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November chat...again....

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Hi, I just saw something on another thread...maybe I missed it here, and maybe she just isn't bragging it up....but our Cindy is down 75 pounds now...and I wanna see pictures!!! I have 3 more pounds to go, and I will share 75 pound pics with you Cindy...but my scale hasn't moved in over a week...it bounces the same pound up and down....I would act all confident and say plateau, BUT...I know what I have been eating!!! If I would quit, I could join cindy!!!

CINDY---I am so proud of you!!! Losing while all this goes on at work and home... You rock!!!


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Thank you everyone for your well wishes! Only four more days to go and this weekend shouldnt be too difficult with avoiding food. I have not cheated besides one dorrito incident last weekend, those damn dorritos! They are so good and my BF always has them in the house! He offered to take them to work after that, but I told him to keep them in the house b/c I need to get over it and be able to do this! Well, I have, no more dorritos for me and I havent cheated on anything else!!

Kat- I cannot believe how cruel people can be! What nerve!!! Do you know the clerk somehow? What a bi**h

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Pat, I can't imagine you in a afro... crunch and go indeed LOL. I think your hair looks sexy the way it is but WTF do I know LOLOL.. I'm giddy today b/c the boss isn't here..don't mind me ((as usual)).

Cindy LOU!!! 75 whoppin pounds........ YOU ROCK GIRLIE !!! congratulations. I'm ashamed but I barely have time to read up and I don't look at siggy's... shame on me.

Cassandra, whoooh girlie 4 more days, bet your excited as anything. I give you credit for only cheating once on your liquid diet. My doctor didn't make me follow a liquid diet preop, he actually said eat hearty the night before and enjoy.. I was like WHAT?? DANG!!! OKAY!!!! LOLOL Congrats!!!

Okay off to the store. Gotta make stuffing tonight for my DD's thanksgiving feast in school tomorrow.

I'm also thinking of making these two items for TGing next week.... Cassy don't look.



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Hey, guys, thanks for noticing! Yep, I slipped into the 75 pound target! It does sound soooo good! :( I was on a plateau for a while, then my theory is that all the furniture moving increased my activity, and I would eat my Lean Cuisine thing at lunch, and my Zone Perfect bar for dinner (and ice cream) and those changes, plus just time itself, got me over the hump, and I started losing again. Kat, I WILL post some pictures, just be patient a little longer...our computer is very sad right now. It is 3 years old, and pushed to its limit. I am right now shopping for a new one. We are also digging out all the CD-ROMS that we packed up, with the USB cables that go to the camera. I really, really need a new avatar, and will probably have to beg someone to help with that. I have new glasses, new hair, and I think I look kinda different from the one I am using now! :clap2:

Eileen, I would make either one of those recipes from the food Channel...I love pumpkin and I love gingerbread! I am required to make the traditional pumpkin pie, because my nephew loves it, but I may add that pumpkin gingerbread trifle thing, too! However, my sister doesn't really like pumpkin, so I promised I'd make a chocolatey thing...maybe chocolate pecan pie.

Pat, yes, after today, it is 19! Then, I have next week off for Thanksgiving...then just 3 weeks and 3 days to go. My retirement party is on Dec. 14, or so I hear.

Hey, Darcy! I miss you!

Betty, I think Eileen's idea of cooking in advance and freezing might work, maybe for some of the things you make anyway....let us know what you decide to do!

Folks, I gotta run. I've got some writing stuff to do...students are at the door!

Hugs, Cindy

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:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: WOOHOOO Cindy and Kat :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

I want pictures, I want pictues, I want pictures, do ya hear me now?

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I forgot to add....thinking about Cindy and Kat today....

After starting a new diet I altered my drive to work to avoid passing my favorite bakery. I accidentally drove by the bakery this morning and as I approached, there in the window were a host of goodies. I felt this was no accident, so I prayed ... "Lord, it's up to you, if you want me to have any of those delicious goodies, create a parking place for me directly in front of the bakery." And sure enough, on the eighth time around the block, there it was!

God is so Good

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Pat, that is SOOOOOO funny!

I think I've done that, but it was about Starbuck's Hazlenut Mocha!

Thanks for the great giggle!

