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November chat...again....

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I wrote a post last night, and it didn't take...so I feel your pain, Mary!

As Betty said, we are just waiting to see what happens with the weather down here in Big Texas...on my way to work, the wind was gusting out of the south, and it is only a matter of time before the big cold front hits that warm wet air...and BOOM! Thundersleet! It's a wait and see thing as far as road conditions, but as you remember from last year, I'm a big wimp about driving in it. It's just not worth it, period.

Our house is "semi-normal". I can't park in the garage, because it is full of stuff we took out of the house and haven't put back yet. Maybe we'll just sell most of it, but there are a few bookcases and boxes of books we will put back, now that the big furniture is in place...we're juggling the available time with decorating for Christmas. And, I know I will have some time after the holidays to finish up the rest of it.

Nothing big going on here...shopping online a little. Did ya'll know you can go to Walmart's website and make a custom CD? I am doing that for my DD. She always likes one/two songs from a CD, then hates the rest. I think she'll LOVE this CD full of songs that she really likes, without all the other "filler" songs. I used to burn my own CD's by downloading songs, but I got so many viruses, so I think this is better.

Okay, gotta go...hugs to all! Cindy

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Hey Mary, it is sticking a bit to the ground, at this time it is not seeming to stick to the roadways, but elsewhere nearby it is, roads are closed, etc. It is cold, has not made it to 30 yet, so if it snows, it will stick. We were only 2 degrees out when DH left for work...so it is warming some, but our high today is only like 33.

My oldest DD is a snowboarder--scared the hell outta me when I watched her fly down the mountain the first time!!! DS has attempted it, but never really got into it, he would rather go hunting or tracking or something like that, and the youngest DD---forget it, she hates when the temp "drops" below 80. In fact much to our disappointment, she and her DH are looking to move to either Phoenix or Austin after he gets his Masters next year. I hate that! So far all of my grandbabies are close by...but they have none yet, have been married for just over a year, and will end up starting a family far away....I would love to blame it on my VERY (and I do mean VERY) strange son in law, but I know DD is just as big on the idea.

Tell Chalio to head my way, and we will break out all the winter gear...and if the snow cooperates, he can play away!!!

Up at one of the nearby (36 miles) large ski resorts, they have a tubing hill. They have big innertubes, that you rent, and they have a lift. You hook your tube over your arm, and you ride up, and slide down. I went once, but felt very conspicuous, with my size...and was truly afraid that if I landed wrong with my size I would break something, and then that the paramedics would not be able to lift me! Seriously--I refused to enjoy myself from the fear of that. But you know what---I am going this year!!! My DH can't--his sternum is just barely healing again, but when my DD says let's go this year, I am so there!!!!

The news just said that Hwy 550 which is how I travel to Albuquerque, has 3 roll overs and is mostly black ice, it is closed in 3 places, and travel discouraged. Maybe I will stay home today!!!


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OMG thank you for the idea. Inner tube!!! I totally forgot about that. I need to call and fine where I can get one.. We use to have a place here many many moons ago where I once went and did the inner tube. It was awesome.

Now we only go to the campus cause they have a decent hill that the kids can go down.. Sound like so much fun in your neck of the woods. I know yesterday I they closed I-70 for alot of accidents. I did fine on my way to work but I hear they said it is snowing again..

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Hey, just to let you know that I didn't die...... Happy belated Thanksgiving and birthday wishes to Cindy, and happy vacation to Eileen!

Work, school, the flu, the holiday and lapband stress all contribute to my MIA condition.

Yes, I am still awaiting an appeal. My documents have been mailed and my attorney sent me a copy of the letter. I could not have written a letter quite as forthwright at the one that was mailed and my prayers everynight are that my surgery will be approved. OK, no more talk about surgery.

Thanksgiving was wonderful! My Mom came to visit from Santa Barbara and spent some quality time with the boys and took us out for Thanksgiving dinner at CoCos. It was quiet and everyone got to pick what they wanted to eat(the kids & my Mom picked breakfast) and just being together was such a pleasure. We are indeed in a good place at last! After dinner we headed to Knotts berry Farm to visit their Christmas Crafts Festival. We walked and laughed and stayed until it got really cold and then home to watch Greys Anatomy.

So, thats whats happening with us, We are all back to work and school and are counting the days until Christmas vacation. Hugs to all!

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Betty-How cool your menu is! I decided to just have fun! I'm upset about how horrible my legs looks, but I'll wear long skirts and bathing suite cover ups. Maybe someday I'll take a picture of my legs you could put them up for your Halloween party!

Eileen-Feel better sweetie!

Anne-I must have missed what happened to you.

Crispy-I'm glad your having fun.

Pat-Whats new

Darcy-What car did you buy again.Sorry to hear you have such a lemon won't they take it back?

