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Sharon Osbourne is removing her band

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This is odd isn`t it? He blames a parent. Imagine that?! Jack blames Ozzy's wild antics for turning him into a drug addict - Nov 17, 2005

Jack Osbourne has blamed his dad Ozzy's wild antics for turning him into a drug addict. The 19-year-old says as a child he thought his rock star dad was "cool" for partying and losing control with alcohol and drugs. But the newly svelte star admits after following in his father's footsteps his wild lifestyle became too much - and he came close to committing suicide. http://www.myvillage.com/pages/celebs-jack-osbourne.htm?domain=myvillage

Another odd one. Gee who made her famous ? Kelly: fame sucks - Feb 05

Kelly Osbourne blames fame and fortune for her drug addiction. The youngest daughter of the Osbourne dynasty has taken the time out to have another little whinge about how awful her life is. Kelly says that the fame and money that came to her as a result of her life on a reality show and her record deal led her to become addicted to opiates. "Growing up in the public eye sucks." The star complained "it's bad enough having your family judge you, never mind the whole world. So I tried to escape. But I didn't like cocaine or speed so opiates became my drug of choice."


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Im assuming from your response you must have kids that are in this situation and you feel offended that I blame the parents. As i said the parents are almost always to blame when a child becomes addicted to drugs. Even Sharon Osbourne admitted it was the fault of her and her husband that 2 of thier kids became drug addicts.

Do some research on crime and drug abuse. You will find that the majority of the time it started from poor parenting

Again...ignorance being bliss....you make assumptions about people you don't know and end up looking foolish....I have no children.

I am not necessarily arguing with your point...although I do believe people make their own choices......but more the tone of your prior post. You had a holier than thou attitude about someone else's faults...when simply by being a lap band candidate or patient....you have a whole lot of faults of your very own.

We all do.

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Are you kidding me ? It is almost always the fault of the parents. Children are a reflection of the parents. She had 2 young kids go into drug rehab while she was off being a celebrity. Is that just a coincidence ? Do you really think it`s appropriate for a mother to be using such foul language in front of her kids on a daily basis? Wake up !

And your children would be how old? Come back and tell us all about your perfect parenting techniques AFTER you have raised several children to adulthood who never screwed up.

Carol Burnett had a child in drug rehab while she was "off being a celebrity". Was she a bad mom, too? Paul Newman's son Scott died as a result of his drug habit, as did Carroll O'Connor's. Were they rotten parents?

I have four children. Three of them are responsible, respected, upstanding, Christian men. They are wonderful husbands and sterling, award-winning fathers. They do not smoke, drink, or do drugs. I dedicated, as the saying goes, the best years of my life to raising them. I took them to church regularly. We took family vacations. They were all in scouts, sports, and church organizations. I did all the right things. And yet my daughter's life is a train wreck. And whose fault is that? It's HERS.

My father was an alcoholic who deserted his wife and two children when I was 5 years old. My mother was a distant, bitter, resentful parent. I was not raised...I just grew up. But I am none of the things my parents were, in spite of their shortcomings. I chose to be a sober, responsible person, and a great mom to my own kids. My daughter is her own worst enemy, but that was her choice. You cannot save people from themselves.

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I have a sister who is a heroin addict and SHE chooses to put this drug in her veins and has since the very first time she did it.

Blame is easy, but self responsibility is still the answer. I had the same parents she did. They sucked in ways, in others, I thank God I had them. I see people from 'better' homes everyday who have no idea what morals and values are, or integrity. Again - as an adult, we are ALL responsible for our behavior, irregardless of who may have done us any injustice as children.

We come from the same place, carlene..

