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November chat...again....

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I'm starting this again. Hope it sticks this time. And here is the picture of Abi that I promised yesterday. ~Mandy

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Wow, Mandy - she is adorable!!

so - do we know what happened to our chat?? Did someone delete us??

Shhhhh - I'm not really supposed to be here right now, anyway - I just dropped in to change my signature for my new Official weight. I only change it when I visit my doc's office.

Hope we find the other November Chat. I know there is stuff I missed...

See y'all later.

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LBT was down for a day or so, not much missed. Seems everything was deleted from the brief time before the server crashed. ~Mandy

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WTG Beanie on the WL! WOW girl your so close to twoterville!! I'm so excited for you!! YAYYYYYYY:clap2: :clap2:

Mandy-What a cutie she is.

Hi everyone else.

DD and I are going to Ashville to the Biltmore tomorrow and coming home on Saturday night. We are real excited. Hope everyone has a good weekend if I don't get on here.

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Good Morning Y'all!

I finally found this! I didn't get to read the other one, so I don't know what I missed!

Beanie - Whooooooo Hooooooo! Way to go girl!:clap2: :clap2:

Mandy - She is adorable! What a cutie!

Diane - Have a fun trip!

Good morning everyone else! I'll check later if this board is still up and running. It was down for me again this morning. So, I didn't get to post much!

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Boards been up & down for me too....hope they get it fixed soon, not only do I really miss it, I just know how aggravating computer problems can be, and hate that anyone is having that!!!

Mandy--wasn't sure what a punk pirate was gonna look like, and it worked!!! She is a cutie for sure!!! I had a barnyard full of grandkids this year. My oldest granddaughter was a fairy princess for school, but Halloween night she was a girl on a horse, my youngest granddaughter was a cat, who refused to say Trick or Treat, she would only Meow...she is not quite 2, and my grandson was a little bull...horns and all!!! It was a fun night. I got to see a lot of the kids I provided day care for, and their kids!!! We always have food, and open bathrooms and they know it! My DD's BF's Dad (didja get that??) made the most awesome haunted house!! He totally gets into Halloween, and he turns a huge quanset hut garage into a haunted trail, some is lighted, so you see the eyes of the pictures follow you, and see gross things!! Then it goes into a dark area, and it was amazing!!! Caskets with rising dracula's, ghosts...you name it, it was impressive. He does it evey year. And in the side yard, he has a little spook walk, for young kids, which is very un-scary, fun things. I like this BF, and his parents. I really like how he treats my DD and granddaughter. They went to school together, so I think they are comfortable, not serious. Which is ok.

Have a good weekend Dianne--mine is going to be boring...and I am good with that, we have had far too much excitment!!!

Betty--any improvement on the foot? Your Halloween sounded fun, it was too cold here for that kind of party. We have to find costumes for the kids they can wear coats with, or under.

Eileen, Pat, Sherry, Anne, Mary, Darcy, Patty, Cindy, Beannie, and whoever else my poor "too early in the morning" brain can't think of....Good Morning! Come out and play....can't ya smell the weekend on it's way???


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Good Morning Ladies!

It's a new month and I'm going to be a better NJ friend, or at least try not to get behind again.

It just gets overwhelming some times trying to touch on every one's comments, sorry.

I do care about each and every one of you, AND your trials and tribulations, but once ya get a day behind, it's all over, LOL.

Mandy, your daughter is adorable and growing alike a weed.

Kat, how's the hubby?

Betty, I see you sneaking around in here this AM, you off work today?

I've got the snots, I rarely ever get sick, my head is so full of snot, my throat hurts and I've coughed so much I'm actually worried about my band. I find myself holding onto it when I'm coughing. Have you ever tried to stifle a cough, well, its very hard to do!

As Eileenie would say....TGIF!

Cindy, I'll post some pictures of what my house looked like when they had to come back and redo my floors AFTER we moved in, it was awful. I had to go in and out of my bedroom patio door, it was miserable.

