Leecelove70 0 Posted October 18, 2006 My name is Lisa and I am new to this site but I am 4 months post op. I has my LapBand surgery on June 13, 2006. I have since lost 50 pounds. I would like to share my story so far. I feel I could help out others and maybe even get some help on this site for others who are further in their journey than Iam. To all who are getting ready to begin your journey, I give you all my prayers and best wishes. Love and friendship, Lisa P.S. I hope that someone finds useful information in my post. Here is my story so far: JUNE 1 2006:RECIEVED MY APPROVAL FOR SURGERY TODAY. I WAS GIVEN JUNE 13,2006 AS MY SURGERY DATE. MY SURGERY WILL BE DONE AT NOON BY DR. DANIEL DAVIS AT lLAWRENCE HOSPITAL. JUNE 16TH: Iam doing really well and up and round well. I started on pureed food yesterday and had my one ounce of chicken and rice Gerber Stage 2 baby food. It was not that bad. Right now I enjoy sugar-free cherry Jello and sugar-free ice pops the most! I had lost 7 pounds with the Optifast before my surgery on 6/13/06 so that brought me down to 283 from my 290. Well today I went on the scale since my shorts felt really loose on me and I weighted in at 278! Thats a whole 12 pounds!! I was so shocked ! Iam getting all my Water in but otherwise Iam not that hungry at all. Iam still taking Optifast shakes of french vanilla and chocolate since I have alot left over and I really like them. I bought mostly chicken and rice or turkey rice of the Gerber Stage 2 baby food. I also bought plain yogurt and some strawberries and bananas to puree and mix into the yogurt. June 24 : Well Iam a week out and I feel great, Iam out and about and having fun outside with my son. I know that the band is working because I not hungry all the time. I eat my three meals a day and only have one or two sugar-free icepops in between . I am getting used to pureeing my food. Breakfast is either eggbeaters scrabbbled with a little SkimPlus in a nonstick pan with PAM spray. lunch is either pureed chicken in chicken broth or chopped hamburger pureed in my MAGIC BULLET, I used Mrs. Dash for taste and I have gotten very creative. I still use Baby food on occasion or Optifast Shakes. June 29,2006: Today I had my two week check up and weigh in with Dr.Davis and my grand total is 18 pounds! I cried and screamed! The Nurse told me that it means that the band is working and to keep up the great work. I then told me husband I need to go shopping. Its such a great feeling ! -****JUNE13,2006- ONE MONTH POST-OP******: Today is my one month post -op and my total weight lose as of this morning on my home scale is 24 pounds ( 266 from 290)! Iam in tears as I write this! A month ago today I fufilled a dream of mine, that dream was to take charge of my obesity and take charge of my life. I was a 290 pound woman who at 36 was on the road to death's door. Now I am gettin my energy back , my self-esteem and self-confidence back, and most important my healthy back. All the chemical and sugar are out of my body and I found out were never my friend, my skin has never been clear! This month has not been easy , the optifast shakes are not bad in taste but gave me the runs,in the berginning baby food is okay but after three days I hated it! I have learned to get very creative with pureeing food and trying different flavors( Mrs. Dash is a God sent!) Aside from walking outdoors( Its been so hot here in NY lately!) that I added exercise tapes and DVD"S to my workouts: "Walk Away the Pounds" and "Dance Away the Inches"--- Iam having fun and my 3 1/2 year old son does them with me! ***July 21st: WAS ABLE TO DANCE AGAIN!: I actually posted this on the main message board but here is a shorter version : I went with my husband to see KC and the Sunshine Band at Jones Beach Theater in Long Island , NY , last night . It was a gift for my one months post-op anniversary( Iam almost at 30 pounds lost!) I felt such freedon as I danced my ass off to each and every song ! I even recieved comments form the people in front and in back of me on my dancing. They were like " You go girl"! In the ladies room I told a few of the ladies that I had weight loss surgery last month and that before that I could no longer dance which I love so much. The ladies were in tears and huggied me and said ," Then you keep on shaking it girl"! Thats what I did all night long! July 26: I had my 6 week checkup today and had my swallow test to determine if I needed my first adjustment /fill of my band. I met with Dory my nurse practioner and she weighted me and Iam now down 29 pounds ( 261 from my heighest of 290)! She was so impressed since this was all done with out my band being inflated! She told me that I do not need a fill yet and to keep up the good work. I then met with Stacy the dietican and she told me I can now do more solids and add more fruit and vegetables and carbs to my diet. Iam a little nervous able this but she feels its now time. I feel so healthy and good about