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George Bush: Worst American president in history

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I'm tired of our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters, dying in a war we will NEVER win. I am tired of President Bush lying to the American people. I am tired of living paycheck to paycheck and never getting ahead. Land of the Free...my arse! "Big Brother" has their noses in everything we say and do. I am proud to be American, but EXTREMELY embarrassed by our President and his poor management of our tax dollars and our country.

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I like Bush, there is no second guessing him, He says whats on his mind.

After 911, Everyone liked him, our economy suffered, stocks dropped, Enron got exposed, but we recovered faster than I ever expected.

Oil is under $50 a barrel now not $70.

Stocks have capped over the 12000.

Unemployment is lower than when Clinton was in office.

We STILL have a totally voluntary military. GOD BLESS ALL THEM AND PROTECT THEM!

We are free to have this discussion.

We are all better off than 90% of the worlds population.

We are blessed to have won the birth lottery to have been born in the USA!

I plann on voting Tuesday, I hope you do too!

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If you have ever worked for a large company, then you know how BuSh got faulty intelligence. He asked questions like "are you sure Hussein doesn't have WMD?" and when told no, he said to look again. It became clear to all that worked for him that unless you gave him the news he wanted to hear, you were not going to be in the president's good graces for too long. At least two cabinet members and sub-cabinet member who left the White House after serving under both Democratic and Republican administrations have written books in which they tell about BuSh's obsession with Hussein. It was the first topic at the first BuSh cabinet meeting in February 2001 and the first question from BuSh even before the smoke cleared on 911 was "did Hussein do it?" and then "are you sure?", when told NO!!!

Hitler also trampled on his generals when they tried to give him advice or bad news. One of the reason that Germany lost WW11 was that Hitler's general were afraid to give him honest answers. That is the same reason the USA will lose the war in Iraq; Advisers not wanting to displease their boss.

2700 USA military personal are dead because BuSh has a thick skull.

The USA is on the verge of bankruptcy because BuSh didn't read his father's book.

Osama Bin Laden is still free because BuSh sent 100,000 troops to the wrong country.

Oh PLEASE!! Talk about a thick skull. Are you seriously comparing Bush to Hitler? You are treading the line of treason in my book if you are serious. It's no wonder Saddam was a priority when Bush took office because he had to finish what Bill Clinton didn't have the balls to do. We had Saddam and could have SAVED many lives had Clinton followed through with his job and responsibility.

Transcript: President Clinton explains Iraq strike

CLINTON: Good evening.

Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.

Their purpose is to protect the national interest of the United States, and indeed the interests of people throughout the Middle East and around the world.

Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons.

I want to explain why I have decided, with the unanimous recommendation of my national security team, to use force in Iraq; why we have acted now; and what we aim to accomplish.

Six weeks ago, Saddam Hussein announced that he would no longer cooperate with the United Nations weapons inspectors called UNSCOM. They are highly professional experts from dozens of countries. Their job is to oversee the elimination of Iraq's capability to retain, create and use weapons of mass destruction, and to verify that Iraq does not attempt to rebuild that capability.


This transcript goes on and on so I'm not going to fill LBT with Clinton's failure. You can read the entire thing using the link.

I certainly don't agree with all that Bush or any president has done for that matter. One thing I will NOT do though is claim that Iraq WILL fail when we have the lives of our precious brave Americans fighting over there. There has been an election in Iraq. That in itself is victory. Even if it all ended today, the people voted and Saddam is not in power. The lost lives do sit heavy on my heart. I wished we could change that part of war. Unfortunately, that is not the reality. I am so proud to be an American. Even when I couldn't stand the sound of Clinton's voice, I still respected him as the leader of our country and would never sink to the level of comparing him with Hitler. It's really sad to read so many personal attacks on our President and his family. The comic relief is fun, but some of you people are way too serious and angry. Bush deserves some respect for just being the President.

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Oh PLEASE!! Talk about a thick skull. Are you seriously comparing Bush to Hitler? You are treading the line of treason in my book if you are serious.

