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November chat...again....

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One day down....4 more to go ;) and boy did I let it rip at work today. I have two bosses old and new so I let the old one know that I can't keep up with the work right now. Training two new supervisors, 3 new people of which one isn't making it, trying to answer the accounts questions, so many projects behind grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I was antsy today. So we're suppose to all meet - old boss, new boss, old account manager, two new supers to figure out how the hell we're going to transition all this and have I heard when we're suppose to meet...NOPE grrrrrrrrrrr

Anywho....so how's it going y'all? hahaha I didn't make my pretzels yet. No energy after moving the in-laws in. DH and I soooo need some time alone. DS is going with his dad this weekend, in-laws are settled into their new place so looks like it might happen this weekend. Yeap PEACE AND QUIET ohhh baby. First time there hasn't been anyone else in the house for over 3 months. If I'm lucky we'll get snowed in heh heh.

Darcy - So sorry you're having trouble with the new van. Can ya do the lemon law thing or is it not to that point yet? Gosh that's terrible to have a new car and have trouble. Friends of ours have Hyndai..those SUV things. They love them and have had good luck. I do hope you're problems with yours get resolved...so sorry.

Bean - Oh I want a weekend like you just had ;) I can't blame ya for resting. Work is nuts enough for you so take those weekends and enjoy them :clap2:

Eileen - Wow I'm with Cindy...did you get a strep test? I do hope you feel better soon. Glad to hear your back is doing better. Are ya done shoppin for Christmas yet?

Cindy - 18 more days...wowza girl. That's going to happen faster than ya know it. So this is going to happen before Christmas huh? ohhhh I'm jealous :) Are you going to work doing something else after you retire from teaching or are you going to pick up a nice hobby :rolleyes:

Anne - Holy smokes you're better than me with the patience. If I were paying for a nice getaway I certainly would of had something to say with that place. I have two goldens and believe me they shed but, holy smokes my plates and food don't have fur all on and in them ewwwwwwwwww. I would cry false advertising and leave! My car sounds cleaner than that place geesh! God bless ya! Glad you enjoyed your time away though. I guess next time your sister wins and ya stay at a hotel huh?

Kat - What happened to your computer? My DH fixes them for a living...cripe he'd be willing to listen to what happened to it and help your DH a bit if he can over the phone. Any of you ladies just need to call me or pm me and I'll see if he can help you. He can't solve it all over the phone but he might be able to point ya in the right direction. Oh and the pretzels are delicious with the salt and sweet hee hee. Have you ever had chocolate covered chips? Same combo there. Easy peasy to make too.

Vegg - How did you do at work today? Did ya wear something on the loser side so it won't squish your incisions? I know I had to. Hope you had a good day.

Betty - That Halloween party sounds like fun. I'd love to see pictures of the cake if you have them. I bet that was funny. I made homemade turkey Soup over the weekend yummmmmmm. Hmmm this weekend who knows lol. I'm thinking zucchini bread or chocolate chip Cookies. Hmm maybe I better come up with something more band friendly...errr unfriendly so I don't eat it huh? hahaha

Mandy - sounds like you got so much shopping done. I got some good deals at Walmart myself. What I really liked was they had plenty of the things on sale this time! No fighting for stuff....I liked it lol. Also went to Michaels and picked up my gingerbread house kits. Mom and I are making them this year...something for us to do on a snowing weekend.

We're suppose to get some snow on Saturday. Yippee love it on weekends when I can stay home lol. It's so pretty then...as long as the roads are clear for work lol

Patty - How are you hon? I've tried to email you a few things but your email won't let some thing go through...or I have the wrong email addy lol. Thats certainly possible.

Pat - Do you have your tree now? Professional Tree decorator does your tree. My gosh it must be beautiful...do post pics :) Do you pick a theme and they go with it or colors?

I'm sorry if I missed anyone...advanced mode mama is me. Hope you're all doing well and Shrinking!