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Oh dear...I am starting to not feel that well, I am having symptoms of sinus pressure. I often get sinus headaches which at times can turn into sinus infections, I really really really hope that I do not have to reschedule my surgery. I have been trying to get ahold of my doctors to talk to someone about it and of coarse they are all out of the office this afternoon! Cross you fingers for me that I dont have to reschedule my surgery! I have become so mentally and emotionally prepared for it!

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Cassandra, I hope that all is well with your surgery. I would ask to have the doc paged if they are gone for the day. ~Mandy

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WOW so many MIL problems! I'm very lucky. We did have a period when things we not good but all if good now. I feel bad for all the kids involved.

Eileen- We are coming to NJ Oakland on the 21 and 22nd for a little while. Time is nuts as you know, but I'm hoping that Saturday morning I can sneak out and meet you for a little while!

Kat-I sent you my info but I am like Eileen with to much stuff. Could you but a ?mark by my name let people know that I'm a ditz and may not get them out. I just really want everyone's info and what a great way! I promise though I will try.

Hey Betty-I did get another bra but my problem is the wire hits the port and it hurts all the time..errr..thanks for asking. I'm ready to go to one of those custom places. Bummer that you have to work next Friday!

Pat-My friends told me I was nuts when I thought of getting an other perm..So I am holding off..lol..they were like oh no you can't do that! It would be easier! On the 22nd I am going to be in Eileen's home town that morning so I'm hoping we can get together even if it's just for a quick Christmas hug.

Cindy-WTG on the WL!!!

Cassandra-Feel better TAKE AIRBORNE right now! Go to the store and buy it. It is full of Vitamins and you will be fine in no time..promise..you can get it at the grocery store but Costco's has better prices.

I Have been running and having stress!! I'll tell you all about it when I have a chance. Hope everyone is good. Have a good night.

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Soooo peoples how goes it? I've missed you and I feel like I've been away for months lol. Man you folks can write fast lol. Hmmmm lets see...Tuesday was country dancin with Chrispy. We were cutting a rug, blue rosin, bosa novaing hee hee. I LOVVVVVVVVVVED it and nice workout :) Always nice when you don't realize the time but you feel it in your muscles. Wednesday was Reiki Share night and they asked me to lead...ooooo...kinda scarey for me because I tend to keep to myself what I feel or sense in people, but they say I did a good job. Spiritually I feel fantastic lately, I think this has truly helped me. Brings us to Thursday.....SIT DOWN EVERYONE...that's right....now Hold on....ready? I WENT TO THE GYM wahooooooo. Can ya beleive it lol. I had a blast...DH was helping me work on the core body machines making sure I didn't over do it. It was great working out with him and seeing his smiling face when I surprised him a few times with what I could do. hee hee one machine exercises your inner thighs and another the outer...DH couldn't do those umm it's a woman thing ifn ya know what I mean hahaha. I told him he's gonna be in trouble if I keep going :rolleyes: :guess Anywhoooo I made it through. We're going again on Saturday but, tomorrow we're planning a walk. I'm hoping to kick in the weight loss. Gotta keep up with my homey girls here :) FANTASTICO Cindy and Kat! Be proud my friends, be proud!

Pat - You cracked me up with the bakery storey hee hee. I love your jokes.

Betty - You betcha working from home is great but, I can't do it often. Having a staff of 15 under me means I have to be there but, it's only for a little while more.

Eileen - I'm sooo happy your back is better. I know all too well how much that can get you down. Sciatica really put me through a loop. Took so long to get rid of it. Glad you're doing better my friend.

Dianne - I hope your stress goes away. Think positive because what we put out there boomerangs so positive things will come your way :) Sending you positive thoughts.

Vegge - Hope you feel well soon and it's nothing too bad.

Cindy - What's the count now? 19? and YOU GO GIRL on the 75...wowza Holy poundage batman! errr batwoman hee hee Congrats!

Kat - You're going to get to 75 real quick. It's difficult to keep ourselves in check this time of year but, the band is there...YOU can do it! I'm trying to drop 2 more so I can hit the big 70 :) Seems it's taking alot longer for this last two...umm had to lose the two I gain from Lord knows where? I wish I could say I knew what I ate cause I didn't but, the dancin helped and got those 2 off now 2 more. 7 and I can join the 75 club with you and Cindy ;)

Mandy - Good luck with your Ebay items. I did it a few times but, I get kinda nervous that people won't get their things and they'll give me a hassle. I really should try it again though...there is money to be made there for sure!

