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Article on lapband complications

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Vertical gastrectomy is mentioned as a safer option for people considering weight-loss surgery.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) October 21, 2006 -- In a recent study, a group of physicians from Switzerland led by Dr. M. Suter, MD, PD, FACS, examined the long-term complications related to LapBand® weight-loss surgery. The study demonstrated that LapBand® long-term complications increase over time.

The study followed 317 patients who received LapBand® surgery between June 1997 and June 2003. The physicians gathered data from 81.5% of these patients after seven years. Patients were followed for an average of 74 months. The patients received a LapBand® or a SAGB (Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band), according to the surgeon’s preference. (Studies have demonstrated no significant statistical difference between the complication rates of these two devices.)

Overall, 33.1% of patients had at least one long-term complication related to gastric banding. Long-term complications related to LapBand® included leaking, progressive food intolerance, and band erosion. Many of these complications can be avoided and have been reduced with more careful patient selection and improvement in surgical technique.

Despite the seemingly unfavorable results of Suter’s study, the average amount of weight loss after the surgery remained very acceptable. When asked to comment on the long-term effects of LapBand® in terms of this study, bariatric surgeon Gregg Jossart, of Laparoscopic Associates of San Francisco, said, “Even at 10 years, there are a lot of LapBand® patients with good weight-loss results and no complications. In the end, it’s up to the patient to decide on the course of action they feel is best for their overall health. Our own surgical data demonstrates that the vertical sleeve gastrectomy is a good alternative to the LapBand® in decreasing the likelihood of long-term complications.”

Although other studies have followed the results of gastric banding, most reported data within a two to four year period. The Suter study concluded that, until more is learned about decreasing long-term risk, alternatives like vertical gastrectomy should be considered.

About Laparoscopic Associates of San Francisco

(LapSF) is a team of surgeons with a compassionate approach to patient care and a proven commitment to laparoscopic advancement for bariatric surgical procedures. Specializing in the four main bariatric procedures: Roux en Y Gastric Bypass, Vertical Gastrectomy, LapBand® and Duodenal Switch, LapSF has performed over 1,500 procedures, and is recognized by the American Society of Bariatric Surgery (ASBS) as a Center of Excellence.


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VSG ISN'T EVEN DONE MUCH ANY MORE? And why aren't they following more recent pts for longterm study instead of using the same old data with from the FDA trial with the swedish band?:D

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Oops--I thought they were talking about the VBG--yes docs seem to be jumping on the sleeve bandwagon all of a sudden--I think it's a nitch for ppl who are scared of the RNY but don't want the band(no doubt they've been told it doesn't work)

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Is this a scare tactic? If so...it might work.

Seems to me that a 3 year old study is just that; OLD. I'm sure there must be advances. Right???:phanvan

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Sherilynn, a scare tactic by whom?

Also, you said this was an old study, but I believe this is a new study. The most recent participant surgery was 2003, which is realistic. They were studying the *long-term* complications of lap-band surgery. You can't get long-term results by studying people who only recently had surgery.

Although I know they constantly are improving on technique, and surgeons undoubtedly gain skill over time, I was still shocked to read that 1/3 of the participants had complications. That's a far higher figure than I have ever read.

I hope ya'll don't mind that I posted the article. I didn't want to post it in the main lapband forum, because I am seriously not trying to alarm anyone, yet I really wanted to talk about this, because it does concern me that there is apparently a higher risk of complications than I believed. Since I was self-pay, I will also be responsible for paying for additional procedures if necessary.


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I think the emphasis should be placed on MOST OF THESE PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN FIXED / REDUCED WITH SURGICAL TECHNIQUES. A couple of things regarding that...surgeons install the band totally different than they did when the surgery started for less slipping and complications. In the original study 0.2 percent died. Currently the statistic is 3 and 16,000 all from surgeons who had done less than 20. So I'm saying yes the study findings are new...the sample, however was old and the surgery has vastly improved.

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Thank you Full Of Grace...I knew this could not be the greatest of data.:girl_hug:

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Also, I think many of these studies include things like heartburn and nausea in "complications", so one shouldn't assume that by complications they mean the worst case scenario like erosion and slippage. It is always good to hear about research. This means they are continue to study and improve the band!

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Well, all articles about LapBanding are welcome.

And for sure any LapBanded patient can suffer complications. But still LapBand complications are less severe and more easily repaired than bypass-type operations.

Plus I read the article...

Overall, 33.1% of patients had at least one long-term complication related to gastric banding. Long-term complications related to LapBand® included leaking, progressive food intolerance, and band erosion.

Leaking is a complication, erosion is a definite complication. But progressive food intolerance isn't a real

Many of these complications can be avoided and have been reduced with more careful patient selection and improvement in surgical technique.

I put the "italics" on that second sentence because I think that's very positive. Of course, LapBanding is getting more and more common here in the USA and Mexico, and the techniques are more improved.

I read all the negative about LapBand studies here and I have to remember - the early Gastric Bypass results were NOT good, and the mortality rate was so high, it was very sad. While RnY surgeons 'perfected' their techniques, because there isn't a device involved (like with the Lap-band) they weren't under FDA studies & other scrutiny.

Remember: Gastric bypass surgeons had a long, hard road to get the success rates that RnY has now - and they didn't do it in six years (which is how long the LapBand has been performed here)...

So let's always be aware of the risks, but remember the potential for long term success, too.