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Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been around much. Things have been very busy around my way these days. Work is crazy crazy crazy. Ugh! Why can't we be independently wealthy?! lol

Oh Kat - who shall I be kissing under the mistletoe? I can only hope it will be some hottie, but not the way things have been going with me lately. lol. Although this weekend I did hear from a couple of guys I used to date. One professed his undying love for me (all set thank you) and the other made me an interesting "offer" for companionship if you catch my drift. And THIS is why I am still single. lol

Hope everyone is doing well!

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Hey guys, I haven't been able to catch up I hope everyone is doing well.


Eileen- Thanks, I am getting nervous about going. I wish I would grow out of this! I developed 2 pictures today one on our 25 Anniversary and the other the next month on the cruise and I couldn't believe the difference in myself. I hadn't even lost weight in that time, so hopefully I will be positive. I tell you part of me wants to cancel!

Cass-How fun your first tree together.

Sherry-That stinks! Sorry about MIL why don't you get her a gift card fot the local grocery card and tell her that you know how much she likes to eat!

Betty-That is so funny!

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Hey Guys!

Eileen--did ya get your throat checked?

Chris--you know we are all living vicariously through you--in your single girl life!!! Is great fun teasing you about it, but even though he messed up my computer, I am really glad I have my DH...can't imagine life without him!!!

Sherry--Something about one of the new componants he added, caused a problem with MSN, and I couldn't log on to the internet. It showed an active connection, but my computer would not pull anything up. I had to update several things, and uninstall and reinstall the new router...was just a PITA!!!! I would have had to call---couldn't get on line to email him!!!

It has dropped in temperature here...supposed to snow tonight. It felt like winter today!!!

I need to shop for an outfit for DH's company party---in case I can't get into the pants I wanted to wear---I just have a little over a month, and they are TIGHT!!!

Speaking of clothes....any suggestions for my old clothes? Goodwill is what I have been doing...but if any of you know of anyone who needs them...please let me know!

See y'all tomorrow!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Here is a breakdown of the menu in real food!;) ;) :)


Bat Blood - your choice of fermented or unfermented -Wine or Tea

Urine on the rocks - Beer


Crusty Amazon Larva - Deep fried cheese sticks

Bags of green slime -bags of broccolli/chees or spinich

Rabid Owl Wings - Deep fried chicken wings

Deep fried human eyeballs - Stuffed Jalapeno Poppers

Withces nose warts with toe jam and crustys - cheese/crackers/blackberries

And a house favorite....Jeffery Daumer Pinkeys with clotted blood. - Little sausages in BBQ sauce

Now, we move to the dining room, which is also all fogged up and the table is decorated with rats, spiders, snakes, and all kinds of weird stuff. Some are animated too! There is also a ton more candles burning.


Leaves and Creatures of the forest

Poison Ivy and Oak leaves - different lettuce/leaves for salad

Chopped Vulture eyes - chopped boiled eggs

Sliced Warthog snouts - sliced cucumber

Hanzel and Gretel teeth - corn

White rat kidneys - Red kidney Beans

Cold snake hearts - Little tomatoes

Fried green lizard brains - Fried green tomatoes

Dried cancer scabs - Bacon Bits

Whipped phlem or blood lymph spray - Ranch dressing or spray on dressing


Headless round worms - Speghetti

Roadkill and Vulture brains in blood sauce - Speghetti Sauce with big mushroons

Bat fungus nail clippings - Fresh Shredded Parmasian Cheese


Dung topped with cat tongues - chocolate pudding with Sliced strawberries

4 & 20 Black birds baked in a pie - Blackberry Cobbler

And the dessert we have all been waiting for..........

Kitty Litter Cake - This is a cake that looks just like it sounds, and it looks awful but tastes great

It took about 3 hours to get through all this, and it really was a fun time.

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Eileen - Hey girl, go get some meds, if you have strep throat, and it sure sounds like it, it will only get worse. I had it so bad one time they had to put smelling salts under my nose to keep me from passing out at the doctors office. He told me I had the worse case he ever saw. I couldn't swallow my own spit! I had to sleep sitting up. Do not let yourself get to that place, it isn't fun! Get thee to the Doctor!

Sherry - I forgot my camera, but I don't think they would have taken too good with all the fog anyway. She won't let anyone come until after dark, and then we aren't allowed anywhere near the kitchen. I can tell you this much, it does look like a well used cat box. I might have her make one for me sometime for one of my parties, and then I'll get a picture and post it.

