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Ok, I'm fat again. I've lost the same 40-60lbs 3 times in my life.

I've done Jenny, starvation, bananas and am looking at Weight Watchers.

I'm 5'11" and 245.

I'm a bulk eater, I just eat huge portions and as soon as I let my gaurd down, I'm back stuffing myself.

When I was pregnant I lost weight! I felt fantastic, because I always felt full.

Can I get the feeling of fullness from the band?

How have people reacted when you told them?

How do you explain bizarre small portion eating?

I'm in Rochester, NY are there good doctors here?

Does insurance really not cover it?

Are you ashamed to admit that you got banded and aren't able to do it on your own?

How did you come to decide to actually do it?

It's too depressing to think I'm going to work every second of everyday fighting it, and then gain it all again and more in 5 years.

Any insight you can give me I would really appreciate, I just don't know if I can do a surgery.


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If you are a bulk eater, the band will work for you. It keeps you from overeating. It won't let you eat too much. It may take a few adjustments to get to the right point for you, but it really keeps you from being hungry.

In the beginning of my decision, I didn't want to tell anyone. I have gradually told a few and now, I don't care who knows. At first I thought I was a failure because I couldn't do it on my own, but I don't look at it like that anymore. The band is a tool and you have to work with it. It won't be easy, but it will certainly work. Keep reading the posts on this website. It is amazing what you will learn.

My insurance didn't cover it, but it was because of a clause excluding weight loss surgery that my employer added to our coverage. I went to Mexico after extensive research and am very happy with the decision. I saved A LOT of money going there and the doc I used (as well as many others in Mexico) have a lot more experience than the U.S. docs do because it has been approved in Mexico for many more years than it has been in the U.S.

Good Luck in your journey. Believe me, it is VERY worth it.

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I am 5'4 and weighed 242 when I was banded. I am not ashamed or embarassed to tell people that I had surgery, but I have never felt like being banded meant I wasn't doing it on my own. I don't want to sound harsh, but I also don't want to sugar coat this - being banded is not the easy way out. You still have to choose what to eat, you still have to have patience as you wait to find your sweet spot (perfect restriction level for you), and you still have to exercise and follow the band rules. And you have to be prepared for setbacks. I lost 80 of the 100 pounds I wanted to lose, had plastics, and regained 30 pounds. I joined WW because I didn't know where else to turn and I couldn't rely on myself to make the right choices any more. So here I am, banded, and yet I am still relying on outside help to get the weight off. Everyone has a different journey, and for some the band is the magic answer. For me it has been - but it has not been easy, and I still have a ways to go. Making healthy food choices & dealing with emotional eating will always be a struggle for me, th eband doesn't take those issues away. It just helps control your portions if you eat the way you need to most of the time. I hope I am not being discouraging! Being banded has been the best thing I have done. I guess it just strikes a nerve in me still when someone refers to this as having taken the easy way out...sorry! :) Good luck with your research & your decision!

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thank you for the post. It's good to know all of the issues that can arise and the outcomes. I appreciate your very nice and honest answers.

I do realise it isn't easy and I guess it's more my feeling of failure (and my belief that other people will see it this way) that I am unable to control the overeating.

It's like I'm sleep walking, I keep asking, why am I eating this, I've eaten plenty, but even then, when I'm conscious of it, I can't stop.

This is the "not being able to do it on my own" that I'm referring to.

Thanks again.

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Honey, if I could have controlled my eating...I wouldn't have needed lapband. No matter what diet I tried, I'd lose and gain back.....what a viscious cycle....but I just couldn't control it.

I was and still am to some extent an emotional eater. I find that when I allow myself to go too long without eating that I eat wayyyyyyy too fast (this is not good because when it goes in too fast, it come back up the same way). Also if I don't pay attention when I am eating, I get to talking and lose that awareness that I am not laying my fork down between bites. It's a process of losing the old habits that made me what I am. And let me tell ya' something else....head hunger is REAL....gotta' learn to deal with that too.

It must be a concious lifestyle change that you are willing to make.....my loss has been slow...but people are noticing and that makes me feel great...I would do my lapband over in a skinnya$$ed minute!!!!

