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November chat...again....

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Cassandra-I painted a mural the day before my surgery. It really helped to get my mind off of it. I'm very excited for you!

Mary-It's so good to hear from you. Thanks for Jay's prayers. I haven't heard anything new yet but I know they will be going in soon.

Kat thanks for doing the list! I haven't been able to go to curves since last Tuesday! AHH but I hope to on Thursday!

Cindy-Thanks for the prayers. I think that it is wonderful all the years that you have put into the school system. And I want to thank you for it. I am sure that you have affected many student and parents lives with your caring heart and you faith.

Mandy-She's got the nuggets..lol..how cute is that! Poor little on I hope she isn't having that bad of a time. WOW Mandy that is quite a hurtful situation. I'm sorry.

OK gotta run our SS women are getting together for desert! YUM..I'll fill you in later on the boob situation I know you can't wait!

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Wow Mandy - when it rains it pours, huh? Favortism is very hard for children, and even adults to understand. Seems like Abi understands quite a bit about her grandmother though. She is lucky to have a lot of other love in her life!

Hi to everyone else!

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doing the bosa nova...lalalala..... step and scuff and step and cross and fall and trip and get back up. step and scuff and step and cross and fall and trip lol Just kidding! It was alot of fun! Thanks Chrispy for finding it hee hee

catch up soon I promise.

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You are one tough cookie to have put up with all that Mandy. Abi is going to be just loving and caring as you and the angels she has around her..

on another note I knew I should not have thought or put words down about the heathen (EX MIL) I went to pick up the kids and my ex SIL was really quite. I thought maybe shomething was up but did not ask ~ anyway she walked out the door and said she had something to tell me.. WHOA NELLY

Anyway her mom has been going to the house when my youngest is there. I told her before I do not want that women there. I understand it is her mom but dang it could she just stop already and go visit when the kids are gone. She never went to visit her before she started watching my boys nor wehn she had her baby. Anyway I told her that I would not be mad if she just said straight out she did not want to watch my kids. I have been secretly looking around for some time. I really do not want to take them away from her but I really am starting to stress out. Her Mom has been causing her grief in other areas and it is just caring over. I also told her in my Temp Orders her mom was not to be around the kids with out their dad with them ~of course that is something that did not carry or was not written in the final orders, but they do not know that. I don't know ~ this is going to be such an inconvience to switch them but say a prayer for me ladies that it all works out and the heathen will crawl back into her hole. I hate to be that way about anyone but I did so much for that family it is just unreal that almost a year has past that I stopped talking to them that here they are again and trying to stir the pot by having her chose. I told her that I want her to do eveything she can in this life time for her mom. I have stressed this even with my ex. But this women flat out tells her daughters that she prefers her boys over them. She hugs and kisses them like she is the girlfriend mind you.

well I have gone on long enough - sorry if I bored you all. Just unsure of what I am going to do.

I guess the reason she wanted to watch my kids is that while she was in Mexico we (ex) put her in a private religous school and I believe she is trying to pay me back for the money we spent. The only reason she did not stay was because her mom and her oldest brother told her girls never amount to anything. Heathens,.:angry

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Well ladies, my MIL & SIL can be royal pains in the patootey, but don't stack up to y'alls....thank heavens!! Although Sunday I was so ticked off at both of them I could have screamed, right in church!!! My MIL ask us to go to church with them, they were having Thanksgiving potluck. We usually go to a different church, but accompany them several times a year. For who knows what reason, when they brought communion around, They handed it in from the other end of the pew, my FIL, MIL, & SIL took communion and passed it back the way it came, totally ignoring my DH, our DS and his wife...like we were not worthy. My DH was sooooo mad, he told her that was only one of the reasons we don't attend that church! His sister then tried to tell us she did it, because she thought only people baptised in that church could take communion there...BS we have done it before, she just chose to ignore us. Good reason just to stick to our own church family. Where we KNOW everyone is welcome!