Girl you need to get more than a weekend of alone time! Your pretzels sound yummy! I hope you get the work problem settled soon! Hugs!

Kat - You'll get into those pants! Have faith!;) One of the gals that use to post here sent me a bunch of her clothes and it saved me big time! She is a special gal! When we all met in Galvaston, I took a ton of clothes with me and everyone went through them and took what they could use. I didn't have to bring any home with me. I also have a girl that I give some to here at home.

Dianne - Go have fun and enjoy yourself. Life is too short to worry about all of it. On second thought, stay home, send me your ticket and I will go for you and you won't have to worry at all!;):):rolleyes:

Anne - Oh my! I think I would have reported her to the health department. That is awful! I certainly wouln't have paid her! Go to the internet and post a story about her place and what happened. Mabye you can save some poor other sole from doing the same thing. I am gald you didn't let it ruin your trip and you still had a good time though!

Chris - Enjoy that single life! I had so much fun being single and not answering to anyone! No, I wouldn't want to go back there again, but the memories are so much fun to look back on! :)

Pat - Hey girl, are you sick or just doing the Christmas thing? I miss your posts! Let us know how you are!

Darcy - Sorry you are having so many problems with the new vehicle. I bought a Chrysler that did the same thing. We finally ended up getting rid of it! I would never buy another Chrysler product! I love the looks of them, but the product stinks.

Patty - Any news yet? Call them! Again, and Again, and Again!

Cindy - The time sure is getting here fast! I know, not fast enough for you huh?

Beanie - Ah, sounds like a nice weekend! One of these days, I'm going to have one of those!:D

Vegg - How you feeling? How is the gas pains and the drinking going?

Mandy - Wow! You are certainly getting a lot of shopping done. I haven't done the first thing! No shopping, no baking, and no decorating!

Well, I have to get ready for work, I have played too much already this morning! I miss the days when I could come on here all day long!:cry

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Wow! There's a lot going on!

Kat - my suggestion for office party clothes usually involves the black velvet skirt. If you get one with an elastic-type waist, you can wear it even when you lose 20 more pounds! Then, find a pretty top, or camisole/jacket combo, and you are set!

Sherry - you just get in that meeting and stand up for yourself!!!! I know you can, girl! Pretty much, people will give you what they think you will put up with. Same here, in the public school world, believe it or not.

Darcy - hon, I'm sorry everything is so frustrating right now. When that happens to me, I go back to basics. I choose one little thing to improve, because I can always do one little thing, even if I can't fix everything. Be sure you are taking care of yourself!

Eileen, check in with a health update! And you've got it right -- I do not foresee any problem keeping myself as busy as I want to be!

Cass, how are you doing? How was that first day back at work? I bet you were tired.

I can't remember who asked, but the answer to "what will I do after I retire" is #1. Be a mom, #2. volunteer (church and DD's school), #3. catch up on my scrapbooks, #4. learn to quilt, #5. ??????write?????

I am looking forward to having some time to do things I want to do, and not driving for 2 hours every day, just going to work and back.

We hear that we are going to get some very cold temps down here in Texas...in the 20s Thursday night. They have even mentioned the "S" word: sleet. My most dreaded weather event, because driving in it is no pleasure in Texas, where everyone with a Dodge Ram pick-up truck thinks they are immortal! LOL!

Love to all, Cindy

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Hey Y'All

Our Cindy isn't joking even a little bit about that Dodge Ram thing... but it's everybody with a four wheel drive of any make or model. Somehow - they think 4 wheels won't slide as much as two. The Fools. Worse than when it rains - there is ALWAYS some redneck idiot causing an accident when it freezes up down here.

Thank goodness MOST people stay home when it's icy - (all 3 days of the year) - but it's always exciting....

Darcy - If it has Tires, Tubes or Testes - it's bound to be trouble. :] Sorry you are having a hard time. xo.

Sherry - sounds like it's time for the Squeaky Wheel treatment... be that wheel. Just mind where you let them put the grease. :] Good Luck with the whole MIL situation. I remember your distress from last year. Some folks just aren't worth the stress...

