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Notes on Mexico Jerselem hospital

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Ok, so I'm here last night at the hotel in Tijuanu... Been thinking of the best way to put the whole experience down so I can really get a grasp on it. To be totally honest I researched hard for months about this surgery. Read all of the good, bad, and ugly threads. I had a very good plan going in what to ask, what to expect, how to in general handle the reality of coming to a different country to allow some random person that you only meet for ten minutes to cut me open and do the work. I am very informed on what to drink, amounts and times. How to handle my incisions and general care of my sleeve.

All of that being said I was not prepared for my experience here, it truly has taught me that people really do just think that this surgery is an in and out, no plan needed, no follow through easy peasy fix all.

Seriously, of the 8 people in my "group" only 2 of us had any real answers and information. I believe this is a total breakdown from both ends the clinic and the patients. Communication is a huge problem here. I basically became a translator/patient corindinator calming people down and maintaining the almost riotous peace... but we're not there yet.

So we all get together at the airport it's about 8pm. We had been told that we would be going straight to the hotel this turns out to be miscommunication number 1. We are taken to the clinic hustled in with our companions and all of the luggage. Companions are left in the tiny waiting room four chairs eight people two of which were totally infirmed, stoke patient. The actual patients are rushed up stairs for our EKG, patient consultation, and blood work. We are seated in a small room right outside of the two upstairs patient recovery rooms. It's loud and kinda creepy. The whole place has the illusion of cleanliness but really it's a lot of Lysol and air freshners.

Random people come and go, it's quite a hotspot. About 2.5 hours later we are taken back to the hotel, which is niceish. I learn later from the front desk lady that I befriended, that the hotel staff hate the whole set up with the clinic. So basically it's nice but I would not say friendly.

Surgery day, happens earlier then they said. Got a call 1 hour before the 6am time that we had been told. Said to be down and ready now. Get there everyone is nervous. The 14yr old boy that had been brought here by his mother for the lap band but has been talked in the sleeve goes first. I have nothing to say about this besides he wasn't heavy and had not hit a growth spent yet so draw your own conclusions... Sad

I'm second by the time I was down I was out. Quick and smooth got up and walked like people all say. It's a weird feeling like doing thousands of sit ups. Some gas some pain some nausea... Not easy because guess what it's surgery! Expect to be out of it, and for those of you that had nothing but sunshine and rose, congrats.

A couple hours goes by I'm feeling pretty ok. The staff comes in and asks me to move to the other side of the strip mall lot to the other clinic to stay over nite. Ok sure that makes a total of 11 beds fullaltogether. That night is ok. I can't burp so I kinda puke burp a couple times. This building also had been bombed in air freshners which seems strange because after surgery patients generally have a cut senses of smell.

I don't think I would recommend this clinic to anyone. It was very hodgepodge and over all un

satisfying experience. No leaks, some nausea and some cramping. So over all normal but you can do better for a little more and it would def be worth it. I can't wait to put this behind me and get home.

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I came to Tijuana as a "caregiver" what a scary place! I "knew" it was a strip mall but seriously it was a **** mall. I would discourage you from doing this there if you have an extra $1,000 . you need to know it is GHETTO. This is not a hospital. Yes you see a "dr." (Maybe) but you NeVER see one after your surgery. The hotel? Well, when I was out with another caregiver yesterday at 1pm ish to buy tampons. We went directly across the street. We came out and were surrounded by police cars (25 or 30)with ak47's . Freaking.... Can't get back to hotel. Why? Dude shot another dude 7x. Directly outside the 4 laughable stars hotel. I'm sure that the factory that these "dr's" have going on is GREAT for the owner, who showed up like "Liberace" to show us his jewels. What a nightmare that I could never recommend. This is Dr. Bentacourt and his brothers "clinic" which is a joke. Disgusting, dirty, tiny..... Such a lack of communication I wanted to help the other patients and did. Please reconsider this clinic. I'm not talking about your decision to do the sleeve. Just WHERE to do it. I'm sure my friend will be successful but I really was surprised to read all these threads,no one said what a nightmare the clinic was and yet EVERYONE i was with was in shock. So there I said it! It sucked!!!! Jerusalem hospital. Please reconsider spending a little more for better treatment. Otherwise, you get what you pay for. Buyer beware

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could you tell me the dr as I am booking with tiajuana as wel through a medical tourism company


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I also was sleeved on Friday morning by Dr. Almanza in that hellish place. I will share my journey and experiences only to help heal my mind and move on. Move forward with my new life.

- We got picked up at the San Diego airport an hour late. No biggie. I was confident in my decision based on visits with my family doctor, reading and learning about my new sleeve, but most importantly to be healthy. Well when my group was all together I was in complete shock that there was a very young boy (later found out he was 14!) and a very old and weak lady (later found out she was 73!). She wasn't even able to walk to the van and needed a wheelchair. I began to question the morals of the doctors & the facility. It was a long drive across the border where my thoughts went from nervous fears to "uh-oh did I make a mistake?!" As I sat behind the old couple I knew she had no idea what the procedure was or what her recovery was going to look like based on her conversation. I was scared. She got a discount because so many of her family members have had it done. She didn't really have a reason for it. She admitted that.

