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November chat...again....

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Awww Mandy - what a cute kitty! Congrats on the new addition to your family!

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Mandy-You new cat is sooo adorable! I miss having cats, I have had them all of my life except for around now. Its funny how he has those mickey spots since you love disney so much!!!

How do you post pictures in the board?

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Adorable picture Cass, that would make a lovely avatar.

Cindy, you will find dust in places you can't even imagine, even 6 mos from now. On the top of door frames is a good hiding place.

Eileenie, I'll bet you at the popcorn too, :heh: .

Mary and Patty what are you and the kiddies doing this weekend?

Rene, hope you made it back home without further bumps.

Diane, sounds like the trip was great R&R. We use to go there for Harley rally's, OMG, the stories I could tell.

Anne, where you hiding girl?

Darcy, get outta that Pogo and visit...got ya hooked huh!

Mandy, cute cat, but boy am I glad my pet days are over, only thing I've got to take care of now is the DH and that's enough for me :biggrin1: . Raising two sons, I think I've mentioned before, snakes, ferrets, ducks, chickens, (my dh brought home a couple of baby chicks on a bike trip to the Luray Caverns, in the mtns of VA,) we named them Lou and Ray, LMAO, anyway, done with pets. Not to mention the typical dogs, cats, hamsters and fish.

Sherry, that was such a special picture with the Veteran and the wounded soldier, OMG, that's all I've thought about....how touching was that. I think the folks here would appreciate it too, we have some very dedicated Americans here.

I know I missed a few, but I'll catch ya later girlies.

OH YEAH, I almost forgot to mention this site called www.bfads.net, has a preview of all the ads for the day after Thanksgiving as well as a message board, kind of neat, just what I need another forum, LOL.

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Hiya Ladies,

Nothing much happening today, gonna see FIL in the nursing home/rehab. They diagnosed him with Alzheimers ((which I could have told them that years ago...schmucks.... long story anyway)). He'll be coming home soon and I don't know how my wheel chair bound MIL is going to handle him... so we shall see.

Dianne, how was your trip to SC? are you still there?

Pat believe it or not, I hate only a handful of popcorn... the raisinetts tasted MUCH better haaaaaaaaa :)

Cute kitty Mandy.

Chrispy how are you feeling?

Veggie I agree with Pat.... that picture would make a great avitar. You can see your pretty face :D

Cindy love or shall I say bunny girl...... :eek: hope your not doing to much work today.

Well I gotta go clean my bed room TTYL.


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yes the kitty will be inside, he is declawed and it is way to cold here for him to be outside. He is really great with the dog but my other kitty is really unsure of him. I am sure that in a few days time they will be buddies, but that takes time. I am off Christmas shopping with my MIL and SIL today, wish me luck. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Ms. Betty! It's rainy and cold here today, yesterday was almost a record setting 80 degrees. I guess I'll wrap Christmas presents today, after the gson's 3yr old party.

Check out this Christmas tree ladies and let me know if ya think it's worth the INVESTMENT.


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Good Morning Y'all!

Chilly this morning, I'm having a hard time getting myself moving~!

Got to get the house and laundry done today, I did some yesterday, but I have to finish up today. You would think we could get some rest on the weekend, but there's always something to do.

I cooked a pork roast yesterday and it was so good and juicy! I was real proud of myself:D :eek: :D I actually ate right too!:clap2: :clap2:

I read all the posts, now I can't remember who said what! Dang, the mind it the first to go ya know!:)

Mandy - You new baby is beautiful, and yes I can see the Mickey on the back.

Cindy - I had so much dust when they tore up just 4 squares of tile and ground down to fix a foundation leak that it took me months to get it all cleaned up. Just when you thought you had it all, you'd find more. I don't envy you! I have glasses hanging on our bar, and I had to tear the whole bar apart and clean everything. At least it sparkled afterwards!

Pat - I had my share of animals too! Now I just play with the neighbors pets. I love them, I just don't have time for them anymore. DH takes up all my time too!

Eileen - Sorry about your FIL, I'm sure they will find a way to have him be at home. Maybe they can send in some people to help out.

Dianne - Glad you enjoyed your trip! Sounds wonderful!

Mary - Glad you found something to help. I am anxious to hear about the tests too! Let us know.

Sherry - I loved the picture too! Thanks for sharing it.

Veggie - Great picture! Good luck with the liquids! Hang in there, you'll make it.

Beanie - Have a safe trip back! By the way, I loved your post, it made me stop and think some!

Darcy - Patty, come out and play!