Chris - Undying Love or Meaningless Sex. Hmmm. I suppose that Mr. UL and Mr MS are equally repulsive? Bummer. But do keep in mind that meaningless sex was all I was looking for when I hooked up with my DH - I took him home for a little romp and he never left.... :] Of course - my offer was subtle and not at all crass. There was no compensation involved... I offered to take him home to pet my cat. :]

Dianne - so when is that consult? Just keep focusing on the back pain that will go away and the idea of wearing PRETTY bras. You know - like Victoria's Secret type bras....with matching panties... The whole Girl thing that is so danged difficult when you have to have a miracle of modern engineering with steel belted bra-cups to keep everything above the waist... :]

Kat - I am with you. I wouldn't trade my DH. In fact I was telling him just this morning that even if he were gone from my life tomorrow, I probably would never marry again. It's just too darned difficult breaking them in. One is enough - thank you very much. :] I have a standard Holiday outfit for my Maximum Density phase - a long black knit dress with a spangly jacket to wear over it. I can wear the dress separately with Non-Spangly jackets during the off season. Just my practical side.... I have a great party dress - but it is short and my Venous Stasis makes it difficult to wear because my legs swell up when I wear heels. Size 18-20, I think. Wine/Purple with sparkles. What size shoes do you wear? I have matching shoes... What size dress? It's truly fab if you carry most of your weight below the waist. Very forgiving and a little sexy. I would be willing to ship it....

Betty - your party foods are great. I also would like to see the infamous Kitty Litter cake. Hope you get to have a little R&R soon. Of course, you could just win the lottery. But, no - that's MY plan. :]

Cindy - Let's be careful out there... :] Hopefully the worst of it will miss us and we won't get any ice.

Cass, Eileenie, Pat, Anne, Mandy, Patty - everybody - Hugs!!!

I hope everyone is doing ok.

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All is good in my neck of the woods. Abi saw the doctor today for a followup and she is still saying eczema, but with a new script for a new steroid creme and something by mouth for the itching. She went to school yesterday and again today, woohoo! I went to Meijer (kinda like walmart) and walked around in a daze, no kid and I was able to order a quick starbucks latte and enjoy that while walking. I still don't have a clue as to what I want for Christmas. My MIL is getting me the cordless vac that I wanted for my stairs. I also asked for a spa thingy for the tub, it's under the tree sometimes you have to make sure the right thing gets bought ;) . I am going to get the princess off the bus, I'll be back later. ~Mandy

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Oh Bean you are too funny! LMAO

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Hello Ladies!

In regards to the bed & Breakfast fiasco, I am going to leave a very negative review online, but I want to wait a few months so that she doesn't know it's me (he he! yeah, I'm a wimp). We felt sorry for her. She's a widow in her 60's and she seemed very lonely. Plus, did I mention I'm a wimp? ;)

Eilene, how are you feeling? I hope the throat is feeling better. :sick

Mandy, glad to hear that your daughter is on the mend. We have Meijers here in Michigan too - I love that place!

Beanie, you crack me up. You have a very lucky DH. ;)

Betty, here's the recipe for the kitty litter cake! I luv Google... http://www.fabulousfoods.com/recipes/dessert/cakes/kittylittercake.html

Cindy, did you get that sleet storm? We've had unusually warm temps up here. We cut down our Christmas tree in 65 degree weather - much nicer than the sub zero trek last year.

Kat, Goodwill is a great idea for your castoffs, or you could post a thread on LBT. I've seen a lot of people list free clothes on here.

Dianne, how are you? Don't cancel - you'll have a blast!

Crispy, you make me long for my single days and be glad that they're over at the same time. Very cool that those guys are chasing after you though! Even if they're duds it's gotta be a nice confidence boost. :bananapartyhat:

Darcy, hang in there sweetie! Any progress with the van? (((HUGS)))

Sherry, my gosh it sounds like a nightmare at work. I hope it all works out for you! You know it's a bad day when you're counting down to the weekend on Monday morning. I'm married to a computer geek too. My DH is a Mac programmer. I love him to death, but I go cross-eyed when he talks about work. :purplebananna:

Patty, Mary, Pat, what are you up to this week?