By the way - there is a saying I've heard. Be careful that the words you speak are sweet ones, you may be the one eating them later.. :D

Y E T - you're eligible too.. :tsk:

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This is odd isn`t it? He blames a parent. Imagine that?! Jack blames Ozzy's wild antics for turning him into a drug addict - Nov 17, 2005

Jack Osbourne has blamed his dad Ozzy's wild antics for turning him into a drug addict. The 19-year-old says as a child he thought his rock star dad was "cool" for partying and losing control with alcohol and drugs. But the newly svelte star admits after following in his father's footsteps his wild lifestyle became too much - and he came close to committing suicide. http://www.myvillage.com/pages/celebs-jack-osbourne.htm?domain=myvillage

Another odd one. Gee who made her famous ? Kelly: fame sucks - Feb 05

Kelly Osbourne blames fame and fortune for her drug addiction. The youngest daughter of the Osbourne dynasty has taken the time out to have another little whinge about how awful her life is. Kelly says that the fame and money that came to her as a result of her life on a reality show and her record deal led her to become addicted to opiates. "Growing up in the public eye sucks." The star complained "it's bad enough having your family judge you, never mind the whole world. So I tried to escape. But I didn't like cocaine or speed so opiates became my drug of choice."


Would the Osbourne children like some cheese with that whine, do you suppose?

Excuses, excuses, excuses. My family was rich and it ruined me. My family was poor and it ruined me. My family was famous and the pressure made me do drugs. BS...you CHOSE to do drugs, now cowboy up and accept the consequences.

If I could teach every kid in America one thing, it would be this: Take responsibility for yourself...for everything you say, for everything you do, and for your own sexuality. If you spill it, clean it up; if you break it, replace it; if you are wrong, admit it; if you hurt someone, apologize. You will be a better person for it, instead of a sniveling, finger-pointing, cry-baby loser.

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Show me a child anywhere, of any social background who has NOT blamed someone else for the choices they make (i would also extend that to most of the adults on this planet as well). It is easier to put blame on others rather than accept it yourself. There are awful parents all over the place whose children turn out to be wonderful people, on the same coin there are wonderful parents who do everything "right" with plain old rotton children. In the end we all make our choices for whatever reason we accept at that time. And you know what? In 100 years kids will still be blaming their parents or someone else and there will be this same argument going on...who is to blame? ...Will we ever learn? (i doubt it).

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Show me a child anywhere, of any social background who has NOT blamed someone else for the choices they make (i would also extend that to most of the adults on this planet as well). It is easier to put blame on others rather than accept it yourself. There are awful parents all over the place whose children turn out to be wonderful people, on the same coin there are wonderful parents who do everything "right" with plain old rotton children. In the end we all make our choices for whatever reason we accept at that time. And you know what? In 100 years kids will still be blaming their parents or someone else and there will be this same argument going on...who is to blame? ...Will we ever learn? (i doubt it).

This isn't my fault. :nervous

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Children learn what they live.

Thank God that is so NOT true. If it were, I would have grown up to be an alcoholic malcontent, never happy with anything or anyone, and by middle-age I would have alienated my children and all my siblings, before I drank myself to death at the age of 55.

I would blame everyone but myself for my miserable state, and I would go to my grave without ever saying "I love you" to my daughter.

That is what I lived as a child. That is not who I am today, because I CHOSE to be different. I CHOSE to be better.

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Thank God that is so NOT true. If it were, I would have grown up to be an alcoholic malcontent, never happy with anything or anyone, and by middle-age I would have alienated my children and all my siblings, before I drank myself to death at the age of 55.

I would blame everyone but myself for my miserable state, and I would go to my grave without ever saying "I love you" to my daughter.

That is what I lived as a child. That is not who I am today, because I CHOSE to be different. I CHOSE to be better.

I have been lurking on this thread and I will have to jump in on this. I have to agree with Carlene on this . My husband comes from a VERY VERY long line of drug addicts and alcholics. His father was an a drig addict and alcohlic and abusive ( he's recovering) his mother was a drug addict and died of AIDS this yr ( She says from an ex husband Personally I think it was from IV DRug use) EVERYONE on his mom's side and dad's side from their families excluding my husbans generation are Adddicts. (I AM NOT Exaggerating ) They have on jobs, they live on welfare, NON Of them raised their own kids. Now , my husbands generations of his family some got smart, THEY MADE THE CHOICE to NOT be like their parents, to RAISE There chidlren to NOT Abuse them TO BE PRODUCTIVE citizens. My husband has 2 brothers, one is a loving caring husband and a police officer. The other is 36 yrs old and has been IN Jail more in his life than he has been out and has been ON drugs more than he's been off. His excuse " I had a hard life, my parents were loosers and never were around, I was abused all my life and it was hard im so miserable blah blah poor me " Well YEAH SO did your brothers. MY husband was living on his OWN at age 14 working full time and STILL Managed to finish high school ,he turned down a FULL Athletic scholar ship to Texas A&M Universityto play FOOTBALL ,( In texas that's the HOLY GRAIL ) because his MOTHER Gulit triped him into it because she might DIE with out him . That's a mom for ya .