Gotta run, sorry if I missed you!

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:bounce: Good Afternoon friends,

I've been thinking alot about my surgery, sad that it has been over a year since I set the wheels in motion. I decided that I needed to get to a church this morning -- do or die! A few weeks ago I was watching TV church when I sat and listened to this one preacher. I liked his message and then noticed that the church is literally down the street and a left turn from my house. Cottonwood Christian is what they call a MegaChurch which really scares me cause I don't do well in huge churches.... anyway the website brags about an extension church at a nearby racetrack (really), it says that you can grab a coffee, sit on the patio and watch the live service via satillite...... only in America could you do that! I had to try it! :wave: At 9:30 I jumped in my minivan and laughing at myself, drove to the Los Alamitos racetrack.... looking for the clubhouse. Once I parked the car I walked to the little green building and I could hear singing. Greeted by a smiling fellow I took a booklet and walked into a totally packed room. There was a jumbo tron at the back of the room, a smaller screen where I was standing and a small screen outside on the veranda. When everyone sat down I found a seat up front and waited on the Lord. The pastor taught from the gospel of Matthew and my heart warmed to some of the points where I needed to work and where I am on track. I thanked God for his abundant blessings on my life and asked clarification on my lapband decision. Church at the racetrack was good -- uhhhhh that sounded weird. My heart has been at peace all day and when I read my emails today there was a message from my attorney letting me know that my appeal letter has been mailed and my case is moving forward. So, I got comfirmation and a bit of hope today and that makes me smile :yo: So, that was my day today. I'm gonna mix some cookie dough for the boys cause they will be coming home in a few hours (happiness) and when you put the dough in a pizza pan it makes a giant cookie -- totally fun. Hugs,

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Hey Guys... I'm back from my first quilting retreat ....AHHHHHHHHHHH.... it's good to be home. Missed you all and am glad to be back where I can fart weith free abandon. :)

Pat... My hubby probably spent the whole time I was away on the the computer playing on my PoGo... he's too cheap to pay for another membership. I keep tellin him he better say hi if any of you pop into a room he is playing in. Anyhoo... Twasnt me.

Mandy... Congrats on your new kitty... how perfect is that Mickey spot!

Everyone else...hugs but tired and want to crawl into my own lovely bed and hear my hubby snore instead of three other women...lol.


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Hi everyone, has anyone had problems with acid reflex after surgery? I am worried because the last two months I have a what feels like a lump in the back of my throat and I am not sure if it goes away after surgery. I sure hope it does when I loose weight. It seems to have started when I packed on the last 10 pounds. Any suggestions?

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Hi everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your weekends! Monday is back to work - ugh!

Pat - I LOVE the tree! It's beautiful.

Eileen - I'm feeling great thanks! I get my first fill the Wed after Thanksgiving. I can't wait!!!

Welcome back Darcy! Glad you had fun!

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My kitty is cuddled up next to me, reading LBT. I think he might do well with a band himself, but I already love every ounce of him. I'm glad that we waited a few weeks to get him. He was actually at the shelter when we went last time, and we didn't even look at him. We really needed the time to grieve. I am starting to feel better now, I was able to talk about my Hobbes kitty boy today without crying. Hey, I'm making slow progress, but at least I am getting there.

I have had a rough week, I got into a huge fight with a very good friend (the one that was staying with me) after he went home and now we are not speaking. It sucks, we have been friends for over 10 years, and now a stupid girl is making waves. I was there for him when she broke his heart 3 years ago, I just can't watch him go back to her to get hurt again. When I expressed my concern he got defensive, and things went wrong fast. Then I had to go shopping with my MIL and SIL today, fun, fun, fun. I survived that to come home to a child with......you guessed it....Chicken Pox. We hav been to the ER to confirm it. She was itchy last night but no rash. This morning she had 2 bumps, I thought they might be flea bites from our new kitty. Then my niece called while I was shopping and said she had a few more places on her, I had her put some cortisone creme on them. By the time I got home her back was covered and they were spreading to her chest and sides. I called my mom and she said that with the chicken pox vaccine she should only get a few pox. She has waaay more than a few. I took her to an urgent care center (small ER) and they confirmed it is Chicken Pox, and said without the vaccine she would be one big walking pox. So, to recap, a fight with my friend (like a brother), shopping with the In-laws and now the Pox. Great week huh???? At least I got my kitty. Anyone got that box of Calgon??? On a happy note, I found those bath cubes that everyones grandma used to have in the bathroom but never used. I use them and love them. I found those in green tea and tea rose, woohoo! I am going to lay in the bath until the Water gets cold. Talk to y'all tomorrow. ~Mandy

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Hi all-

Terrimck1--I have no idea about the lump in the throat, I have occasional reflux, but no lumps. I think you would get better response, or at least have more people see it, if you posted you question in the general lap band area as opposed to just the New Jersey thread. But personally I think I would ask my Dr. Better safe than sorry--good luck, and welcome to LBT!!!