I certainly don't agree with all that Bush or any president has done for that matter. One thing I will NOT do though is claim that Iraq WILL fail when we have the lives of our precious brave Americans fighting over there. There has been an election in Iraq. That in itself is victory. Even if it all ended today, the people voted and Saddam is not in power. The lost lives do sit heavy on my heart. I wished we could change that part of war. Unfortunately, that is not the reality. I am so proud to be an American. Even when I couldn't stand the sound of Clinton's voice, I still respected him as the leader of our country and would never sink to the level of comparing him with Hitler. It's really sad to read so many personal attacks on our President and his family. The comic relief is fun, but some of you people are way too serious and angry. Bush deserves some respect for just being the President.

The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States as levying war against it, or adhering to her enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offense is punishable by death. TOM is lots of things, but he is not guilty of treason.

I am also willing to predict that Bush will leave the mess in Iraq for his successor to clean up, and I see no way that endangers any American soldier serving in the Middle East or anywhere else.

The election in Iraq proved nothing. In fact, there has been more bloodshed since the election than before. The people did not vote Saddam Hussein out of power. He wasn't on the ballot, if you recall.

The Iraqi people did not want to be "liberated" by us to begin with, and they still don't want us there, as terrible as Saddam Hussein was. According to an opinion poll carried out for the British Ministry of Defense by Iraqi university researchers and leaked to the British press, 82 per cent of Iraqis are strongly opposed to the presence of US and other coalition troops and less than one per cent believe that the coalition troops are responsible for any improvement in security.

Who gave the USA the right to decide who should rule within the borders of their own country and who should not? What makes our weapons of mass destruction "good" and our enemies' "bad"? The rest of the world deplores our arrogance. We are the biggest bully in the schoolyard.

George Bush deserves exactly what posterity will reward him with: the title of the worst president in US history.

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Just couldn't help myself.......


ROFLOL!!!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Good one :clap2:

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Carlene ~ I did not say TOM was guilty of treason, but walking the line IMO. That's how I feel and I'm entitled to that opinion as you are to yours. Do you really think it's fair to compare Bush to Hitler. What is your stance on that comparison?

I think morale is more of an issue than the lives of our soldiers when it comes to saying the Iraq war "will" fail. Our men & women deserve more than that. They are doing a job directed by our President. I would never want any of them to think for one minute they were failing at their jobs. Sure, disagree with the decision to be there if you must and the decision to stay or leave. I clearly don't understand how or why anyone would say it "will" fail. Maybe there are psychics here.

Yes, I know Saddam was not on the ballot. He was in a hole with bars. I disagree with the opinion that the Iraqi's don't want us there. I've had family members serve over there and know first hand this is not true. I hear both sides every time I turn on the TV. I guess we choose what we want to believe. Who's right? Who knows? I think I am, but respect your right to choose.

Who gave the USA the right to decide who should rule within the borders of their own country and who should not? What makes our weapons of mass destruction "good" and our enemies' "bad"? The rest of the world deplores our arrogance. We are the biggest bully in the schoolyard.

George Bush deserves exactly what posterity will reward him with: the title of the worst president in US history.

Do you realize Clinton did the same thing, but didn't follow through on the job? How do you justify a different opinion on the topic for Bush than you do Clinton? I would be interested to hear how you feel about Clinton going into Iraq and his transcript I attached in an earlier post. :) Sounds like he had the same intelligence as Bush. Mark my word, there will come a day that Bush will be known as the most respected president in our country's history.

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Do you realize Clinton did the same thing, but didn't follow through on the job? How do you justify a different opinion on the topic for Bush than you do Clinton? I would be interested to hear how you feel about Clinton going into Iraq and his transcript I attached in an earlier post. :) Sounds like he had the same intelligence as Bush. Mark my word, there will come a day that Bush will be known as the most respected president in our country's history.

