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November chat...again....

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I love the fruit cups, they make a perfect snack, frozed strawberries and peaches, they also make great smoothies, add some protien powder and some ice, yum! Another thing that is popular at my house is the lasagna roll-ups, I add a can of 3 cheese spagetti sauce and bake, top with some mozz cheese and dinner is done. We have meatballs with this, but they are not in the roll-ups. They are individually frozen so they are perfect for band sized meals. I love Market Day, did you know they are the same company as Sara Lee? If you have a sara lee store near you, most have the MD products in stock now. ~Mandy

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Hi, everyone!

Patty and Mandy, ya'll certainly do have your plates full with IEPs and ARDs. I don't envy you one bit. I've been to many of those meetings, on the other side of the table. Just to put in a good word for teachers: most of us want to help the special needs kids, we really do. The "middle men" get right in the way, though. All the laws and rules and regulations, and then the fear of being sued...well, it's hard to know how to help, and if you go out on a limb to try something, what if it's the wrong thing? Another problem that sometimes happens is there are so many kids in the teacher's class, and so many of them have IEP's, that following all of the special needs requests becomes almost impossible. Perhaps this isn't the situation that your children are in, but if it is, I beg mercy on these teachers. If, however, you are unfortunate enough to have a do-nothing, bad teacher, go ahead and put her head on a plate for all I care. I'm just asking to look at the entire picture...teachers are asked to do a mighty big job these days, especially in elementary school. I will also pray for both families that they are guided to the right teachers and that the right hands will touch these little lives. I know the teachers who can do it are out there.

Mary, I hope are okay...please let us know!

Kat, happy anniversary! I bet this is the sweetest anniversary of all!

Chrispy and Sherry...line dancing is a blast! I used to go dancing a lot when I was a single gal, and I still love it! Ya'll have fun!

To everyone else, have a great day!

Eileen, how's your back/hip? I hope you are feeling better.

Love to all, Cindy

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Hello! I am worried about something in particular after surgery....:straight I was expecting to have my boyfriend around a lot more after the surgery than he truly will be able to. He found out recently that his work wont let him off on some days that we were hoping they would...

What I am truly worried about is being able to get out of bed/off a couch, basically sit up on my own without assistance. Now I understand that we all vary idividually is the sense of recovery, but I was just wonderign what you all thought of that....:guess

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My hubby had to retun to work the day after my surgery, I did a ton of recliner napping. My worst time was getting up after sleeping all night, he was able to help me out of bed before leaving for work each day. I thin you will be ok, make sure he has at least the day of surgery to help all day. I was not only alone the day after but had my 4 year old to care for. We were fine, I took pain meds to help me sleep at night and liquid tylenol for the days. I had minimal pain, and would say that most people have about the same experience as I did. I have a shopping list, if you need it. ~Mandy

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Cassandra - I was banded on Monday, stayed at my parents house Tuesday night, and then was home on Wednesday and did just fine (I live alone). I was just slow getting up and down.

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It is looking like Eileenie and I might miss each other AGAIN. Our Eileen is in high demand at her office - she has hot dates lined up all week! I guess I should have given a little more advanced notice.

Miss Eileen - put me down for December 5th thru the 8th. I am already on the calendar for the first week in December. :]

Well - today was somewhat exciting because I started out the day with a little fender bender... just what every girl needs to make her confident and positive for the rest of the week!!

I was making a left turn where there was no light - some guy was barrelling pretty fast and I didn't see him til he was almost on me - I stopped and he didn't QUITE swerve all the way around me. He slid the side of his car across the front of my bumper. It was SPECIAL. I guess it's good that nobody was hurt and the damage is minimal - but it was a sucky way to start the day. I am going to have to find a better way to get out of this stupid hotel.

Otherwise the day was uneventful. I got a little over-excited when Eileen started flaunting the food porn in the e-mail - so much so that I had to share a piece of homemade Italian cheesecake with my co-worker at dinner tonight. It was sort of like a cross between cheesecake and bread pudding - it was hard to describe - but very, very good.

Dang it~! Now I am getting myself all excited again. Is this obsession with desert foods wrong? I may need counselling.