Patty-How are you girl? How are the boys doing?

Beanie-WOW I hadn't even thought of Victoria Secrets! That will be fun! I am ready..I think..I saw DrV yesterday and he said that I should have 2 consults. 1 of the 2 I have doesn't take my insurance so I have to find another. I went back to Nordstrom's yesterday to try t find another bra and again as usual no luck. It will be nice to be able to not wear one if I don't find one..lol..

Mandy-Isn't it scary that we are old enough to want and get excited about vacume cleaners!..lol..

Cindy-Retirement sounds like fun. I bet you'll be so busy you won't know what to do.

Crud I have to go and I can't finish reading up on everyone.

I have a lot to tell you all. I'll get back on here tonight when I come home from choir.

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Hi Goils :)

Sorry I can't play... I'm so busy at work. I got my throat checked and the med dept here at work didn't have the strep test kit, but the doc gave me antibiotics which I am taking. Thanks for all the well wishes, your all way to cool. LUV YAH!!

I'll be back some time soon to catch up...........I hate when I miss out on your posts dagnabit!

LUVE YA!!!!!!

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Hey All -

Another exotic and exciting day in Mortgage Lending.... Let's see - where to begin?

Eileenie - if you are well enough - perhaps we can meet for lunch next week. I will be in town on Wed afternoon and thru the full work day on Friday. Thursday or Friday work for you?

Mandy - Ah - love that kid - but isn't it nice when she goes to school? :]

Chris - You're easy (at least on the Humor scale)

Anne - you are so right about my lucky man. I remind him frequently. :] I love that Barbie thing, too. It's hysterical! (and all too true)

Kat - I love the Black and White classic look. And Aw Shucks - you are too skinny to wear my party dress! I bet you are truly heartbroken over that.... lol! (anybody else? It will fit a pear between like 16 & 22)

Betty - oh sure. Now I am going to have to fess up that I haven't made it back to the gym, STILL. *sigh*. Laziness, thy name is Irene. I suppose that if we both won the "big" lottery at the same time, I could survive sharing with you, Betty. Agreed? I think 200 million would probably split well between the two of us. :]

Mary - wow! Your town has all those cool winter activities! We don't handle winter at all well here in Dallas. The city literally shuts down if we get more than an inch of snow. Employers let us use sick or vacation time to cover the absences.... I used to laugh when I first got here - until I started seeing the accidents on the roads. ***ICK*** But, I personally think a little White Christmas action is a good thing - ESPECIALLY since I will probably get to stay home!

Cindy - cool about the Walmart Custom CD thing. I might have to do that, too. I have the same problem with only liking a few songs. The older I get, the more particular I become.... I think they haven't published any good whole albums since the 80's... LOL!

Patty - HI!!!! So glad to see you. So, when is the time estimate to hear back on the appeal docs? Did they JUST submit? I remember this waiting between appeals to be particularly trying for me. I got pretty antsy. One thing I did was call once a week to "follow up" on the process. At least I knew right away that "they never recieved the paperwork". I would not rely on the Attorney's office... follow up yourself. You will feel better about having taken some action. At least, I did.

Dianne - NOT wear a BRA??!?! - That's just Crazy Talk.... :] Seriously - unless you are going to drop down to a B cup - you probably will always want to wear one - but at least if you are a C or a D you will be able to FIND one that fits - any time, anywhere. Yep. A trip to VS is on my list of NSV's for the future. I REALLY want to be able to go in there and not have those supermodel chicklets that they always seem to hire LAUGH when I come in. Hurry back and give us all the news!

Well my dears - I am past my lunch hour, again. I have to get back to the old grind and keep on top of the pile - cause if the weather is crappy - I WON'T BE HERE. :]

I really hope it snows - HARD. Or better yet - freezing rain.


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Hi all,

I made it through my fill with just 2 pokes! I'm so relieved that it's over. I've been bouncing between 235 and 240 for two months now, and while I appreciate the ability to maintain this isn't exactly where I was hoping I'd be 18 months out. Well lemme tell ya - I have restriction aplenty now! I'm sipping on warm milk and I'll be mushy shopping later. Starting to remember what having a band is supposed to feel like. It's exciting and terrifying at the same time, lol.

All you Texans, sit tight and wait out the black ice! I hope you warm up soon.

Cindy, I'm the same way about buying music - I never want the full CD. When she's a little older you should get her a cheap ipod. You can find the older generations on ebay for a steal. Sorry - I had to give the ipod a plug (DH does work for Apple after all), but I did stay quiet when you were all buying computers! :)

Patty, good to see you!

Eilene, hope those antibiotics are kicking in. (((HUGS)))

Yikes! I have to leave to pick up my son from school. Talk to you all soon.

