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November chat...again....

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Cindy... I sure hope you had a wonderful Birthday!

Reading everyones stories sure does denote that THanksgiving is just not the same as in the good ole NO band days!

Hope all of the sicklettes are feeling better!


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Good Morning,

Gee Cindy I hope you were whooopin it up yesterday :)

Beanster sorry you had such gas....what a pain in the @ss huh ROFLMFAO lolol. Feeling better today?

Cassie, I hope your feeling better by Monday too. Maybe getting out will make you feel better. I had 6 weeks off and that was alot of time to recover, I can't imagine popping back to work so soon. Hang in there and be careful. Do the people at work know that you had surgery? I didn't tell anyone but my closest friend there.

Darcy boo !

Well today I'm taking DD to see princesses on ice and then I'm gonna put up my Christmas tree :biggrin1: Hope this coughing doesn't bother the folks at the show :guess

Have a goovy weekend all :girl_hug:


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Happy belated b-day Cindy hope it was great.

Hi all, well I survived Black Friday. I got soooo many good deals, and had a blast doing it. This was the first year I had to go alone, but I did ok anyway. I went a bit later this year, I am usually in line at 3am or so. This year I didn't even get up until 7:30. I really didn't have that many things that were door busters. It was mostly price adjustments for previous purchases. It helps to have the ads early. :girl_hug: I did buy a few things for my in-laws and I got a few good deals for some extras for Abi. I got her a huge pack of play doh for $2 and a cool play doh activity table for $15 at Walmart. That is one of her favorite things, playing with play doh, and now that she has the activity table she won't have to play on the dining room table anymore. I also got DH a dvd recorder/vcr combo, that was really all he asked for and I got one for $99. I got tons of stocking stuffers and some candles for my house. We have a hardware chain here called Menards and they have a great day after sale. They have good prices anyway but they are really cheap for the day after. I got handheld suduko for $3. The 18 oz jar candles were only $2, and I got bath sets for the teen girls in dh's family for $4.88 and they are actually really nice. I had to do some rebuying yesterday. We don't have to ToysR'Us near us, it's over an hour away. Well I did major shopping there with my MIL and SIL 2 weeks ago for my niece and nephew. Of course everything I bought was way cheaper at target and walmart yesterday and I wasn't going to drive all that way for a price adjustment so I rebought the items at target and walmart and I am going to return to TRU. If it were minimal I would have just let it go, but I saved like $60. Over all I saved over $300 yesterday. I am wrapping today and Abi is working on her school work that she missed. She only has a few worksheets and she is all caught up. I will check in later, when I get some wrapping done. ~Mandy

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I have to wrap, if I don't stuff gets found. I have game night at my house on a regular basis and the people that come for game night are the people getting the gifts that have been laying on my futon in the basement for the last 2 weeks. I had to hide them in my car for Thanksgiving. LOL. Now my trunk is filled with Barbie stuff, Abi is also bad about getting into closets and other hiding places. Tonight I am bringing it all in and wrapping that stuff, what a job that is. She asked for a bunch of small things so that means tons to wrap. Santa wraps everything in matching paper, I bought 6 rolls at the dollar store, it has Disney Princesses on it with jewel tone background, really very pretty and not babyish at all. She is getting a ton of Barbie stuff and a cotton candy maker from Santa and her grandma got her art supplies and a kids mp3 player (has tinkerbell on it). My mom got her games for her v.smile (a learning video game system) and more barbies. We are going to give her the play doh stuff and several barbie dvds. I am totally finished with her shopping and I have 5 of my 7 nieces and nephews totally done. of the other 2 one gets a gift card and the other is 1/2 done. My DH is done, my inlaws are almost all done. I have had a ton of time with Abi being home sick. I did a bunch of online shopping and some black friday deals. I have a small list left and then I am done. I have a phobia of crowds, and if I am not done by the first of December the ones that are not bought for have to get gift cards. ~Mandy

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Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!! Wanted to let you all know I will be sending out the address list, either later tonight or tomorrow. my DH bought a new router and an additional DVD burner, and went to install it all, and none of it worked...he had DS heling him, and they hurried....big dummies!!! Anyway, he is going to be working on it, and I am not sure exactly when I will get them out!!! So any of you wanting to be included on the address exchange, get me your info, and I will add it. Then I will get it to you all ASAP, so if you want to mail Christmas cards early you can. Mine....are still in a box, somewhere in the bowels of the extra bedroom along with all my gifts for everyone, and clothes that no longer fit...oh the room is in sad shape!!! I will get them done tho!!!!

