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25 days post-op & I can eat anything - help!

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Hang in there! It wont be long before your first fill and then you will have the restriction. It is difficult to try and eat nutritionally and stay away form the way we are used to eating, do you best and the rest will follow.

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Very well said my friend. Please, let us all remember that we have been in Sweet Sue's place, in thought if not in reality. With the lapband surgery, one expects the band to be a tool to help with the weight loss. If the situation is such that one finds that the 'bad eating habits' that plagued us before surgery are still 'do-able' one is very likely to push the envelope. I know that I have been in Sweet Sue's place and called upon y'all for words of encouragement and comfort. Y'all came through for me and I know you mean well when talking to Sweet Sue.

Sweet Sue,

At 25 days post op, it doesn't seem 'normal' to me that your surgeon would have approved the foods you listed. Have you tried calling the doc to request a fill? Have you mentioned your concerns to the doc or to any of his office staff? If not, please give them a call first thing on Monday a.m. Part of the fee that you paid for the surgery is the post op care and that includes 'panic attacks' (no offense meant by the term 'panic attack' ... I just cannot think of a better term for what you are experiencing.)

I was banded on 8/21/06 and managed to lose about 25 lbs. It was an 'open' procedure because it was to fix a previous WLS. I has grossly swollen and bloated until about 2 weeks ago, give or take a few days. When the swelling went down, my hunger returned and tried to make up for lost time. I got a 4.5 cc fill yesterday and am doing better.

One thing that helped me til I could get in for the fill: Drink a big glass of Water 30 minutes before your meal (not with or immediately following). The Water will be in your belly and will help you to feel full ... w/o eating all that food.

I also ate a lot of low calorie foods, salt free / fat free Soups, etc. as Snacks.

I hope that your husband is supportive ... I know at halloween time, it's common to have candy in the house ... we had to put ours in a closed cupboard. If I don't see it, I don't want it.

Best of luck to you. Call your doctor!

I too was banded very recently(Oct. 13) and I am also feeling that I could probably eat just about anything. But I am trying very hard to resist. I do better some days than others. What I don't understand is what I feel to be the lack of compassion from some of the posters here. We all know that just because you CAN eat anything, you SHOULDN'T! We all know that it takes some willpower! But that doesn't mean that it's not difficult! I mean that is WHY we chose the band. If all you need is willpower, why did you go through the pain and expense of getting the band?

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Hi Sue,

My name is Diane and I have only been on this site twice. I posted once when I signed up and the second time, I read the posts. Between work, home and 2 other lapband sites, I keep pretty busy. However, after reading your post, I just had to speak up. I was banded on February 7, 2006 and am almost 9 months out. I have lost 77 pounds and am getting closer to my goal everyday, although the closer I get, the slower it goes. It does get frustrating sometimes.,

I know a lady who had her surgery the day after I had mine. She is now in the process of having her band removed. She feels it just didn't work for her - and sometimes that happens. I have found that the majority of the time, it DOES work, BUT you have to work with it. Before she was 2 weeks out, she was eating pizza cheese and Cookies and all the wrong things. Her choices since then have never really been very good and, in my opinion, she never really gave the band the chance. This is not a cure, it's not something that will perform magic - it's a tool. A wonderful too, but you MUST have the committment in your head and your heart to make it work. The food choices you have been making are killing your chances of success. You definitely need to incorporate all the behavior modification changes you learned about pre-op. The band does not keep you from making bad choices and if you don't follow a pre-thought out, well scripted plan, you will not succeed. It IS hard and it IS frustrating. No one ever said it would be easy, but if you can't committ to whatever it is you need to do, then it wasn't worth the $10,000, or any amount of money. We didn't go through surgery and have a permanent foreign object implanted into us just so we can fail. I have struggles everyday, but I try to take things one day at a time - one meal at a time. Also remember, everyday you have the chance to start over again. Are you exercising? There really is no restriction until you start getting fills. You probably won't even feel the first one, but until you start to feel something, you have to buckle down and try to make this work. It's not going to happen by itself. Now, you went through all the pre-op testing, classes, had the surgery - this all took a lot of courage. You need to dig deep inside yourself and find that courage again. Willpower is very hard, but it's the only way this is going to work - for you, for me, for any of us. Do you drink enough fluids? Sometimes you think you're hungry but you're really thirsty/ If the foods you are eating create so much of a problem for you, get them out of your house!! I have a husband who makes him own stuff - like spaghetti (my personal favorite). It's hard to stay away, but I know I didn't do this for nothing. I have added years onto my life - my diabetes is well under control and I am coming off most of my meds - my blood pressure is way down and my doctor says my heart rate and pulse are now in "training mode" because of the exercise. Remember, the more of the "bad" stuff you eat, the more your body will crave it and the harder it is to stop. You have to find a point and say - enough! Just for today, I'm taking control again and making this work. Try it hour by hour if necessary, but do it! Otherwise, you're setting yourself up for failure. Good luck, and God bless...

