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*E-Waiting Room*-- Post here throughout your hospital stay

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oh honey I'm the same way this is gross and I'm surprised my family didn't throw me out but i finally took a bath today ! I'm not a 100% but I'm getting there slowly but surely its hard with the liquids to for me and I'm sorry but its been hard for me to take my pills cause your suppose to sip well I have tp take bigger then a sip or they get stuck and I get gagged ! I'm glad your doing better ! I'm thinking if we can get through these next couple of weeks its all down hill from there! I'm so sick of liquids and this is crazy but I'm ready to get onto the soft foods cause I want some mash potatoes so bad and I will make them healthy to I'm just have craved them don't know why

Ok so ! I haven't thought about food I just don't want to go back to the hospital. I have been trying to drink all that I can. I just felt a little down no one in my family has come and visit me. No one! I just don't understand every time some one needs me I am always there. This was a time that I really needed them for once. But like my fiancé said focus on me! But it does hurt! I'm going to stay strong! Can't allow other people take me from my journey. My doc told me to blend pills into my shakes. Idk if you have this problem but since surgery I have had high blood pressure. Never have I had high blood pressure! I wonder will thus stay! Did anyone else have this issue?

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Did anyone have an issue with their hand that the IV was in became swollen while inserted. My last day at the hospital 12/14, the nurse continuously came in to pump me with medicines for nausea, internal swelling in abdomen and flushers. My hand became swollen and it has gone down but is extremely sore (from my IV site past my wrist). Any suggestions?

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Did anyone have an issue with their hand that the IV was in became swollen while inserted. My last day at the hospital 12/14' date=' the nurse continuously came in to pump me with medicines for nausea, internal swelling in abdomen and flushers. My hand became swollen and it has gone down but is extremely sore (from my IV site past my wrist). Any suggestions?[/quote']

Yes they ended up changing the IV to the other hand b/c the IV wasn't in correctly.

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Yes they ended up changing the IV to the other hand b/c the IV wasn't in correctly.

I'm hoping that it will stop hurting within the next few days. I can't sleep good at night because I sleep throughout the day now.

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Everything went well..I was discharged on Friday Dec 21st. At home drinking plenty of fluids. Complication free thus far..thank you all for this amazing support!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using VST

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I'm finally home! After 2 very long nights in the hospital . The staff took very good care of me but it gets old fast. I am hoping to get some good natural sleep today/ tonight.

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Enuff is snuff ....... I wish I could meet you in person. You are such a positive influence and a wonderful person. My surgery is 12/26 and the closer it gets the more nervous I get. I am so tired of being fat. Definitely time for a new me. Thank you for the positive energy you send all of us. Bless you!

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My name is vivi, and I'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning at 7:30am :) I have to be registered by 6am, so tonight will be a very anxious sleep!!!! You are such an encouragement to everyone, and its so good to know that we are all in this together!!! I'm a 29 year old single mom of 3, and I'm so ready to start 2013 off the right way!!! Thanks again for your support & prayers!!!!

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I'm finally home! After 2 very long nights in the hospital . The staff took very good care of me but it gets old fast. I am hoping to get some good natural sleep today/ tonight.

I'm finally home too! It's such a mood booster to be home! Glad everything went well for you!! We are Sleeve Sistas!!

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Hey guys I was finally discharged from the hospital. My temperature leveled out, and my body calmed down. So I don't have stomach spasms and pain from it. I am glad to be home and I know that this is the start of my journey. Since going into the hospital I have lost 10 lbs and since the start of my appointments I have lost 16. I'm already feeling much better. A hint for you other sleevers if you can't stomach the clear Liquid Protein, my doctor told me to drink G2 Gatorade as a substitute. It is extremely better tasting and he said as long as it is the G2 low calorie Gatorade it will not effect me at all. Thanks everyone for supporting me through my hard times in the hospital. I truly thank everyone for praying for me and thinking of me. Love Paige

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Hi everybody,

Sorry I haven't updated until now but I had a rough couple of days with nausea, which they finally got under control once they found the right drug combinations. I'm finally home and doing well. I'm sitting here sipping warm black coffee -- I have never liked black coffee but at this point I'll take it.