myself right now, my attitude is so much better. Iam always so high on life now and my husband said he likes that Iam back to the woman he married ( I suffered such a bad depression for so long), our marriage is so much better now and life as a whole is better now! *****AUGUST 13TH TWO MONTH ANNIVERSARY**** Today is two months and Iam now down 35 pounds and still have not gotten my band filled yet! My life has changed so much in two months and I love the new person Iam becomming! For starters I got a new therapist who I like and who wants to help me set new goals for myself and to help find ways to achieve them. I have had my depression medication decreased so that I can get weaned off of it eventually. My self-esteem and self-confidence is soaring to new heights. My energy levels are through the roof and I am so much more active with my young son. I went to Jones Beach for the first time in 17 years and I wore a bathing suit with no cover up and went in the water and had fun with my family last weekend. I felt so free! Iam finally taking care of me and I LOVE THE NEW ME ! ** AUGUST 23 -10 WEEK FOLLOW UP - 40 POUNDS DOWN! **: I hit another mile stone today, its now 40 pounds down in 10 weeks! Dory told me that Iam using my "tool" well and she is so proud of me and that I still do not need a fill. Stacey the dietician only advised me to try using soy milk since I told her that skim milk is starting to bother me in my Protein Shakes. I am going on vacation next week and I feel confident that I will be able to make the right food choices and enjoy myself. September 27: Iam now down 45 pounds and that feel so great since this was a hard month for me. October 16: I weighted on my scale at home and It says 240 which means I finally have lost 50 pounds! I go for my 4 months check up on Ocotber 25th, maybe I can add a few more pounds to that number . Surgeon Info: Surgeon: Daniel Davis, M.D. Dr.Davis was the nicest doctor I have met in a really long time. Before I even had my consul with him I passed him in the hall way and he said hello and wished me luck as I began my journey. When I finally met him he carefully explained the surgery to me and the risks involved. He showed me diagrams and spreadsheets. He full explained my aftercare program to me and about how important it is to my overall success as a patient. I felt very safe in his care and would greatly refer him and his office to others. Right before he wheeled me into surgery he came to wish me luck and told me not to be nervous. My LAPBAND Surgery went as planned on 6/13/06 and iam doing well . Insurer Info: Blue Cross, Blue Shield Empire was great ,especially Paula of Medical Management . She calmed me down when I was frustrated and was very patient with me when I became very stressed out. I was approved with in two weeks. Approval is a long process! I began looking into WLS surgery a few years ago and I now know enough to give advice to others. Here is my words of wisdom: Before you even make an appointment to see a surgeon make sure that you talk to your primary doctor and that you have enough medical documentation about your weight loss struggle in your file. The surgeon is looking for this information and so is the insurance company when it comes to approval . Make sure that you have a good therapist if you are suffering from depression and get the support and any medicaion you need you will need a letter from her stating that you are mentally fit for surgery and the insurance company will ask for this letter. Also make sure when you call for an appointment to meet the surgeon that they fully take your insurance and ask if their are any co-payments or out of network fees. Also have questions ready to ask the surgeon or nurse . I meet with the Nurse Np first and the Dietican and then the doctor before surgery. I hope this is helpful to others on this site . Lisa Hall Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
edazul 0 Posted October 18, 2006 Thanks for sharing your story, you have done very well. Saturday will be my 1 year anniversary . I lost a total of 58 lbs in 8 months and then found out I was pregnant. I am now 4 months pregnant and should be delivering a lapband baby in March of 2007. You have lost so much in so little time, only the brightest and healthiest future is sure to come. May you have success thru all your journey and keep us posted with your updates. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