Dy :P

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I feel your pain. i was banded a almost two wks ago and i am STARVING all of the time. Today i had a spoon fill of tuna, which i am not supposed to have until next wk. i felt guilty and i am trying my hardest to stick to the program. I know it has to be frustrating for you - cause i'm only two wks out and its hard for me. Stay focused and drink your Protein Shakes and lots and lots of Water. I need some encourgment as well. i am HUNGRY and i am tired of pudding, Soup and yogurt.

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Good Morning!

Welcom to "bandster hell". Bandster hell is the time between your surgery and the fill that gives you restriction. You can eat ALMOST normal. Its frustrating and discouraging. You feel hungry when you follow your prescribed diet and you some times slip into old habits. Lets face it, it is VERY hard to just stop years and years of old habits. But you need to try. Trying wore me out,,and I gave in many times before i was finally at good restriction. I did not get restriction on my first fill. Some very lucky people do get it the first fill. I didnt get my restriction unitl my ,,,,,,,,,oh gaed,,,,,11th fill. DONT get discouraged by my number of fills though. We are very different people and will react differently to each and every fill. From now unitl you get restriction, practice. Practice chewing your food until its mush, practice not drinking 30 before and 30 or more after a meal. Practice, excercising, walk, get on a Wii, go to the gym, swim in a pool, lift some light weights. Practice distracting yourself when you get the feeling you want to eat when you shouldnt or if you get a craving. I found the band only works for me if I pay attention to it and im 1.5 years out. If I eat like the band isnt there I get into trouble. Stuck or full too fast. Honestly I dont like my band , BUT I like what its helped me achieve. Keep your chin up, make good food choices, fill up on a solid Protein with a vege or fruit, ,,,PRACTICE not piucking up the muffin, chips, Cookies, cake, buttered potatoe or mac and cheese,,my favorite,,lol. Good luck,,let us know how you do.

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I highly recommend getting a digital food scale that you can zero out after you've placed the plate on it. At this point it really is about will power. Measure you food and when it's gone, stop eating. For now the pizza and muffins need to go. I don't really consider my self a low carber but I don't keep bread of any kind in my house. I do have about 1/8 of Cereal in my morning yoghurt but that's it. Not to discourage you but I did not get any restriction until 9.4 CC, I currently am at 10cc; and am going in for a tweak this week. So six months after surgery.

I disagree with a previous poster to have shake for Breakfast. That is a liquid and will slide right through your band. Personally, I have Greek yoghurt with added Protein powder ( 1/2 scoop), splendra and Cereal. Though some people might say it's a borderline slinder (greek yoghurt is much thicker than regular). You may want to have egg whites, chicken breast, or oatmeal for Breakfast. You want to shoot for high Protein meals: muffins (all carb), pizza (high fat, possibly limited protein).

One tool I use is to ask my self if I would be embarrased if my surgeon saw an item in my grocery cart. If so it stays on the shelf.

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I'm sorta finding myself in the same place. I had a dr. apt last week and I was hoping that I was going to get my first fill since I'm now finding that I get hungry. I was banded on 12/27/10. The dr. is proud of my progress so far and said that since I am still losing, he won't do the fill. So long as I'm losing 1 - 2 pounds per week..... he says I'm doing great! I just wish the process was a bit faster. He said that he will only do the fill when I've gone 3 weeks without losing any weight. I guess I understand his reasoning... but this is a little harder than I thought. I too am able to eat just about anything... and need some very strong will power to get through some days. But then................... I guess that's what this is all about.... learning new and healthy eating behavior. This is a life long journey.