Patty, hope you got your bank account straightened out, if they don't get it back soon enough, demand to see a bank manager, you shouldn't have to wait weeks.

Later gang!

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Anyone else not getting email notices?

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I haven't noticed if I'm not getting email notices...everything is so "out of whack"!

I did notice that LBT was messed up...I couldn't get it to come up for a couple of days...and now our home computer is running so slow we can't figure out what is wrong...


Mandy, Abi is adorable! I can't post anything because the cameras and cords are all packed up at the moment, but Abi is the cutest pirate ever!

Pat, thank you for understanding the chaos we're in right now! The tile guy left us a working toilet yesterday, but no working shower, so all three of us came to school/work showerless today! I think we'll pass for clean, but I hope we can shower tonight! On the positive side, the tile and trim looks really good together!

I've gotta get...some of my "projects" are coming in the door! Hugs! Cindy

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I am getting notices again, I guess, that's good thing. Cindy, I feel for you and the chaos in the house. We had a bathroom remodeled last year before we moved here and we had no shower for 4 days. We were lucky to have my sister right around the corner, we showered at her house. I am planning a remodel of the bathroom here next spring, I picked out a jet tub yesterday, it's gonna be nice. We have one of those overlays in the bathroom now and I hate it, it looks cheap and didn't hold up well at all. Our home was a rental property before we bought it so everything was done cheaply, but we got a great deal so we can redo and upgrade the things that we don't like. We are redoing a bathroom this spring, and then adding hardwood floors the following year. I have carpet everywhere now and I really want hardwood in the livingroom, the hallways and the stairs. I am even considering synthetic wood in the kitchen. The only place with carpet will be Abi's room and the basement. When we redo the bathroom I am going to do real tile instead of the peel and stick crap that I have now. I am going to retile both bathrooms at the same time. The downstairs bathroom is only a half bath and other than the fact that there are 3 layers of peel and stick "tile" on the floors it is in great shape. I want to add a corner shelving unit for towels and stuff but that is simple and cheap to do. Oh the joy of remodeling. ~Mandy

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Well howdeeeeeeeeee !

I pop in here yesterday and the dang place was closed... WTF??? LBT must realize when my boss is away...this fat cat wants to play :D

Mandy cute costume !! we got so much candy it isn't funny ....burp~

Beanie congrats on being almost at the twoosies... come on chicklet, you can do it.

Pat, I'm like you.... its hard to catch up with everyone so I'm gonna start a clean slate w/y'all.

I miss you all so much. Things have been hairy lately and I feel like hiding LOL.

I went for a fill today.... first one in 6 big fat freakin months. I don't know if you all remember me saying my doc was getting a new intern/doc there to do the fills back in May... well he did. And I didn't want to be a guinea pig so i waited this long to get a fill. Girls, this guy was wonderful, I didn't feel the needle and he got it on the first shot.... ohhhhhhhhhh and get this crap.... he actually has a personality and was friendly...like normal friendly haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!! me likey !!!

Went to the gyno for my results of the ultrasound I had 3 weeks ago...you remember the technician that *F* up my back. Well the gyno results are normal...nuthin but air there !!!! I did tell the office mangager about the technician just incase she is hurting others.

DH's father isn't doing well.... he's in the hospital with pneumonia and a broken wrist...??? don't ask. Anyway...........get this crap.... the SOCIAL WORKER tells my DH that SHE doesn't think my FIL will make it but only a few months......... GEE I DIDN'T KNOW SOCIAL WORKERS WERE GOD!!! or even allowed to say such a thing to a patient. I mean the doctors didn't even tell us that... Pat this one's for you...... "WTF" ???????

Didn't I tell you it was hairy around here LOL !!!

I've been eating so much candy I'm starting to like my own farts.....its like baking brownies in my house anymore. I'm not gaining weight but I'm not losing either *shrug* I can't part with my stash either.... halloween didn't help. The only saving grace is I can't eat today b/c of the fill haaaaaaa.

