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November chat...again....

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OOOhhh the fill girls have restriction!!! Mine is not as tight as it was, I attribute that to losing close to 40 pounds since the last fill (I think--hell I slept since then!), but I am not ready to do another yet. I still feel no hunger, and can hurt myself quite easily if I don't pay attention to bite size, chewing and speed!!! So to me that says it is not time! I don't eat anything solid the day of my fills---isn't it strange how all over the place these Dr.'s are? There are all kinds of poll threads out now about complications, and I keep thinking, it is partly because we have no consistancy in how we are treated. Some Dr.' s are aggresive with fills, others insist on itty bitty tiny fills, others allow you to eat immediately following, and some insist on liquids for a week after....it is so odd. I just always suggest they listen to their Dr.

I will be back, I need to haul some Christmas filled totes into the house before my granddaughter gets here, if I walk out she gets hysterical, thinks I left her for good!!! Goofball kid!


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Hi All.

Well - we didn't get enough nasty weather to allow me to stay home today. So, here I am....

Anne - congrats on the fill!! I hope it gives you the most perfect possible restriction. Take heart - the swelling only lasts for a couple of days. You will be back to solid food again in no time.

Chris - same to you! Hope you get good restriction right away. The nausea is all gone, now... right? Hope you are feeling better.

Sherry - good luck with your fill decision. I have pretty good restriction right now - although I wouldn't call it perfect by any stretch of the imagination, it is much closer to perfect than not.

Jules - another fill virgin! oooooo. Some big bad doc is going to Pop your Port! Hope you get good restriction sooner rather than later. :]

Mary - there is more to frilly underwear than just support! VS is not about support - it's about SEX and self esteem. Just knowing that you have that lacy little thing on under your work clothes will make you walk and feel much more like a sex kitten. Support is good - but it is not the only thing.

Kat - the inconsistency in treatment may be a factor in all the complications - but then, I think maybe there are just people who don't have complications - but they want to know if others do, so they are polling. I know I don't have any complications at all - but I am paranoid about erosion and slippage and everything else. It kinda bugs the crap outta me that nobody knows what causes erosion. I mean, geez. There has to be a reason, a cause... whey can't they pin it down?

OK - enough ranting. I have to get back to the old grind...

Sigh. When is that next lottery drawing? I so want to collect my millions and go home.


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I agree Beannie--I worry about it too. I have tried really hard to follow the guidelines given both by my Dr. and by successful banders before me!! I know I have (especially lately) been eating all the wrong foods. But like small meals, not drinking with them, avoiding PB's or vomiting in anyway. I have no idea if any of it affects it, or has anything to do with erosion, but why tempt it!!!

Now I have a question for some of you! I belong to a group on the site, dedicated to April 2006 bandsters. And we have found that this last month that we are all behaving like garbage disposals!! Eating all kinds of things we shouldn't, eating too much, just misbehaving with food!! Not everyone celebrates the holidays, so it wasn't merely Thanksgiving. My question is, did any of you find a certain time period that you sorta "went wild"? If so, when? And how did you put a stop to it? I KNOW it is up to me to stop myself, and for the most part I have, I eliminated my triggers from the house! But we are all suddenly finding this an issue. And personally I am not hungry, I just see things that I up and decide to eat anyway! I have bounced the same 2 pounds for 2 weeks I think...and most of us have. Some in the group have lost more than I, some not as much...and that doesn't seem to factor in. So we are trying to find out if others had a "honeymoon phase" and if that is what we are wearing out or what!!

I appreciate your thoughts!!



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Hi Beanie - I hear what you are saying. I am so there this weekend.. VS Here I come.

Kat ~ for me is is being confined at this time of year. If I am in the house I behave very badly vs spring / summer / nice days when I can go out side. I see and hear about food more from Oct through Feb. IMO

Well better get back to work

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Oh Sure.

NOW - AFTER the ice is all over the roads. NOW they close the office.


So, I think I will hang out here for just a bit until the bulk of the folks leave.

Kat - even if not everybody is celebrating the holidays - just the sheer volume of food that is thrown at you from every direction would cause this. Office parties and Snacks, all the Holiday delicacies in the stores, and the commercials - DAMN THOSE COMMERCIALS! So - it may well be that the Holidays are affecting folks - even if they aren't celebrating.

Me - I have found that if I can eat - I pretty much will. :hungry: I did have a little spazz attack right after I was banded - I waited on my "last supper syndrome" until AFTER I got the surgery. Trust me to do everything back asswards.

Mary - you have fun a VS. Trust me - if they had ANYTHING that fit me - I would have my fat ass wedged into it and be struttin'.

Bye! If I couldn't get the WHOLE day, at least I have a short one.


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Hi, all!

I chose to stay home and avoid the drive home, AFTER the ice is all over the road. Just blame it on common sense. Also, my DD's school closed today, so that cinched it.

We did get the internet working, believe it or not...the DSL guy showed up after 9 this morning and fixed it all up for us! Yea!

We are having snow flurries off and on, so school is kinda iffy for tomorrow. I'll have to see how I35 is doing tonight and in the morning. Now that the internet is working, our cable is out, so haven't been able to watch tv. If it's not one thing, it's another!