Time for bed - think good thoughts for me tomorrow morning, I have a fill at 11:30 am. I'm nervous, but excited. Right now it's easy to maintain but I can't seem to lose, so I'm hoping to hit my sweet spot tomorrow!!

Have a great night everyone. :xena_banana:

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Here's a funny forward my friend passed on to me. I typically don't like forwards, but thought this was funny enough to share... ;)

Finally a Barbie I can relate to. At long last, here are some

NEW Barbie dolls to coincide with her and OUR aging gracefully. These

are a bit more realistic...

1. Bifocals Barbie. Comes with her own set of blended-lens

fashion frames in six wild colors (half-frames too!), neck chain, and

large-print editions of Vogue and Martha Stewart Living.

2. Hot Flash Barbie. Press Barbie's bellybutton and watch her

face turn beet red while tiny drops of perspiration appear on her

forehead.Comes with handheld fan and tiny tissues.

3.. Facial hair Barbie. As Barbie's hormone levels shift, see

her whiskers grow. Available with teensy tweezers and magnifying mirror.

4. Flabby Arms Barbie. Hide Barbie's droopy triceps with these

new,roomier-sleeved gowns. Good news on the tummy front, two-MuMus with tummy-support panels are included.

5. Bunion Barbie. Years of disco dancing in stiletto heels have

definitely taken their toll on Barbie's dainty arched feet. Soothe her

sores with the pumice stone and plasters, then slip on soft terry mules.

6. No-More-Wrinkles Barbie. Erase those pesky crow's-feet and

lip lines with a tube of Skin Sparkle-Spackle, from Barbie's own line of

exclusive age-blasting cosmetics.

7. Soccer Mom Barbie. All that experience as a cheerleader is

really paying off as Barbie dusts off her old high school megaphone to

root for Babs and Ken, Jr.. Comes with minivan in robin-egg blue or

white and cooler filled with doughnut holes and fruit punch.

8. Mid-life Crisis Barbie. It's time to ditch Ken. Barbie needs

a change, and Alonzo (her personal trainer) is just what the doctor

ordered, along with Prozac. They're hopping in her new red Miata and

heading for the Napa Valley to open a B&B. Includes a real tape of

"Breaking Up Is Hard to Do."

9. Divorced Barbie. Sells for$ 199.99. Comes with Ken's house,

Ken's car, and Ken's boat.

10. Recovery Barbie. Too many parties have finally caught up

with the ultimate party girl. Now she does Twelve Steps instead of dance

steps. Clean and sober, she's going to meetings religiously.. Comes with

a little copy of The Big Book and a six-pack of Diet Coke.

11. Post-Menopausal Barbie This Barbie wets her pants when she

sneezes, forgets where she puts things, and cries a lot. She is sick and

tired of Ken sitting on the couch watching the tube, clicking through

the channels.. Comes with Depends and Kleenex. As a bonus this year, the

book "Getting In Touch with Your Inner Self" is included.

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Hi all, I am going to try to post a link to the kitty litter cake, not sure if it will work, it wouldn't load the pic to copy it onto here....dunno, we'll see!! OOps guess it doesn't matter--thanks Anne!!! Great minds and all that!!! Glad you are on the ball!!!

Beannie--I wish it would fit, it sounds great!!! The pants I am wanting to fit into are 14's. I can zip them, but I will be uncomfortable all night!!! I am hoping that in the next month I can lose enough so I won't be totally miserable!! They are very nice, expensive pants, we got them at a sale at Dillards for my DD, now she is a size 8 again....and I have the pants! They have a fine almost pin stripe to them, but it is just a sateen stitch running down them. I remember her wearing them and thinking how slimming they were....so hopefully!!! If not I will buy me a pair of black pants...should be pretty easy to find. I have a snow white blouse with deep points on the collar, and french cuffs, it has a black vest with it, and it looks really good with the pants, has the same sateen trim...duh they were bought together!!! Anyway it will work with plain black pants if it comes to it. I have a 20 strand black oyx bead necklace that is going to look great with it, and it doesn't feel like it chokes me anymore!!!

