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November chat...again....

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Hi Ladies :)

Boss is here but will be out wednesday and thursday whooooooooooot!!! I'll catch up then.

Pat the tree is LOVELY!!!! makes me wanna go home and bake some Cookies :)

This fill is working great!! hope the feeling lasts a loooooooong time.

Luv yah's

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Betty--back in August, we talked about a list of addresses so we could exchange Christmas cards. Anne was taking care of it I think, at least that's who I sent my address to. It was around the time Donna disappeared and we all swapped email so we could track one another down if needed.

I don't think it would be difficult to gather and distribute them among ourselves...if you want me to try.

When I think about Donna---it makes me really want a way to find one of y'all if you should suddenly be gone too. I worry about her. Especially with her son in the military...scary business.

Anyway...let me know...and Anne if you already have it done...Yeehaw!!!


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Good morning to all!

Darcy, I hope you had a great time at the quilt retreat! I might just go on one of those someday...it's on my "list". Glad you are back!

Mandy, well, you certainly have a full plate (again!). I've been in your shoes on the friendship thing...unfortunately, you just can't choose your friend's love interests. I know you want to protect him, and you have given him good support and advice, but that's all you can do. I imagine it will work out, and if not, you will have to decide how much emotional stress the friendship is worth to you. Now, the cat...I was stunned when I saw the pictures...he looks very much like my dearly departed pal, Athena. Where yours has Mickeys, mine had a stretched out view of the the land mass of the globe. She was black and white, and nice and plump, just like your guy! I almost feel like Athena has come back, decorated with Mickeys, just for you! I hope so, because she was one cool cat! Congratulations! I'm glad he came in time to be comforting to you and Abi, now that you are nursing the chicken Pox.

Pat, I love the tree...it is beautiful! You had such gorgeous decorations last year, and I love seeing the pictures! Thanks for the tip on the doorframes...I'll be sure to run a dust cloth up there, too! I already discovered the top of the rods in the closets!

Betty, your pork roast sounds scrumptious! I miss cooking...we are living on frozen Lean Cuisines and sandwiches!

Patty, glad to hear you have some good news from your lawyer, and that you are feeling more positive about things. Sometimes spiritual needs are so important, and the ones we overlook. I'm glad you took care of yours!

Eileen, I am sorry to hear of your FIL's diagnosis. I know you have a lot of this burden on your shoulders, and I hope you will have some help and support with it. It is so frustrating to have to wait on medical tests to confirm what you have already known in your heart. On the other side, I am glad to hear you are happy with the last fill...I hope it works out great for you!

Kat, that eating response runs deep, doesn't it? I still get that feeling, too...it's part of the battle, and it's something we just have to keep fighting. I think distracting and re-directing behavior is the best course of action. I hope it worked for you, and if it didn't, that whatever you ate was worth it!

Chrispy, glad you are feeling really great, and good luck with that first fill!

Cass, hi there! Great pic of you and BF, and I hope you use that as your avatar. I need a new avatar, myself! Guess I will get around to it, when I find the camera, and the computer gets fixed.

Sherry, how are you? Still dancing?

Dianne, are you home from your trip?

My retirement update: I have 22 more days of teaching; my last day is Dec. 20. I have not had 2nd thoughts. There are students I will miss, but they will stay in touch with me through email, and one of my very best "sister" friends still teaches here, so I will not be totally out of the loop. I am not planning on working at all for the spring semester, but I am not dead set against it; if something puts itself in my path and I feel it is a "purpose" for me, I will do it. I'm planning on taking my time, and spending my time on my family and myself, after spending so much time elsewhere. I am always open to new things, and I don't imagine that will change, so it's hard for me to say "never." Scrapbooking and quilting are two things that I want to devote some serious time to! Just giving up two hours a day in commute time will improve my daily life so much, it's not even funny! No second thoughts here.

We did get my DD's room put back together, and began the office room. I still don't have my Breakfast room back, but the stuff stored in it is slowly being moved to it's rightful place(s). I still can't park in the garage, but that's not a big deal...it's not like there is a foot of snow out there, or anything!

I guess this is the longest post in a long time for me! Most of the kids I had scheduled for today haven't shown up, so I've had some time. This afternoon, I'm going to the ad. building to turn in my termination packet, and other papers you have to file when you retire. Another big step, checked off the list!