Mandy I too did the Black Friday, DH and I, that's where he found all his great computer buys that are giving me such headaches!! I went after digital camcorders for the kids. I had a horrid experience in Best Buy, they were so unorganized, even had the fire dept there, they had too many people in the store for fire code, and had blocked aisles, and exits. It was mass chaos!!! If not for DH we would not have got the camcorders. As it was we went with those and some DVD discs, on our list. He got the camcorders, I got the discs, and he moved a stack of printers that was 10 foot high, to get us (and 10 others) out of a stuck aisle!!! The night before, after we recovered from all the food, my SIL wanted to go to Kmart to get a new artificial tree, so we went, and while there I got a TMX Tickle Me Elmos for my granddaughter!! I had all kinds of people try to buy it off of me as I left the store. Felt like I might need bodyguards!! We also found a deal on an MP3 player for the motorcycle. So it was a good shopping deal. I too need to start wrapping...I need to get so many things done...tree up, so the gifts have a place to go. Get all of them ready to send off...think that should take priority. Maybe I need a list, but I'd likely lose the list under another pile of things to do!!!

Ok, I am off to look around a bit before I am exiled off of my computer while the boys play tech!!!

Wish me luck. If I never come back...come looking for my DH I really love him, but if he screws up my computer I may hurt him.


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Trees up, the windows are decorated and Santa is gonna wrap tonight. I am getting ready to start a couch throw sized for Abi tonight. It is a Disney Princess design, the princesses are on a stair case, I am going to quilt around their dresses and the stairs. It will have a bright pink back, and I am doing double batting. This is my second attempt at quilting anything. I didn't make the top or bottom, I bought the fabric panel and I am just adding some quilted texture to it. The last one was a wall hanging, I cut 13 x 13 squares of pastel fabric and had the characters at Disney sign them with fabric markers. I then sewed them together to make a top and I found the coolest pinstriped fabric for the back. I quilted them and trimed it with princess satin border. It hangs on Abi's wall. I am no pro, that's for sure, but I like doing it. Actually I just setup my machine in the basement this week, I am going to start and hopefully finish this project before Christmas. I would love to give it to her for Christmas eve. I will keep you all updated on the progress. I have an advantage with this whole holiday thing, I am a stay at home mom and my only child has been home from school for 2 weeks. I have had a ton of time to get stuff done. LOL, I am soooo ready for her to go back to school. I love her to pieces but I need a few hours each day with no tv, no whining and not having to make food, drinks or anything else for anyone else. Sounds bad huh? ~Mandy

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NJCHICK---Wow! Six weeks off! That would be so wonderful! What type of work do you do? Actually, it is interesting b/c three other women at my work have been banded. We all have been supporting eachother at work and so that is wonderful. Other than that no one really knows. However, I assume that the other teachers I work with think something is going on since I havent been eating anything for quite sometime and I am a reknowned chocaholic around the office! Oh well...rumors are going to go around either way, I am more worried about myself than what they are thinking.

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Well the tree got up yesterday I still have boxes out but I am exhausted! In-laws left and now it's just us and Mommom here. I ate to much stuffing and apple pie! Today I only had liquids until around 6 then I ate left over's and a piece of pie and 2 ww chocolates. Tuesday I go to lapband Dr I haven't seen him since the begging of Sept. I know the scale isn't going to be great there because Tom is coming on Saturday if he is on schedule like he usually is! So Saturday when he arrives I will be flying to Cancun! Did I tell you guys? My sister is taking me. We will be wined and dined for 4 days they are paying for everything! I'm so excited! I just wish I'd have a few hours with DH before I leave but he's gone again all week and not coming home until late Friday night. Mommom leaves on Tuesday. We have had such a nice time. As I've said before she is incredible! My MIL is17 yrs younger and you'd think she was the 98 year old! And she eats like you can't believe! We all need to take lessons from her! She eats so much fruit..WOW..I've never heard of anyone that eats healthier than her! Well I'm hoping that tomorrow and Monday I can eat really good so I go down for my appointment on Tuesday. You know me and the scale I always freak out about it. Speaking of that have any of you seen the show Thin on HBO?

Sherry-I love that you sing while on line. Does anyone ever join in? That is just great! Don't feel bad about the wrapping I haven't started shopping yet and I'm already out of $!