I can't wait to get home tonight and get in my PJ's and relax.

Watcha all doing this weekend? anything FUN!!!

IRA !!!! hows your wife? did she have surgery??? I was thinking of you today at Doc B's office.


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OMG Eileen you had me snorting about the aroma... Girl it is nice to see or hear you or read you.. You know what I mean.. I was here the other day and made a long long post, only to come back and it was all a gone.. :D

Anyway not much happening in my neck of the woods Oh wait yes there is..

The President will be here tomorrow supporting Marilyn Musgrave. I wanted to take my kids in the hopes that they could see him but going to be to many people. I will settle for taking the binoculars and watching Marine One land. Well I best be getting back to work.

Patty I would definetly talk with a Bank Manager to replenish your account. Did you make the police report? Hopefully it will all work out!!! PRAYING FOR YOU.

Dianne ~ how are you doing? Is everything ok now?

Rene ~ I had kuddos for you girlfriend ~ you have lost alot in the amount of time being banded and even pre.. What did you doc say? Did you get a fill?

Hi Pat ~ How are you all doing (DS)?

Kat ~ the boy sounds like a keeper. How is DH doing? I have not even been asked out on a date.. Humm maybe it's cause I am never out?? Oh Well ~ unapproachable is what my new name will be..

WOW Cindy ~ you are almost there? I have never had the bathroom done, just the garage/bedroom conversion and boy what a mess. I feel for you. Oh I lied when they put the tile down in the bathroom they took the toilet out. I had to run down my moms every little while, and the boys well you know ~ went out back.

Eileen ~ I say ~~ Slap the Botch ~ how dare she!!!

Abi sure made a cutie Pirate..

Well enough of a break ~ i hope this sticks now and I do not lose it...

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Good Morning,

Mary, good to see you too chicklet. Have fun trying to see the Prez.

Patty my stars lady, I agree with Mary, go to that manager and demand your money back into your account. Banks can be such asswipes. When my father passed away, my mom went to the bank to get money out to bury him. The bank froze her account !!!!! she was screaming and yelling at the biotch of a teller and the manager that they should pay for his burial then... how stupid and insensitive of them. My point is.... you need your money to live and they need to give it back to you.

Nothing much happening today, cleaning, running to a few stores, laundry and soft foods lol.

How about you all ?


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Hi everyone...

I just wrote you a long letter, and when I tried to post it, it was gone...now I've gotta get going.

Congrats, Beanie!

Sorry, Eileen for the stupid social worker, and congrats on the happy fill.

Mandy, your house plans sound great, and you can look forward to the results...we are so happy with ours!

See you chicklets later....gotta run!

Hugs, Cindy

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Good Morning,

I think I'm going to live, I spent the entire day in bed yesterday, I may go for a slight fill in a couple of weeks just to make sure I haven't bursted my band with all the coughing. I coughed so hard I would hold onto my stomach. Still coughing, but not as violent. My DH was teasing me, telling me I must be really sick, he hadn't seen me on the puter all day. :sick **

Eileenie, what do you and DD have planned today? You and Cindy should really try to meet up with your daughters. I'm disappointed I never got to meet you this summer, :think . But then again, I'd love to meet each and every one of ya. Oh yeah, Get rid of the candy girl!

Talk about farts, well at least now since I had the surgery, I don't have to worry about wetting my panties, cause now I fart....WTF **yesterday it was cough and fart, cough and fart, which is pretty embarrassing, when your housekeeper is standing there talking to ya. It's hard to squeeze the cheeks when you're lying down AND coughing. :)

Betty, what's up? Checked your mail lately?

Cindy I posted those pictures in the NJ picture section.

Mary, you've been very quiet lately too. Hope all is well.

Rene, congrats on the weight loss, I hope you reach your mini goal really soon, that's such an accomplishment, you go girl!

Anne, Sherry, Patty, where are you all?

I guess no one ever got up with Dona? Now that is weird, just too darn weird.

Later girlies,

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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