Love you guys, Cindy

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Hey Cindy--I got your info, and started a list. If anyone is interested, just send me your information, and I will just compile a list, and email it to everyone (well all of us) in a week or so, when I get them all. We will have it in plenty of time for Christmas cards.


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First - WOWZA 22 days left Cindy? My gosh that's fantastic. What will you do with all your extra time?

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the Vet picture. I just loved it and wanted to give them both a hug.

Patty - I tried to send it to you as well but your email rejected the email..sorry about that.

Well things are still busy busy at work. I asked my boss if I could work from home Wednesday so I could actually get something done and it's a go. Thank goodness. I'm hoping I can finish a project that I need to complete.

Going country line dancin tomorrow, REiki on Wednesday night then the Gym on Thursday. Yeap we went to the Gym today to see what it was all about and to find out what we needed to do when we go. It's really nice...bunch of classes to do for free aerobics, kick boxing, jazz-cise, tai chi and of course lots of treadmills with tvs, stair masters, weight machines and free weights. This gym even has a special ladies exercise room so if you don't want to be out there with the rest of the crowd/guys you can go into that room. Cool!

Anywho.....my brother-in-law and his wife and baby are back. Been here for a week and staying until after Thanksgiving. BIL is working on a friends house and for my hubby's company so it's more work offered to him than upstate NY. They are seriously considering moving here....as much as I love them I told DH that we can't afford for them to live here with us. It totally kills my budget feeding 3 more people. He understood it..plus it gets really crowded here after a while. But for now the baby is getting so big and he's adorable :) Plus..when he cries I give him to mommy lol.

My son is going for his drivers test tomorrow.....ohhhh please think of him tomorrow mornin and send him luck :) He's a good boy...just got a job at Game Stop too...he's thrilled. Thanks everyone! Hope you're all doing well and shrinking! I can't seem to get rid of the 2 pounds that snuck back and I have no clue how grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Ticks me off but, I won't change my ticker lol I refuse I tell ya lol

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Pat-Hi thanks for the web site I'll check it out. What kind of tree and how much? I'm looking for a new one and that one is beautiful!

Mandy-How was Christmas shopping?

Eileen-Sorry about your in law stuff. It is so sad that our parents have to get old. Glad your fill is going good!! That's great!

Betty-How are you feeling these days? So can you share your pot roast recipe. I'm ready for some!

Patty-God is so cool with stuff like that! I had an anxiety problem tonight about $ and was lead in the right direction, of course tithing was put at the tp of my list and now I have peace. He is so cool. He was tugging at you to go to church and then he confirmed your actions. I wish I could remember to put him first all the time! I'm working on it though. How were the Cookies? I WANT ONE!! please...lol

Darcy-Hi glad you had a good weekend. How the food going? How's the head doing?

Terrimck1-I have on and off reflux issues. A had my worst case on Friday night. I am mostly doing liquids for a few days to calm things down. You need to tell your Dr have you had a fill yet?

Hi Chrispy sounds like your excited and doing well!

Mandy-It does take a while that's for sure. I still miss my Maggie. But Lucy and Sandy sure put a smile on my face. I'm clad your kitty likes LBT, he looks like he should consider the band. I wonder what his PB's would be like! AHH Kitty foam...lol..keep him fat he's cute! How DD pox today! When mine had them I handed them both a paint brush and they painted grass on the wall in my DS BR. I painted a dinosaur and he needed grass. it was one of those times I'll never forget.

Kat-How cool no hunger!! I love when that happens! How is DH and DD doing? WOW that is scary about Donna. Perhaps she went to the other web site. Maybe we all need to PM each other our phone #'s.

Betty-I also missed the Christmas list thing. I am terrible with cards though. Every year I buy them and that's about it! They never get mailed out. I'm not good at stuff like that.

Cass-I bet your getting more excited by the day!! I like that picture!

Cindy-I thought maybe you were dusting to much to come say hi. You sound great! Glad things are moving right a long. Have you been at the same school all this time? It's good you will still have some contact there I bet it would be a lot harder if you didn't.

Sherry-I want to go dance! Sounds like so much fun! I hope your son does well tomorrow!

Irene-How are you? Your NJ trip doesn't sound like it was to much fun this time. Hopefully next time you will see Eileen. I hope to see her on Dec 22!!