Of course - my co-worker is one of those women who is too thin and has trouble gaining weight. If she wasn't so nice I might have to hate her. I guess that means MORE counselling. *sigh*

I guess I am a hopeless case. They will be locking me up in the psych ward across from my office in no time - if I don't go nuts and break into the armory next door first and knock over a Sara Lee store....

yeah - that's the kind of mood I am in. Scary, ain't it? Seriously, I find it appropriate that we have a psych ward and an armory within a mile of my office - one never knows if a mortgage professional is going to go postal or go wacko. ... I am trying for a middle ground, here.

Well - I am off to bed. I don't know if it was a train going by at four am this morning or a drunk in the hallway - but I am so hoping that I get to sleep thru the night tonight.

If I don't snuggle down and sleep soon, I will be forced to order cake from room service or something!

Love you guys.


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beanie, are you going to be like Vinnie in My Cousin Vinnie, with the train aking him up at 4am? Glad the accident was minor, sucks but at least you weren't hurt. Hope the rest of your week is safer and more restful. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Y'all!

What a rise and fall in temp! High 80's today, then Saturday back in the 60's!

Just give me back the spring/summer and I'll be happy! I like being outdoors:D

Eileen - Slow down girl, tell that boss you need some down time!:) :rofl:

Beanie - We just can't let you do anything can we? Just when we let you go have some fun, you get in an accident!:success1: Just glad to hear it was minor and nobody got hurt!

Kat - I hope you have a great anniversary tomorrow. Ours is the 24th! Have fun raking leaves! That is the one thing I don't miss doing anymore!

Patty - Gosh you have a lot on your plate hun, hang in there! Things will get better soon!

Cindy - I got to shake Johnson's hand and was thrilled to death! I was pretty young, but will never forget it. He had the softest hands I ever touched! It is exciting, and I'm glad you had the chance to do it!

Dianne - Lane Bryant has the larger cups too! You might give them a try!

Mandy - That veggie things sounds neat, and it is the first I ever heard of it.

Pat - Did you ever go for that second opinion? Just wondering.

Mary - Sorry you are still having problems with your band. I hope they can do something w/o taking it away. Hugs!

Chrispy - Sounds like you had fun dancing, I love to dance!

Darcy - Hi girl! Missin you!

Cassandra - The day I had surgery, my DH brought me home and he had to go back to work. He took off the day of surgery and they wouldn't let him have the next day off. I came home and took care of myself, and I didn't have any problems. I think it helped me more than anything, it made me move to get my own stuff and all.

OK, if I missed you I am sorry, got to run and go to work. Someday I won't have to work and I'll get to play all day. Yeah right!:D

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Hi Chicklets, sorry I can't play. Boy am I gonna have alot of reading to do come saturday morning.

Lov yah's !!!!

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Just stopped in to say HI...

Well everything worked out here at work and come to find out it was an obsolete product and that is why I did not report it.. Not to mention I prayed about it all morning..

Well my 2 boys as well as me are sick - flippin virus.. Anyway my throat is acting up again Virus or something?? Damm it.

Anyway better get to work - BBL

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Hi Guys

Computers are messed up so I thought I would stop in and see what's shakin' with my peeps.

Dianne - so did you survive TOM with no munchie attacks? How are you doing? Did your financial client purchase adverts?

Mary - Never? I guess it isn't unheard of that you have never been on a plane. I would hardly ever have been except for this business travel. It doesn't matter so long as you drive up to TX every so often so we can lay eyes on you and the boys. How are you doing? What is the deal with your band? I would hate to think of you losing it - you are doing so well! The Barretts is not band related, right? Oh and I hope you and the boys beat that virus thing quick! Hugs!

Kat - Alas - the stairs just give me knee pain... I really expect to have puffed up some while I am here. I always do. I think my liquid levels get all messed up because I am missing my regular Water routine - and then there is the swelling from the flight. It all goes away after about a week of being home - but it's a little depressing right after I get back. Too Funny about the "Busty" typo. We ARE a busty bunch, aren't we? I feel almost inadequate at 42DDD. :] I hope your DH and your DD are both well. I was so glad to hear that DH came thru that last bit of nastiness.