Of course I realize that Clinton ordered air strikes and economic sanctions against Iraq. I also recall that Republicans rose up in arms at Clinton's directive, calling it a smoke screen to divert attention from Monicagate and protesting Clinton's right to act. He was called a "mad man" and accused of trying to "wag the dog". But be that as it may...

Comparing Clinton's limited role in the Iraqi mess to Bush's is apples to oranges. Would Bill Clinton have sent tens of thousands of troops into Iraq and kept them there for years? Who knows. The point is....he didn't. Bill Clinton is responsible for a lot of things, including not keeping his pants zipped, but he isn't responsible for a single drop of blood spilled in Iraq.

Your relatives serving in Iraq are to be commended for their service to their country. My youngest son has been there, too - twice. I still maintain that this war is unwinnable and the US needs to rethink it's position. I am not the only one, either.

Oct. 24, 2006, 3:36AM

Republicans rejecting Iraq policy

With the election just 2 weeks away, party pressure has Bush altering plans


Associated Press

WASHINGTION - Republicans worried about losing Congress are challenging President Bush on Iraq, eroding his base of support for the unpopular war just two weeks before midterm elections.

Increasing calls from restive Republicans for new ideas to extricate the U.S. come as the White House itself seems to struggle for a better course, or at least a better way to describe the current course.

Republican Sen. John Warner of Virginia, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, seemed to open the floodgates to GOP criticism this month when he warned after a trip to Iraq that the war was "drifting sideways" and a course correction might soon be warranted.

Other Republicans who have recently criticized the United States' course in Iraq include Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas; Sen. George Allen, of Virginia; Sen. Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina; and Sen. Conrad Burns, of Montana.

Edited because I forgot to answer your question about Hitler...

I don't think TOM was comparing George Bush to Hitler. If anything, I think he was saying that both were/are guilty of arrogance.

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I think morale is more of an issue than the lives of our soldiers when it comes to saying the Iraq war "will" fail. Our men & women deserve more than that. They are doing a job directed by our President. I would never want any of them to think for one minute they were failing at their jobs. Sure, disagree with the decision to be there if you must and the decision to stay or leave. I clearly don't understand how or why anyone would say it "will" fail. Maybe there are psychics here.

I've had family members serve over there and know first hand this is not true. I hear both sides every time I turn on the TV. I guess we choose what we want to believe. Who's right? Who knows? I think I am, but respect your right to choose.

Americans, both Republicans and Democrats, have grown weary of the war. Like it or not, the majority do not support Bush's continued occupation of Iraq.

This is from today's USA Today...

Anti-war opinion is at Vietnam War levels (although because there is no draft, anti-war protests are not). As of mid-October, 58% of Americans thought it had been a mistake to invade Iraq, according to the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll. In January 1971, Gallup found that 60% of Americans thought it had been a mistake to send troops to Vietnam. The deep national frustration over Vietnam turned Congress against the war and forced President Nixon's hand. The last U.S. troops were pulled out two years later.

  • There's growing concern that there's no effective plan for Iraq. From the start, analysts have said that Americans would back the war as long as they thought there was a chance to win. Bush has tried hard to convince Americans that he has a clear plan for victory, but the latest New York Times/CBS poll shows that just 26% of Americans believe that, while 69% do not.

Edited to add...

Former GOP House majority leader Dick Armey says small-government conservatives don't believe the United States can create a democracy in Iraq and have become convinced the war was unnecessary. "We've gotten ourselves bogged down in a mess we can't get out of," he says.

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If anyone thinks it is treasonous to compare BuSh with Hitler, think about this:

People being arrested with no charges being levied against them.

People being arrested with no legal council allowed to them.

People taken to far away camps for indefinite amounts of time.

People taken to foreign countries for torture laden interrogations.

Torture defined as causing death or organ failure.

People allowed to be tortured to get confessions and and then allowing the tortured induced confessions to be used in a court against them.

Phones being tapped with no court orders.

E-mails intercepted without court order.