DH and I had a nice time in Myrtle Beach. Sad story though. One of his business associates who is only 30 was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last yr. To make a long story short we were with him on Thursday. I was talking to him about this past year and how hard it has been for him. He left the meeting Friday morning early to go back for his 1 yr results. Well if you all could say a prayer for Jay and his family. His cancer is back! He was going in today for a cat scan and then surgery will hopefully be before Thanksgiving. My heart is breaking for him. He has 2 young kids and his wife. He is so young and he must be terrified. I told him I don't think I could handle something like this and then now he has to go through it all over again. It must be mind boggling to all of them.

On a lighter note I went to a wonderful conference today! Traffic was horrible and I had no gas in my car it took over 2 hours to leave the garage..lol..yikes..so I turned the car off and just sat waiting all that time. Got home around 8 and I'm exhausted!

So have a good night. Sorry if I missed anyone.

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Dianne--Thank you for the compliment! I am getting excited and nervous..and...well a whole jumble of emtions really! Only five days left ladies! Eek!

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Hi girls,

just stopping in for a bit.. Going to do this fast since I have alot to do today..

Patty - I am praying and keeping my fingers crossed for you.. I truly believe that the Lord is always showing us signs he is right here with us when we need him to console us ~ I always remember "Footprints"

Pat ~ I love the Tree - It is beautiful ~ go for it...

Betty ~ how is that foot doing??

Irene / Rene - Did your Kitties miss you? Were they happy to pounce on you when you came back?

Mandy ~ You are so blessed with all your babies. I love the mickey on the cat he is so cute.. Hope your little one gets better from the pox. You know Mandy though we always want the best for our dear friends sometimes they have those rose colored glasses on and only see what they want. Not untill they take them off and see the person for what they really are do they need us. Just hang in there and wait, don't let someone like her come between you and your friend..

Kat ~ count me in ~ I do believe you have my address..

Dianne ~ still no luck with the bra?? I wear an underwire but my port is about an inch below so it does not bother it at all. I sent a Prayer for Jay _ sorry to hear about the cancer coming back. I hope they can cure it this time around.

Kat ~ what did I miss about Donna? Was there a reason for her leaving? I really thought she was out and about but was going to come back. I hope everything is ok with her family and especially her son.

Sherry ~ that is so cool you can work from home. I do not have the option. My boss does not think I need to but he does and takes advantage of it. I get more work done when he is not here. LOL

Eileen - how is your back doing? I have been quite stiff for weeks, finally broke down and got my massager out of the closet. I laid on it for a while and fell asleep. Now I am sore ~ go figure

Darcy ~ How are your babies doing?

Cindy ~ WOW ~ the time is almost upon you..

Sorry if I missed anyone - gotta go BYE

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Hi everyone-

I am getting our list together...if you want a list of all of our addresses and phone #'s and email, get yours to me, and I will add it to the list. I will then email it to everyone in time for Christmas cards. If you want the card for your family, include DH's name or kids names, cuz heck some days I do good to remember my own kids names!!!

Cassandra--how exciting 5 days!! We will be here for ya!

Dianne-glad you enjoyed the conference. Don't you just hate it when you realize you forgot to get gas...it is always at the worst time!! I have to do it today, in the wind and snow, because I didn't want to take the time this weekend when DH offered to do it...dummy me!!! Will definitely say a prayer for your friend.

Sherry--got your dancin' shoes on? Can I get a Yeehaw????? BTW have said and will say another prayer for DS's driving test. But...are ya sure about this, your worries will really begin now...I know, we did 3 of them!

Betty--Sherry wants your recipe, I just want you to cook for me!!! Do you ever get any down time?? Is it still riding weather there? Snow flying here today, bike is likely up for awhile now. Though we leather up and try a couple of winter rides or 2...short ones!! As long as the roads are dry.

Darcy--Tell us about your classes.....I am still dog-less. They decided to keep the pup afterall. Rick thinks they will call again in a couple of weeks, he is so mad!! Like he said, we should refuse then, and no sooner are the words out of his mouth and he says well that wouldn't help the dog. He is hoping they settle in with the dog, and keep him. Not so much because he doesn't want the dog, he doesn't want to deal with these people, they are pretty weird!!!

Terri--how's the reflux? Mine is ok if I stay away from hot/spicy food in the evening, say after 6.

Mandy--what didja get me when you went shopping???? I have about 1/2 of mine done...now comes the expensive half!!

Patty--what do you have in mind for the boys for Christmas? Any left over Cookies? GMBO (giggling my butt off) left over cookies with 4 boys...what was I thinking???

Eileen--isn't that boss gone yet??? I know you said tomorrow...we'll wait!