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Based on your height and weight, your Body Mass Indes (BMI) is about 34.2. Most US doctors/insurers require that you have a BMI of 40, or 35 with co-morbidities (like diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, etc.). I think some Mexican doctors are more flexible, but your insurance wouldn't cover the surgery out of the country.


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Thanks, yes I am realising I'm not fat enough (my word!) But I have some health issues. I've had back pain for over 2 years and had surgery last year, to no avail. I have disc degeneration in 1/3 of my spine. I have sleep apnea. My bp and insulin are good, but not being able to bend, move or sleep with the pain is probably the best leverage.

Some say 80lbs over ideal qualifies.

I've also had pregnancy issues related to weight.

I will have to study my blue choice plus policy.

Thanks for the post.


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Let's see...now these are just MY answers to your questions...it is your own answers you need to think about tho!!

Can I get the feeling of fullness from the band?

Yes, in fact that is how it works. The nerves that signal fullness are at the top of the stomach, so you reach them almost immediatly when you eat once you are banded. And even if you don't get the full signal, you physically can not overeat, you will be in pain and end up sick (aka PB). Hopefully this unpleasant experience helps you learn, so that this is not common, which can be harmful to your stomach, the band can slip or erode into the stomach.

How have people reacted when you told them?

Most of them have been positive, and if the person has weight issues themselves, they seem very curious. The girls in my local Curves are very intrigued by me!! I do have an Aunt who is doom and gloom, and waiting for me to fail. But my success with the band has made it where she is the largest in our family now...not me! Overall the reaction has been great.

How do you explain bizarre small portion eating?

I have been very open about my surgery, so most everyone I eat with knows. But if they don't, very few actually pay attention, they are busy eating their own meal. I just always ask for a to-go box. As for servers etc, if they question it, some do, they think there was a problem with the food, I just tell them I have had WLS, and cannot eat that much anymore.

I'm in Rochester, NY are there good doctors here?

I am sure there are, I cannot help you there tho! Look down on the home page for local USA support, and go into the NY rooms and you will likely find some excellent guidance.

Does insurance really not cover it?

Some have it covered without problem. Others, like me have no exclusions in their policy, but the insurance company has so many hoops to jump through...it is difficult, if not impossible. Other insurance has total exclusions, and some exclusions are due to the employer adding the exclusion on. It will depend on your insurance company and your direct employer...each one seems different.

Are you ashamed to admit that you got banded and aren't able to do it on your own?

Not at all! If I had other medical issues I could get help for I would, and I did. It is not bad for a smoker to buy pills and Patches to get off the addiction of cigarettes. This is helping me to learn how to control my addiction to food. I am using it to get healthy. The band is a tool that I use....if I don't work with it, it will not work. You can not be banded and not change your habits or your ways, or it will not work. This is not easy, but it makes it possible!

How did you come to decide to actually do it?

I was already taking 2 medications for high blood pressure, and was being put on one for raised blood sugars, leading to a pre-diabetic state. I had horrible visions of myself dying from one of these serious problems, and them not being able to lift my casket!!! I also have very young grandchildren that I want to play with, like I did their parents. If I lose this weight now, the babies will never remember me as FAT!

As for the surgery I found it to be an amazingly simple procedure. I had mine done in Mexico, it was a wonderful experience. One I wish I had had years ago...

The best thing you can do at this point is check into your insurance issues, and continue to read anything and everything you can get your hands on regarding WLS. It is not for everyone...this band is not easy to find proper restriction with, it is something you have to be diligent in using. IF you are ready to be serious in modifying your behaviour, then the band is an awesome help! I LOVE it...I feel like it is saving my life. I am not hungry all the time, when I eat, I eat small amounts and am able to choose healthy good food, I am in control...and that is an incredible feeling! But I would never, ever say it has been the easy way out...that would be a lie of mammoth proportions! It will help you every ounce of the way...but it can only help if you are willing to work hard. Your body will not continue to lose if you do not increase your activity, so exercise is a must. It is a lifestyle change. One that will give your life back if you are willing to do the work!