- After crossing the border we are dropped off at the clinic? We all thought we were going to the hotel for a nice hot shower and to get a good nights rest. This didn't happen. We were shuffled upstairs into a small waiting room like area with large, hideous Jesus paintings all over. No one told us what was going on. We waited and waited and waited.

- The owner of the facility comes out dressed head to toe in diamonds stuffing his face with handfuls of nuts explaining that we would be meeting the surgeon (who seemed very kind) This owner was disgusting. He had blown up pictures of himself throughout the clinic with his shirt open and I knew he wasn't there to help people become healthy. He was there to pump as many of us through as he could so he could make money. Anyway after talking to us he tells us after we can go to the hotel and have a nice meal?! A nice meal? I have been fasting for 5 days. I'm glad I didn't trust him.

- I was taken to a small cold room where I had my blood taken. No one wore gloves and when I was getting my IV in the next morning I bled all over the floor and the lady "cleaned" it up with one of those blue booties. Again she had no gloves on. PLEASE IF YOU GO THERE HAVE AN HIV/HEP C TEST AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME!!! (Please note to retake the HIV test again 3 months to be sure!)

- Well after a long night of waiting they decided to do a surgery right then. So an older single man went in. At 9:30pm at night!

- We finally got back to the hotel at 12:30am and were told to be downstairs at 5am. How is one suppose to sleep and rest their mind and body for surgery when they give you no time?!?! I was exhausted.

- Surgery day. What a nightmare. Again you are taken upstairs to the waiting room while your loved ones wait in the smallest lobby ever. You are gowned and put on IV and you sit. You sit and wait as people go down and come back up. After surgery you are bombarded by other patients asking how you feel over and over and over because you are scared and alone. There is no support for anyone with questions or fears so you are left to rely on other sleevers and the Internet. It was nerve wracking.

- My surgery was done and I was very tired and dry heaved a lot. This actually made it so I had no gas pains in the end though. One or the other was my experience.

- I was placed in a room with a girl who was doing well and all I remember was that she had to pack up her belongings to move down the strip mall to another bed. I was out of it and confused. I got another roommate shortly.

- The beds that are there are no better than a twin cot and one had blood on the mattress. It was so small they only had room for one IV trolly which means if you needed to go to the bathroom you had to put your IV bag in the sink. It was pathetic.

- Every sleever will tell you walking is so important. It's almost impossible to do there. One there is no space and 2 not one IV trolly rolled. Not one. Maybe if the owner spent less on the disgusting air fresheners to make his clinic smell clean he could afford a rolling trolly.

- After being there one night you are then taken back to the hotel. I was relieved to be with my friend and to sleep.

- The bus rides were awful. The drivers didn't care about bumps and made no effort to drive with caution. They sucked.

- I had some more fluids, a leak test (which was so rushed I had to stepped over the girl's vomit that went before me and no one cleaned it up except by placing paper towels over it.) and then I finally had my drain and IV out.

- I am one week tomorrow and feeling good. This surgery is amazing. But please don't go to this place. Start your new life off on the right foot with the right care! You'll thank me for it :)

*if you have any questions I'm an open book that hides nothing so feel free*

Thanks for reading my post

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Oh. My. God. I'm so glad mine will be done in the US.

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I also was sleeved on Friday morning by Dr. Almanza in that hellish place. I will share my journey and experiences only to help heal my mind and move on. Move forward with my new life.

- We got picked up at the San Diego airport an hour late. No biggie. I was confident in my decision based on visits with my family doctor, reading and learning about my new sleeve, but most importantly to be healthy. Well when my group was all together I was in complete shock that there was a very young boy (later found out he was 14!) and a very old and weak lady (later found out she was 73!). She wasn't even able to walk to the van and needed a wheelchair. I began to question the morals of the doctors & the facility. It was a long drive across the border where my thoughts went from nervous fears to "uh-oh did I make a mistake?!" As I sat behind the old couple I knew she had no idea what the procedure was or what her recovery was going to look like based on her conversation. I was scared. She got a discount because so many of her family members have had it done. She didn't really have a reason for it. She admitted that.

- After crossing the border we are dropped off at the clinic? We all thought we were going to the hotel for a nice hot shower and to get a good nights rest. This didn't happen. We were shuffled upstairs into a small waiting room like area with large, hideous Jesus paintings all over. No one told us what was going on. We waited and waited and waited.

- The owner of the facility comes out dressed head to toe in diamonds stuffing his face with handfuls of nuts explaining that we would be meeting the surgeon (who seemed very kind) This owner was disgusting. He had blown up pictures of himself throughout the clinic with his shirt open and I knew he wasn't there to help people become healthy. He was there to pump as many of us through as he could so he could make money. Anyway after talking to us he tells us after we can go to the hotel and have a nice meal?! A nice meal? I have been fasting for 5 days. I'm glad I didn't trust him.