As far as the favortism in grandkids go...I can tell it to you from the other side. It is uncomfortable, and a little scary even!! My former FIL, my ex-husbands Dad, made our DD his favorite even before she was born. 3 of my ex's sisters and I all had babies in an 18 month time period. He told me when we announced my being pregnant, that finally someone was going to give him his blonde haired blue eyed granddaughter. He already had 3 granddaughters, just not the blonde & blue variety! Well sure enough, along comes a blonde haired blue eyed little girl. He doted on her, he would put her on his lap and talk to her, ignoring anyone else in the room. He never took her anywhere alone, or made it like it was anything sexual--he just acted like she was his one and only grandchild, not the 8th and 2 within 6 months of her age. he just ignored them completely! It pissed off my ex SIL's, and I don't blame them....but when we would try to take her, or urge him to pay attention to the other kids, he would just shut down and go do something away from all the kids. Holiday time, he let my MIL do the shopping, but he would go buy for Amanda in addition to what she had already bought. He bought her stocks, opened her a savings account. Even after our divorce, I would take her to see her grandparents, and he still favored her. Years later, she would bake Cookies to take to him in the nursing home, and he complained that she was the only grandkid to come see him...I thought well hell yeah!!! NOW you want them???? My DD tells me her Dad (my ex), she calls him by name, not Dad, he was never around. Anyway, he wants to be that way with our granddaughter, and ignore his grandson who is half Navajo!!! But she seldom sees him, and when she does she said he is often too drunk to realize anyone is around. She goes over to see her 1/2 sisters....poor girls!! Anyway---it was hard being on the other side too...never knowing what to do. Nothing you said changed anything. Hope I never get that wierd!!!

I have received info from several of you for the card exchange, and will get it out to you when the rest come in, or say a week--whichever comes first.

My DD didn't have chicken Nuggets---which is way too cute!!! But she was given a stuffed toy, when she had chicken pox, she was 18 months old. It was kind of a humpty dumpty styled furry thing, and she called him Chicken Pox, and he kept that name forever!

Check in with y'all oon!


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Cute kid story before I am off to bed. Abi is convinced the cat gave her the pox. She can't remember the word polydactyl so she called him a teradyactyl. So my teradyactyl gave my kid chicken nuggets. I listed 30 items on ebay tonight, I am pooped. Night all~Mandy

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Mandy and Mary, neither of your stories are boring. I read every bit of both of them. I feel for you both. One thing I want to say, is that both of you are doing the right thing for your kids by limiting the exposure. By doing that, you are limiting the suffering. It's really ironic how life is. My DD had two wonderful grandma's and lost them both. She was 1 1/2 when DH's mom passed away, and she was 7 when my mom passed away. She misses them so much; and your kids probably miss what they don't have, too. I try to replace some of those memories, and my sister steps in as the aunt to fill in some of the grandma gaps, too...but I guess there are some shoes that can't be filled. You are both doing the very best you can do, and that is all anyone can ask.

Dianne, I really appreciate your thanks! You know, my students have been a big blessing to me, and I'm grateful for that.

The wind swept into Texas last night with a vengeance, and it's cold and gusty here...of course, I like it, but I bet Betty isn't very happy!

I have to go shopping for a new home PC. Ours is 3 years old, and isn't keeping up with the demands made on it by our network/internet usage. Kinda fun...remember when the bare bones 'puter was about 2K? Of course, we have to transfer stuff from the old hard drive to the new one...but it's not that hard. Anyone know how to scrub/clean a hard drive? We want to donate the old computer to DD's school.

Well, gals, that's all I can think of for now...

Still sending prayers for all...


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:happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2:

We miss you !!!

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I'm so glad to be able to read up on everyone. Please forgive me if I miss your name but know I did read everyone's post.

I tried to PM Donna (DOC) but she's not accepting PM's :Banane03: I truly hope nothing has happened. I really miss her and her green posts :bananapartyhat: Donna, if your lurking, please let us know your okay and happy birthday you lovely lady.

Okay where do I start LOL

Beanie, which days are you coming up here? Dec 7 ???? I can do lunch that day unless SOMEONE cancels his plans here UHHHHHHHHHHH!.