Mandy--beautiful cat, wonderif he has figured out yet how lucky he is? He has walked into a loving home--and will never want for another thing as long as he lives. Enjoy him! I can so relate to the day with the in-laws. Mine struck today too--kinda put a damper on my entire day....oh well, life goes on.

Darcy--glad you're back!!

Patty--sounds like good news on the lawyer front. Should have gone to church with you, would have enjoyed it more!!!

Pat--you say the tree is an investment, so I assume it is expensive. I guess I would ask if it was affordable, even tho expensive, and would it make you happy? Happier than a less expensive one? I bought a new tree 2 years ago, and I love it. I love the simplicity in setting it up, and that it is pre lit....worth every cent!!! I went with one of the thin trees, it fits in our little alcove better, and shows my stand I made and like so well!!! I took our old sled from when I was a kid (we bought it at a yard sale so it was old then!). It is a Red Flyer sled I guess....anyway I turned it into a tree stand. I say if you want it, and it doesn't hurt you to get it...Merry Christmas to YOU!!!

Betty--did you get all your weekend work done? I didn't I needed to do laundry, but decided stress relief took precedence,so I went walking instead! Laundry tomorrow I guess.

Veggie--yes beautiful pic---make it your new avatar--it would be perfect!! It shows your pretty smile!

Eileen--sorry about the FIL. My Grandma died with Alzheimers, and it was very sad. I hope it all works out for y'all.

Dianne--I know what you mean about cats and names...Our cats name is Bailey, but as often as that we call him Kitty Gato (Kitty---and Gato is spanish for cat) So Kitty Cat!!! Of course we also had a dog named Dioge (sounded out it is Dee Oh Gee D O G).

Cindy--how many more days til retirement???

Chris--you onto mushies yet?? How you feeling?

Beannie--how did the razzing go at the office? Threaten to run 'em down if they give you too much grief!!!

Mary--waiting to hear about your tests!!

Anyone heard from Anne? I sent her my snail mail address so we could all exchange for Christmas...but was wondering if she is still doing the list....

Ok, I am off--I ought to go to bed...I just want to eat--crappy days still do that to me.....and I have absolutely zero hunger!!! Go figure!!!

Y'all take care!


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Good Morning Y'all!

I guess I must have missed something, I didn't get the post on the Christmas thing. I want to be in, so include me too! Who do I send my address to, and how do I get y'all's????

Oh Pat, I love that tree, it is beautiful. If you like it, get it. I found one two years ago that I wanted so bad, but thought I would wait one more year before gettingit. Well, I have never found another one like it since, and I am still using the old one I had. If I have learned one thing about living in Texas, if you see something you want you better get it right then, because when you go back it will be gone. It happened to me quite a few times.

Terrimic - I don't have any idea on the lump either, I would check with the doctor.

Mandy - Hope you had a relaxing soak! Sorry about the pox!

Darcy - Hope you got some rest last night. How did the quilting go?

Patty - Hope you hear something soon! I'm still crossing my fingers for you!

Kat - Yes, I did get all my stuff done that I wanted to for the time I had! I don't think I will ever get all I want done!:)

You tree stand sounds so cool, you'll have to post a picture of it so we can see it!

Veggie - I agree, that would make a great avatar!

Eileen - Is your boss going to stand over your shoulder all week again? One time I had a boss that did that, I knew he was behind me so I turned around real fast like I was going to get up and I screamed real loud! Everyone came running in there and I looked at him and said "You almost gave me a heart attack, don't ever do that again!" He never did without saying something when he was coming in the door. Worked for me!

Dianne - Are you back home now or still relaxing?

Beanie - Hope your trip back home was safe! Give those kitties a big hug yet?

Cindy - So, as retirement is close by, what are your plans for after you retire? Have you had any second thoughts at all?

Mary - How you feeling? When will you hear something on your tests?

Chrispy - Hang in there, you'll be on solids before you know it!

Anne - Hello girl!

Ok, got to go get my butt dressed and get on the road. Cindy, I'll trade places with you! I am ready to retire, I just can't!:) :Banane33: :D

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