So I'll recap my experiences so the newbies can get an idea of what to expect.

Thursday 12/20... 1 day before S-Day). Only Clear Liquids this day and let me tell you, I was starving by the time the evening came around. I just kept eating sugar free Jello cups. I had a lot of friends calling to wish me well and ask it I was nervous. Believe it or not, I was totally at peace. I can't explain it but I was not nervous at all. Once midnight came it was nothing by mouth. I stayed up all night cleaning the house - I wanted to come home to a really clean house so that I didn't have to worry about it for a while once I got home. Also we have friends coming to stay with us for Christmas and of course I want the house clean! It worked out well because it kept me occupied. I took a shower at about 4 am with Hibiclens, then it was time to get dressed, wake up the hubby and head to the hospital ...we have to be there at 6am.

Friday 12/21.... S(sleeve)-Day!!! 615am We are at the hospital and waiting to be called back. There are a few people in the waiting who look like they are relatives of patients...Ok, about 7am they called to "come on back"! I kiss the hubby goodbye and they bring me to a room, hand me a big plastic back and tell me to take everything off and put the gown on. The gown is HUGE --- and can't get it to stay on my shoulders. The nurse then takes me to the pre-op room and I get in bed. They called Jay (hubby) so he can come sit with me until I go to surgery. The two anesthesiologists that I'd already met came in to talk to me and both were great. They told me they knew I was concerned about nausea and they would do everything they could to minimize it. Then they tell Dr; Lavin is running ahead of schedule and I would be next and it would only be about 10 minutes before they start! WOW. That was quick!! From that point on everything moves fast. They put my IV in (easy easy) and next thing I know they are wheeling me to the OR. I kissed the hubby goodbye and yelled down the hall that "if I die take care of our cats" , to which the hubby yelled back "we have DOGS dummy" LOL.... SO, now I am in the OR. They switch me to the OR bed and get me situated-- they put a mask over my face and then it was lights out immediately. It is amazing how quick it works. My last conscious thought was them putting them on the mask and me thinking, it smelled sweet. LIGHTS OUT!

The next thing I vaguely remember is being wheeled out and to my room -- I was extremely nauseous and had to pee very badly. I get to the room and all I can think about is PEEING, although I'm not fully awake. They want me to wait. I say I cannot wait -- the want me to use a bed pan, I say no way, just let me get up to pee. The nurse relents and they help me out of the bed. I was totally unstable and so hubby and 2 aggravated nurses guide me to the bathroom.

My nausea is awful and I have pain in my chest and shoulders-- which I knew to expect because of VST! It's the gas they pump you up with --- it goes everywhere. I have no pain in my stomach or my incisions ( I have 5 incisions). I battle nausea for hours-- they give different meds abut nothing helps. They finally find the right combination of drugs.... Reglan, Levsin and Zofran. Thank God!! I slept for a little-- then it was time get up and pee. That scenario went on all night....because they were giving me fluids I had to get up to pee every half hour or so. And every time I had to climb out of the bed and maneuver the IV pole, pee, maneuver back to bed, then try to climb in bed without killing myself! I think I probably did that 20 times. They have me sucking on ice chips and trying to drink a little, which goes good. I am able to sip and suck on ice with no difficulty. . In the middle of night I got up and Jay ( he stayed the whole night with me) and I walked around the entire floor. Then they bring me more liquid Lortab which helps the soreness so much!! It's is great.

Saturday 12/22....1 day post-S(sleeve)

All my nurses were awesome. A couple of my nurses had actually had the Sleeve done by Dr. Lavin, which is cool because they were able to give lots of advice and perspective. I walk around a little but the IV pole drives me crazy. They want me to eat a Popsicle and Crystal Light, which again, goes down fine. I finished the entire Popsicle and was able to sip the Crystal Light. All I want now is to go home and sleep since I haven't actually sleep since Wednesday. The nurse tells me that I should be able to go home but they've got to wait until Dr. Lavin gives the ok. I'm still connected to the IV which means I am still peeing constantly. I am soooo ready to go home.