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Hi everyone! Just wanted to check in and say hi. I just came back from the doctors and got my first fill! Yeah!!! Looks like Anne and I had fills on the same day. :) He gave me 1.5cc. Oh my! I just assumed he'd start with 1cc. He said he will not even consider giving me another fill for another 4 months, so I don't see him until March. He had me chug a glass of Water to make sure I could keep Water down. I just had some Soup, and then went down fine but I can definitely, definitely feel restriction. That's what I signed up for, so I'm ready!! I can't wait to lose some more weight! lol

Hope everyone is doing well!!

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Congrats on your first fill Crispy! I'm afraid to eat anything - I can really tell that this one has kicked in. Mmmmmmmm... time to drag out the Protein Powder (blech!). :)

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Goooo Crispy and Anne...good lucks with the fills girls. Let the weightloss begin :) I'm going back and forth on a fill for myself in Dec. I'm schedule to see the doc on the 13th. Just noticing now that I'm able to get more down than I used to...sometimes thats a good thing...sometimes it's not lol. I'll know better in Dec....might be that edge I need though to get me below 200 by NewYears.

Did he get you with one poke Chris? I told ya he won't do just 1cc lol. not with the first fill anyway. I'll be interested to know when you get your 2nd fill how much he pulls out before he puts it back in? Hmmm maybe you'll solve my mystery lol

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Yep Sherry - one poke was all it took. It wasn't that bad, and you know I hate needles. The area around my port is a little numb since surgery, so I think that worked it my favor. lol. It was a weird sensation though. My stomach felt very uncomfortable while he was putting it in, then I was a bit naseous after. Granted I had only had 2 hard boiled eggs all day so that might have contributed to it. But I am so happy to have my fill and feel like I'm now "officially" going to be living the banded life!

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I go for my first fill next Wednesday (Dec 6). I can't wait. It will be one day shy of 6 weeks for me. That is about all I can stand to wait. I am ready to get this ball rolling. lol

Congrats on your fills, Chrispy and Anwyn.

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Good Morning,,

OH how I wish is was Friday...

I am up early today because it popped in my mind that my son ran out of clean uniform pants. So yes I am doing the laundry.

I guess what he told his little friend Ivan yesterday rings true " Your mom is like mine Ivan. They both forget things alot of the time" . Gee with all the million things I have to do and I forget a thing here and there and suddenly thats the only thing he remembers. KIDS

Well congrats to Chrispy and Anne on thier fills and that all went well..

Irene / Beanie - I will take snow anyday than to have to try and come out in black Ice ~ not even wild horses could drag me.. Scary

Cindy that is too cool on making your own CD. I have not found a whole CD where I just loved everysong. It's like I have to keep hitting the replay and that gets old quick. I really need to check into that.

Eileen - are the meds working?? Do you feel a differance?

Dianne ~ everytime I pass VS I keep going. I don't know if it is cause I just figgure they don't have the mega hold for me in both areas. Let us know maybe I will have to try it out...

Hi Betty ~ yummy for the tummy ~ I loved your menu that is too cool.

Hey Patty ~ keeping my fingers crossed that you hear from them real soon. I would really call every week just as a follow up and to ease your mind.. HUGS

Pat ~ where are thee? How are you feeling?

Mandy ~ how was school for Abi? Did you get some much needed relax time?

Sherry ~ Cassie ~ how are you all doing??

Kat - your are going to look beautiful in anything you wear..

Jules ~ HI

This goes back to Beanie's comment about not wearing a bra. In middle school I was really, lets say heavy, Rocky mountain heavy. My Brothers Step sister talked me into not wearing a bra and well I went to school that way. Lets say I got called into the health office and got a lecture on girls and the differance with little and big and why big always need support. BRA

Now to think of it is funny but back then it was a nightmare.

Well I best be off to take my shower since the pants are now in the dryer.. I had a busy night. my friend gave me a starter bread and it has been fermenting for 10 days. Well last night was the night to put it all together and I made 2 loaves of bread with the help of my boys. Awesome :)

My house smelled like cinnamon. I need to go get more supplies and tonight I am going to do some more and maybe some Cookies. Other than that nothing really happening this week. Work is the same thing. One delimma I have is the company christmas party on the 9th. I do not want to go solo but do not really have anyone to ask to go with me. I don't even get hit on ~ how bad is that. I mean I get looks but I look the other way. Don't make eye contact.

Oh single life.. Ups and downs.. Believe me it was all worth it but sometimes just to have someone to talk to or hang out - no body parts touching - would be nice. I have untill friday to RSVP ~ humm :faint:

Well I would love to stay and do more personals but advance does not go that far back.. OK yes I forgot:help:

Check in later - Did you all see ~ Ivan is rock and rollin into December Chat...

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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