Eileenie - smack that boss around! We need you, here. Geez. These guys expect you to actually WORK to get paid? What's THAT all about?? :]

Mandy - Guests - love to see them come, love to see them go. I really don't know how you Mom types deal with all the fluster of going to and fro and such. My life is very placid in comparison - except when work gets busy, I am pretty relaxed. I couldn't handle the drama - really. I stand amazed at all of y'all who can do the Mom, Work and Life thing all at once. If it was on me to have kids - I would either have to live in a cardboard box or the species would die out from lack of children! Hugs and Kudos to you. Abi is a doll. Oh - and thanks for the well wishes on the train. Either I was so exausted I slept through it - or it was a drunk in the hall - cause I didn't wake up. And yeah - call me Vinnie. Of course, it's like reverse Vinnie - cause instead of the city slicker in hicksville, I am the hick in the big city. :]

Patty - Double for you on the Mom/kids thing. All those boys. I would just drop from exaustion. HUGS! Don't cut that teacher any slack. I know she has a lot on her plate - but your kids should not have to suffer because of it. If she can't do it alone - demand that the district get her some help. That's why we have teacher's aids...

Cassandra - HI!!! I haven't really had a chance to welcome you to our cozy little thread. There is only one rule - keep love in your heart and respond with care. We don't always agree on everything here - but we do always show the proper respect for the opinions of others. I think you will be happy here, as we all are. We like just hanging out and supporting one another thru the little trials of life - whether they are band related, or not. Best wishes for your upcoming surgery! I lost 16 lbs in the week prior by eating low carb - mostly raw vegetables and Protein shakes. I treated myself with a no sugar added fudgecicle pretty much every day and I used a low fat/moderately low carb dip with the veggies. I was shocked at the 16 lbs - but it went and it never came back. Yee Haw! I know you will do great. Oh - and by day four, I felt ready to return to my desk job. I did sleep sitting up for the first couple of days - dang I wished I had a recliner - but after that it was all fine. If you BF can hang with you for a day or two - you should be ok after that.

Cindy - do tell about your substitute experience. How is that going? What is happening with your class? You aren't retired, yet, right? And what prompted the whole remodel thing? Are you just fixing up so you can enjoy your upcoming retirement? Or are you going to downsize to a smaller pad?

Chris - you wild dancing chick, you! I have been thinking of signing up for some kind of dancing class - since it is great exercise and lots more fun than walking the treadmill... but my work is so erratic. I don't know if I could get out of my office early enough on a regular basis... *sigh*

Betty - yep. I am a danger to myself and society. Today I am leaning toward checking myself into the psych ward. I could due with being sedated for a few weeks. Really. Sounds like I am missing all the warm weather while I am here. bummer. I like that warm stuff. I have gotten spoiled by living in TX. How's your foot doing?

Well - I have been working the slow trickle of files while I was typing this up - but I have to run, now. Tomorrow we head for home - so I have to wrap up what we are doing here by about 11. Since I had the fender bender - I have to factor in at least an hour of paperwork at Hertz before I can get on the plane. Oh Joy. Oh Rapture.

Love you guys. I will try to check in tonight before bed.


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We did the IEP today and guess what? It's being postponed for another month. The school wants to get yet another report from th neurologist. Abi has an appointment with him on Dec 3rd. They are saying they believe her problems to be neurological in nature, not sure what exactly that will lead to, we shall see. I am off to start dinner, with the house guest and my 17 year old niece, it's gonna be a hectic night around here. I'll try to stop back in later. ~Mandy

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Hello everyone, I'm falling so far behind with my reading.

Dance class was a alot of fun and yeap we felt it in our legs while we were there. The next day wasn't bad but we had a casualty. Mom doesn't want to learn this way. Too many dances in one night for her, she'd rather learn one a night sooo it's down to me and Chris and a maybe for Donna :) I thought it was fun and when I missed a step or was totally lost I just "went jiggy wit it" hahaha. I laughed and had fun and wiggled until they came to a stop spot that I could catch up on. WHO CARES was my attitude. I don't know these people so I'm gonna have fun hee hee.