Finally the nurse comes in and says Lavin gave the ok. Yea!!! It will take a little while though because the nurses have to get the discharge papers together. I get dressed (which feels great to be out of that gown ) About an hour later the nurse comes in and goes over instructions, medications....etc. I sign my discharge papers and it's jailbreak time!!! I hug my nurse, thank everybody and we're off for home to see our fur babies (3 little dogs) that we adore.

We get home, play with our dogs a little and I make some chicken broth, which goes down well. I am not hungry but do wish I could eat something-- head hunger. It sucks.. I am extremely sore all over. It's the kind of soreness that feels like the day after you've exercised hard and you're out shape. Or like if you have the flu and you cough so much that everything hurts. I take some liquid Lortab , lay down and sleep, sleep, sleep with my 3 fur babies next to me. I wake up late in the evening, make some chicken broth, eat a Sugar Free Popsicle and a sugar free Fudgesicle. I walk around the house a little bit and go back to sleep.

Sunday 12/22 2 Days Post-S

I wake up and feel so much better today! It's a big difference and now I know what the sleeve veterans mean when they say every day gets better. It's true.

I'm sitting here watching the Saints game ( we're season tickets holders and are crazy about our Saints) and sipping black coffee and taking my medication one pill at a time. I have had no problem with sipping warm or cold liquids, although plain Water does not go down as easy. I ate a cup of Jello and feel good. So that's it!! I'm officially on the "other side" and it feels good!

Good luck to all of you pending Sleevers!! :)


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Good evening ladies and gents. Update. Surgery 12/21. All is going well. Today has been very light pain only enough to constitute 1 pain pill around noon today. Thanks for all the prayers, well wishes and the after surgery virtual flowers. Tomorrow we fly home. ThecruveJ was a great sleeve buddy and her traveling friend who had surgery 10 months ago was truly a God Sent. Kim..... Thank you...... ThecurveyJ. Keep in touch. Let me know you make it home safe.

Head out to walk a few laps and the sip sip sip. Merry Christmas!

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Hi everybody' date='

Sorry I haven't updated until now but I had a rough couple of days with nausea, which they finally got under control once they found the right drug combinations. I'm finally home and doing well. I'm sitting here sipping warm black coffee -- I have never liked black coffee but at this point I'll take it.

So I'll recap my experiences so the newbies can get an idea of what to expect.

Thursday 12/20... 1 day before S-Day). Only clear liquids this day and let me tell you, I was starving by the time the evening came around. I just kept eating sugar free Jello cups. I had a lot of friends calling to wish me well and ask it I was nervous. Believe it or not, I was totally at peace. I can't explain it but I was not nervous at all. Once midnight came it was nothing by mouth. I stayed up all night cleaning the house - I wanted to come home to a really clean house so that I didn't have to worry about it for a while once I got home. Also we have friends coming to stay with us for Christmas and of course I want the house clean! It worked out well because it kept me occupied. I took a shower at about 4 am with Hibiclens, then it was time to get dressed, wake up the hubby and head to the hospital ...we have to be there at 6am.

Friday 12/21.... S(sleeve)-Day!!! 615am We are at the hospital and waiting to be called back. There are a few people in the waiting who look like they are relatives of patients...Ok, about 7am they called to "come on back"! I kiss the hubby goodbye and they bring me to a room, hand me a big plastic back and tell me to take everything off and put the gown on. The gown is HUGE --- and can't get it to stay on my shoulders. The nurse then takes me to the pre-op room and I get in bed. They called Jay (hubby) so he can come sit with me until I go to surgery. The two anesthesiologists that I'd already met came in to talk to me and both were great. They told me they knew I was concerned about nausea and they would do everything they could to minimize it. Then they tell Dr; Lavin is running ahead of schedule and I would be next and it would only be about 10 minutes before they start! WOW. That was quick!! From that point on everything moves fast. They put my IV in (easy easy) and next thing I know they are wheeling me to the OR. I kissed the hubby goodbye and yelled down the hall that "if I die take care of our cats" , to which the hubby yelled back "we have DOGS dummy" LOL.... SO, now I am in the OR. They switch me to the OR bed and get me situated-- they put a mask over my face and then it was lights out immediately. It is amazing how quick it works. My last conscious thought was them putting them on the mask and me thinking, it smelled sweet. LIGHTS OUT!

