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If you were a binge eater before

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Clk thank you SO much for the novella! It's so Apparent that you love to help others and that you genuinely care! I really appreciate your presence on the board!!

It feels so good to imagine my life outside this prison. I just think about food SO much. It gets me out of bed in the morning, even if I'm not actually hungry. "All the experts say to eat within 1 hour of waking up! I better get up and eat something even tho I'm not hungry!" Etc. I'm so ready to move past this!!

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Thanks for all the replies!

No' date=' I'm still PRE op. :) I just stuffed myself on leftover cold rice pudding for Breakfast and felt awful. I can't wait to experience all of this! So SO excited. As long as all goes as planned, I'll be sleeved on the 18th[/quote']

You should try logging on to my fitness pal it helps you to see how many calories you're actually consuming.

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clk - you have captured so well the thoughts and processes that many of us go through. I, too, was a binge eater. I had a Lapband revision and I can tell you also that with the Lapband I was still a binge eater. That is mostly because I would binge on sweets - ice cream, cannolis, etc. While I never wanted or would consider RNY because I had no co-morbidities - I worried when having sleeve surgery 10 months ago that without dumping syndrome I would continue on with my sugar/carb addiction.

I am happy to say that I can't even imagine being a binge eater anymore and I've removed that label from myself. I'm still amazed at how the sleeve has completely changed my relationship with food. I think that the lack of hunger and a Protein rich diet has really been key. I also think that my post-op diet as well as surgeon's follow up program has also been key. I can't say enough good things about my surgeon and US Bariatrics in St. Augustine FL.

That being said my post op diet did not allow for most carbs for six months - even nuts. My carbs came from low fat dairy and some fruits and vegetables - I had no Pasta, rice, bread, potatoes or nuts. I learned about MyFitnessPal on VST and I absolutely love it. It's the best program I have ever used. So I agree with others that tracking is another key to success. I have it on my iPhone and track anywhere and everywhere - I don't have the excuse that I wasn't by a computer. In fact I just read yesterday that Consumers Digest just rated it the #1 program for weight loss this year- above WW, etc.

Anyway, back to binging - with your small pouch I think you would really have to work hard to binge. During the holidays I did eat more sweets than I ever had since surgery but I tracked every one of them. In fact, a lot of them just didn't even taste that good anymore. My sister sends out packages of her homemade Cookies each year and most years I would get those in the mail, stash them and eat them all within a day or two. My husband never even knew they came :) This year I received the package and ate 2 Cookies a day (tracking them) for a few days and then brought the rest to my aunt who is a couple of hours away in an assisted living facility.

Others have mentioned many books and I'll add one to the list which I bought years ago. It is called "Shrink Yourself" and it deals with binging and the psychology of overeating. There is also an online program at www.shrinkyourself.com. While there is a paid 12 week program there is more than enough free information out there to help people so check it out.

I guess more than anything else I wanted to respond as another former binge eater with my testimony that since having the sleeve it has been a non-issue - which in itself alone truly AMAZES me.

I hope this helps.


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This is a great thread for all of us who struggle with binge eating. Thanks to everyone for their contributions to this discussion.

I am still pre-op & hoping to get the gastric sleeve some time in the next few months once insurance requirements are satisfied.

My emotional eating & how the sleeve will affect it are things I want to be mindful of as I move forward. I have done a lot of work on figuring out how to get to a healthier place of balance and moderation. A big step for me was giving up the dream that one day I would be completely free of this issue. I finally accepted the fact that my food issues will always be lurking & I just need to continue to be mindful of them and manage them.

However, it is wonderful to hear from many of you that this issue can get a lot easier to manage after the sleeve. It's inspiring. And it further confirms I'm making a good decision to have the surgery. Thanks!

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I love this thread, thank you for posting it! CLK (Cheri), I totally respect your responses on threads, especially on this one. Thank you for posting your reply.

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Good lord I love this thread. I am a binge eater and a secret eater. If I picked up food for work or home, I always had something "extra" to eat in the car on the way back. If I had to stop at the drugstore, I got a candy bar and ate it before I got home. I'd sit in my car and eat lunch after driving through somewhere bc I didn't want anyone to see how much I ate. And when I'd get donuts on the way to work, I pretended that some of them were for my coworkers, but they were really all for me.

It's such painful behavior and it's both humiliating and liberating to admit it. My BFF and I (both with troubled childhoods and difficult mothers) "joke" about our addiction by saying, "Well, lets just go eat a hug." I've always HATED myself for having no willpower and feeling powerless over food.< /p>

I'm about 3 months out from surgery and my appetite is returning to a certain degree. It terrifies me. To date, I have not "cheated". I'm proud of myself for choosing well so far and I have an amazing DH and circle of friends cheering me on. I know I'm one of the lucky ones.

I'm trying hard to deal with my addiction to food and it is like dancing with the devil. I come my a family of addicts and worry every day that I can't do this. I told my DH, "It's like telling an alcoholic, 'I know you can't handle alcohol, but you'll have to drink it every day of your life and it's up to you to make sure that you drink only this certain type of alcohol and only in moderation.'"

It seems almost impossible!


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Me too me too! Thank you again Cheri for your insights. They always give me hope. What is your user name on MFP? I would love to be added to your friend list.

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I am the quintessential binge eater. I would order two meals from a fast food restaurant, and get two drinks just so the person at the window would think the two meals were for me and another person. They weren't. I would eat one on the way home and have the other when I got there. If I made a meal at home, I would eat all of it in one sitting (boxes of shells and cheese macaroni never stood a chance!) I am actually surprised that I didn't weigh more than I did!

I am 10 weeks out and I have had the crazy head hunger only a couple of times where I am not hungry, but I want to eat. It is usually at night so I will either have a sugar free Jello cup, a glass of Water, or I'll just go to bed. As far as the urge to binge eat; I do not have a problem stopping when I feel satisfied. In fact, I never knew what the "satisfied"feeling was until after my surgery. Like TheGamer said, the full feeling I knew was bursting. Now, I feel satiated and I stop. It is the greatest feeling in the world!

I agree with you completely.... I did the double order at fast food joints all the time... or pretended to be on the phone with someone and pretended to ask what they wanted... it was horrible... today however, I had my last fast food meal. My official 2 week liquid diet starts tomorrow (I had to go on liquid for 4 days last week to lose weight I put on from my forms.... lost 11 pounds in 4 days, so lightened up the the liquids for my last 48 hours... one of my favorite restaurants tonight and onto liquids for 2 full weeks prior to surgery)

I am so hoping that I can get past the head hunger post surgery. Currently reading a book that was suggested to me right now, hoping it helps.

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Binge eater for many many years.I would only start eating around five in the afternoon.Snacking at first,then dinner and then when the family went to bed..I would start the serious binge.I would easily eat a litre of ice cream and a big packet of crisps every night.I would also add other stuff to the mix.Hated myself for many,many years while cycling between starvation diets and binge eating.

Now,when life sucks, as it sometimes will.I still stay up late.But the sleeve has an answer to everything that was wrong in my eating before.

I get reflux only if I eat after 9 in the evening.So that is a scary thought,waking up at 5 gargling acid.Too scared to do that most nights and will sleep in upright possition when I did eat too late.Have had to do that only when I ate on airoplane late at night a couple of times.

I dump on alcohol.It sucks when you want to have a drink at socials but the Lord knew I had potential to become a drinker..lol

I can eat 2 rusks as a binge..lol

Or 4 crackers with butter and marmite.

Now,when I really "need to eat" something,I will have 2 ryevitas with sugarfree jelly or a salty spread with a large cup of tea afterwards.Sometimes I will just skip this and have some beef Jerky.

I am 10 months out and not particularly vigilant in what I am eating,as I believe my search for balance from day one post sleeve has paid off.I really mind my sleeve and full means full.I cannot overeat and when I have eaten too rich food today,tomorrow I will just compensate by eating veggies and Protein.a bad day would be a rusk for Breakfast,a Protein for lunch,a spoon of Pasta and a protein for dinner and a rusk or 2 after dinner.A good day would be without the rusks..lol

My thin friend's lessons worked ( she constantly reminded me about balance and adjusting without self condemnation that causes us to lose self control).I have been practising "skinny" for 10 months now,sometimes more successful and sometimes freaking out,but I keep plodding along.All my plodding skinny friends seems to win the battle,I will too.

Interesting thread!

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GeauxForIt thank you for sharing, I totally relate to the whole addiction thing and this is one of my major concerns. Im still im early pre op stage but I wonder all the time..good luck :)

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Good lord I love this thread. I am a binge eater and a secret eater. If I picked up food for work or home' date=' I always had something "extra" to eat in the car on the way back. If I had to stop at the drugstore, I got a candy bar and ate it before I got home. I'd sit in my car and eat lunch after driving through somewhere bc I didn't want anyone to see how much I ate. And when I'd get donuts on the way to work, I pretended that some of them were for my coworkers, but they were really all for me.

It's such painful behavior and it's both humiliating and liberating to admit it. My BFF and I (both with troubled childhoods and difficult mothers) "joke" about our addiction by saying, "Well, lets just go eat a hug." I've always HATED myself for having no willpower and feeling powerless over food.< /p>

I'm about 3 months out from surgery and my appetite is returning to a certain degree. It terrifies me. To date, I have not "cheated". I'm proud of myself for choosing well so far and I have an amazing DH and circle of friends cheering me on. I know I'm one of the lucky ones.

I'm trying hard to deal with my addiction to food and it is like dancing with the devil. I come my a family of addicts and worry every day that I can't do this. I told my DH, "It's like telling an alcoholic, 'I know you can't handle alcohol, but you'll have to drink it every day of your life and it's up to you to make sure that you drink only this certain type of alcohol and only in moderation.'"

It seems almost impossible!


Thank you

For sharing I can identify soo much!

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Thanks for the support, ladies. It means a lot. Sometimes this food thing is a lonely place to be. I'm trying to be brutally honest with myself and my crazy, unhealthy behaviors.

I'm ready to give up my excuses (alcoholic father, mother married 5 times, moving so much when young, blah, blah, blah) and take responsibility for my CHOICES.

food was always there for me; a constant in my crazy life and the way my grandmother (another constant) showed love. Eating something yummy (read: bad for me) made me feel good and being full (stuffed!) made me happy. I struggle every day, but I've been to enough AA crap to know that all you can do it take it one day at a time.

And some days, I can only take it 15 minutes at a time! But I'M DOING IT!! I have to. I have three beautiful, young children and an amazing husband who NEED and love me!!

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Thanks for the support' date=' ladies. It means a lot. Sometimes this food thing is a lonely place to be. I'm trying to be brutally honest with myself and my crazy, unhealthy behaviors.

I'm ready to give up my excuses (alcoholic father, mother married 5 times, moving so much when young, blah, blah, blah) and take responsibility for my CHOICES.

food was always there for me; a constant in my crazy life and the way my grandmother (another constant) showed love. Eating something yummy (read: bad for me) made me feel good and being full (stuffed!) made me happy. I struggle every day, but I've been to enough AA crap to know that all you can do it take it one day at a time.

And some days, I can only take it 15 minutes at a time! But I'M DOING IT!! I have to. I have three beautiful, young children and an amazing husband who NEED and love me!![/quote']

Everything you have said is so true for me! Ordering more than one meal fast food, eating it in your car, something for the way home, and something at home...all so me. 2 weeks out & the fast food thing has been the hardest thing for me so far. Still not sure I can make it work...fast food is totally my addiction.

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I am an Emotional eater. My problem is Going long long periods at work without eating. My work is stressful and busy during that time I have no appetite .

But after work i hunger for salty crunchy popcorn after work, only once in a while though. I have a food and soda -cocktail - like . Not Alcohol but. Ive talked with the Psych person about. They called me an emotional eater.

I m concern enough i won't risk my sleeve for popcorn! Just concern about my emotions!

Because I've dropped my craving for most unhealthy foods but a few.

I Especially kicked my addiction to Cake! And it was my BFF! Not joking! I had one for everyones birthday in my house, and certainly all holidays.

when most didn't even want none at all.

i would eat off it for days and some times I'd get so mad about my addiction, enough id throw almost whole cakes away. I loved specially made cake so much that i even had a personal Baker on speed dial, yall.

Now i haven't had cake in 4 months and don't crave it! Yay! Saving me money. Lol

I made it even though having 4 occasion to Celebrate with it !

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This really has turned into such a great topic so thanks everyone for being so honest and sharing what you were/are going through. Along with lots of eating alone in my car I learned where the public trash cans were in shopping centers or gas stations because that was always my last stop before getting home - to 'hide' the evidence (e.g., bakery boxes, fast food bags, etc.). I'm glad to know I wasn't as alone as I thought but I'm even happier that those days are gone since having the sleeve. Though to be honest with one or two exceptions. I have no idea why but at some point a few months ago I really started craving these cinnamon Buns that the local Publix (grocery store) bakery makes that have lots of cream cheese frosting. I resisted but seriously it just kept nagging and nagging at me for days. Finally I told myself I just had to give in and I went and bought one. Of course I ate it alone in my car but I could not eat more than half and mostly I was eating the icing. I will say, however, that I still logged that in MyFitnessPal using Cinnabon calories but since I ate so little else I think my total calories for the day was still 1500 or less so I knew I wouldn't gain weight over it.

After getting sleeved I began referring to my new self as Susie 2.0 and anytime I thought about old behaviors I would tell myself that that was something Susie 1.0 would do, not 2.0. It may sound crazy but it has worked a lot of times - bottom line is that I have no desire to go back to Susie 1.0 who had all those bad behaviors. I'm thrilled with Susie 2.0. Again, I can't explain it but I had that same craving a couple of more times and did the same thing a couple of more times and I always added it into my food diary. I'm not sure what clicked but the last time I did it I was totally disgusted with the richness of it and I ate maybe a bite or two and threw it out. I have not had that craving since and I think that was in early November. I recognized quickly that I was going back to my old behaviors (1.0), eating alone, throwing the evidence out before getting home, etc. To this day I never told my husband about it. But I'm happy to say that I'm over it.

So all this is to say that with the sleeve you probably will face issues and it is very much a learning process. I was always told the first 6 months were the 'honeymoon' period and I was determined to make the most of them. We've got a great support group here to go to for help. Perhaps we should suggest a new forum topic just for Bingers?

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