My personal, untrained, nonmedical theory about erosion: I think it is a combination of factors. I do believe it includes over-restriction for too lengthy periods of time...I mean, that just makes sense, doesn't it? My niece was so restricted, she could not eat hard Protein, and was doing the whole soft food thing (plus alcohol), and now she has slipped, and they've removed all the fill, hoping for it to right itself. So, I don't know, but it seems to me that it would be better to err on the side of caution.

Well, it's snowing again...it's so exciting for us! (Sorry, Betty...I know you don't like the cold!)

See ya later!

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Beanie-LOL no I'll be wearing a bra I'm sure! B just seems to drastic to me. Sorry you didn't get to stay home.

Anne-how's the fill going?

Chrispy-YAY for your first fill! Glad it went so well.

Sherry-I bet a fill will help. I know I have to work on the head stuff during the holiday's. It will be hard when I am with family in NJ. GL

Mary-LOL that is a funny story. I bet you gave your DB and SDS a lot of grief! I believe the biggest cup size they have at VS is D.

Cindy-There is nothing as nice as staying home on wet cold days! A 4 day weekend would be nice.

Well I have been out of sorts lately. I went back to my therapist today and I'm glad I did. We talked about a lot of things and one of the things was losing identity. She said that when you lose all this weight you lose your identity and your insides need time to catch up to the new you. She said that this can create a lot of anxiety. Even though your thrilled and feel great about yourself you look different to others no longer the old you and you look different to yourself. So now it is a matter of getting to know the new me and that takes time. A new identity. We also discussed DH and his stopping smoking and how he has lost that identity. So maybe I'm not nuts! Maybe I'm not depressed, maybe I'm just learning my new identity the new me. She is great to talk to about this because she has had WLS in 97 and done fantastic. We didn't talk about the boob job yet I just can't handle that, but I did tell her I have an appointment. She has taken it very slowly with PS I think she was 5 yrs post op before she had her Tummy Tuck. She is just now looking into a reduction.

On another note, I went to DrV on Tuesday and I had lost 11 pounds since the last time I saw him. Everyone was so happy and excited for me. But here is the big news, he wants me to send him my resume...Cindy HELP!!! So I am trying to put it together. I want to send it to him before I go away, my brain is just not functioning I'm so tired. But I'm trying.

I haven't begun to pack. I am pretty sure of what I'm bringing which isn't going to be to much since were only gone for 4 nights but I still have to get my stuff together.

Tomorrow night is our SS Christmas party so no time tomorrow night even to pack.

Well that is the update on me. bye for now.

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Buuuuuurrrrrrrr! I hate this cold weather! I just can't get warm! My hands are so cold I can't hardly type! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! :) :girl_hug: ;)

They were going to let us leave at 12, then decided to wait so they ordered pizza and salad for everyone so they wouldn't have to go out in it. Then they were going to let us leave at 1, then 2 and we finally got out of there at 4:15! I just wanted to be home!

Beannie - I'll split the lottery with you any day, any time! I was going to stop and get one for tonight, but I was just too cold to do it. Now I am pouting because I don't have one!:)

Cindy - I want your day! I didn't want to go outside at all today! Glad you enjoyed it!

Kat - I do think that after being banded for a long time you start to ease up on things a little bit. You aren't so scared anymore, and you get a little more comfortable with how you look. I am a firm believer that being too tight will cause erosion. I think being too tight causes a lot of problems, pbing too much and then slipping is one of them.

Chris and Anne - I hope your fills do the job!

Sherry - Hope you aren't working too hard today!

Mary - That's funny on the bra! When I was in the 3rd grade I was a 36c, and the only girl wearing a bra. The boys use to tease me and snap my strap and it imbarrased me so much. One day I decided I wasn't going to wear it to school, but I knew I couldn't let my mom see me without it. So, I left to go and took it off outside and stuffed it in the mailbox! (of all places) Well, my mom goes out to get the mail and there is my bra! Now, I have imbarrased her with the mailman! Needless to say I never went to school w/o my bra again!

Eileen - How's the throat? Better I hope!

Jules - Good luck with your fill!

I thought I was going crazy this morning when I came on and saw the December Chat! :)

Catch you later, I'm going to get my blankey and cuddle up with a hot cup of tea!:D :D

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Hi everyone! Just one more day left of the work-week. Thank GOD! lol

Bean - yes the naseau is gone now, thanks for asking. I've had a good day. I can definitely feel restriction and have had no problem getting food down. Granted I'm on liquids. lol. I'm jealous of your short day, but not the snow and ice! I am NOT looking forward to it. It was 65 degrees here in MA today. We've been very lucky so far this year. Watch, I've just jinxed myself. lmao

Kat - I have to agree that I think it's so weird how all the doctors recommend something different. I'm on liquids for 3-4 days, then mushies for another 3-4 days. Here's my thought on why the April group are all finding themselves slipping lately. I'm sure you've all lost a good amount of weight and are thrilled with how you look. You're not at goal or anything, but you're feeling so much better about yourselves and you're liking how you look more, so eating right has become less of a priority. You guys will get back on track. I know it!