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Okay...just because other people have complications doesn't mean YOU will, HOWEVER...

1--(reiteration) You can't collect data over several years without including stuff from several years ago.

2--The pars flaccida technique has been utilized for several years...and those patients are probably included in this group. (My band was placed in '02 using the pars flaccida technique...I still had problems.)

3--Do not discount the damage that can be done by "heartburn." It seems there may be a link between "heartburn" and "Barrett's esophagus" and esophageal cancer. (Not to mention that sleeping in a upright position can become a real pain.)

4--It does NOT say that "MOST OF THESE PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN FIXED / REDUCED WITH SURGICAL TECHNIQUES." It says "Many of these complications can be avoided and have been reduced with more careful patient selection and improvement in surgical technique." Which does't mean there are no more problems...it means that--for instance--that there will probably be a somewhat lower rate of slippage in future long-term studies, because starting several years ago the placement technique was improved. It also means--to me--that surgeons would be wise to screen their patients better and make sure that esophageal dysmotility and other esophageal AND psychological conditions (such as eating disorders) are not pre-existing.

5--It isn't "the same old data with from the FDA trial with the swedish band?" The OLD data from the FDA was for the LapBand. The NEW FDA data for Johnson & Johnson's band trials used a Swedish band. This is neither. This is data from THEIR practice--in Switzerland--where they do both bands and have for many years.

I think an important message to take away from this is that some doctors who have been banding people for a long time have discovered that--several years out--people have problems that no one expected. It's nice that somebody finally figured that out...

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Without arguing over the safety/complications. There is no doubt it's safer than any other WLS alternative. The article posted by Dr. C on 7/11/06 on this forum pretty much states the facts from the recent study. You want the lowest mortality rate and the least severe complications..it's the band!

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I haven't read this study, but my guess is (looking at the surgery dates) that most or all were done with the out-dated perigastric technique. This has been recognized as a problem hence the change to the pars flaccida technique. If the bands were done with perigastric, this article is irrelevant to people getting banded today.

Dr. C

Cincinnati, Ohio

www.TheBandDoctor.com 877.442.BAND

DISCLAIMER: I am not your surgeon, any comments made by me are not meant to be taken as medical advice, just general guidelines. Contact your surgeon about your specific problem!

Vertical gastrectomy is mentioned as a safer option for people considering weight-loss surgery.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) October 21, 2006 -- In a recent study, a group of physicians from Switzerland led by Dr. M. Suter, MD, PD, FACS, examined the long-term complications related to LapBand® weight-loss surgery. The study demonstrated that LapBand® long-term complications increase over time.

The study followed 317 patients who received LapBand® surgery between June 1997 and June 2003. The physicians gathered data from 81.5% of these patients after seven years. Patients were followed for an average of 74 months. The patients received a LapBand® or a SAGB (Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band), according to the surgeon’s preference. (Studies have demonstrated no significant statistical difference between the complication rates of these two devices.)

Overall, 33.1% of patients had at least one long-term complication related to gastric banding. Long-term complications related to LapBand® included leaking, progressive food intolerance, and band erosion. Many of these complications can be avoided and have been reduced with more careful patient selection and improvement in surgical technique.

Despite the seemingly unfavorable results of Suter’s study, the average amount of weight loss after the surgery remained very acceptable. When asked to comment on the long-term effects of LapBand® in terms of this study, bariatric surgeon Gregg Jossart, of Laparoscopic Associates of San Francisco, said, “Even at 10 years, there are a lot of LapBand® patients with good weight-loss results and no complications. In the end, it’s up to the patient to decide on the course of action they feel is best for their overall health. Our own surgical data demonstrates that the vertical sleeve gastrectomy is a good alternative to the LapBand® in decreasing the likelihood of long-term complications.”

Although other studies have followed the results of gastric banding, most reported data within a two to four year period. The Suter study concluded that, until more is learned about decreasing long-term risk, alternatives like vertical gastrectomy should be considered.

About Laparoscopic Associates of San Francisco

(LapSF) is a team of surgeons with a compassionate approach to patient care and a proven commitment to laparoscopic advancement for bariatric surgical procedures. Specializing in the four main bariatric procedures: Roux en Y Gastric Bypass, Vertical Gastrectomy, LapBand® and Duodenal Switch, LapSF has performed over 1,500 procedures, and is recognized by the American Society of Bariatric Surgery (ASBS) as a Center of Excellence.


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2--The pars flaccida technique has been utilized for several years...and those patients are probably included in this group. (My band was placed in '02 using the pars flaccida technique...I still had problems.)

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I haven't read this study, but my guess is ... that most or all were done with the out-dated perigastric technique. This has been recognized as a problem hence the change to the pars flaccida technique. If the bands were done with perigastric, this article is irrelevant to people getting banded today...Dr. C


Gee, lucky me. I have an "Antique LapBand."

My band (which I call my little "Silicone Freeloader") could well be a ticking time bomb.:)

Since my surgery was done so long ago, mine was done with the old-school perigastric technique that is no longer performed, as DrC has mentioned. This older surgical technique had a higher complication rate, so my 5 & 1/2-year "Antique" LapBand is defying all odds so far...(*sigh*) Let's face it. I'm realistic about the fact that with all technology, it gets perfected over time. So bands now have a higher success rate - and older studies may reflect the early LapBand surgeries done here in the U.S.

As for my band? I watch it carefully, what else can I do?:)

Hope it lasts! :pray:

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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