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Thank you for explaining "bandster hell."

As I was scrolling through this sight my eyes lit up when I read your response to another post. I am 2 days shy of 2 weeks post-op. I've done great. I've followed all the rules....and I'm hungry and so tired of Protein shakes and yougart. I thought immediately after surgery I'd be restricted to just a few ounces of liquid at a time and was pleasantly surprised to find I could drink an 11 ounce shake (slowly) at one sitting. I was concerned. I thought....I don't feel restricted and I'm following the rules...and I'm hungry.

I didn't realize there is no restriction until the first fill. (duh) Yes. I did my homework. I read several books, hundreds of blog postings, and watched youtube posts, but somehow I missed that tidbit. I'm looking forward to my followup with the nuturitionist on Tues. (2-week post opdate) and can't WAIT to eat something, anything.

If this is the worst part, I'm totally down with the plan. I can(and will) do this!

I am now giving a huge sigh of relief. Thank you!

Good Morning!

Welcom to "bandster hell". Bandster hell is the time between your surgery and the fill that gives you restriction. You can eat ALMOST normal. Its frustrating and discouraging. You feel hungry when you follow your prescribed diet and you some times slip into old habits. Lets face it, it is VERY hard to just stop years and years of old habits. But you need to try. Trying wore me out,,and I gave in many times before i was finally at good restriction. I did not get restriction on my first fill. Some very lucky people do get it the first fill. I didnt get my restriction unitl my ,,,,,,,,,oh gaed,,,,,11th fill. DONT get discouraged by my number of fills though. We are very different people and will react differently to each and every fill. From now unitl you get restriction, practice. Practice chewing your food until its mush, practice not drinking 30 before and 30 or more after a meal. Practice, excercising, walk, get on a Wii, go to the gym, swim in a pool, lift some light weights. Practice distracting yourself when you get the feeling you want to eat when you shouldnt or if you get a craving. I found the band only works for me if I pay attention to it and im 1.5 years out. If I eat like the band isnt there I get into trouble. Stuck or full too fast. Honestly I dont like my band , BUT I like what its helped me achieve. Keep your chin up, make good food choices, fill up on a solid Protein with a vege or fruit, ,,,PRACTICE not piucking up the muffin, chips, Cookies, cake, buttered potatoe or mac and cheese,,my favorite,,lol. Good luck,,let us know how you do.

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I feel your pain. i was banded a almost two wks ago and i am STARVING all of the time. Today i had a spoon fill of tuna, which i am not supposed to have until next wk. i felt guilty and i am trying my hardest to stick to the program. I know it has to be frustrating for you - cause i'm only two wks out and its hard for me. Stay focused and drink your Protein shakes and lots and lots of Water. I need some encourgment as well. i am HUNGRY and i am tired of pudding, Soup and yogurt.

HungryMel, I am right where you are. My band was done on Feb.7th. and I am starving. I actually had to add substanial food earlier than I thought. Funny thing is the first thing I tried was tuna. Let's stay in touch and encourage one another along, the ups, the downs and all the things inbetween. Do you like Beans? I find that bean Soups fill me. I puree them, sometimes I add a bit of cheese and sour cream. I also eat hummus. I found little two ounce cups and they are perfect! If you don't like Beans try pureeing chicken/turkey/tuna.

Hang in there. No matter what there is a learning curve. No two journeys are the same. THis is A JOURNEY!!


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There is some great advice here. Thanks to those who didn't make those of us in the same boat as Sweetsue feel like failures. This is a journey and as we all know you can go on the same trip and gain very different experiences from the journey. Banding is NO different!

I actually want to be able to eat the crap of pizza, Pasta, muffins, egg rolls and sandwiches, even though I'm banded. Certianly, I don't want to eat them in the quantity that I ate them prior to banding, but I want to have a few bites on occasion. That's a goal I'm working toward having a healthy balance with food. For others going cold turkey and never touching them is their idea of a healthy relationship with food. I would NEVER judge the for their choice.

Yes, we need to learn self control. Yes, it's going to be a struggle. Yes, we need a swift kick in the butt of reality, at times. Yes, we need someone to hold our hand and say "hang in there, you can do this, give it time."

So, with all the advice you've/we (in the same boat) can glean the swift kicks, the cheering on and keep going.

I'd love to keep in touch.



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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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