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November chat...again....

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Just thought I would stop in. Guess where I am ??? Working ~ yes I must be insane but I had so much to do that I figured I would come in today and then take the rest of the week.

Well I must say ~ I am jealous ~ Kat is right, Mandy looks like Abi's sister.. Beautiful skin I must say:)

Both you and Abi have such beautiful eye's..

I got my car back - at least it is road worthy. Water pump and timing belt were replaced. Thank God that I had a little extra cash to afford the rental and the repairs. Could not have done it without the overtime I was putting in. I ended up not working yesterday because I felt so guilty taking the boys to the sitter again. They were there for a good while on Sat. I instead took them on a outing to see Santa and ride around in a horse drawn carriage. They just loved it.. I promised them as soon as we have extra money again.. Knock on wood ~ that i will take them on a carriage ride in the snow and we will have tons of fun.

Anyway the guy or place that fixed the car does not want me to come back and was glad to get rid of me. I hounded since Sat. He did not pick up the car till after 9:00am and when I told him the problem and what he would have to do to fix it, well he agreed. Come Sat I drive over there after 3pm and it is still sitting in the lot. Oh man I blew a fuse and let him have it. I called in the Ex to come to talk with him and when he mentioned Deposit to fix it. That was the wrong thing to ask me.. I am just happy when my nasty alter ego came out and let him know what he was going to do and it had better be fast.

I will have to post personals later when I get home or tomorrow when I am off.


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Thought I'd better check in...didn't even stop by yesterday. I'm trying to back up our old computer before I transfer files to the new one...still putting the house together,too.

Darcy, I LOVE your quilt! It is so cute!

Mandy, those pictures are adorable, and I agree with the others about your beautiful eyes!

Patty, sorry to hear you've had the flu...hope you are on the mend.

Betty, I know you are cooking a bunch of stuff...what's on the menu?

BEANIE!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Enjoy, and remember to keep your patient hat on!

Eileen, what's your schedule this week? I read everything kinda fast, and now I can't go back and refresh my memory.

Chrispy...I promise I'll get some new pictures made as soon as I get the new computer up and functional!

Ya'll, I know I Left out some of you...but I've gotta get my DD in bed now, and I'll check back later!

Hugs, Cindy

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AHH Mandy your rock star is so cute. AND YOU LOOK FABULOUS!! How much have you lost..I forgot if it said..and how long has it taken you? I think your right about drinking a lot of water! I think it helps a lot with the skin! I bet your stir crazy too! Hang in there.

Hey Jan- You are a total inspiration! You are doing so well and your attitude is fantastic. It's good to see you back and glad to hear your feeling better.

Betty-I didn't realize that you weren't doing good! I'm sorry. It is so hard at times! Urgh! I get so bored with food! I'm getting sick of my morning PS, but I really don't like anything else for Breakfast. I guess it's just life..sigh...Hang in there. You'll do better this year. When I was at the grocery store today I thought about buying some stuff to make Cookies, you know for the kids...and told myself that I know I can't handle that stuff in the house, and I walked away. So I guess no baking for me this year.

Hugs Patty- Glad your feeling better.

Cassandra-Thinking of you..welcome to Bandland!

Eileen-Yes I'm going for anxiety and to discuss my crying, and witchiness! I am on a medication that seemed to help in the beginning. I'm not sure if I need more or if I'm just nuts! I'll let you know tomorrow when I get back. Glad to hear DD is better.

Hey Jules- Welcome to NJ..lol..Band life is great!

Mary-It sure sounds like your and the boys had a nice time. Sorry about the car.

Cindy-Hi, are you still having fun dusting?

Well thank you all for your sweet comments about Mommom, DGM, everyone calls her Mommom so you can too! What a lady. We went to get her acrylic nails today. She said at my age why not!! She cracked me up when we were leaving she said I can't believe how many of these saloons there are now a days! SALOONS...remember she's from Norway and has a real cute accent.

Anyway I knew that she was getting some flowers, and we got home and I opened the front door only to find a massive about of Water and a water fall coming out from under my dining room window! Well you all know I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown so this is not a good situation!! Anyway to make a long story short. I got the man across the street to come over and turn off the main valve by the road. The main broke and that's why 8 million gallons of water is on my yard! Well DH is on the phone and telling me that he that everything is going to be ok! He went to Lowes and brought some kind of valve and connected it to our neighbors house and now we have water! I also found out from my friend that they had the same thing happen this summer and it cost them under $300 to fix, I was thinking thousands! PRAISE THE LORD!!! So I have a call into the Plummer that takes AMEX..lol..and hopefully he will be able to come out tomorrow or Wednesday and fix us up.