Good Luck in making your decision. If you have questions, there are lots of people here willing to share their experiences, and help you out..it is a great site!


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I cant help with the insurance stuff because I live in Australia, it gets covered here without any trouble.

But I was about the same height/weight. For my first two normal pregnancies, I didnt experience a huge reduction in the amount of food I could eat because I'm so tall, I never got huge during pregnancy. I didnt gain much weight because I was very careful, but I have plenty of room in there to hide a 9lb baby without having my intestines coming out my nose and ears.

But for my third pregnancy, Eliza was breach and for unknown reasons she sat really oddly, very very high in my abdomen. I didnt need maternity clothes at all till about 28 weeks. But I could barely eat a thing (I wont even go into how horrific the heartburn and reflux were). I'd eat 3 mouthfulls, be stuffed and feel full for hours.

Banding early on felt VERY like that for me, when I had the swelling from surgery. After about 6 or 8 weeks, that disappeared and I've found my band more of a tool that requires quite a lot of my own willpower, as I really dont think Ive reached optimum restriction in almost a year - and that's only because I"m really fill shy, I want to live as normal a life as possible, I never want to PB and I have a strong feeling that being tight equates to higher risks of erosion and slippage. I just dont get that fullness that lasts for hours anymore, instead I feel full quickly, and find it easy to stop eating when I should but I can easily be hungry (well not hungry but interested in food) again an hour or so later. I have to just say "no, I dont eat between meals anymore".

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Thanks, yes I am realising I'm not fat enough (my word!) ...Thanks for the post.


You're welcome! I figured you might want to know that you might have a challenge in getting approval by insurance. But, if you're willing to pay for surgery yourself (I did!), then you have more options. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with someone going for a band at a lower weight. I think this is an amazing tool, and if it helps you gain control over your life and health *before* gaining 100 lbs., you're that far ahead! And one big bonus is that you'll have less sagging skin at goal!

By the way, regarding your question about what other people think...why tell them? A lot of people choose to have the surgery without letting others know. If they comment on how little you're eating, just tell 'em that you're working on Portion Control, and let them be amazed at your self control!

Good luck,


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I noticed in your profile it says you were banded 10/06? Is it really 05?

I had my surgery on 10/26/06. Just a week and a half ago. I had a pre-op diet for two weeks and all together I have lost over 20 pounds. I know it won't keep falling off that fast, but I am really working at it right now to get every one off that I can.

Good luck in your journey. I am very happy in mine.

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Just wanted to thank all of you for answering my questions.

Right now, when I am seriously thinking about this, I'm losing weight by not over eating. So studying is good help!

I do need to call the insurance company and see where I stand.

It seems like a fantastic tool that helps put you in control of what you eat. That is my biggest problem, I can't get the feeling of fullness untill I'm beyond gorging.

Thanks again and I'll keep reading and listening to you all!


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Can I get the feeling of fullness from the band?

Yes! That is the main way in which the band works. It's the "magic pill" I've been searching for my entire life! Finally, after 36 years of starving, I feel full!

How have people reacted when you told them?

Most people were supportive, but some had to be "brought around" to see the benefits of the band. Only one person seemed freaked out and totally stopped talking to me and to this day I can't quite figure out why.

How do you explain bizarre small portion eating?

I say "I am a weight loss surgery patient and I can't eat alot". It works every time, no questions asked!

I'm in Rochester, NY are there good doctors here?

Obesityhelp.com has a doctor finder and it's how I found my doctor.

Does insurance really not cover it?

My insurance covered everything. Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Are you ashamed to admit that you got banded and aren't able to do it on your own?

No way! I'm proud I got banded because I think it takes alot of courage. I failed for 26 years (been dieting since I was 10) and failed every time because I was always starving. This was through no fault of my own. I finally found something to make me full!

How did you come to decide to actually do it?

Hitting nearly 300 pounds at 5'3" was enough to convince me!

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MY Dallas-based surgeon had no issues with my starting BMI of 32.3

I had no co-morbidities, but have sleep apnea, have some back issues, have a bad knee and have a family history of heart disease and diabetes.

I was self-pay and would do it again in a flash.

Good luck!

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