Cindy 21 days... OHHH am I envious. I would not feel bad about leaving either although I would miss the pay terriably LOLOL. I would love love love to be a SAHM, betty crocker, susie home maker :biggrin1: do enjoy. Hope you get the house in order soon... I lived w/out closets when we were building our home for 7 or so years... we built our home from the foundation on up... NEVERRRRRRRRRRRRR AGAIN lolol... I'm to old :purplebananna: DH needs a new PC too, so while your picking one up for you, grab him one too haaaaaaa !!! his is about 7 years old... its so old it coughs and farts at the same time when it starts up... heheheheheh ((((ducking head incase anyone is thinking of throwing something at me))).

Pat.... are you done decorating for christmas already? got your harley santas out? or was that Betty that collects them?

Kat.... how are you? how is your DH and DD feeling these days?

I'm gonna pass on the card exchange, I am so bad at sending them out b/c my brain is on over load that time of year... just a bit overwhelming for this ADHD Chick :bananajump: But !!! please know that you are all in my prayers always and especially Christmas :)

Sherry are you home today? you lucky dog you. How is work? you seem to be more relaxed.... are things calming down with the knucklehead there? Did your DS pass the driving test?

Diannnnnnnnnne.... December 22nd ??????????????? tell me more.

Patty that was a beautiful post about going to the "racetrack." I am the same as you, I feel very lost in a big church. I like the way they conduct services but I feel empty in a way. Its so true that things happen in Gods time and not ours and you just keep on praying and we'll pray right along with you. Good things do happen to those who patiently wait :) How are the boys? Any new ebay items sent to your door..... trains, you know things like that ROFLMFAO !!!!!!

Speaking of BETTY!!! oh BETTY were for art thou? whats shakin toots. How's DH... is he liking his new job? how about you, hows your job going along? how's da feet?

Chrispy... I'm glad your doing well. Are you able to eat alot like I was b/4 my fills? when I told my doctor that I could eat an entire hero he was like yeah, so ??? it baffled my mind b/c I thought I could only eat about a cup of food. He was like well, your losing weight and thats all that matters... I was like HUH?????????? Talk about head games LOL. It wasn't until about my 3rd fill that I actually felt restriction. Good luck with yours :bananapowerslide:

Mandy, I remember my G'ma favoring my cousins more than us and it did hurt. But as she got older, she wised up... kinda to late but not really because we got older too and accepted her for the loving lady she really was. I honestly don't think she knew exactly what she was doing.... but God is Good and she did realize it later on. I wish I had her back, I would love to have told her once more how much I loved her. Did you confront this woman?? (in a nice way?)

Mary, your story is not boring. Its really sad what families do to each other isn't it. Your so much the better person and your kids will see and understand as they get older (but in the mean time it sucks doesn't it :Banane03: )

Hang in there Mary, your doing just fine and God will be with you thru it all.

Cassy.............. OH GIRL !!!! just a few days away. I know just how you feel and *giggle* I'm excited for you.... shoot we all are. Don't you worry, things will go just fine and before you know it, you'll be home and on your way to a healthy new you.

Darcy, how was your trip???????? last retreat I went on was in 1997. I stayed in a room with my sister and THANK GOD!!!! I had such gas that night. All I kept hearing after we turned the lights off was "PIG"... OMG "PIG" I think I would have exploded if I didn't........ no brownie sent that night. The retreat was called "A Walk to Emmus" ~ DeColores :Banane03:

Annie bananie.... where are ya chicklet?

Again, if I missed your name.. PWEEEEEEEEZE forgive me.

Nothing much is happening here, SOSDD. The back is feeling a whole lot better but the hip is a little beach... I was on the treadmill and after 10 minutes I had to stop... I'm sure it just needs time but dang.

Whats everyone cooking for Thanksgiving? I'm thinking of making Paula Deans pumpkin trifle... oh yeah baby.


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Yea! Eileen got to play today!