Soooo I signed up for a gym membership...so someone wanna line up and take the money from my wallet before they do lol. I signed myself and hubby up so we'd get each other to go. I know I have to exercise in order to get this weight off soooooooo we'll see if we make it to the gym. I've gotta do it. I say to myself....3 measily 1 hour sessions a week why can't I do that for myself? Well I'm gonna do it dang nabbit! Someone tell me I CAN'T so that I want to ok...you know like I CAN'T HAVE chocolate and I eat a pound lol. I'm hoping it works hahaha. I'm also thinking the gym will help burn off some stress from the job. It's CRAZY :faint: there right now. Two new supervisors to train, 3 replacements for them, I've suggested to my boss (umm ex boss) that she should hire another one for the department as their reports are getting way too big to handle, PLUS 3 new employees that are all still training and I'm double checking their work. AND ta boot....I'm going to need training myself. Oh yea no stress here folks :guess. I'm doing ok though..handling it ok I think lol. Hmmm maybe I'm just nuts and that's why I think it's ok? lol

Bean - I had heard flights sometimes reap havoc on the band. Do you have trouble with restriction after you fly? Do you enjoy all that traveling for work?

Mandy - If they school wants this report do they pay for the testing? I'm dreaming about that huh?

Mary - Glad you figured out what the problem was. I hate it when stuff happens at work that I can't explain quickly. Especially when they keep telling me to delegate work and when I do the work doesn't get done and then whooooooo do they come see?

Eileen - Hope you can come out and play soon. TGIF almost hee hee. What ya got cooking for the weekend? Anything special? Hows the back?

Betty - How is your foot? Have you been able to ride? I still have my eye on a Ridley. DH, DS and I have an Alaskan cruise planned in July 07 but, we're thinking we may cancel because my DS is 16 just got a job will have his license and he won't want to go. NO WAY no how am I leaving him home either lol. Sooo maybe the Cruise money can go towards my Ridley heh heh

Vegge - I was spoiled by my DH when I had my surgery because he took the week off with me. I do believe I would of been ok though after the first day. Just go slow like Chrispy said, when you get up and down. Welcome to the NJ thread :)

Cindy - How is your back doing? Takes a special person to be a special teacher that's for sure. I can tell you truly care for the kids in your classes...we have had a favorite teacher in our lives and I can bet you are to some of your students :) Hope all is well.

Patty - 90 degrees wowza. I was in that boat with my left ankle as well before my band. My entire foot used to swell and my ankle was terrible. DH used to have to massage the Fluid out of it at night for me :) I hope that got better for you. Good luck with all the school things you have to go through for the boys.

Kat - Mulchin leaves and going to Curves...girlfriend you're getting lots of exercise. I'm proud of ya :) That's great! DH would love to learn country dance with me. He was hoping there would be some males in the class but there was 1 in 16. I told him he should go anyway and have fun with us gals :) My friend Donna said she'd get picked on by him all night so she'd go lol. We'll have to see if I can get him to go with me :) Another night of exercise is what I'm thinkin :)

Darcy, Diane & Pat...Yoooo girls whats shakin? hee hee Hope all is going well. I'd say more but this advanced thing only goes so far haha. Yeap that's right I cheat and peek while I'm typing lol.

Anyone hear from Anne or Donna?

Ok time to get some Water down the gullet. Love you folks. Have a fantastic Friday!

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Sherry, you are in deed dreaming. They want a report from her neurologist, our health insurance pays for it, we can't go until Dec 3rd, that is when she is due for a medicine check anyway. She has what they are calling word drop syndrome, she knows what she wants to say, but the word escapes her. Sometimes hours later it will hit her and she makes a very loud annoucement about whatever it was. For exmple, they are testing letters, shapes and colors. The teacher points to a shape and the kids have to identify the shape by name. Abi knew what the rectangle was, could tell the teacher it qualities, but couldn't remember what it was called. 15 mins later during storytime she raises her hand and tells the teacher it was a rectangle. They believe this is more neurological then learning disability. Who knows, I have to talk to the Neurologist. They are going to start working with her as a "guest" in the special ed group, but that might only be temporary. I was told that they would work with her "as needed" until we can set something in stone. I will keep everyone updated as I get info. ~Mandy

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Hello Everyone! Thank you for all of your encouraging words! I love to read your posts! I love how you all are so supportive and hilarious, a great combination! Laughter does Heal!

Mandy-I would really appreciate the "shopping list" that you used pre-op. I have bought a few things that I figured I would need, but I want to be as prepared as possible, since I will be alone. Also, I wanted to let you know that you have been in my thoughts regarding the IEP meetings, as a teacher I see a lot of parents go through them and I know that they can be very difficult...

Everyone else--have a great weekend, I am lucky enough to be off tomorrow after a few grueling days of parent/teacher conferences!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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