Darcy-I'm like you I can't do the Black Friday thing either. I say I want to then I quickly change my mind never have and most likely never will!

Betty-I'm so sorry about your pb! I hate that feeling!

Eileen-I'm sorry your sick again! What a bummer! Feel better.

Cindy-Happy Birthday yesterday! Sorry I missed you!:happybday2:

Beanie-WOW what a mess you had! DH actually fixed it yesterday. I couldn't believe it. he dug up the area where the leak was and found the problem and fixed it..yay!! So I left a message for the plumber not to come on Monday. What a mess you have though! I'm so sorry.

Cass-I'm glad your feeling better. Take it slow on Monday be careful.

Mandy- Is there no chance I can get a dvr/vcr recorder for 99 anymore? That is the only thing I was looking for a deal on and I couldn't find it/ What store did you get it at? Do you have any suggestions for me? What kind did you get? We have so many movies and I want to put them on a DVD. You sure are the professional shopper! Good for you!

Kat-LOL I feel the same why about my computer when DH touches it! He can fix major things in the house but when it comes to my computer...watch out!

Have a good night.

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The dvd recorder I bought was at Walmart and it was an off brand. My walmart had tons of them and they were available online also. Here is the link to what they have online, there are some good deals on there. If you have a VCR you can link it to a dvd recorder and you don't need the combo, we don't have a vcr anymore but have plenty of vhs tapes, LOL. I bought this one to record movies off of HBO and to copy Abi's past christmas tapes and the tape of her ultrasound. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/catalog.gsp?cat=105664&fromPageCatId=62055&catNavId=62055 ~Mandy

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Good Morning :bolt:

Sherry, looks like we're all gonna have to come up to your house and give you a hand to get you caught up :guess lolol.

Dianne, good luck at the doctors office and remember girl, your doing wonderful no matter what the scale says (just remember where it was this time last year...right).

Cassie thats wonderful you have a support group, it really does help. I work for a pharmaceutical company and for ever year you are there you accumulate a week of "sick/disability" time... what that means is you get full pay for each week you accumulate and then disability kicks in after that. I'm with the company 9 years so when my doc said I could take up to 6 weeks off... I was like YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! It was truly a blessing because I was a slow healer lol. How are you feeling today?

Kat sorry to hear about the pc...sucks and makes you feel lost doesn't it... Whats so special about that elmo that everyone wants one?

Mandy sounds like you had a good shopping spree lolol. I'll give you a list and you can go for me... pweeze :) just kidding.

My tree is up and looks beautiful thank you very much. The outside lights are up and working..... ta dah. It was so beautiful outside yesterday I would have been a fool not to decorate. I have 1 more tree to light and thats it (outside).

My nose is still running like a faucet... need a bucket tied under my chin. :sick

DARCY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! would you get your arse in here and chat with us?

Where are the rest of the girlies??? Whatzthemadder? you all having some wickedly wild weekend and to hung over to come and let us know haaaaa!!!! :cry

Well kids, I can hear the little one upstairs starting to get up...so I will chat with you all tomorrow at work (well I'll try to). Ciao'

:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2::kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:

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My BF and I bought our first tree together! We put it up on Friday night and it is so pretty!!! We even bought a beautiful angel to put on top of the tree who is wearing a glamorous sparkly red dress! I am so excited to have my first Christmas in my own house! I cant wait to decorate the outside! I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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1.5 gifts down today....plenty more to get for.

Bought supplies to make chocolate covered pretzels as gifts this year. Figured I'll be making those this year for gifts. Don't know what to get the in-laws because no matter what I get we'll get questioned anyway. It's either not enough, or like last year because we combined the married couples gifts to one mutual gift, we'll be questioned where the other gift is. Unreal! DH is NOT looking forward to going home for Christmas this year and would rather skip it but, we have nephews and a niece so we need to go. MIL...well....lets just say DH is not happy with her right now. Last year we went overboard with gifts for her and we barely got a thank you...this year....neither of us knows what to give her. Remember....last year DH's gift from his mom was all "after Christmas" 75% off food items? We cried all the way home especially after every time she sees him she says he's gained weight before even saying hello. Needless to say....I'm not looking forward to this all over again. Oh well...one day at a time.

Well off to make Turkey Soup and some chocolate covered pretzels. Hope everyone is having a good day.

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