Darcy - ....How goes it girl? I'd love to see a picture of the quilting you working on during your seminar thingy :) I used to make them but, never the fancy stuff...all machine straight stitched then hand tied. Still alot of work but, ohhhh the hand sewn designs are beautiful. I need to make myself a Patriotic one hee hee. Of all the quilts I've made...I only kept one...my first one and now it's so faded I can't really use it.

Well I'm sure I missed some folks and I'm sorry for that.....I can only remember as far back as "advanced" lets me lol. My bad. I love ya all and I'm very "THANKFUL" you are in my life....even if so far it's internet life....I know someday we'll meet :) Hugs to you all and hope you're all doing well and shrinking!!! Enjoy your Friday!

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Just my *)#)@)# luck, the guy called me today, while I was getting my hair colored, to tell me they were out of my **** Christmas tree...WTF!

I remained calm, I told him it said only 3 left when I ordered, then he said it was an ERROR and three were sold yesterday, so I asked why it had to be me that had to do without. Then he offered me the 9 ft tree, which I'd prob take the 6.5, like I told him, I'm not getting any younger and that's a lot of tree to deal with, BUT then....

I stopped by the expensive garden shop near by, ya know the kind with all the unusual trees and ornaments, all the speciality stuff, and there it was, the 9' tree, the same make and brand..the Ashville Frasier. Of course, I hadn't seen it in person, I had to touch it and see if it was real. Two ladies were talking and said, omg, that is the most beautiful, life like tree I've ever seen...$999.00 for a freakn tree!

So, now I'm thinking about telling the guy to send it and I'll just leave the middle out. I know that works, cause I did that one time with a new tree and had the tree up and ready to decorate before I realized the middle part of the tree was still in the box, DUHHH me. (oh, and Sherry, that's not a joke, I was really that dumb).

Anyhoo, I guess I'll see tomorrow.


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OK, now I can't believe no one's been here since I was here last night.

What on earth are you all doing that's so important ya can't drop a line, LOL.

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Good Morning,


Well today is a busy day for me since I will be taking all next week off. We usually get 2 days but I decided to take off the whole week and have lunch with chalio and visit Crisitan in school. And of course visit Curves since I have not been there for a few weeks now. And of course just relax and lurk more on LBT... OH YEAH BABY

Cassandra I understand your pain all too well. I would not think a sinus infection would stop your having surgery but that is my opinion - not like I know much.. But all the same try to nip it in the bud now is a good move.. I have constant problems with mine...

Pat ~ so are you going to get the 9" for the same price as the other one? I bought one of those trees with the lights on it but I did not notice till I got it home that the dang lights stayed on and did not go on and off.. So I am thinking of buying tree number 3 here pretty soon..

Dianne ~have fun on your trip ~~ :biggrin1:

Sherry ~ you go girl ~ I wish I had all your energy..

Eileen ~ I wanted to bake the pies this year and was telling my family exactly what I was doing from scratch and would you believe they would rather have store bought. The nerve!!~~ I mean would it really hurt them just to drink a little Pepto just in case.. :hungry:

Are you joining her at school??? Have fun

Kat & Cindy ~ awesome on the loss:clap2: :clap2: - I think I am holding steady so we will see next week when I get on the scale at curves..

Well I best be getting to work. I have 2 big meetings today ~ wish me luck all goes good.. :rolleyes:

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Good Morning,

Can't play... you know who is here :rolleyes:

Pat you crack me up.... goober!

Dianne, YES on the 23rd... maybe Breakfast or a quickie cup of coffee... SHOOT !!! you could plop over my house and I could stay in my PJ's haaaaaa!!!!!

I made that gooey pumpkin butter cake yesterday (I was gonna take it into work)....... let me just say for the record ... CAKE MY ARSE!!!! it came out like a pie WTF? buttttt ((((and its a big one)))).... it taste really good !!!! I was expecting a cake like texture and its creamy like a pie... So if you want a pie, make that one ROFLMFAO!!!

Well chicklets, I'll catch up with you all tomorrow.

Luv yah's.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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