My point I agree with Carlene as a GROWN ADULT Child you have to make choices and stop blaming your parents. TYou can choose to follow in their foot steps or you can choose to better yourself. NO matter HOW bad it was or not. Better yourself and take responsibilty .

I also had problems with drugs and alchol as a teenager (also in my 20's) I got pregnant at 16 was wild. My parents were GREAT parents, no alchol in their past , MY Dad BROKE That cycle with him , since HIS Dad was an alcholoic . I chose to be an idiot i have no reason to blame it on my parents. My brother , never got into trouble. Never touched drugs and drank for the first time on his 21st bday .

Its all what you choose.


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And your children would be how old? Come back and tell us all about your perfect parenting techniques AFTER you have raised several children to adulthood who never screwed up.

Carol Burnett had a child in drug rehab while she was "off being a celebrity". Was she a bad mom, too? Paul Newman's son Scott died as a result of his drug habit, as did Carroll O'Connor's. Were they rotten parents?

I have four children. Three of them are responsible, respected, upstanding, Christian men. They are wonderful husbands and sterling, award-winning fathers. They do not smoke, drink, or do drugs. I dedicated, as the saying goes, the best years of my life to raising them. I took them to church regularly. We took family vacations. They were all in scouts, sports, and church organizations. I did all the right things. And yet my daughter's life is a train wreck. And whose fault is that? It's HERS.

My father was an alcoholic who deserted his wife and two children when I was 5 years old. My mother was a distant, bitter, resentful parent. I was not raised...I just grew up. But I am none of the things my parents were, in spite of their shortcomings. I chose to be a sober, responsible person, and a great mom to my own kids. My daughter is her own worst enemy, but that was her choice. You cannot save people from themselves.

Carlene~you should be so proud of who you are and what you have become !!!! Good for you and the great job and have done with your children. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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Thank God that is so NOT true. If it were, I would have grown up to be an alcoholic malcontent, never happy with anything or anyone, and by middle-age I would have alienated my children and all my siblings, before I drank myself to death at the age of 55.

I would blame everyone but myself for my miserable state, and I would go to my grave without ever saying "I love you" to my daughter.

That is what I lived as a child. That is not who I am today, because I CHOSE to be different. I CHOSE to be better.

AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of us see how our families are and make a vow to NOT be like them!

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You are a product of your enviroment and a reflection of your parents. When I talk about children I`m talking about around high school age and younger. At these ages kids make stupid decisions and it`s up to the parents to prepare them so they dont make these dumb life choices.Teaching your kids about this starts at a young age. Don`t expect the schools to do this for you. Don`t expect because you have other good kids that your other kids will follow. Stats show that when a teenager dies it generally is a preventable death. This shows teenagers are making poor decisions which are preventable. It is also a result of poor parenting. These poor choices generally come from one place, the home or the lack there of.

It`s also for time for the parents to stop blaming everyone else if thier kid is a loser. You are responsible for your minor children. If you have a adult who is a drugg addicted fool I wont always blame the parents. If the seed for that was planted growing up then I do blame the mother and father.

Do you think it`s a coincidence that the overwhelming majority of people in prison come from broken or single parent homes ? This is where the seed is planted. Of course there are going to be exceptions but generally the parents are the ones to blame

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If she's purging alot AND gaining wieght AND has the band, she's in trouble. Sounds like she wants to start from scratch and make some choices....

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        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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