I get to make the turkey, the cranberry sauce (I made it last night, but I'll probably have to make more, since DD is taking some to school on Friday), and the pumpkin pie. The rest of the family makes the other dishes, and we all bring them to my sister's house. This year, my BIL from DC is bringing a new girlfriend. This should be interesting. The last time he brought a girl, which was 7 years ago (this should tell you something!) she hated my pets, complained about the gifts, didn't like my DD, and slept most of the day. Needless to say, she did not pass the "family test". We are hoping for better this time around. Can't wait to meet her, and I sincerely mean that. I do hope she is a great gal and we just love her!

Okay, gotta go! 20 days and countin'......

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OMG LOL I cracked up out loud from Eillen's retreat.. that was so funny:)

I really needed something to cheer me up. I am not downanymore in the dumps like I was last night with the childcare and favortisim. Anytime I think of what my boys could have and do not it just sends me through the roof.

Well I got a call from Cristian's teacher again. Seems he cut to the front of the line and told his teacher if she more or less had a problem with it to call me, so guess who was waiting by her side when she did. Anyway she gives him the phone and he tells me he was doing real good. OMG I wanted to laugh but knew I had to be stern with him. Anyway my sister who he knows takes no crap is coming over tonight to talk to him. He hung up on her earlier when she called him.

Anyway Thank you to all for your kind words. I know it made me feel bettter.. How about you Mandy? All we can do is keep on..

Well I am done for the day - not going to do personals since it is almost time to leave.. Love ya all and welcome back Eileen

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Hi everyone--

Eileen, I understand fully the card issue!!! If you want to send your address I will send it to the others, and if some of us want to send you one anyway....we can, if not, don't worry over it. Just make sure you keep in touch! ALWAYS!!! :( I would love to have had a way to keep up with Donna....it jut worries me! And with it being her birthday...I saw that, and just said a quick prayer for her and her families safety.

Stupid witchy woman in Walgreens told me today I was regaining the weight I had lost....really put a drag in my previously happy day. She does not like me, and I know she is always witchy to me...I should not worry over it! I called the 800# on my receipt and complained about her! She fawns all over DH and the guys he works with. I told him, and he was pissed!!

Anyway....I worked out double hard due to it, so maybe it was a good thing!!!

Let's see, for Thanksgiving...I am making most of it!!! The girls will come here and help cook, and my Mom will bring some. But...my inlaws are going to Denver I guess, and my SIL and I are each going to just do our small families, and all get together for Christmas. I am riding to Colorado with her Monday so she can get another fill...we will decide for sure then. I hope so!!! A holiday with just our kids, sounds great!! I would be happy if both sets of parents could be here...but, not the HUGE gathering of family will be kinda special. Especially since Christmas is so close behind, and we will all be together then.

Well I am going to go surf for awhile...catch you all laters....good to see you back Eileen!!!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Happy Birthday Donna! I hope we hear from you soon!

Eileen - Good to see you here! I miss your smiling threads when you are gone!:biggrin1: Pat is the one that collects the Santa's.

Beanie - I loved the pictures! You look great gal!

Cindy - I am glad the days are ticking away for you! I would be counting them too if I was in your shoes!

Kat - What nerve for a clerk to say that to you! Some people just aren't happy unless they are being cruel to someone.

Mary - That was funny about your son. Sounds like you are going to have to stay one step ahead of him at all times!

Chrispy - What a great picture! I am glad to put a face to your posts!

Mandy - How is the new cat adjusting? I bet by now he is spoiled to the bone!:(

Sherry - Don't you just love working from home? Now, that is my kind of job!

Dianne - Did you ever find the perfect bra? Waiting for the results!

Patty - I hope the mailman brings you a special envelope with great news soon!

Pat - How is the decorating going? I bet by now you have at least part of it done!

Cassy - It's getting closer, are you getting excited and nervous at the same time? It's only normal!:(

Darcy - Hey girl, I miss your posts, hurry back!

Anne - What ya up to girl? Let us know you are all right!

We are going to my DB house for Thanksgiving, I will be making some chicken/noodles, dressing, baked Beans, fruit salad, and probably scalloped corn.

Usually on Friday after Thanksgiving I cook a full meal at home so we have lots of left overs, but I don't know when I am going to do it because I have to work the Friday after Thanksgiving. (not very happy about that one) I might just do something on Saturday or Sunday. We'll see!