Pat--what did you decide on the tree...it was VERY pretty. Do you usually decorate with a theme or color combo or just a bit of this and that? I collect snowmen, so my tree has a lot of snowman ornaments, but is mostly different types of icicles...not the foil looking kind...glass icicles...I love 'em!

Mary--well if I did have your address, I don't now...I know I am so bad!! I have email on most of you but that is it. So if you don't mind sending it again, I promise I'll use it and send ya a card!!! Woohoo quite the deal you're gettin' there!!!

Beannie--home safe & sound? I loved the pictures...someday I will go. Wish all my somedays would hurry sometimes, other times, I wish time would just slow a little bit!!!

Cindy--hope you get another day where you have time to come and play. How did it feel turning in your paperwork?

OK, gotta get myself in gear and get ready to go to town. My dryer is making the most Gawd Awful noise...Rick took a pulley off and I have to go to Maytag and get a new one. Going to do my Thanksgiving shopping for non perishables today, and try to grab another Christmas gift or 2, slowly whittle down my list. Rick and I decided last night that rather than buy gifts for each other this year, we are going this weekend to pick out a new camcorder. So if any of y'all have one you really like or really dislike, let me know. We want to get it now so we have learned how to operate it before the granddaughters birthday and Christmas. Then when I get back I am going to Curves...cuz I'll have so much energy left after all this shopping with a 2 yr old!!

See ya!


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I'm sitting here waiting on a "client" (read: kid who can't write!), so checking in. Well, turning in my paperwork felt great and a little sad. Just a LITTLE. One big step for me; one insignificant step for mankind. It's getting more and more real, every day. I'm so excited! Mary asked if I have been at this school the whole time, and the answer is: 23 years. The first 6 years I taught in a different school, but in the same school district. I also went to school in this district - 1st through graduation. This is the sad part - it doesn't really matter to anyone, but me. You think, this surely isn't true. I assure you, it is.

Still, it's been a great career, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for these at-risk kids who need someone to show them the way. I know there will be someone behind me to take up the task.

Dianne, I have and will pray for your friend Jay. It is not possible for us to understand the plan God has in this, but I pray for His will, and that His grace will be shown to Jay and his family.

Eileen, I bet you are looking forward to the next two days, huh?

Hey guys, gotta get. My kiddo is here to work now.

Hugs, Cindy

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Hey guys, I survived the shopping trip with my MIL and SIL. They are close and I am sorta the outsider. To give an example, my MIL keeps the SIL's kids overnight 3 times a year, for each of their b-days and for their wedding anniversary. I ask her to keep Abi for hubby and I to go to dinner for our anniversary and she asked if we would be back within the hour. We had to go local on a weeknight, she said we would get in and out faster than on the weekend. I feel so loved. So at Toys r Us I asked what she wanted to spend, I picked out Abi's stuff alone while they shopped and then pushed the cart in her direction and ask her to label them this time. Last year my niece got all of her own stuff and several of Abi's gifts as well. She promised to make it up to Abi but never did. The other kids got 10 or 12 gifts and Abi got like 6. Like I said we are made to feel very loved there. Abi told my husband that she only has one grandma, my mom, he was a bit pissed about that. I told him if she would make any effort to spend time with her she would feel differently. MIL came to Abi's b-day party and stayed for about 20 mins, she didn't even wait for lunch to be served. She had other stuff to do even though I sent her an invite 6 weeks early. Go figure. Then I come home from shopping to find Abi covered in the Pox. When the er doc asked what we thought that problem was when he first came is Abi announced she had the chicken Nuggets. LOL. I am surviving the week by getting ready for the holidays, maybe I will even put up the tree friday. I am also listing stuff on Ebay... ~Mandy

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Wow, Mandy...that's a shame. You MIL is missing out on so much, isn't she? It's hard to explain that kind of favoritism, but there's no doubt it exists. Abi has a wonderful mom for a reason!

How are her chicken nuggets? That's so cute!

I need to get crackin' on the Christmas cards...I think DD and I have a good plan for a photo. We always send photo cards. Last year, I didn't send cards at all...it just seemed like it was too soon after mom died to send out jolly cards. This year, I think I can do it. I've already written the letter that goes with them. It was touchy figuring out how to acknowledge the losses, without being too dark. I hope I got it right.

Stay bright, you're a great mom!