The next thing I vaguely remember is being wheeled out and to my room -- I was extremely nauseous and had to pee very badly. I get to the room and all I can think about is PEEING, although I'm not fully awake. They want me to wait. I say I cannot wait -- the want me to use a bed pan, I say no way, just let me get up to pee. The nurse relents and they help me out of the bed. I was totally unstable and so hubby and 2 aggravated nurses guide me to the bathroom.

My nausea is awful and I have pain in my chest and shoulders-- which I knew to expect because of VST! It's the gas they pump you up with --- it goes everywhere. I have no pain in my stomach or my incisions ( I have 5 incisions). I battle nausea for hours-- they give different meds abut nothing helps. They finally find the right combination of drugs.... Reglan, Levsin and Zofran. Thank God!! I slept for a little-- then it was time get up and pee. That scenario went on all night....because they were giving me fluids I had to get up to pee every half hour or so. And every time I had to climb out of the bed and maneuver the IV pole, pee, maneuver back to bed, then try to climb in bed without killing myself! I think I probably did that 20 times. They have me sucking on ice chips and trying to drink a little, which goes good. I am able to sip and suck on ice with no difficulty. . In the middle of night I got up and Jay ( he stayed the whole night with me) and I walked around the entire floor. Then they bring me more liquid Lortab which helps the soreness so much!! It's is great.

Saturday 12/22....1 day post-S(sleeve)

All my nurses were awesome. A couple of my nurses had actually had the Sleeve done by Dr. Lavin, which is cool because they were able to give lots of advice and perspective. I walk around a little but the IV pole drives me crazy. They want me to eat a Popsicle and Crystal Light, which again, goes down fine. I finished the entire Popsicle and was able to sip the Crystal Light. All I want now is to go home and sleep since I haven't actually sleep since Wednesday. The nurse tells me that I should be able to go home but they've got to wait until Dr. Lavin gives the ok. I'm still connected to the IV which means I am still peeing constantly. I am soooo ready to go home.

Finally the nurse comes in and says Lavin gave the ok. Yea!!! It will take a little while though because the nurses have to get the discharge papers together. I get dressed (which feels great to be out of that gown ) About an hour later the nurse comes in and goes over instructions, medications....etc. I sign my discharge papers and it's jailbreak time!!! I hug my nurse, thank everybody and we're off for home to see our fur babies (3 little dogs) that we adore.

We get home, play with our dogs a little and I make some chicken broth, which goes down well. I am not hungry but do wish I could eat something-- head hunger. It sucks.. I am extremely sore all over. It's the kind of soreness that feels like the day after you've exercised hard and you're out shape. Or like if you have the flu and you cough so much that everything hurts. I take some liquid Lortab , lay down and sleep, sleep, sleep with my 3 fur babies next to me. I wake up late in the evening, make some chicken broth, eat a Sugar Free Popsicle and a sugar free Fudgesicle. I walk around the house a little bit and go back to sleep.

Sunday 12/22 2 Days Post-S

I wake up and feel so much better today! It's a big difference and now I know what the sleeve veterans mean when they say every day gets better. It's true.

I'm sitting here watching the Saints game ( we're season tickets holders and are crazy about our Saints) and sipping black coffee and taking my medication one pill at a time. I have had no problem with sipping warm or cold liquids, although plain Water does not go down as easy. I ate a cup of Jello and feel good. So that's it!! I'm officially on the "other side" and it feels go

Good luck to all of you pending Sleevers!! :)


I love your descriptive story! Tu so much for sharing! Here's to you!

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Good evening ladies and gents. Update. Surgery 12/21. All is going well. Today has been very light pain only enough to constitute 1 pain pill around noon today. Thanks for all the prayers' date=' well wishes and the after surgery virtual flowers. Tomorrow we fly home. ThecruveJ was a great sleeve buddy and her traveling friend who had surgery 10 months ago was truly a God Sent. Kim..... Thank you...... ThecurveyJ. Keep in touch. Let me know you make it home safe.

Head out to walk a few laps and the sip sip sip. Merry Christmas![/quote']

You're going to do great!!! Lets keep in touch! My best to your hubby, he's such a sweet guy.

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My sleeve is tomorrow, very very nervous n worried about the recovery, post op pain n possibility of a leak

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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