Well, got to run and finish getting ready for work. Catch you all later!

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Betty, how about cooking some stuff this weekend and freezing it. One week in the freezer shouldn't do it any harm in taste and it would take a load off your shoulders. That really does suck that you have to work next Friday... actually its pretty crappy of the company. Tell them I said you can't work that friday because its against your religion LOLOL !!! if they ask what religion tell them its the day after stuff feeling religion and you won't be able to move from all the Desserts :( also tell them you get wicked gas and you only thinking of your fellow co-workers ;) ta da.. prob solved.

Kat... boy did that story of the Walgreens witch piss me off. WhoTF does she think she is? Its a shame she is such a miserable person and can't love herself that she has to put others down. Dolly, you've done wonderful, don't let that butthead ruin your hard work. Want me send some Joisey people there to fix her wagon? lololol... actually I think Beanie might know a few NJ/NYers that could pay her a visit LOLOLOL !!!!! jk.

Cindy, yikes, that woman sounds like a dream..... a nightmare that is. How can you not like kids and animals????? usually its one or the other or both... what a grump! I hope this new chick is better too. How's everyone in your family feeling... is it your FIL that is sick?

MARY!!!! I'm glad I could make you chuckle... but my stories are true and at that time, my sister was not laughing haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! serves her right. Let me just say that she can clear a room is 3 seconds flat herself so she ain't no angel ya know LOLOL. Boy oh boy, kids will test ya won't they. I'm kinda like your sister when it comes to my neices / nephews... they all know that I don't take crap either and I'm always the "beiotch" but hey... they will thank me when they are older LOLOL ((( or they'll spit on my grave ))) *giggle*

Well I'll be back soon.... some one is here.

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So much to catch up with already, YIKES!

Eileen, I do collect Santa's and no they're still in the attic, although, I did order the tree. I valued every-one's advice, plus I figured it was 38 years ago today, I married my DH and in those 38 years I've put up with a lot of chit, so I deserved a very nice anniversary present ;) .

I pm'd Doc/Donna too, no reply :think , I too hope she's ok. Happpy Birtyday Donna.

Betty, you're a mod, any way you can ask Alex to send her an email and see if she will respond to either of you?

:omg: Diane, you painted a mural the day before surgery, OMG, some people have all the talent...that's awesome. What happens Dec 22????

Rene, when are you coming to VA, I would love to meet you and Eileenie in Dec. :cry Lets see, how can I arrange that?

Cindy, I'm so excited for you, that would be 19 days now and counting :clap2: .

Mary, you never bore anyone, I had an evil MIL too, she's aggravating the devil now though. Some people are truly just evil people, like my gson's mother, :angry . At least the SIL tried to give you a heads up.

Kat, for Thanksgiving, I'm going to TRY to fix the turkey breast Rachael had on her 60 min Thanksgiving show. Y'all have got to pull her site up and check out the recipe, it looks so good. The breast are more expensive, but by the time you waste all that money on bones and guts, I think I'll have more to serve...at son's house. We're gonna start calling you the fill angel, always taking somebody for a fill :( .

Sherry, the bosanova????? Do we have a dancer in the house, look out Emmitt. I'm so glad they're letting you work from home. I know when I go in to work I don't get chit done for people coming in and wanting to chat the entire time.

Mandy, it's a shame you have to explain the hard knocks of life to your daughter so young, but at least she'll know it's not something she did.

Crispy, are you a dancer too?

Anne, don't make me have to call you :lol: .

Patty, that was the most interesting story about church at the racetrack, who would have ever thought of that. Thanks for sharing.

Darcy, got those new badges yet, yeah, DH playing...:( . Get yourself in here girl.

Cassy, good luck on your big day.

They're calling for nasty weather here today, guess I better pull the car in the garage so baby gson won't get wet when I have to drop him off. Of all days to get my hair done, I hate having to make an appt so far in advance. I'd love to get a curly perm, everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I'm so over dealing with this hair. I prefer to crunch and go :biggrin1: .

Who ever I missed, I so sorry :cry .

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