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WOW Mandy I feel for you.. I cannot tell you how disappointing it is when a grandparent acts like that to their G~ children. My 2 children have both sets of grandmas and they are both worthless. My mom favors my sisters boy Takes him to and from school ~ spends the nights and even has his own room in the house. When I go over to visit and it is rare she watches my 2 like a hawk so that they do not disturb anything of get any of his toys. On their Dads side his mom is so caught up with visiting others that she never had time for them except to belittle them (the heathen). Now she cannot even do that. I just pray that the day I have grandchildren I show them love all the same.

You are a good mommy with all the love you give Abi and then some. chicken Nuggets just took on a whole new meaning.. Poor little one..

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There is an entire history from my hubby's mother/grandmother of the year mom. His parents divorced when he was 13, and his brother was 16. His brother lived with mom and my hubby chose dad. Mom was an alcoholic (brother is too), a chain smoker and very abusive to my hubby but his brother could do no wrong. Now that has transfered to the grandkids. The brothers kids are great, she spends time with them, attends soccer games and school programs. My daughter gets overlooked every year. I prefer it that way, she is not loving and kind like a grandma should be. She is overbearing and short tempered. She threatned to spank Abi a few years ago and I told her if she ever spanked my child I would press charges. We are her parents and should handle the punishments. We don't spank her, she gets her hands slapped or she gets timeout. Spanking simply doesn't work with an ADHD child. She says that is a cop out for us not wanting to be more firm with her. We have the pleasure of seeing her 4 times a year, the 3 kids b-day and the week before Christmas we all get togehter at my house and exchange gifts. I have the holidays in my home, I hated being taken to family's house after opening our gifts as a kid so I don't make Abi do that, we spend days before the holidays with extended family and friends. Then Christmas afternoon is open house around here. I make enough desssert for about 75 people and there is usually one a few small things left over.

I tried to make a relationship wih DH's family. (they have never been a close family) and it worked for a while. Then 3 years ago Abi was getting old enough to understand what the gifts were, and what home means. So I put my foot down and said that holidays would be in our home, we could do other days with family. My wonderful DH's grandma tod everyone I was a black sheep and she disowned me and hubby. I was told that unless I planned to spend the entire day at her house I wasn't welcomed there anymore. She actually told me that I could not see my family on Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter. I told her she was being unreasonable and that is when she disowned us. Fastforward about a year, I was working in a very busy tattoo studio that was being put on the market for sale. She and her roommate decided to buy the place and allow me to run it, they were going to be there only to collect money and handle paying the utility bills. I worked for them for 8 months. I was expected to stay at the same salary, and commission rate but now work extra hours, do all the supply shopping, and clean the shop twice a month on my days off. When I asked for a raise or some help with the cleaning and shopping (these were never my job before) I was called moneyhungry and accused of trying to run them into the poor house. I worked 3 nights a week, 5pm to 10pm and sat from noon to midnight. I got $200 a week plus commission. My job was to manage the artist, order all shop supplies, help customers, do light cleaning and work the front counter. I made 50% of my piercings (industry standard is between 35% and 60%). I tried to talk to my MIL and her partner and explain that I was having to drive to my mom's house to care for Abi, and that was also taking serious time, and gas money and the shopping was also costing me gas money and time. I also had to pay for everything and wait for the end of the week to get reimbursed. I was totally stressing out, losing my hair, and my blood pressure was going through the roof. I started hating my job, a job that I had for 10 years and loved every day that I worked. One day my home phone rang and it was the busines partner, screaming about the price of papertowels, saying I was spending too much. I told her the comfort of the customers was very important to me and she said that the money was more important. I told her I quit and have never been back. The relationship with MIL has never been the same. She stood there crying while I packed my things in the shop. The partner called the police to make sure I didn't steal anything from them. It was such an ugly situation, I have never forgiven her for allowing the partner to treat me the way she did. She never defended me and never tried to make the situation better. Things are always tense now, and I suspect they always will be. I love my husband and can't understand how such a cold hearted woman could have raised such a wonderful man. I am gald to have him in my life and my mother loves him like a son. He says that he is the luckiest man in the world. He has a great MIL, and he always says I got the short end of the stick with his mom. Now that you know the story, you can see why her behavior is not surprising at all. It just sucks for Abi has to suffer. I have a girlfriend that is older and she treats Abi like a grandchild, and also a neighbor that loves her too. She is lucky, she has several people in her life that make up for the lack of a real grandparent on that side of the family. Sorry to ramble, but I feel much better now. ~Mandy

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