I really wanted a drink to relax but I'm so anal about the scale and tomorrow I go see my PCP that I didn't have one!

Anyway we had friends over to Celebrate Mommoms birthday. She loves this couple and she was so thrilled that they came and we had such a nice night for her. She brings tears to my eyes, tears of joy.

Have a good night and I'll see ya'll tomorrow

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Hi all--well we made it up and back for my SIL's fill with no problems. We saw a HUGE herd of Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep!

Dianne--your Mommom sounds like a sweetie, I miss my Grandma something awful!!! And that winking Lucy, just irritates my "dog fever"!!!

Beannie--- WTG!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! Time to set a new goal for yourself....I bet you are walking on air today!!!

Eileen--yep been looking over the black Friday ads (cheating and looking at them now online!!!) to see where I want to go and what we want to buy. DH is so good, he goes with me, he is much more patient than I am!!! We go different directions, get what we want, and go have breakfast!!! We usually end up with lists from the parents, of what they want us to pick up for them "while we are there", like it is a walk in the park as opposed to wall to wall shoppers!!! But it is always fun, people are usually in great moods! Glad your little one is feeling better!!!

Jules--welcome--you are right we are a funny bunch----in oh so many ways!!! Seriously tho, these women have been an amazing support to me through the banding and highs and lows of life. For people I have never met face to face, I have no problem whatsoever, calling them my friends....which is not something I do lightly. Find time for us between work and school...come here to unload!

Mary--glad you got your car back...you get 'em girl!!! Sounds like a fun time with the boys. There are times, that doing those things with them is much more important than a few hours on the paycheck. They will never remember how much that check was for, but they will remember the day. Good move!!!

Cindy--good luck with the new 'puter!

Cassie---hope you are home and in healing mode now...we are here waiting!

Patty-glad the flu is on it's way out. Poor you!!!

Betty---I just picture you each morning, having your coffee...the whole morning, you just have a way of telling us what's going on so that I feel like I am there!!

Darcy--let's see some more of your work! The quilt really is awesome....be proud.

Cindy, Sherry, Chris, Pat, and anyone else my tired brain missed!!!....I would love to hang out, but it has been a long day, and the pistachios I snacked on (maybe 3 or 4) are killing me...making my belly just feel sore, dummy me!!! I am going to go lie down....will catch all of you tomorrow!!!


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Hello Everyone--Well here I am after surgery not even 24 hrs. later. Everything went very smoothly. I was at the hospital from 6am until 3pm and I was so so worried about everything, but all went really well. Everyone at the hospital was super nice and concerned. The nutritionist and bariatric cooridinator stopped by and visited me in the recovery room. The cooridinator brought me a bag full of goodies, including a card that requests restaurnats to let me order off of the kids menu. I even got a sippy cup too!

My surgeon also came to talk with before the surgery which I thought was very nice of him. Everyone made sure that I was totally comfortable and then they wheeled me away to the OR. Surprise, surprise, one of the surgical nurses is one of my classmates at the massage therapy school I am attending! Small world, well actually it really is out were I live here in the country.

Right now my stomach is very very swollen, and it is almost unbearable to lie down and then lie back up. When my pain meds. start to wear off I feel miserable, but then I just take them again and I am O.K. My only concern right now is that one of my incisions appers to still be bleeding, not really bad, but in the middle of the night when I had to get up to go the bathroom, the movement made the incision to start to bleed. My BF called the doctor last night who was on call and he said that it is not terribly uncommon, but I think I should still call my surgeon again today...?

I am going to be going now, I am getting really tired and sore. I hope you are all well.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Is everyone going crazy with all the preparations for the big Turkey day?:P

I think I have everything bought except for my bananas, and I am going to try to remember to get them today! I don't like buying them too soon or they get too ripe on me.

Cindy - My menu is:


Mashed potatoes/gravy

Green bean casserole

chicken and Noodles

Candied sweet potatoes

Baked Beans


Scalloped Corn



fruit salad

pumpkin Pie

I feel like I am forgetting something on that list, but can't remember what! :confused:

So, what is everyone elses menu?

Kat - That is so cool about the sheep! When we were in Vegas on a boat, we parked it and some came down right by the boat! It was just awsome!