- I was taken to a small cold room where I had my blood taken. No one wore gloves and when I was getting my IV in the next morning I bled all over the floor and the lady "cleaned" it up with one of those blue booties. Again she had no gloves on. PLEASE IF YOU GO THERE HAVE AN HIV/HEP C TEST AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME!!! (Please note to retake the HIV test again 3 months to be sure!)

- Well after a long night of waiting they decided to do a surgery right then. So an older single man went in. At 9:30pm at night!

- We finally got back to the hotel at 12:30am and were told to be downstairs at 5am. How is one suppose to sleep and rest their mind and body for surgery when they give you no time?!?! I was exhausted.

- Surgery day. What a nightmare. Again you are taken upstairs to the waiting room while your loved ones wait in the smallest lobby ever. You are gowned and put on IV and you sit. You sit and wait as people go down and come back up. After surgery you are bombarded by other patients asking how you feel over and over and over because you are scared and alone. There is no support for anyone with questions or fears so you are left to rely on other sleevers and the Internet. It was nerve wracking.

- My surgery was done and I was very tired and dry heaved a lot. This actually made it so I had no gas pains in the end though. One or the other was my experience.

- I was placed in a room with a girl who was doing well and all I remember was that she had to pack up her belongings to move down the strip mall to another bed. I was out of it and confused. I got another roommate shortly.

- The beds that are there are no better than a twin cot and one had blood on the mattress. It was so small they only had room for one IV trolly which means if you needed to go to the bathroom you had to put your IV bag in the sink. It was pathetic.

- Every sleever will tell you walking is so important. It's almost impossible to do there. One there is no space and 2 not one IV trolly rolled. Not one. Maybe if the owner spent less on the disgusting air fresheners to make his clinic smell clean he could afford a rolling trolly.

- After being there one night you are then taken back to the hotel. I was relieved to be with my friend and to sleep.< /p>

- The bus rides were awful. The drivers didn't care about bumps and made no effort to drive with caution. They sucked.

- I had some more fluids, a leak test (which was so rushed I had to stepped over the girl's vomit that went before me and no one cleaned it up except by placing paper towels over it.) and then I finally had my drain and IV out.

- I am one week tomorrow and feeling good. This surgery is amazing. But please don't go to this place. Start your new life off on the right foot with the right care! You'll thank me for it :)

*if you have any questions I'm an open book that hides nothing so feel free*

Thanks for reading my post

Oh my, this company called weightloss agents tried to get me to go through them with Dr Almanza. I never felt comfortable with them as they didn't personally call to talk to me about anything. Only emails. Now after seeing this post I'm glad i didn't use them. Thanks for letting us know.

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I was her original roommate. It makes me less ashamed with myself that she agreed with my feelings although I am still beating myself up for taking my partner there and willingly putting us in harms way. I do not regret that surgery but I do regret the place.

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Thanks for the post

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Ditto on the experience. And I had a friend recommend it!!! WTF?! Just horrendous. The nurses in the recovery house were the best part, but I don't believe they use it anymore. Don't go to that clinic!

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:wacko: ouch! Sorry some of you had a bad experience, I thought it went great for me, I wasn't expecting much for the price , I went with an open mind to go with the flow and not be so judgmental about it all, I got great service , staff was kind , Dr.Almanza was sweet and open to my questions. Surgery went well lost 55lbs so far, where as here in the states I would of had to come up with a heck of a lot more $$.


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This is exactly the type of reporting that we, other prospective sleevers, are grateful to hear... while I am horrified that your experience was what it was, I am grateful that you are willing to be entirely honest because it merits no one to allow this type of sub-par treatment to enjoy continued "unquestioned" business. I am sooooo glad you are feeling good, despite the conditions, but agree with the recommendation to get a Hep test, just in case.

I know, from time to time, I have read on this board some critical opinions of different drs and clinics and those posters got some heat from other posters... I hope this is not the case here... there is nothing to be gained from holding back this kind of information if it is indeed all true... but there is much to be gained for those who will go after you - you can still choose this clinic based on your "informed" status of it OR you can choose to go somewhere else, heeding the warnings of those who have actually been there and experienced it - that is, IMHO, better than ANY research I could do on my own!

Thank you and sending prayers for continued healing and wellness as you work towards your ultimate goal!

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I got mine Jan 21, 2013 and I was told there were 4 -6 operations that day..nope..its a meat shop. There were 15 and surgery started at 6am and unfortunately i was the last one....at 11pm

I have sharp pains on the beginning of my stomach entry i hope i will be okay and recover soon. I

pray that i wont have a leak. I'm sure he rushed the job since i was the last one on a long day. But regardless i saved a lot of money by going there.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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