I too have some nice clothes if anyone is interested, or knows someone who needs them. Also tons of casual ones. We have no support group or anything near where I live....As for carrying weight below the waist....not me, I carry it IN my waist!!! If not for my waist/stomach, I could probably wear a size 12 or so! I have no butt anymore....none. My legs are thin. I am an apple if ever there was an apple!!!

Mandy--glad Abi is back to school, hope her eczema is better soon.

Cindy--looks like we too will be buying a new computer, ours is just slow and out of memory, I thought about adding memory, but in the long run, I might be better off just starting over. I find myself using the lap top more and more. Hey isyour house back to being your house yet???and where are the pics????

Eileen--did I miss what the Dr. said?

Chris--Beannie is right, be careful or Mr Right Now has a way of turning into Mr Right---before your very eyes!!!

Betty--I wish there was a way to do a clothing exchange here...but heck the closest support group I have found is almost 200 miles away.

Cassie--how did work go?

Darcy- sorry about the van---I know, we bought a Ford Windstar several years ago, and had it for 4 months, 2 1/2 of which it spent in the shop. Finally they took it back and we bought our Explorer...which has been great, not a seconds trouble. Hope you get it fixed soon!

Well somebody get a rope.....looks like we are gonna have to go round up Pat & Patty!!!

It is spittin snow outside, has off & on all day, it melted as it hit, though, so nothing on the ground. DH thought we were going to freeze, he built a fire that is melting me!!

Y'all take care...


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Good Morning Y'all!

It's nice this morning, but later we'll be freezing! Yikes! I am not looking forward to that! I did go out and cover up some of my plants yesterday, but after listening to the news this morning, it might have been a waste of my time. They are saying gusting winds/storms, and that will just blow it all off. So much for all the work I did last night!;) And yes, I agree with Beanie on the drivers down here!

Anne - Thanks for posting the picture. It does look somewhat like hers, even sounds a lot like hers, but she does a lot more with the poo on top I guess. I don't think she uses any food coloring either. Hers looks a lot more disgusting that the one on the internet. I guess after making one for several years you get use to doing different stuff with it. Or, maybe it is seeing it in person that makes it different. Very close though. The reaction on people's faces is the best part of the whole party! Of course some of them eat the poo and that makes everyone go ewwwwwww!

Eileen - How are you today? Hope you feel better! Drugs girl, drugs!

Kat - Your out fit sounds lovely! We want pictures when you get all gussied up!;) :bananapartyhat: :purplebananna:

Mandy - Hey shopper girl! What is your plans for today now that you are a free woman?:clap2: :clap2:

Cindy - How is the house going? Are you back to normal yet?

Beanie - How is the exercising going? I have been planning on spending my lottery winnings since the day they invented the lottery! They just don't want to co-operate with me.:xena_banana:

Darcy - Hang in there, it seems like when it rains it pours! Pretty soon, they'll either have all new parts in your van or give you a different one!

Dianne - You'll have fun, just do it!

Sherry - Hope you have a better day at work today!

Pat, Patty, Mary, where are you gals?

Catch you all later!

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Hi there,

I tried to post yesterday and lost it all. Well I am back here at work and YEA HURRAY we have snow.. I ususally do not care to have it but the kids are so excited to go sledding that we are going to have tons of fun if it last till the weekend. The city has a thing where they offically light up the parks lights and this year they are going to offer carriage rides.. The kids are going to love it.. Yes that means I will have to be bundled up cause you all know since we have lost our insulated layer ~ well I am down right freezing all the time. We had a great Thanksgiving and cannot wait till Christmas, unlike the early birds some of you are at shopping, I have yet to start. My car seems to be working now since the ex felt sorry for me or better yet earned some extra cash to give it a tune up. Talk about a smog mobile. I did not even want to drive it around. I love Sherry's story about people watching. My grandma/mom use to do that all the time, except she did not break out in a song to pass the time. Wish I could have seen that... :)

I have read all the way back to Thanksgiving day and have some more reading to do... So hopefully I can come back later today and do some personals. Love ya all

Hey Kat - is the snow sticking now??? Chalio says he does not only want to sled but snow board.. OMG such a little adventurer..Is that a word??


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