Gosh, I hope you can't see all of me in the morning!:D :D :D It's not a pretty picture!:D :D :D

Dianne - I'm really not having problems, it's just the head hunger and eating the wrong foods! I think that happens more as the longer out you are. I guess we just get bored with the same food choices, and when you start eating the wrong things, it's really hard to get back to eating the right stuff. It's just my own fault! I keep gaining and losing the same 5 pounds, but the scale don't go under that! I promise myself every week to start new the next week and it just doesn't happen. It's double hard because the place I work always brings in food and it's really hard to turn it down when it is staring you in the face.

Beanie - I am doing the "happy dance" for you! Whoooo Hooooo! I am so proud of you girl!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Eileen - No black Friday for me! I have done it in the past, but not anymore!

Kat you are very brave! Down here in Texas, they come by the droves and will run your butt right over! The first year I went, I went to get this stereo/cd player. Well, the man handed me one and a woman behind me tried to grab it over my back and head. Well, needless to say I won the fight and she got a little bit of my elbow! Wonder if she does that anymore? I had a sore neck for days!

Jules - Welcome to our world! Glad to have you aboard!:D

Mary - They need to pay you double for coming in when you had the day off!

Cassie - Hope you are doing great! If we can help let us know. Remember to walk as much as you can, sip that water/juice etc, and if you have shoulder pain use a heating pad. Oh yeah, you'll just have to let those farts rip, it's a good way to get the gas off!:heh: :heh: ;)

Patty - Hope you are feeling tons better! Flu is no fun at all!

Darcy - How long will it take you to quilt the one you showed us?

Sherry - Slow down, breathe, and smile! Take some time for yourself lady! You are working way too hard!

Chrispy - Good morning! Hope you are having a great day!

Pat - You must be out shopping again! Hope you are getting yourself something nice while you're at it!

Anne - Where are you girl? We need to hear from you!

Ok I hope I didn't miss anyone, but if I did I'll catch you on the next one. The clock tells me it's time to go! I could sure use a long weekend! Next year I will make sure I get it off too!


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Hi Kids,

Gotta run but wanted to stop in and say hello.

Cassy WHOOT !!! Welcome to bandland ;)

Jules WELCOME to the NJ chat :P

luv yah's

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Hey Y'All

Just stopping in - I spent all my time on a post for the newbies.

Jules - we are not November Bandsters, either - we change the title of the thread every month. We are just a wild conglomerate of people that ended up congregating in the New Jersey thread. Lots of us are from Texas, too. I live in Allen. :]

Cass - you call that doctor any time you feel the need. God knows he's getting paid enough - so he might as well earn his keep. Seepage is normal - but maybe not actual Blood. My scars oozed for several days.

Yes - up and down is the hardest bit. The rest is easy. Try sleeping in a recliner or something. I used the couch and lots of pillows for the first few days. The place where your port is attached will hurt the longest.

Hugs and good luck!!

Everybody else - Love you guys!! I will check in again before the big T-Day.


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I got the Room Mother thing done...they had Grandparent's Tea at DD's school...it looked nice! (if I do say so myself...forgive me?) That took the morning, and now I've home and I just decided to sit down and goof off before I start dusting again! Will it EVER end?

My part of the menu is:

Roast turkey

Fried turkey (yep, that's DH's thing!)

Buttermilk Chess pie

pumpkin pie

Homemade Cranberry-orange sauce

Good luck to all the NJ girls, with all their cooking, and in making a teensy, tiny teeny bitty Thanksgiving plate! This oughta be interesting!

Cass, I'm so glad everything went well! Keep an eye on those incisions, and call your doc if it looks weird at all! Beanie's absolutely right...the port one will hurt for a long time; in fact, my port area still hurts if I'm stupid enough to overeat. It's like a built in regulator for me! Let us know if you have any questions; and take it easy!

Hugs to all!


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So - who here can tell that I was not into the whole "work" concept today. *sigh*. I am bad.

I kept LBT up in the background all darn day.


So - Cindy - what is Chess Pie? I am not familiar with this delicacy....

Oh and the menu is pretty simple at my house




Mashed Potatoes

Green Beans


Cranberry sauce (ehem - out of a can)

Too many relish items to list including cheese, pickled veggies, dip, crackers, etc.

A variety of pies courtesy of DS Mary

A cheesecake courtesy of SIL Carolyn.

Cranberry punch with Glogg. Experimental.