Money transactions scrutinized without court order.

Passing of the Patriot Act to destroy personal freedom.

Countries invaded for our defense that had no means to attack us.

Laws passed to remove the protection of Habeas Corpus.

Starting a privatized army not under military control.

About the only major difference is that the Reichstag didn't burn down by BuSh's orders.

There are many websites that compare BuSh to Hitler. I don't have to read them, because I have two eyes and two ears of my own.

Click Here

Click Here

Or Here

Or Try Here

Oh, the heck with it. Do a google yourself for Hitler comparison BuSh.

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Wow, that is a mouthful. It wouldn't surprise me if the NSA was monitoring your internet activity. Like I said, your walking the line and anyone else that takes that stand. Sad, really sad.

Regardless of beliefs and whether we agree or not, it is my hope this thread will spark an interest in people to get out and vote and do more than just talk politics and complain about those in office. VOTE PEOPLE! It's your honor and duty as an American and a personal responsibility as a Christian (if that applies to you).

I think Bill O'Reilly hit the nail on the head today with his talking points.


Anger in America

Friday, November 03, 2006

By Bill O'Reilly


Both liberals and conservatives are furious and are pounding each other in vicious ways.

The John Kerry controversy has set off a firestorm on the right. The initial voting on BillOReilly.com — our poll question asks whether Kerry intentionally meant to demean the military — shows a deep-seated resentment towards the senator for his perceived anti-military bias.

On the left, the hatred of President Bush has reached hysterical proportions. Hyper-liberals hate him because of his aggressive anti-terror strategies, Iraq and his faith-based point-of-view.

In the middle are Americans who are not ideologues, who simply want the best plan, the best people and the best outcome for their country.

It is here where next Tuesday's election will be decided.

Talking Points believes that most of these people will not vote at all. They're not going to show up. That's because many Americans are deeply conflicted and some are downright disgusted.

On the one hand, we have not secured Iraq after three and a half years and hope is not a policy. It's not the fault of our military, it's the Iraqi people who are the problem. They are simply not doing enough to stop the bad guys in their midst.

After the Taliban was defeated, the Afghanis didn't start killing each other, did they? But in Iraq the death squads are destroying any semblance of freedom.

So what do we do? Leave Iraq to Iran and the terrorists? We might have to, but that would mean another very vicious battlefield somewhere down the road.

So Americans are faced with one party that hasn't defeated the enemy in Iraq and another party that has no anti-terror strategy and is dominated by far-left zealots like Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi — people who believe the USA is the problem in the world.

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BuSh keeps saying we will not leave Iraq until the Mission is accomplished.

How is BuSh defining "Mission Accomplished" this time?

As soon as the US Military pulls out of Iraq, there will be all out war. The elected leader of Iraq or a military coup's leader will declare marshal law and a new Saddam Hussein will have been reincarnated.

The only difference will be that the New and Improved Saddam Hussein will have 65% of the population of Iraq supporting him (as compared with the 20% the old Saddam Had) and the New and Improved Saddam will have Iran as an ally instead of as an enemy.

It does not matter how long the US Military stays in Iraq. We can stay until 1000 more die or 2000 more die or 5000 more die. The result is inevitable. You can force a country to be what it is not.

Iran was a Westernized country until it was overthrown by religious extremists who longed for the good old days. They were just like the religious extremists who live in the USA in the 21st Century and who also long for the good old days.

BuSh will not lose the war in Iraq. He will lose 2000 more soldiers and marines protecting his pride. He is proud to be an American president and he will honor our military by allowing its members to die in battle. Sounds like a cross between Homer and the Klingons.

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You go TOM, you hit the nail on the head! with bush in office He has throwen are Civil Libertarian away we have no freedom! He rule's by fear oh next week it will be code orange just to scare people.

Bill Cliton, screwed around on his wife big deal! she the one who had to sleep with him. They should of shot ken star for raping the tax payers as they paid the 600 millon dollers for Sh:t and got nothing.





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