Well I gotta run and cat-sit for my parents. Ugh! Catch you all later!

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Chrispy, I think you're on to something there...I distinctly remember being right at 50 pounds lost...not quite there, but almost. I was on that plateau for a couple of months, probably partly because I was eating carelessly. The good news is this: the phase passes. I also think it is almost necessary...you go at the weight loss really hard for so long, then it is natural to take a break for a while. More good news: thanks to the band, you aren't really going to lose any ground. And even more good news: you actually NEED that time to get used to the new, thinner you. So, that's my little theory (haven't you had enough of my little theories today?)

Sorry Betty, for the cold weather...I really like it, as long as I am not driving in it.

Dianne, I sent you a PM about your resume.

Eileen? What's up with you?

Mandy, how is Abi?

Kat, I see you are on here at the same time!

Gotta run, and get the little one ready for bed.


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Hi, all! We are expecting a blizzard tonight. http://www.weather.com/outlook/driving/interstate/local/60446?lswe=60446&lwsa=Weather36HourInterstateCommand&from=whatwhere They are saying 6-10 inches by morning. I think I am going to stay home tomorrow. I went to the grocery store today and sent DH to the hardware store, he bought salt, a snow brush for my car and a sled for Abi and him to sled down "big hill" at the end of our street. I am going to stand and watch/take pictures. This is the first year I have agreed to let her on the sled. I am typing this in front of the fire, nice huh? I am also baking Cookies, Peanut Butter and choc chip. It is perfect baking weather. If we still have power tomorrow I am going to toss a roast in the crock, a nice dinner to warm the soul. Then the left overs go into beef stew. I agree with Cindy about the 50 pound or so mark. I did the same, but am getting back on track now. I still have 15 or 20 to go, and those seem to be my hardest. The first 70ish came off easy, now it's starting to feel like work. I do agree that once we start to feel like we are making progress, and starting to feel better, we get comfortable, and start to slack on our diet and plateau. Then when we realize that we have stalled or even gained a pound or two we get our asses in gear and work hard again. Thanks to everyone that has asked about Abi. She is making progress, the exzema is getting better, there are a few new spots but the new cream seems to be helping. I don't think we will have school tomorrow if we get the snow. She has gone everyday this week so far and has been able to stay the entire class time, without excessive itching. I am going to enjoy the fire with my family, the last batch of cookies are almost done, I am going to share with my neighbor, I love to bake but don't need to eat them. Talk to you guys tomorrow, Mandy

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Hmmm I'm with Cindy and Chris on the theories ;) So much from the Sherry's peanut gallery huh? Well work is work....typical, busy, crazy and I can't wait until the weekend. Why do I wish my life away with wanting the week to pass by so quickly? Seriously...that's just crazy isn't it but, most people do it lol.

Oh...and has anyone figured out the sizing of underwear yet? heh heh

VS...this butt never fit into that stuff. Ohhh to have something sexy and to look hot in it...a gal can dream :Banane17:

Ok so I went to the gym today...got back about an hour ago. DH did something that kinda help boost my realization of how much weight I've lost. He put 70 pounds on a weight machine and told me to lift it and I couldn't...I couldn't pull it with all my might to lift it. He said...now just think YOU CARRIED THAT for years. All I could do is smile and think WOW...gotta love the man for helping boost my spirits and keep me going :Banane48: He's going to help me reach my goal of ONEDERLAND by New Years. Keep your fingers cross goils I'm gonna go for it!

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I am totally confused by undies too, my last pack was way too big, and the pack before that were barbie doll sized, they were only one size different. I am ready to give up on properly fitting undies. I am going to start taking in my too big ones so they fit. Or I will start going comando ;) ~Mandy

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Thanks for all the input guys!!! You are all right I would imagine. The holiday season, combined with being indoors, and relaxing a bit--I see it, now I just need to fix it. I have begun. But everytime I turn around something new is tempting me. My neighbor brings me a HUGE box of chocolate covered cherries, because her DH is diabetic, and a patient gave them to them (they own an eyeglasses shop). I think I slimed, just thinking of them!!!

I know, I have panties, that I cannot wear without my jeans keeping them up. I mean if I slip on my robe, and try to walk in them, they hit the ground!!! I prefer the nylon panties to the cotton, it seems like my jeans slide easier, and they are hard to find unless you want them so high they sit under your armpits, or buy them singly at outreageous prices!!! I used to buy one style at Walmart, for several years, and was going to go buy them in a smaller size, and big surprise they no longer carry them! So I tried a pair of the individually sold ones they had, and the leg openings and my leg openings are not compatible! I feel like half of my belly is falling through!!! Now how's THAT for a visual!!! OMG girls, how low have I sunk????


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Figured I'd end the November Chat with underwear talk hee hee. I used to get mine at Walmart too those silky kind that hold things in lol. Now are ya saying they don't carry them...oh man what will I do? lol I haven't looked lately because the ones I have were ok but, now they don't hold anything in cause I shrunk. Gotta find some that are tighter but, not gurdlely lol

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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