Glogg is a non-alcoholic spicy substance from Ikea. It is intended to be served warm - like mulled wine or spiced cider. DH likes the idea of serving cold - and I think it will lend itself to Cranberry. So we are mixing Cranberry, CranApple, Glogg and Sprite in the Punchbowl. It will seem pretty exotic to my family.... Only you will know how non-exotic it really is.


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My SIL is cooking the turkey, and making cornbread dressing, but she puts apples in which none of my family cares for!!! She will also make giblet gravy, which is the same way...my family turns up their noses!!! And she is doing the pumpkin pies. So, I am making dressing for DH to take to work tomorrow, he is also taking a turkey to deep fry, so while I mix up the dressing I will make enough to have a dish of dressing we like for TG day. I will do the same and make some gravy. I kept the gizzard from the turkey DH is dep frying, and figure I can boil it and make some broth---if it isn't enough...canned chicken broth will work!!! I am also in charge of mashed potatoes. I have 14 & 16 yr old nephews that think I will ruin TG if I don't make the potatoes. And let me tell you they can eat!! Which is all fine and good, but my niece their mom, will not bring a thing, she is 30+ years old, and thinks she is a kid who does not have to DO anything....Annoying spoiled neices sometimes!!! Good thing I love em!!! I will also do green Beans either with almonds, or a casserole, unsure yet. My Mom is making a relish tray, scalloped corn, and rolls, my oldest DD is bringing stuffed celery (her favorite), and cool whip (she plans on coming over to help cook here, so is not cooking at home), the youngest DD I hope will bring something her picky husband will eat. He to my knowledge eats nothing much besides cheesburgers, pizza, and fried eggs. Claims to be allergic to everything else...but don't get me started!!! DIL is bringing drinks, and ice. My MIL is supposed to bring SF Desserts, as they are both diabetic. Tonight I am baking pies....pecan pies, plain pecan, chocolate pecan and caramel pecan. So I will be in and out as things begin cooking for DH's work feast tomorrow, and baking pies. I cheated, and bought ready made pie crust---I cannot see the effort it takes, when they taste just as good, and I don't have to worry about it!

Think I will chop all of my onions and celery tonight for the dressing, rather than wait til in the morning.

I am wiped out. I thought it was the pistachios that upset my stomach, but have about decided it was a virus, my Dad was down too. I ended up throwing up (sorry---yuck!). So have been drinking today, and letting my now nice and calm stomach have a break. I may make a up of Soup tonight, and will go to bed early! Will be back in later.

I got my first Christmas card in the mail---WTH it isn't even TG yet!!!


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Glogg is a non-alcoholic spicy substance from Ikea. It is intended to be served warm - like mulled wine or spiced cider. DH likes the idea of serving cold - and I think it will lend itself to Cranberry. So we are mixing Cranberry, CranApple, Glogg and Sprite in the Punchbowl. It will seem pretty exotic to my family.... Only you will know how non-exotic it really is.


I too bought the glogg. I have been adding a splash to my hot tea in the mornings. I love the fact that one of the ingredients in non-alcoholic wine. WTF??? wouldn't that be rotten juice then? Wine has alcohol....or so I thought. I was also told that the glogg is great added to a pork roast in the crock pot, I don't eat pork so I have no intention of trying it, but the lady at Ikea that was buying 2 cases of it swears by it. ~Mandy

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My pies are done...the caramel pecan---I almost dumped it as I put it in the oven (wouldn't that have been a lovely mess!!!), so it spilled onto the crust, isn't very pretty, but DH won't care it is his favorite!!! I like them both because they are SOOOOO easy!!

I also got all my stuff chopped to make my dressing in the morning-for the feast at DH's work. My eggs are boiled for the deviled eggs---not sure what else I can prep ahead at this point!!!

Never even heard of glogg before guys----let me know how it is.

Beannie---you need to change your signature to reflect your fabulous 2 #'s!!!


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Hi everyone! It's late so I can't stay long. Congrats Cassie, and welcome to band land! I had some bleeding from my incisions for a couple days, and they were ok. Just watch them. If you don't like how they look, go in and have them checked out.

We have all the regular stuff on Thanksgiving, but I don't have to bring anything but my calzones (for appetizers). I get a "pass" for Thanksgiving becuase I cook Christmas dinner for my family. I'm the only single gal, yet I'm the one that cooks! lol. I started 4 or 5 years ago as a gift to my mom, and she loves it.

Well time to sleep. Dancing was a blast with Sherry tonight. We now know how to push our tushes!

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