is different than others and allow them to continue on their journey as well, even if it's a different path than you want to travel.

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I posted my experience and stuck around for a few days and got busy. I check in from time to time on my i phone when I can but that was about it until today. After I made that post I had a couple people contact me and tip me off to this post you made in the rants and raves section:

"Posted January 11, 2013 - 9:52 AM

Careful Cheri. They're gonna bring in "F" who lives in fear of certain posters and only posts for two days about those horrible people...then disappears altogether....to complain about how you're scared him into not being able to whine about his triple cheeseburger Breakfast :P

Meanie :P heh heh heh

Oh and you left out the section on ripping open your wounds riding a wild bull on day 3 after surgery. I always love those posts. After all, the doc was probably kidding about you not lifting anything and as long as you use your legs to lift yourself up on the bull it'll be ok...oh and you can lift children because you are a mom and your muscles have this magic memory that allows for that weight....but shucks...I forgot WE CUT THROUGH THOSE! Ummmmm but for you they're different right? The pain you are feeling is totally different and likely a leak :o Best post about that pronto LMAO"

I was also told there was another but I couldn't find it. After reading that I think I have changed my opinion of you. To be honest with you....well how can I say this gently.....you seem a bit "off" to be honest with you. You posted that like two weeks from when I made that initial comment in my first post??? Jeeez, were you sitting there stewing in anger for weeks afterwards? Wow.

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Here's the other one from the Veterans section:

Posted Today, 8:25 PM

The problem with this is that you actually can't remove the risks from the surgery. They're there and they will increase as we see more and more unprepared people move forward with it. I for one would do anything in my power to stop people from having this surgery as a preventative measure if they didn't have some dang good reasons for it. It's being used on models now to keep themselves stick thin....that's just not right. :(

I don't think the general guidelines of having been heavy for x period of time and showing an effort to comply (ie six month diet) are a bad thing. I think they should be mandatory for all candidates.

Now that won't make me popular will it LOL

And who is F and why on earth does he follow me about? I think I rejected him in highschool :P heh heh"

Hey sweetheart, you need to chill out. It's only the internet. Jeez Louise, you almost died. Thank God you are still breathing, step away from the computer and enjoy life will ya?

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Oh and by the way, where's your profile picture? I want to see the prom queen that rejected me in high school! LOL! Oh, and by the way, here was me in high school, you would have been lucky to have a catch like me! :lol:

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Shockingly I am back? What the heck does that mean? I don't have anything against you' date=' to be honest with you, you don't even register in my mind. The reason I mentioned you is because when I read this thread I saw you discouraging people from getting the VSG. You're being irresponsible in doing so because of the overwhelming imperical evidence that disproves the fear that you are peddling here. Bottom line, VSG surgery is overwhelmingly safe and changes lives for the better. You had a bad experience. We have all heard about it MANY times. Move on and move over and let the rest of us get on with improving our lives.[/quote']

So much for Iggychic not registering...

Just saying...

Amanda Rae

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Shockingly I am back? What the heck does that mean? I don't have anything against you' date=' to be honest with you, you don't even register in my mind. The reason I mentioned you is because when I read this thread I saw you discouraging people from getting the VSG. You're being irresponsible in doing so because of the overwhelming imperical evidence that disproves the fear that you are peddling here. Bottom line, VSG surgery is overwhelmingly safe and changes lives for the better. You had a bad experience. We have all heard about it MANY times. Move on and move over and let the rest of us get on with improving our lives.[/quote']

I agree. I'm pretty sick of the rage, rants and judgements from iggy. I've said it before... she needs to find another place to vent her anger. It's not productive, it's become tiresome, move on please

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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