em1125 0 Posted October 18, 2006 Thank you sooo much for sharing. It means a lot and it is very helpful. It's also great to read how happy you are with your decision. You've done an amazing job. AWESOME!!:clap2: :clap2: You are also an inspiration to many. I'm 6 weeks out and feeling great. I am so happy that I got banded. It absolutely keeps me in check. Reading your story inspires me so much. I can't wait to be where you are. Keep it up. Wishing you the best! Regards, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sherilynn 1 Posted October 18, 2006 Lisa, I have tears in MY eyes as I read your story! Congratulations, Kudos, Encore, Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!! Your story is just the encourgagement that I needed considering that I'm currently posted as '2nd Guessing Myself'. You are me. I mean, I can totally and completely feel what you're feeling, as many of us can. You have inspired me all over again, to keep up this fight - get my surgery date and move forward. No one can stand in my way. I want to fulfill my dream of controlling my weight. To feel HEALTHY, totally and completely is something that I'm looking foward to! I am already keeping a journal of my experiences with pre-surgical labs, doctors, etc. I'll be sure to post as my date approaches. Thank you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DiscoDiva 0 Posted October 18, 2006 Hi Lisa, I am so happy for you.. I am just waiting for all my appointmens. My daughter and I are both doing it together. You said you have BC/BS..so do I but it is BC/BS federal. I know I have enough health issue's for them to approve me, but I worry about my daughter. Other than being very overweight she is healthy...but not very happy. I just think if she dosen't lose the weight she will have my health problems later in life. We both have appointment on Oct 25th, so keep us in your prayers that we can get the ball rolling in the right direction. Keep up the good work and enjoy your new life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hulia goolia 0 Posted October 19, 2006 Awesome. I needed that. Julia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mookie1 0 Posted October 19, 2006 Totally inspiring-High five and belly bump!! :clap2: My surgery is not until March but I'm trying to absorb all the info this site and its welcoming members provide. I hope to make a smooth transition to the skinny Michelle. I too suffer with depression and have already started to decrease my meds in anticipation of better moods and ability to handle the day to day stresses. It's been a while in the making, I've been on all sorts of meds for the last ten years and with every new combo of meds I'd feel less and less empowered and let myself spiral out of control while trying to lead a "normal" life and behave the way everyone wanted me to behave. I look forward to reading about all your triumphs and challenges. All the best my friend! XOXO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tonya66 13 Posted October 19, 2006 Hello all, I'm new to the thread and was out searching the internet for any and all information regarding lap band surgery. And stumbled accross this thread and the great and wonderful story by Lisa. I was trying to find some success stories because I'm a little worried the Lap Band won't work for me. I think Lisa has proven it does work. I go to my seminar next month and then I will have to set up an appointment to file to the insurance to get the approval. I've already called my insurance company and the only qualification I need is a BMI of 40, and I'm there. I'm exactly 40. I'm so happy I stumbled accross this forum and I'm looking forward to reading more success stories. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leecelove70 0 Posted October 19, 2006 Hello all, I'm new to the thread and was out searching the internet for any and all information regarding lap band surgery. And stumbled accross this thread and the great and wonderful story by Lisa. I was trying to find some success stories because I'm a little worried the Lap Band won't work for me. I think Lisa has proven it does work. I go to my seminar next month and then I will have to set up an appointment to file to the insurance to get the approval. I've already called my insurance company and the only qualification I need is a BMI of 40, and I'm there. I'm exactly 40. I'm so happy I stumbled accross this forum and I'm looking forward to reading more success stories. Hi there , this is Lisa and Iam so glad that I inspired you. I was in your shoes last year and did not know of this site. All that I was able to find was Obesity Help which was helpful, but not totally geared to LapBand as a whole. My seminar was on March 23rd, I had my first appointment on April 4th and then in May were all my appointments. On June 1st, I was approved and June 13th was my surgery date. I have Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO and they were great. I wish you the very best of luck and well wishes on your journey. Please also read my words of advice on the insurance process since its gets very stressful if you do not have the right information in your medical file! Love,Hugs and friendship, Lisa( aka -LeeceLove70):faint: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leecelove70 0 Posted October 19, 2006 Hi Lisa, I am so happy for you.. I am just waiting for all my appointmens. My daughter and I are both doing it together. You said you have BC/BS..so do I but it is BC/BS federal. I know I have enough health issue's for them to approve me, but I worry about my daughter. Other than being very overweight she is healthy...but not very happy. I just think if she dosen't lose the weight she will have my health problems later in life. We both have appointment on Oct 25th, so keep us in your prayers that we can get the ball rolling in the right direction. Keep up the good work and enjoy your new life. Iam so glad to inspire you and your daughter. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO since my husband works in a hospital. My seminar was on March 23rd, first appoinment was with the Nurse Practioner on April 4th and then the whole month of May was filled with all the required appointments. I was approved with my first letter on June 1st and given the June 13th as the surgery date. I was then put on Optifast( liquid drinks that come in chocolate and vanilla) where I lost 7 pounds down from 290 to 283 on the day of surgery . Its now 4 months plus and on my home scale its says I have lost 50 pounds( 240). I go on October 25th for my 4 months check up( for the first year you have to go every month to see the dietician and the Nurse Practioner to get weighted and to check if you need a fill/adjustment). I still have not gotten my band filled yet. I wish you both well . Love, Hugs and friendship, Lisa ( aka-Leecelove70) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leecelove70 0 Posted October 19, 2006 Totally inspiring-High five and belly bump!! :clap2: My surgery is not until March but I'm trying to absorb all the info this site and its welcoming members provide. I hope to make a smooth transition to the skinny Michelle. I too suffer with depression and have already started to decrease my meds in anticipation of better moods and ability to handle the day to day stresses. It's been a while in the making, I've been on all sorts of meds for the last ten years and with every new combo of meds I'd feel less and less empowered and let myself spiral out of control while trying to lead a "normal" life and behave the way everyone wanted me to behave. I look forward to reading about all your triumphs and challenges. All the best my friend! XOXO Michelle: I know where your comming from with the medication for depression. Before I switched to the great psychothreapist and Doctor that I have now, I was wrongly diagnosed with Bipolar. I was on so much medication and to top it all off I have an eating disorder, it made me gain so much weight . After I had my LapBand surgery I left my old therapist and doctor and got a new one. I am now on less medication was diagnosed as only having slight depression brought on by my eating disorder( complusive overeating)my therapist and doctor specialize in patients who have had weight loss surgery. Having my LapBand surgery has changed my life and given me back my self-esteem and that is what most of us lose when we are in our depression. Iam doing so much better with my mecication and see my therapist every two weeks and doctor every two months for medication adjustments. I hope that you will find that your depression will be less once you have your surgery. I wish you the very best of luck and please stay in touch with me . Love, Hugs and friendship, Lisa( aka-LeeceLove70) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GayleTX 1 Posted October 19, 2006 I'm impressed with what you've done all by yourself....because you are essentially doing it by yourself - without a fill your band is 'non-operational'. But sounds like the surgery worked on your head as well as your tummy, so that's even better....that's where most of us need surgery to begin with!! Just dont' struggle with hunger as you go along....that will get depressing, too. Use the band if you need it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ysuknow 0 Posted October 19, 2006 I just wanted to say that I am meeting w/ my dr. on monday and I am very nervous. Am I making the right choice?? I read your post and you gave me the encouragment I needed!! Thank you and God bless Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barbara465 2 Posted October 19, 2006 Your story is awesome. We share the same surgery date. You have made wonderful progress. I'm so glad you have gone this far without a fill. That is remarkable. Experience has told me that once you start with fills, the world changes (or can change). Most of us start experiencing more of the bandster complications. Continued good luck on your journey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meme 0 Posted October 19, 2006 I was one of those ppl. that alwalys said "I don't need surgery, I can do this myself". I 50lb but 30lb came back on. This surgery was the lifetime gift That I could ever have. My husband can't keep his hands off me!! I still have a ways to go but but I know that I have this tool to help me along the way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites