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Questions after near death experiance in operating room?

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Many of you have read of me as my sister and I have posted about my surgery but for those who have not let me give a brief history. I weighed in at 271 the day of surgery. I have diabetes and high blood pressure but both were and are well under control with meds. I have family members who are doctors in other medical fields and all seem to feel I would smoothly go through while their was slight bit more concern for my sister whose health issues where more pronounced. I am active for someone my size and can phyisically do all I need to prior to surgery this was not the case with my sister who had to result to wheel chair and walker assistance due to weight. Everyone was quite wrong she went through operation without any problems. I on the other hand almost lost my life, this is something that is taking time to sink in and leaving me with many questions.

The day I arrived at the hospital my surgery was sechduled at 1pm. Every hospital employee along the check in process shared the same encouraging words along the vitals check in and the preop and meeting the Anesthesiologist all assured I would be a breeze and there were no worries. Around 1pm I was told my surgery would be delayed one hour due to a complication with the patient before me. This was upsetting because I had hope to get back in to my room quick enough to send my husband off to the Wednesday night church meeting where he is in charge of 1st through 6th grade classes. I thought maybe there would still be a chance if things started at 2 because church started at 7pm and was not far away. When my doctor came and said we would begin shortly he once again assured me and ask is there anything he could do for me I said yes when you go out to talk to my husband tell him I said get to church on time. We both laughed and he headed off to the operating room and the job of putting me to sleep began.

During the operation when the laposcopic cut was made scar tissue blocked access to where the doctor needed to reach. I had reported a C-section in 99 as prior surgery but no abdominal X-ray or ultrasounds where ordered to check for scar tissue and I had no idea their was any need to do so. The doctor while attempting to cut the scar tissue punctured a small bowel. I would later learn from the anesthesia doctor who came to visit me in my room that things became very dicey at this point. I lost lots of blood and for reasons I am still not clear had a hard time getting the transfusion to save my life started. I remember the word arteria failure as part of the doctor description of the difficulty in get the blood back in. My WLS Dr repaired the damage and finished the sleeve however he had to make a incision covering almost the length of my mid section to do so. I began to wake up in terrible discomfort around 8:30 or so. I am told that I had not been out of surgery long at that point.

Waking up I was first aware of it seemed dark and late not the day time anymore. I wonder why my husband was here. I managed to ask why are you not at Master's club? I noticed the tears in his eyes the concern on his face but that only confused me as I drifted back out. That evening as I came in and out I was in so much pain. I thought it was the gas pain . I had read about and was now experiancing. I begged for gas x and to get up and go to the bathroom. I was ask what I had to in the bathroom and I told them I needed to move so the gas would relieve and I would try to go pee. The nurse explained I was catherized and not able to get out of bed, not understanding what had happened to me and being in lots of pain I continued to struggle to grasp what was going on. I remember the nurse telling me I could have gas x but what I needed was to hit the pain button. It strikes me now I was not in my right enough mind to hit the pain button. I thought I was hitting it but as I moaned throught the night the nurse would explain I needed to push the button, I had not pushed it in a while. My husband tried in everyway to console me and explain what had happen but it would not make in throught the cloud of pain and medication.

The next morning I woke up more alert and I begin to life this two part reality. One part was to focus on getting home I was told I would have to stay an extra day. So that meant plans had to be made to cover my husbands work the next day (He is self employed distributor) our son an daughter were able to do that. I teach in an after school bible club on Friday's so I had to make plans to have myself covered and materials gotten to the person covering me. Also I began to speak to my sister who was at home well on the road to recovery having been sleeved more than a week prior. We talk about this forum and her moving from liquid to purée foods the next Monday. The other part of reality was darker I became very aware my body had suffered deep trama. My left arm was the blackish purple I have ever seen from my wrist to my elbow totally covering the under portion and stretching around to the tops in many areas. Even nurses gasped when they saw it for the first time they came to care for me. Instead of the five small cuts that would be closed with surgical strips I had expected to see my mid section had over 30 staples in it. The long cut down the middle and seven cuts that were closed with anywhere from 2 to 5 staples each. I felt horrible but clung to all I had read and try to believed I would go home if only I could walk.

My Dr came in and gave me the same vague info my husband had shared that because of scar tissue the bowel had been cut and that made the extra cut necasary. It was not until he left and the Anesthesiologist came by that I was told I almost died. His vist was odd not just in the fact that the Anesthesia doctor does not usually come to visit patients after surgery but he seem to be on a mission to carefully inform me things went wrong without laying any blame anywhere but just wanting me to know it was not suppose to happen that way. We thanked him but wasn't really sure we understood what he wanted us to or why he wanted us to understand. My WLS Dr definitely did not seem to be hiding the fact it was that bad but just gliding over it and focusing on recovery. There different perspectives left me clouded in my thinking of what happened.

At any rate it was determined I needed to walk about Friday if I were to be dismissed. I walked up and down the hall twice and it was so painful! The weekend coming was an active on for our family as usual. The kids were going to be involved in the Christmas plays and Cantadas they had been practing since August. My daughter was performing special music in the morning services of our church that coming Sunday. All of this made me think if I can just push through the pain I can make it home for all this. I was talking on the phone that afternoon with my sister when I peeked under the compression brace I was wearing to see my bandages soaked in blood. I quickly hung up and called for help. After lost of commotion and calling my doctor in, it was decide I had a surnoma which is a pooling of blood and Fluid from surgery beneath the long cut. It was determined I would need to be kept and watch for more leaking. His words were "you brought yourself another day with that episode"

I was being sucked in to this dark reality of serious complication away from my active family life. The show must go on and it did with out me and my husband, who stayed by my side the entire ordeal from check in to check out. I am so proud of my son and daughter. My daughter is 13 and my son is 23. My son still lives at home but do not misunderstand it is out of his choice he has a full time job that pays him well. The two of them managed to cover my husbands deliveries on that Friday, keep our home functioning and meet all of our many responsibilities at the after school bible club and the children's classes. Not to mention this would have been a weekend where I would have helped my daughter get ready for her special music and the play/Cantadas that went no both Saturday and Sunday nights. She even managed to put together the food our family was to take for the after services fellowship. I am so proud to know that they can carry on with or with out me. Thankful I am still here, but glad to know if I were not they will band together and do what they need to do.

Mean while back in the hospital I have 2 or 3 more bleedings and my doctor is back in on Saturday saying He needs to drain the wound. He removes two staples and see exactly what he did not want to see: my small bowel is out of place and I need to return to surgery NOW!!! My poor husband physically and emotionally exhausted breaks down and quickly excuses himself to the restroom so I will not notice. I call my sister and she is on her way. I tell everyone to not inform my daughter who is at church preparing for the opening night. They promise me they will not but tell me my son is already in route to hospital with my elderly father so he must be told. I call him explain it to him tell him I love him and that I want him to leave the hospital in time so that he makes it to the play and My daughter will not worry why he is not there. I can hear the same surreal tone in his voice as I do in mine as he promises he will and that it will all be fine.

As soon as I hung up I was being put in another bed to be transported to surgery. Down in the surgery holding area I met a new team anesthesiologist and they quickly realized I was "that surgery from last Wednesday" It was odd to pick up on the fact that my surgery was so well noted in hospital that must have done hundreds of surgeries since mine had been done 4 days earlier. Then there was this whole episode of disagreement between my WLS doctor and me anesthesia doctor. The Wsl wanted me given potassium via IV before I was even sent back upstairs. He made a comment I was not a sick person and I wanted out of there! The other doctor said no and would not budge. My IVs were not good he said. I had three in from being given not only the original transfusion but a second one as well. Also endless fluids and meds. He said I would need to be given an IV port and my WLS doctor simply dropped his head and walked away. The other doctor turns to me and assures me he is going to do what is right for me and that this surgery is going to go better than the other. That was the last words I heard.

Waking back up I hear someone commenting that I had went through surgery with my bedroom shoes on. Not only my bedroom shoes but I later thought it odd I had the old blood stained gown from a previous bleed, not quite the sterile environment I imagine for surgery but when something needs to happen NOW!!! It needs to happen. Someone is given instruction to inform my family I am ok and I speak out to tell my son to go to the play and be with my daughter. The message is conveyed and I am assured my son is on his way to her. No little girl ever had a better big brother. Over the days I have piece together how he took her out to eat, got her favorite books from the library, and brought her some special favorite sweets all in efforts to keep her spirits up while my husband and I were in the hospital for five days. I am so blessed and one day some lucky young lady will find what amazing man he is going to be as a husband.

As for me on Sunday I was up and walking no bleeding the staple line was much tighter and there for painful. I pushed through and in the evening when the WLS doctor came he told me I would go home on the next morning. I begged him to let me go then because my husband would have to work the next day and I would have to rely on others to take me home after some consideration he agreed an home we came! Since Monday I have been at home. It is difficult to be stuck onside and everything is a huge effort with these staples and this horrible compression thingy I have to wear 24/7. I am needing pain meds regularly thus far. I have been able to go to liquid tyneol instead of the stronger stuff. I missed another after school bible club Tuesday, my wonderful son stepped in and ran it for me with my daughter helping him. Today Aunt flow has reared her ugly head and I had just had my period a week before surgery. So recovery is going to be long. My sister waited for purée foods with much anticipation I wait with much anticipation to go back to doc to have staples removed. I will be moved to purée as well but food caused all this and I could really care less what I eat now.

The questions that linger for me is about what exactly happened in that operating room the1st time? Will I ever know? Is there any lasting effects? Can I trust my WLS to tell me?

I know this is long I just kind of needed to think it all through a loud. I am not trying to discourage any one but certainly if you have had prior abdominal surgery you may want to ask your surgeon what he is doing to find out if scar tissue will be an issue. That could save you a lot of recovery and even your life.

The hope of WLS is a better life, that is not my result right now so my attitude is not as chirpy as it should be but as I heal and loose my attitude is subject to change.

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Wishing you a speedy recovery and nothing but the best.

Based upon your anesthesiologist's behavior, perhaps you should seek legal advice. Just sayin'...

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Thanks you so much for sharing! Wishing you a speedy recovery and effortless! You have earned it. :)

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Wow I am so glad u made it.

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All I can say is I'm sorry. The Lord was watching over you.

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It's a harrowing story. How frightening!

I had 3 c-sections in the 80's and an open surgery to remove my gallbladder in 1990. My WLS indicated he may need to do an open sleeve surgery due to scar tissue, but apparently that did not need to happen, he was able to do it laparascopically in less than 45 minutes without any complications.

I feel very blessed to have gone through the experience without problems and I am now 8 months out and doing well.

Your memoirs may be an important part of your recording what you experienced and what you have come to be made aware of. If you have to seek legal support this documentation may be pivotal. You may have other medical issues in the future that map back to this surgery, and you deserve to be compensated if this continues to impact your health and your financial stability as a family.

Take care, and I hope you recover very soon and don't experience more problems. Your family sounds really wonderful, you have obviously done a wonderful job raising your children.

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Wow. What a harrowing story. I'm so sorry you had to endure this.

I had my final appointment before surgery with my surgeon last Thursday...he said my surgery should be a breeze because I haven't had any type of previous WLS or abdominal surgery....I assumed it was the scar tissue reason ( which I had read about here on VST...VST is awesome!) ..and based on your experience it certainly can be a potential complication.

I'm happy you are home and on the road to recovery.... and the by the way, your kids do sound like awesome people!!


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Glad ur on the road to recovery and have an amazing attitude! As for understanding what happened, u as the patient have every right to request a copy of ur operative report (from the hospital) & i would... it might not answer every question but it can give u a general idea of the flow if things & then u will have an idea of what, if any, questions u need to ask ur surgeon... Best of luck to u!

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This is such an emotional journey......You and your family have been through a lot and your children are totally awesome. your son will be a great catch for some lucky lady....Sending healing energy your way. You probably don't want to know what happened in the OR. It could be more damaging than good....

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I am sorry you had to go through this, my prayers to you and your family and I hope you have a speedy recovery!

I hope that others as you mentioned that may have scar tissue speak to their surgeons beforehand about it, definitely is a great question to ask.

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How aweful for you! I don't agree with the litiginous comments. Surely your doctor informed you of this possibility during the informed consent.

Hope you recover quickly.

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Informed consent does not excuse negligence. Who knows if that's the case, but that should be clear. Whenever I see someone say "well tough, you signed a consent form" I want to remind them that we gave consent to a surgery and the possible outcomes or risks were noted on the consent, but there isn't a one liner to sign away your life to a sloppy surgeon. That's why docs have malpractice insurance.

To the OP...your journey was horrible and I hope you are recovering well now. One thing in your story resonated with me. That damned doc saying it was going to be a breeze! I heard the same thing......it must be the kiss of death dang them! I want my next surgery to start out with a doc saying something to the effect of "well this is going to be a tough one and recovery might just suck". Then I'll know all will go well!

There are surgical logs as well as often films of surgeries. You could request these from the hospital as they are part of your records. I myself have chosen not to see or even request these so far. The trauma I went through is something I want to put behind me. If I found out without a shadow of a doubt that the doc did something wrong in surgery I think it would just make how I feel about this surgery even worse :(

Just mulling over my thoughts...I'm in bed sick with some virus today and remembering those months in bed too well. DS won't leave me alone because he's worried I'll need to go to the hospital again :( Here's hoping you and I never see a gurney again!!!

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Thanks Iggy and I hope you feel better quickly.

I have been told my doctor records all surgeries and I have thought of asking for the DVD he has given others but I don't know if I can watch by near death experiance.

As for weather my surgeon was at fault or if it was just an unavoidable complication I have to admits that eats at me. I want to know. I may ask for that DVD and let my family members who are doctors in other fields view it. I just need to know what happen for sure and why it happened.

Odd for this thread to get resurrected by a new member who has only posted twice.

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I will say that a resurrected thread happened to me as well. It was my doctor's staff who were kind enough to try to blame my complications on me. The post above reminded me of that.

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Odd. Time will tell. How does someone find out about a doctors past complications other than asking the surgeon themselves?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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